51 research outputs found

    Overview of JET results for optimising ITER operation

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    The JET 2019–2020 scientific and technological programme exploited the results of years of concerted scientific and engineering work, including the ITER-like wall (ILW: Be wall and W divertor) installed in 2010, improved diagnostic capabilities now fully available, a major neutral beam injection upgrade providing record power in 2019–2020, and tested the technical and procedural preparation for safe operation with tritium. Research along three complementary axes yielded a wealth of new results. Firstly, the JET plasma programme delivered scenarios suitable for high fusion power and alpha particle (α) physics in the coming D–T campaign (DTE2), with record sustained neutron rates, as well as plasmas for clarifying the impact of isotope mass on plasma core, edge and plasma-wall interactions, and for ITER pre-fusion power operation. The efficacy of the newly installed shattered pellet injector for mitigating disruption forces and runaway electrons was demonstrated. Secondly, research on the consequences of long-term exposure to JET-ILW plasma was completed, with emphasis on wall damage and fuel retention, and with analyses of wall materials and dust particles that will help validate assumptions and codes for design and operation of ITER and DEMO. Thirdly, the nuclear technology programme aiming to deliver maximum technological return from operations in D, T and D–T benefited from the highest D–D neutron yield in years, securing results for validating radiation transport and activation codes, and nuclear data for ITER

    European agricultural landscapes, common agricultural policy and ecosystem services: a review

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    Since the 1950s, intensification and scale enlargement of agriculture have changed agricultural landscapes across Europe. The intensification and scale enlargement of farming was initially driven by the large-scale application of synthetic fertilizers, mechanization and subsidies of the European Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). Then, after the 1990s, a further intensification and scale enlargement, and land abandonment in less favored areas was caused by globalization of commodity markets and CAP reforms. The landscape changes during the past six decades have changed the flows and values of ecosystem services. Here, we have reviewed the literature on agricultural policies and management, landscape structure and composition, and the contribution of ecosystem services to regional competitiveness. The objective was to define an analytical framework to determine and assess ecosystem services at the landscape scale. In contrast to natural ecosystems, ecosystem service flows and values in agricultural landscapes are often a result of interactions between agricultural management and ecological structures. We describe how land management by farmers and other land managers relates to landscape structure and composition. We also examine the influence of commodity markets and policies on the behavior of land managers. Additionally, we studied the influence of consumer demand on flows and values of the ecosystem services that originate from the agricultural landscape

    Procesos de rubefacción en la Sierra de Guadarrama

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    Hidrogeoquímica regional de un transecto arcósico de la Cuenca del Duero

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    lt's expose the global chemical evolution from the grounwater in a sector of de Duero basin and its relation with the subterrane flow. In this way, the results have been got from the inventary of 259 water points and from the chemical analysis of the same water sample got of the

    Anales de Edafología y Agrobiología Tomo 27 Número 3-4

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    Oligoelementos en árboles de bosque (Pinus). IV. Estudio edafológico de las ocho parcelas forestales elegidas, por R. Lagunas-Gil, M. Deán-Guelbenzu, J. M. López de Azcona y A. Santos Ruiz.-- Representación de la curva de p F en papel probabilístieo, por R. Román Alba.-- Medida de los potenciales de raíz, por S. Oliver y T . Mendizábal.-- Deficiencias nutritivas en diversas repoblaciones le coníferas del centro de España por F. Complejos de adsorción de la vermiculita con dimctilsulfóxido, por M. Sánchez Camazano y S. González García .-- Los suelos de la provincia de Cáceres. III. Suelos sobre calizas y rocas ígneas básicas, por J. Forteza Bonnin, A. García Rodríguez, Mª Sánchez Camazano y Mª T. Martín Patino.-- Los suelos, de la provincia de Cáceres. IV. Suelos formados sobre sedimentos terciarios y cuaternarios por J. Forteza Bonnin, A. García Rodríguez, Mª Sánchez Camazano y Mª. T. Martin.-- Algunas observaciones sobre la evolución de las yemas del olivo (Ulea Europea L.), por A. Troncoso de Arce.-- Determinación potenciométrica de cloruros, por S. Oliver.-- Influencia de: césped sobre la estructura de suelo, por J. Benayas Casares y Mª Alonso Checa.-- Notas. Aniversario del fallecimiento del Prof. Albareda.-- Centros.-- Reestructuración del Instituto de Edafología y Biología Vegetal.-- Congresos, Reuniones internacionales y becas.-- Instituto de Orientación y Asistencia Técnica del Sureste.-- Departamento de Economía Agraria.-- Acuerdo del Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Jaca.-- Conferencia del Dr. N. R. Dhar.-- Conferencia sobre «Supresión del barbecho».-- Comisión Científica de Protección de la Naturaleza.-- V Congreso Internacional de la Detergencia.-- Nombramiento de becarios en los Centros del Instituto Nacional de Edafología y Agro Convocatoria del Premio Agrícola Aedos, 1968 biología «José María Albareda».-- BibliografíaPeer reviewe

    Recommendations from SPNS/GEAM/SENBA/SENPE/AEDN/SEDCA/GESIDA on nutrition in the HIV-infected patient Recomendaciones de SPNS/GEAM/SENBA/SENPE/AEDN/SEDCA/GESIDA sobre nutrición en el paciente con infección por VIH

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    Objective: to make recommendations on the approach to nutritional problems (malnutrition, cachexia, micronutrient deficiency, obesity, lipodystrophy) affecting HIV-infected patients. Methods: these recommendations have been agreed upon by a group of expertes in the nutrition and care of HIV-infected patients, on behalf of the different groups involved in drafting them. Therefore, the latest advances in pathophysiology, epidemiology, and clinical care presented in studies published in medical journals or at scientific meetings were evaluated. Results: there is no single method of evaluating nutrition, and diferent techniques -CT, MRI, and DXA-must be combined. The energy requirements of symptomatic patients increase by 20-30%. There is no evidence to support the increase in protein or fat intake. Micronutrient supplementation in only necessary in special circumstances (vitamin A in children and pregnant woman). Aerobic and resistance excercise is beneficial both for cardiovascular health and for improving lean mass and muscular strength. It is important to follow the rules of food safety at every stage in the chain. Therapeutic intervention in anorexia and cachexia must be tailored, by combining nutritional and pharmacological support (appetite stimulants, anabolic steroids, and, in some cases, testosterone). Artificial nutrition (oral supplementation, enteral or parenteral nutrition) is safe and efficacious, and improves nutritional status and response to therapy. In children, nutritional recommendations must be made early, and are a necessary component of therapy. Conclusion: appropriate nutritional evaluation and relevant therapeutic action are an essential part of the care of HIV-infected patients.Objetivo: realizar recomendaciones sobre el abordaje de los problemas nutricionales (malnutrición, caquexia, déficit de micronutrientes, obesidad, lipodistrofia) presentes en la infección VIH. Métodos: estas recomendaciones se han consensuado por un grupo de expertos en nutrición y en atención al enfermo VIH, en representación de las distintas sociedades firmantes. Para ello se han revisado los últimos avances fisiopatológicos, epidemiológicos y clínicos recogidos en estudios publicados en revistas médicas o presentados en congresos. Resultados: no existe un único método de valoración nutricional, debiendo combinarse cuestionarios y técnicas como TAC, RNM y DEXA. Los requerimientos energéticos en enfermos sintomáticos aumentan en un 20-30%. No existe evidencia que respalde el incremento del aporte proteico o graso. La suplementación de micronutrientes sólo es necesaria en circunstancias especiales (Vitamina A en niños y embarazadas). El ejercicio aeróbico de resistencia es beneficioso tanto para la salud cardiovascular como para mejorar la masa magra y la fuerza muscular. Es importante seguir normas de seguridad en toda la cadena alimentaria. La intervención terapéutica en la anorexia y caquexia debe ser individualizada, combinando soporte nutricional y farmacológico (estimulantes del apetito, agentes anabolizantes y testosterona en algún caso). La nutrición artificial (suplementación oral, nutrición enteral o parenteral) es segura y eficaz, mejorando el estado nutricional y la respuesta al tratamiento. En niños, las recomendaciones nutricionales deben ser muy precoces, formando necesariamente parte del tratamiento. Conclusión: La adecuada valoración nutricional y la pertinente actuación terapéutica son parte esencial de la asistencia del enfermo VIH