583 research outputs found

    Los plateros Juan de Horna

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    Juan Fernández de Vallejo y el taller de Arnao de Bruselas

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    El obrador que Arnao de Bruselas poseyó en Logroño desde 1553 hasta su muerte fue comprado por Juan Fernández de Vallejo, según nueva documentación que permite proponer algunas adjudicaciones y nuevas relaciones artísticas. Fernández de Vallejo concluyó el retablo de Aldeanueva de Ebro (La Rioja) y con la ayuda de los dibujos, modelos y trazas del taller adquirido acometió el retablo de Lanciego (Álava). También debió de colaborar en el retablo de Estavillo (Álava) y en otras obras contratadas por Pedro López de Gámiz.The Logroño workshop belonging to Arnao de Bruselas from 1553 to his death was acquired by Juan Fernández de Vallejo, according to new documentation that allows us to suggest some ascriptions and new artistic relationships. Fernández de Vallejo concluded the altarpiece of Aldeanueva de Ebro (La Rioja) and executed the altarpiece in Lanciego (Álava) using the drawings, models and traces he had in the purchased workshop. He also had to work on the altarpiece of Estavillo (Álava) and other works of Pedro López de Gámiz

    Noncommutativity in Effective Loop Quantum Cosmology

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    We construct a noncommutative extension of the Loop Quantum Cosmology effective scheme for the open FLRW model with a free scalar field via a theta deformation. Firstly, a deformation is implemented in the configuration sector, among the holonomy variable and the matter degree of freedom. We show that this type of noncommutativity retain, to some degree, key features of the Loop Quantum Cosmology paradigm for a free field. Secondly, a deformation is implemented in the momentum sector, among the momentum associated to the holonomy variable and the momentum associated to the matter field. We show that in this latter case the scalar field energy density is bounded and has the same maximum as in standard Loop Quantum Cosmology, signaling a higher degree of compatibility

    Aproximación al comportamiento intraanual de las temperaturas diarias en el suroeste de la península ibérica

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    Con base en los datos de las series temporales de temperaturas diarias, máximas y mínimas, de los observatorios de la región suroccidental española se realiza el análisis del comportamiento intraanual de las mismas. Se obtienen las funciones de ajuste que representan la evolución estacional y anual, y se analizan las disimilitudes observadas entre las temperaturas máximas y mínimas. Se muestra que los distintos observatorios de la región responden a características evolutivas similares, lo que permite, desde esta perspectiva, englobarlos en el mismo ámbito climático

    Propuesta metodológica para la determinación de inhomogeneidades relativas en las series de observaciones

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    El análisis de la estructura y evolución de las series temporales requiere un estudio previo de la calidad de los registros de observaciones, por lo que es preciso realizar pruebas sobre su homogeneidad interna. El método propuesto para detectar inhomogeneidades relativas se basa directamente en medidas de correlación entre periodos simultáneos del conjunto de observatorios objeto de estudio. El propio método proporciona mecanismos para efectuar la homogeneización.To analyse the structure and evolution of time series, a previous examination of the data quality is required. We propose a new method to identify relative inhomogeneities in data series, based upon correlation coeficients existing between them through successive simultaneous periods. The method provides mechanisms to homogeneize the series as well

    Post-Little Ice Age warming and desiccation of the continental wetlands of the aeolian sheet in the Huelva region (SW Spain)

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    During the last few decades, studies have been performed and evidence has been found concerning the importance of the climatic period known as the "Little Ice Age" (mid 15th century through late 19th century). However, most of the studies have been focused to more northern latitudes and, therefore, scarce studies have still been made on the Mediterranean latitudes. In this paper, an analysis is made of the effects of the post-Little Ice Age warming and on its consequences upon the continental aquatic ecosystems of the Doñana coastal area and its surroundings. The results of such analysis evidence that the end of this period -climatically more benign in our latitudes- implied the start of an irreversible regression and disappearance of a large part of the most typical wetlands in the SW of the Iberian Peninsula. The significant impact of the human exploitation of natural resources in the area has masked the effect of this recent climatic change. Furthermore, when compared with those from other latitudes, the results of this analysis evidence the global or supraregional features of the impact caused by the post-Little Ice Age warming. Additionally, these results are useful for indicating which will be the future changing trends in the wetlands under study as a result of global warming.En las últimas décadas se ha estudiado y puesto en evidencia la importancia del período climático conocido como Pequeña Edad del Hielo (mediados S. XV hasta finales del S. XIX). Sin embargo la mayoría de los estudios se han centrado en latitudes más septentrionales, por lo que todavía son escasas las investigaciones sobre latitudes mediterráneas. Este trabajo analiza los efectos del final de la Pequeña Edad del Hielo (post-Little Ice Age warming), y las consecuencias que tuvo sobre los ecosistemas acuáticos continentales del litoral de Doñana y su entorno. Los resultados de este trabajo desvelan que la finalización de este período -climáticamente más benigno en nuestras latitudes- supuso el inicio de la regresión y desaparición de forma irreversible de gran parte de los humedales más singulares del SW de la Península Ibérica. El gran impacto que tuvo la explotación de los recursos naturales de la zona por parte del hombre, ha ocultado el efecto de este cambio climático reciente. Asimismo los resultados de este análisis, al compararlos con otras latitudes, ponen en evidencia el carácter global o supraregional del impacto del final de la Pequeña Edad del Hielo. Además estos resultados sirven para indicar cuales serán las tendencias futuras de cambios, en estos humedales, como consecuencia del Calentamiento Global

    Conceptualizing a Product with the Food-Related Lifestyle Instrument

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    Product perception is important for consumers’ acceptance, especially when it is associated with a geographical location. Consumers’ food-related lifestyles (FRLs) have been used to better identify the role that beverages have in people lives. The present study was conducted to understand the conceptualization of mezcal according to consumers’ FRLs. Four hundred mezcal consumers were surveyed in Mexico. Participants were asked to describe their experience with the product and consumption habits, to evaluate ten different FRL constructs, and to assess mezcal conceptualization using a check-all-that-apply test. A hierarchical cluster analysis was carried out on the composite variables of the evaluated constructs and their objective knowledge score to define segments. To visualize the relationships among FRL constructs and the terms used to describe mezcal, a multiple factorial analysis was carried out. The results showed four different mezcal clusters. The social and involved segment described the beverage with elements of traditional and food-related activities. The price–quality fixed segment was mainly associated with the product to handcraft process. Uninvolved consumers were not linked to specific terms and uninformed and unaware consumers were novice participants with mainly negative product connotations. Therefore, is important to consider consumers’ FRLs to have a better understanding of product conceptualization.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Algunos datos poco conocidos sobre textos de José Joaquín de Olmedo

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