90 research outputs found

    A new approach for assessing natural patterns of flow variability and hydrological alterations: The case of the Spanish rivers

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    Ensuring water is available for human use usually requires dams and reservoirs that severely affect river ecosystems. Hydrological alteration by river damming represents one of the most prominent human impacts on freshwater ecosystems. This paper presents a methodological approach to assessing the natural patterns of flow variability and hydrological alterations in Mediterranean rivers. The methodology first defines the admissible range of flow variability under a natural flow regime. Then, the methodology measures the environmental impact of flow regulation according to the inferred hydrological alteration and classifies rivers into homogeneous groups according to the magnitude, frequency, duration and seasonality of the impacts. This paper applies the proposed methodology to thirty-three river segments below large reservoirs located in the three largest Spanish watersheds (Duero, Ebro and Tajo). For each segment, this study evaluates the general impoundment characteristics and geographical contexts and calculates the flow impacts and the divergence between the circulating flows and the reference area of admissible flow variability on a daily basis for the period 2000 2010. This assessment of dam regulation impacts provides a reference to plan measures for mitigating these impacts. The advantages of this flow regulation impact analysis over other analyses are discussed in terms of the implementation of environmental water costs as suggested by the European Water Framework Directive. This approach expands the current understanding of water environmental costs and represents a practical management tool for decreasing the environmental impacts of flow regulation and for increasing water-use efficiency. (c) 2018 Elsevier Lt

    Génesis 3, 1-6. Era la serpiente la mas astuta alimaña que Dios hizo.

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    La disposición dialógica de la tentación que da lugar al primer pecado cumple una decisiva función argumental en Gn 2-3. Siguiendo la tónica general del relato, expresa el carácter peculiar, diferenciado y armónico de cada una de las obras de la creación, exime a Dios de cualquier responsabilidad en el origen del mal y atenúa la culpabilidad del ser humano. Al mismo tiempo, ratifica la condición histórica de éste, siempre obligado a decidir sobre su suerte, e insinúa que también la actuación de Dios es respuesta a la historia humana. Este factor cobra especial relevancia para interpretar el sentido que tiene la promesa de la Redención

    Reiteraciones: ritmo y diseminación en Génesis 1,1-2,4a

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     PRELIMINARES. I. LA SECCIÓN CENTRAL. 1. La disposición rítmica de Génesis 1,3-31. 1.1. Ritmo. 1.2. Diseminación. 2. Una hipótesis sobre el procedimiento de construcción de Génesis 1,3-31. 3. El sentido de la presencia de los elementos rítmicos y de los diseminados. 3.1. La presencia de los días. 3.2. La presencia de las acciones. 3.2.1. Las seis acciones centrales. 3.2.2. Las dos acciones marginales. 3.3. La estructura de cada acción creadora. 3.3.1. «Y dijo Dios». 3.3.2. «Y fue así». 3.3.3. Las operaciones con las que Dios crea. 3.3.4. «Y llamó». «Y vio». 4. Progresión temática. II. LAS SECCIONES MARGINALES. CONCLUSIONES

    Responses of sub-Saharan smallholders to climate change: Strategies and drivers of adaptation

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    Rural farm households in sub-Saharan Africa are vulnerable to climate variability due to their limited adaptive capacity. This paper explores how adaptation strategies are adopted by small-holders in sub-Saharan Africa as a function of their adaptive capacity. The latter is characterised by five types of capital: natural, physical, financial, human, and social. We use responses from farm households in sub-Saharan Africa dating from 1536 obtained by Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS). This data provides information on the adoption of adaptation practices during the study period as well as information with which we develop indicators for the five types of capital. The results suggest that all the five types of capital positively influence adoption of adaptation practices. Human and social capital both displayed a positive and significant effect on the uptake of most adaptation practices. This finding suggests that the effect of less tangible kinds of capital such as knowledge, individual perceptions, farmers networks and access to information may be stronger than normally assumed. Directing more development policies towards enhancing human and social capital may therefore be more cost-effective than further investments into physical and financial capital, and could help in overcoming social barriers to adaptation to climate change. (c) 2018 Elsevier LtdMarc B. Neumann acknowledges financial support from the Ramón y Cajal Fellowship of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain (no. RYC-2013-13628 )

    A propósito del sentido literal: Una puntualización de Pablo de Santa María a Nicolás de Lira

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    En sus Additiones ad Postillam Nicolai de Lira, Pablo de Santa María critica a Lira atribuyéndole la idea de que equipara «sentido literal» y «sentido universalmente aceptado o comprensible por todos». En este artículo se examinan las diferentes teorías acerca del sentido literal mantenidas por Lira y Tomás de Aquino, a quien sigue Santa María, para explicar por qué éste atribuye a aquél la idea reseñada. A continuación se evidencia cómo, en su práctica exegética, Lira contradice los postulados sobre el sentido literal que él mismo había sostenido al ocuparse teóricamente de la cuestión en sus prólogos a la Postilla.In his Additiones ad Postillam Nicolai de Lira, Pablo of Santa María criticizes Lyra, assuming that to his mind «literal sense» and «sense universally accepted or understandable for all» is one and the same. This paper examines the different theories on literal sense proposed by Lyra and Thomas Aquinas, on whose steps Santa María follows, in order to explain why Santa María considers the idea as Lyra’s own. In addition, it is shown how, in his exegetical work, Lyra contradicts the principles on literal sense that he himself had proposed when he was dealing with said topic at a theoretical level in his prologues to the Postilla

    Formación en Cinemática y Dinámica de Sistemas Multicuerpo Mediante Coordenadas Naturales

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    La formación de los futuros ingenieros mecánicos en dinámica de sistemas multicuerpo 3-D rara vez encuentra una materia específica en los planes de estudio, ni siquiera en postgrado. Cuando sólo se dispone de algunas horas (entre 5 y 10 horas de clase y unas 15 de trabajo personal) en el marco de una materia más general, las coordenadas naturales y Matlab son probablemente el único camino para alcanzar ciertos objetivos prácticos. Aquí se aborda cómo se pueden alcanzar estos objetivos, con un aprendizaje basado en .casos reales. Very often, the curriculum of mechanical engineers doesn't include any specific subject on kinematics and dynamics of multibody systems. In these situations the unique opportunity to introduce MBS is to dedicate from 5 to 10 hours to this subject inside a more general course, plus about 15 hours of personal work. This paper shows how this short time can be enough if natural coordinates are used. Keywords