3,416 research outputs found

    Flora y su funcionalidad en dos agroecosistemas de café (Coffea arabica L.) en Condega, Estelí, Nicaragua, 2016

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    Debido a los altos costos de manejo y contaminación en sistemas productivos convencional se da la necesidad de enfoques agroecológicos en la agricultura. El propósito de este estudio fue evaluar la flora y su funcionalidad en dos agro ecosistemas de café en la comunidad los Alpes, Condega departamento de Estelí.La finca Linda Vista está a una altitud de 1300 msnm y en la Finca El Milagro de Dios a 1100 msnm. Para la evaluación de la flora se dividieron las fincas en 5 estratos donde se estudió el bosque latifoliado con parcelas de 50 m*20 m y censo; para bosque latifoliado con árboles dispersos con franjas de 10 m de ancho con longitud variable. El muestreo de arvenses se realizó mediante el método del metro cuadrado de forma aleatoria y la flora cultivada por medio de un a entrevista semiestructurada. En la flora arvense se registró la abundancia y la diversidad, en los árboles se evaluaron variables dasométricas. Los organismos muestreados fueron identificados a nivel de clase, orden, familia, género y especie. El mayor porcentaje en las categorías de calidad de fustes, presencia de lianas y estado fitosanitario correspondieron a la Finca Linda Vista en las áreas boscosas y de árboles dispersos. El mayor porcentaje de intensidad de iluminación fue para la Finca El Milagro de Dios para árboles dispersos; para las áreas boscosas se destacó la Finca Linda Vista.Se identificaron 6 clases, 38 órdenes, 71 familias, 143 géneros y 155 especies. La Finca Linda Vista reflejó una mayor riqueza de especies en el índice alfa, en el índice de diversidad beta se encontraron disimilitudes en todas las categorías taxonómicas comunes. Prevalecieron los roles de árboles energéticos y de construcción sobresaliendo las familias Hamamedilaceae, Fabaceae, Pinaceae, Fagaceae y Vochysiaseace. En arvenses y cultivadas prevalecieron las medicinal y alimenticio por las familias Apiaceae, Commenlinaceae, Poaceae, Fabaceae, Solanaceae y Rubiaceae

    Coaches’ controlling interpersonal style and frustration of basic psychological needs in adolescent judokas

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    The aim of the study was to analyse the relationships established between the different factors that make up coaches’ controlling interpersonal style and frustration of basic psychological needs, as well as to identify the differences that may exist in terms of gender and training hours, and whether the latter may trigger these variables in adolescent judokas. A socio-demographic questionnaire, the Controlling Coach Behaviors Scale (CCBS) (Bartholomew, Ntoumanis & Thøgersen-Ntoumani, 2010), in its Spanish version (Castillo et al., 2014), was administered, as well as the Psychological Need Thwarting Scale (PNTS) (Bartholomew, Ntoumanis, Ryan & Thøgersen-Ntoumani, 2011), also in its Spanish version (Sicilia, Ferriz & Sáenz-Álvarez, 2013). The sample comprised 86 adolescent judokas, who had a federation licence and participated in regional competitions (M = 14.13; SD = 1.38). Descriptive and correlation analyses of all variables were performed. The Mann-Whitney U-test and the Kruskal-Wallis test were carried out, respectively, to analyse the differences in gender and training hours. The results showed a positive and significant correlation between all study variables. In addition, significant differences were found between genders in the control variable of use of rewards, and in the frustration variable of the basic psychological need of competence, depending on the judokas’ training hours. These results suggest that controlling interpersonal styles influence the frustration of basic psychological needs of adolescent judokas, according to their gender or training hours

    El eslabón industrial. Cuatro imágenes de la maquila en México

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    En las dos últimas décadas del siglo XX, la estructura económica de México ha cambiado. En medio de una larga crisis el complejo proceso de recomposición del capital ha propiciado nuevas modalidades en la reinserción internacional de un país subdesarrollado e histórica y estructuralmente dependiente. Uno de los ejes de esta transformación es la maquila que modifica el aparato industrial y rearticula, en forma fragmentaria, a las regiones del país con la producción mundial. La industria maquiladora tendrá para el año 2000, alrededor de 3500 establecimientos, 1.4 millones de trabajadores en más de 3500 establecimientos, 1.4 millones de trabajadores en más de 185 municipios y exportará más de 70 000 millones de dólares. Este libro contribuye a su mejor conocimiento. El capítulo Las relaciones laborales en la industria maquiladora de Cirila Quintero examina las condiciones de trabajo y organización sindical de los trabajadores. Ciudad Juárez la conformación de una ciudad maquiladora de Ma. Eugenia de la O, recorre la formación histórica de la más importante ciudad maquiladora en la frontera norte de México. La maquila en la Península de Yucatán de Ana García de Fuentes y Josefina Morales analiza la incorporación más reciente de la frontera caribeña a esta actividad. Y Josefina Morales presenta en Maquila 2000 la dinámica nacional de este proceso, entendido como un eslabón de la recomposición y reestructuración de capital y de la industria trasnacional

    SmartLED: Smartphone-based covert channels leveraging the notification LED

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    The widespread adoption of smartphones make them essential in daily routines. Thus, they can be used to create a covert channel without raising suspicions. To avoid detection, networkless communications are preferred. In this paper, we propose SmartLED, a mechanism to build covert channels leveraging a widely available smartphone feature - its notification LED. The secret is encoded through LED blinks using Manhattan encoding. SmartLED is assessed in real-world indoor and outdoor scenarios, considering different distances up to 5 meters. Our results show that the best performance is achieved in dark settings - 34.8 s. are needed to exfiltrate a 7-byte password to a distance of 1 m. Remarkably, distance does not cause a great impact on effective transmission time and shorter blinks do not lead to substantially greater transmission errorsThis work was supported by MINECO grant TIN2016-79095-C2-2-R (SMOG-DEV), PID2019-111429RB-C21 (ODIO), P2018/TCS4566 (CYNAMON-CM) funded with European FEDER funds and CAVTIONS-CM-UC3M funded by UC3M and the Government of Madrid (CAM)

    Privacy models in wireless sensor networks: a survey

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are attracting attention from the research community. One of the key issues is to provide them with privacy protection. In recent years, a huge amount of contributions has been focused on this area. Surveys and literature reviews have also been produced to give a systematic view of the different approaches taken. However, no previous work has focused on privacy models, that is, the set of assumptions made to build the approach. In particular, this paper focuses on this matter by studying 41 papers of the last 5 years. We highlight the great differences appearing among related papers that could make them incompatible to be applied simultaneously. We propose a set of guidelines to build comprehensive privacy models so as to foster their comparability and suitability analysis for different scenarios.This work was supported by the MINECO Grant TIN2013-46469-R (Security and Privacy in the Internet of You (SPINY)) and the CAM Grant S2013/ICE-3095 (Cybersecurity,Data, and Risks (CIBERDINE)), which is cofunded by EuropeanFunds (FEDER). Furthermore, J.M. de Fuentes and L. González-Manzano were also partially supported by the Programa de Ayudas a la Movilidad of Carlos III University of Madrid

    Dynamic risk assessment in IT environments: a decision guide

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    Security and reliability of information technologies have emerged as major concerns nowadays. Risk assessment, an estimation of negative impacts that might be imposed to a network by a series of potential sources, is one of the main tasks to ensure the security and is performed either statically or dynamically. Static risk assessment cannot satisfy the requirements of real-time and ubiquitous computing networks as it is pre-planned and does not consider upcoming changes such as the creation of new attack strategies. However, dynamic risk assessment (DRA) considers real-time evidences, being capable of diagnosing abnormal events in changing environments. Several DRA approaches have been proposed recently, but it is unclear which technique fits best into IT scenarios with different requirements. Thus, this chapter introduces recent trends in DRA, by analyzing 27 works and proposes a decision guide to help IT managers in choosing the most suitable DRA technique considering three illustrative scenarios – regular computer networks, internet of things, and industrial control systems

    Smart Grids: current context, communications and relevant projects

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    Grado en Ingeniería de Tecnologías de Telecomunicació

    Reviewing the Composition of Vaginal Microbiota: Inclusion of Nutrition and Probiotic Factors in the Maintenance of Eubiosis

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    The vaginal microbiota has importance in preserving vaginal health and defending the host against disease. The advent of new molecular techniques and computer science has allowed researchers to discover microbial composition in depth and associate the structure of vaginal microbial communities. There is a consensus that vaginal flora is grouped into a restricted number of communities, although the structure of the community is constantly changing. Certain Community-State Types (CSTs) are more associated with poor reproductive outcomes and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) meanwhile, CSTs dominated by Lactobacillus species—particularly Lactobacillus crispatus—are more related to vaginal health. In this work, we have reviewed how modifiable and non-modifiable factors may affect normal vaginal microbiota homeostasis—including sexual behavior, race or ethnicity, and hygiene. Special interest has been given to how the use of probiotics, diet intake, and use of hormone replacement therapies (HRTs) can potentially impact vaginal microbiota composition