108 research outputs found

    Análisis pragmático de las menciones radiofónicas durante la final de la liga de Campeones 2017/2018

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    La publicidad ha ido de la mano de la radio deportiva desde sus inicios y las menciones, anuncios integrados dentro del programa y enunciados por su presentador, encuentran especialmente en los programas deportivos de tipo Carrusel un espacio idóneo para aprovechar sus características. En este trabajo abordaremos desde un enfoque pragmático las menciones emitidas por las dos grandes emisoras españolas de programas deportivos, durante la final de la liga de campeones 2017/2018. Nuestro objetivo será identificar cuáles son los recursos y estrategias más utilizados que puedan servir de base para futuros estudios en profundidad.Grado en Publicidad y Relaciones Pública

    PSresin for the analysis of alpha-emitting radionuclides: Comparison of diphosphonic acid-based extractants

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    The analysis of radionuclides is complex, with high economic and time costs. For this reason, there is a need to develop new methods and strategies to reduce these costs. One important group in the analysis of radionuclides is the actinides, which are the main constituents assessed in the total gross alpha together with radium and radon test used to measure radioactivity in drinking water. Moreover, in nuclear dismantling processes, the possible spread of the released radionuclides has to be controlled, which is measured by many techniques, depending on the radionuclides, through scintillation. This work presents a new method to analyse actinides using plastic scintillation resins (PSresins) packed in a solid-phase extraction cartridge. The proposed method combines chemical separation and sample measurement into a single step, reducing the effort, time and reagents required for analysis as well as decreasing the amount of waste generated. The PSresins compared in this study contained three selective extractants based on Methylenediphosphonic acid with different radicals, which has a high affinity for tri-, tetra-, and hexavalent actinides in dilute acids. These extractants were immobilised on plastic scintillation microspheres at a ratio of 1/1:6, producing a retention and detection efficiency of 100% for 241Am, 230Th, Uranium and 238Pu. The retention and detection efficiency were 20% and 100%, respectively, for 210Po and low for 226Ra

    Automatic detection of fraudulent websites

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    Trabajo de Fin de Grado en Ingeniería Informática, Facultad de Informática UCM, Departamento de Ingeniería del Software e Inteligencia Artificial, Curso 2019/2020.A lo largo de los últimos años se ha observado un aumento considerable en las comunicaciones y operaciones que se realizan diariamente a través de Internet. Las redes sociales o el comercio electrónico son un ejemplo del tipo de gestiones que se pueden llevar a cabo en la red. Este aumento ha supuesto que cada año sean más frecuentes los ataques de phishing. Estos ataques utilizan ingeniería social para robar información personal o confidencial al usuario, haciéndose pasar por una empresa o persona de confianza. Durante la pandemia declarada por el brote de Coronavirus Desease (COVID19), debido al aumento del teletrabajo y de las compras en línea, este tipo de ataques se ha incrementado en un 5.38% [APWG20], con un máximo de 59,525 sitios web fraudulentos detectados en un solo día. Por eso cada día es más importante el desarrollo de herramientas que permitan detectar estos ataques. Actualmente existen sistemas de detección basados en listas negras que son muy potentes, pero que no tienen la capacidad de detectar páginas web de phishing en tiempo real, algo necesario cuando la duración media de una página web de phishing es en torno a 20 horas [MC07]. También, existen sistemas de detección basados en algoritmos de aprendizaje automático, que extraen características de las páginas web de phishing y desarrollan un modelo que permite predecir si una página web es maliciosa o no. Este tipo de sistemas de detección permite identificar páginas web fraudulentas en tiempo real. Este trabajo propone un sistema de detección que combina ambos métodos. Primero se comprueba que la página web sospechosa no está en la lista negra localizada en una base de datos almacenada localmente. En caso de no ser encontrada se realiza una búsqueda en la base de datos de Google Safe Browsing. Si la respuesta es negativa se utiliza un modelo de predicción para categorizar la página como phishing o no phishing. El modelo ha sido seleccionado tras probar 12 algoritmos diferentes de aprendizaje automático a los cuales se les ha suministrado características extraídas de la dirección de la página web y del modelo de objeto de documento. Posteriormente se comparan los resultados del modelo con un conjunto de trabajos seleccionados. El mejor resultado se ha obtenido con el algoritmo de Bosques aleatorios o Random Forest. Se ha logrado un porcentaje de aciertos del 90.6%, un porcentaje de falsos positivos del 2.35% y una precisión de 95,50%.Over the last few years, there has been a considerable increase in communications and operations carried out through the Internet. Social networks or electronic commerce are an example of the type of management that can be carried out online. This increase is reflected in the fact that fraud attacks are more frequent every year. These attacks use social engineering strategies to steal sensitive information from the users pretending to be a trusted company or person. During the pandemic declared by the COVID-19 outbreak due to the increase of telecommuting and online shopping, these type of attacks have increased by 5.38% [APWG20] with a maximum of 59,525 fraudulent websites detected in a single day. That is why the development of tools that detect phishing attacks has never been more important than it is now. There are currently blacklist detection systems that are very powerful, but do not have the ability to detect phishing web pages in real time, something necessary when the average duration of a phishing web page is around 20 hours [MC07]. There are also detection systems based on machine learning algorithms, which extract features from phishing web pages and, through machine learning algorithms, develop a model that allows predicting whether a web page is malicious or not. This type of detection systems allow to detect phishing web pages in real time. We propose a detection system that combines both systems. First we check that the suspicious web page is not on our blacklist, which is localized in our database. If it is not found, we search it in the Google Safe Browsing database. If the answer is negative, we use a prediction model to categorize the page as phish or non-phish. The model has been selected after testing 12 different machine learning algorithms which have been provided with features extracted from the web page address and the document object model. Later, we compare the results of the model with a set of selected papers. The best result has been obtained using the Random Forest algorithm. We achieved a percentage of true positives of 90.6% a percentage of false positives of 2.35% and a percentage of accuracy of 95,50%.Depto. de Ingeniería de Software e Inteligencia Artificial (ISIA)Fac. de InformáticaTRUEunpu

    Evaluation of synthesis conditions for plastic scintillation foils used to measure alpha- and beta-emitting radionuclides

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    Plastic scintillation foils of polystyrene and polycarbonate with a thickness between 45 and 200 μm, have been produced using the solvent evaporation method. PSfoils presented a reproducible thickness (10-20%). PSfoils were characterized by the measurement of 36Cl or 241Am. For 36Cl spectrum is located at medium energies since not all energy is deposited in the scintillator and not all betas interact with the foils. For 241Am the efficiency values are very high and spectrum is a sharp peak located at high energies. 222Rn absorption (LD and K) and desorption capacities of the PSfoils have been also evaluated

    Performance Assessment of Amorphous HfO2-Based RRAM Devices for Neuromorphic Applications

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    Producción CientíficaThe use of thin layers of amorphous hafnium oxide has been shown to be suitable for the manufacture of Resistive Random-Access memories (RRAM). These memories are of great interest because of their simple structure and non-volatile character. They are particularly appealing as they are good candidates for substituting flash memories. In this work, the performance of the MIM structure that takes part of a 4 kbit memory array based on 1-transistor-1-resistance (1T1R) cells was studied in terms of control of intermediate states and cycle durability. DC and small signal experiments were carried out in order to fully characterize the devices, which presented excellent multilevel capabilities and resistive-switching behavior.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (Grant, TEC2017-84321-C4-2-R )Fondos Feder y la Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation) ( with Project-ID 434 434 223- SFB1461)The Federal Ministry of Education and Research of Germany under (grant number 16ES1002

    Study of TiN/Ti/HfO2/W resistive switching devices: characterization and modeling of the set and reset transitions using an external capacitor discharge

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    Producción CientíficaIn this work, we have studied the control of set and the reset transitions in TiN/Ti/HfO2/W resistive switching devices using a new approach based on the injection of a limited amount of charge through the use of a capacitor discharge. Instead of applying conventional voltage or current signals, the capacitor discharge through the devices is able to perform both transitions. An accumulative process is observed if we apply consecutive discharges, and, when increasing the capacitor voltage in each discharge, the transitions between both resistance states are completed. In addition, it has been shown that faster transitions require larger capacitor voltages. Further, the electrical results were used to tune the dynamic memdiode model, which was employed to simulate set and reset processes driven by the capacitor discharges. The model successfully reproduced the measured memristor response to the capacitor discharge.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades y programa FEDER (proyectos TEC2017-84321-C4-1-R, TEC2017-84321-C4-2-R, TEC2017-84321-C4-3-R y TEC2017-84321-C4-4-R

    Sensitive targeted multiple protein quantification based on elemental detection of Quantum Dots

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    https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aca.2015.03.015A generic strategy based on the use of CdSe/ZnS Quantum Dots (QDs) as elemental labels for protein quantification, using immunoassays with elemental mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), detection is presented. In this strategy, streptavidin modified QDs (QDs-SA) are bioconjugated to a biotinylated secondary antibody (b-Ab2). After a multi-technique characterization of the synthesized generic platform (QDs-SAb-Ab2) it was applied to the sequential quantification of five proteins (transferrin, complement C3, apolipoprotein A1, transthyretin and apolipoprotein A4) at different concentration levels in human serum samples. It is shown how this generic strategy does only require the appropriate unlabeled primary antibody for each protein to be detected. Therefore, it introduces a way out to the need for the cumbersome and specific bioconjugation of the QDs to the corresponding specific recognition antibody for every target analyte (protein). Results obtained were validated with those obtained using UV–vis spectrophotometry and commercial ELISA Kits.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN, CTQ2010-16636), the European FEDER program co-financing, the “Plan de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación” of the Principado de Asturias (FICYT, IE13-031) and Agilent Technologies Foundation. A.R.M.B. and M.G.C thank the MICINN and “Gobierno del Principado de Asturias” for their Ph.D. funding through the FPU and Severo Ochoa (BP13-110) programs, respectively. M.C.P. “Catedrático Rafael del Pino en Oftalmología” and H.G.I. acknowledge financial support from the “Fundación Ma Cristina Masaveu Peterson” and The Glaucoma Foundation (NY, USA).https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aca.2015.03.01

    Influences of the temperature on the electrical properties of HfO2-based resistive switching devices

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    Producción CientíficaIn the attempt to understand the behavior of HfO2-based resistive switching devices at low temperatures, TiN/Ti/HfO2/W metal–insulator–metal devices were fabricated; the atomic layer deposition technique was used to grow the high-k layer. After performing an electroforming process at room temperature, the device was cooled in a cryostat to carry out 100 current–voltage cycles at several temperatures ranging from the “liquid nitrogen temperature” to 350 K. The measurements showed a semiconducting behavior in high and low resistance states. In the low resistance state, a hopping conduction mechanism was obtained. The set and reset voltages increased when temperature decreased because the thermal energies for oxygen vacancies and ions were reduced. However, the temperature did not influence the power absorbed in the reset transition, indicating the local temperature in the filament controls the transition. The set transition turned from gradual to abrupt when decreasing the temperature, due to a positive feedback between the current increase and the Joule heating at low temperatures.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad - Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (Projects TEC2017-84321-C4-2-R and TEC2017-84321-C4-1-R

    Comprehensive evaluation and implementation of improvement actions in butcher shops

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    Foodborne pathogens can cause acute and chronic diseases and produce a wide range of symptoms. Since the consumption of ground beef is a risk factor for infections with some bacterial pathogens, we performed a comprehensive evaluation of butcher shops, implemented improvement actions for both butcher shops and consumers, and verified the impact of those actions implemented. A comprehensive evaluation was made and risk was quantified on a 1-100 scale as high-risk (1-40), moderate-risk (41-70) or low-risk (71-100). A total of 172 raw ground beef and 672 environmental samples were collected from 86 butcher shops during the evaluation (2010-2011) and verification (2013) stages of the study. Ground beef samples were analyzed for mesophilic aerobic organisms, Escherichia coli and coagulase-positive Staphylococcus aureus enumeration. Salmonella spp., E. coli O157:H7, non-O157 Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC), and Listeria monocytogenes were detected and isolated from all samples. Risk quantification resulted in 43 (50.0%) high-risk, 34 (39.5%) moderate-risk, and nine (10.5%) low-risk butcher shops. Training sessions for 498 handlers and 4,506 consumers were held. Re-evaluation by risk quantification and microbiological analyses resulted in 19 (22.1%) high-risk, 42 (48.8%) moderate-risk and 25 (29.1%) low-risk butcher shops. The count of indicator microorganisms decreased with respect to the 2010-2011 period. After the implementation of improvement actions, the presence of L. monocytogenes, E. coli O157:H7 and stx genes in ground beef decreased. Salmonella spp. was isolated from 10 (11.6%) ground beef samples, without detecting statistically significant differences between both study periods (evaluation and verification). The percentage of pathogens in environmental samples was reduced in the verification period (Salmonella spp., 1.5%; L. monocytogenes, 10.7%; E. coli O157:H7, 0.6%; non-O157 STEC, 6.8%). Risk quantification was useful to identify those relevant facts in butcher shops. The reduction of contamination in ground beef and the environment was possible after training handlers based on the problems identified in their own butcher shops. Our results confirm the feasibility of implementing a comprehensive risk management program in butcher shops, and the importance of information campaigns targeting consumers. Further collaborative efforts would be necessary to improve foodstuffs safety at retail level and at home.Facultad de Ciencias VeterinariasInstituto de Genética Veterinari

    Lessons as a tool to combine flip teaching and transversal skills at the UPV: A pilot experience in soil genesis subjects

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    [EN] The potential offered by technologies is a reality that must be addressed and used in the Higher Education environments. Professors must be able to integrate technologies into their sessions and facilitate the work of the skill acquisition. The main objectives of this work are: i) to take advantage of the Lessons tool (PoliformaT) to evaluate the acquisition of transversal competences and, ii) to compare if the use of flip teaching improves its acquisition. In the subject of "Geology, Soil science and Climatology" (Degrees in Agri-Food Engineering and Forestry Engineering), an experience was developed during two academic courses in a population of 169 students on average each year. Through Lessons, a template was designed for the student to work, sequentially and based on their knowledge, a specific activity of soil science. In the activity, the student had to face a practical assumption with 4 options to consider as a response. According to its response the specific skills and critical thinking skill would be evaluated. The first year the students had to carry out the activity autonomously in PoliformaT, but in the second year, flip teaching was applied in the same activity. In that occasion; students had to watch online material and subsequently work on the specific concepts in class. Finally, they had to solve independently the practical case in Lessons, where they were evaluated and feedback was provided. The combination of "skill assessment and flip teaching" promoted that in the second year, 66% of the students acquired an adequate level of critical thinking skill. However, although the first year, 65% of the students also acquired it, it has been detected that in the second year there was an increase of 7% of students that passed from good to excellent acquisition level.Moreno Ramón, H.; Ibañez Asensio, S.; Martínez García, A.; Guillén Guillamón, IE.; Cabedo Fabrés, M.; Jiménez Belenguer, AI.; Calvet Sanz, S.... (2019). Lessons as a tool to combine flip teaching and transversal skills at the UPV: A pilot experience in soil genesis subjects. En INNODOCT/18. International Conference on Innovation, Documentation and Education. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 89-964. https://doi.org/10.4995/INN2018.2018.8816OCS8996