475 research outputs found

    Ébola in TChM: Diagnosis, Principles of Treatment and Economical Analysis

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    Investigación sobre etiología y tratamiento con MTC del ébola, especial referencia al entorno económicoIn this research we go more deeply into EVD, studying the Etiology and realizing a Differentiation of Syndromes according to the systems: Wen Bing, San Jiao and Han Shan Lun. Later, a Treatment for Prevention, Symptomatic/Acute, and Remission phases is proposed. Finally, we study the economic effects of the epidemic in the most affected countries by stressing the importance of preventive health care and international aid, looking at the usefulness of Medical Matter for its low cost especially in the affected societies (that probably they will return to be).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Exercises using a touchscreen tablet application improved functional ability more than an exercise program prescribed on paper in people after surgical carpal tunnel release: a randomised trial

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    Question: In people who have undergone surgical carpal tunnel release, do sensorimotor-based exercises performed on the touchscreen of a tablet device improve outcomes more than a conventional home exercise program prescribed on paper? Design: Randomised, parallel-group trial with concealed allocation, assessor blinding, and intention-to-treat analysis. Participants: Fifty participants within 10 days of surgical carpal tunnel release. Intervention: Each participant was prescribed a 4-week home exercise program. Participants in the experimental group received the ReHand tablet application, which administered and monitored exercises via the touchscreen. The control group was prescribed a home exercise program on paper, as is usual practice in the public hospital system. Outcome measures: The primary outcome was functional ability of the hand, reported using the shortened form of the Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand (QuickDASH) questionnaire. Secondary outcomes were grip strength, pain intensity measured on a 10-cm visual analogue scale, and dexterity measured with the Nine-Hole Peg Test. Outcomes were measured by a blinded assessor at baseline and at the end of the 4-week intervention period. Results: At Week 4, functional ability improved significantly more in the experimental group than the control group (MD –21, 95% CI –33 to –9) on the QuickDASH score (0 to 100). Although the mean estimates of effect on the secondary outcome also all favoured the experimental group, none reached statistical significance: grip strength (MD 5.6 kg, 95% CI –0.5 to 11.7), pain (MD –1.4 cm, 95% CI –2.9 to 0.1), and dexterity (MD –1.3 seconds, 95% CI –3.7 to 1.1). Conclusion: Use of the ReHand tablet application for early rehabilitation after carpal tunnel release is more effective in the recovery of functional ability than a conventional home exercise program. It remains unclear whether there are any benefits in grip strength, pain or dexterity. Trial registration: ACTRN12618001887268

    Neolithic in ‘La Pileta’ Cave (Benaoján, Málaga)

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    Cueva de la Pileta es uno de los enclaves clásicos en la historiografía de la Prehistoria del sur de Iberia, sobre todo por las representaciones de arte rupestre. No obstante, el yacimiento también dispone de una amplia secuencia estratigráfica del Cuaternario reciente (p. ej., 7 m de potencia en la sala de los Murciélagos) que apenas ha recibido atención bibliográfica. Este trabajo se centra en la historiografía de los trabajos en el yacimiento y en el estudio de los materiales neolíticos. La colección cerámica y sus paralelos técnicos y estilísticos en el contexto del Mediterráneo y sur ibérico permiten integrar La Pileta dentro del primer Neolítico en Andalucía con una edad encuadrada en la segunda mitad del 8º milenio cal BP.Cave of La Pileta is a key site in southern Iberia prehistoric historiography. It’s mainly known for its rock art paintings, but the archaeological site also has a wide stratigraphic sequence of Recent Quaternary period (e.g. 7 meters in ‘Murciélagos’ Room) that has scarcely been studied. This paper focuses on historiographical analysis of worked areas and Neolithic materials. Ceramics and its stylistic and technical parallels in the Mediterranean and southern Iberian context allow us to classify Pileta in the first Neolithic period of Andalusia, second half of 8th millenium cal BP

    El uso didáctico de los fósiles en la enseñanza de las Ciencias de la Tierra

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    Con esta propuesta pretendemos introducir a los alumnos en el mundo de la Paleontología mediante actividades sencillas que les aclaren las ideas preconcebidas que posean y, por otro lado, les permita aprender unos conceptos paleontológicos básicos. La metodología y los recursos empleados pueden ser elaborados por el propio profesor a partir de diferentes fuentes documentales sobre el tema, y adaptado todo ello a la edad de los alumnos a los que estas actividades van destinadas

    How to Assess Diabetic Kidney Disease Progression? From Albuminuria to GFR

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    Malaltia renal crònica; Diabetis mellitus; Malaltia renal diabèticaEnfermedad renal crónica; Diabetes mellitus; Enfermedad renal diabéticaChronic kidney disease; Diabetes mellitus; Diabetic kidney diseaseDiabetic kidney disease (DKD) is one of the most relevant complications of type 2 diabetes and dramatically increases the cardiovascular risk in these patients. Currently, DKD is severely infra-diagnosed, or its diagnosis is usually made at advanced stages of the disease. During the last decade, new drugs have demonstrated a beneficial effect in terms of cardiovascular and renal protection in type 2 diabetes, supporting the crucial role of an early DKD diagnosis to permit the use of new available therapeutic strategies. Moreover, cardiovascular and renal outcome trials, developed to study these new drugs, are based on diverse cardiovascular and renal simple and composite endpoints, which makes difficult their interpretation and the comparison between them. In this article, DKD diagnosis is reviewed, focusing on albuminuria and the recommendations for glomerular filtration rate measurement. Furthermore, cardiovascular and renal endpoints used in classical and recent cardiovascular outcome trials are assessed in a pragmatic way.The authors are current recipients of research grants from the Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria-Feder—Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI17/00257) and REDinREN (RD16/0009/0030)

    Analytical study of Roman glasses from Southeastern Spain

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    Recent archaeological excavations carried out in the Iberian-Roman city of La Alcudia (Ilici , Hispania) have provided some important assemblages of Roman glass. The present paper summarizes the results of archaeological and archaeometric studies carried out on two assemblages from different sectors and chronology. The first set of glasses was unearthed in a sector corresponding to a section of the city’s west wall. The level in which the glasses were found is dated from the mid 1st to the mid 2nd century AD. The second set of glasses comes from an area known as Casitas Ibéricas (4th - 7th centuries AD). These glasses were found in ditches and pits, which had disturbed the more ancient archaeological levels. Most of the fragments in both sets represent blown glass. The archaeometric study concentrated on deter-mining the chemical composition of a representative selection of glass fragments from the two chronological periods in order to observe possible differences between them. Chromophores responsible for glass colour were identified. Moreover, the state of conservation of the glasses was evaluated in order to determine the nature of degradation processes. The samples were studied using conventional optical microscopy (OM), X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis (EDX), and visible spectrophotometry (VIS)

    Use of Natural Microtalcs during the Virgin Olive Oil Production Process to Increase Its Content in Antioxidant Compounds

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    During the olive oil production process, certain olive varieties, such as ‘Hojiblanca’ and ‘Picual’, create pastes from which it is difficult to separate the oil, resulting in low extraction yields. To improve oil extraction, one alternative is the addition of natural microtalcs (NMT). In the present study, a NMT of great purity (CaCO3 concentration less than 6 wt.%) and small average particle size (φ ≤ 2.1 µm) was added in the malaxation stage on an industrial scale at two olive mills. In one of them and using ‘Hojiblanca’ olives, the performance of the high-purity NMT was compared with that of a traditional NMT, while in the other, the effect of its dosage in the quality of ‘Picual’ oils was assessed. The performance of the high-purity NMT was evaluated in terms of industrial oil yield, extractability index, quality parameters and oxidative stability of the resulting oils. The addition of the high-purity NMT not only increased the extraction yields but also improved the quality of the virgin olive oils, especially in relation to antioxidant compounds (tocopherols and phenolic compounds). Increases of 10.4% in phenolic compounds and of 21.5% in the tocopherols were found, thus enhancing the oxidative stability of the oils

    Influencia del grado de deformación en frío en el tamaño de grano y en la resistencia a la corrosión del acero F-1110

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    En este trabajo se ha estudiado la evolución que sufre el tamaño de grano del acero al carbono F-1110 para distintos grados de deformación en frío, a partir de su estado de recocido, libre de tensiones y de cualquier acritud. La deformación en frío se ha conseguido utilizando una máquina universal de ensayos y los distintos grados de deformación se han ajustado al intervalo comprendido entre la estricción y la rotura. La posterior observación al microscopio óptico de las zonas deformadas, previa preparación metalográfica, nos ha permitido medir la variación en el tamaño de grano. Finalmente, se ha evaluado la influencia del grado de deformación en la resistencia a la corrosión del acero

    Metodologías para la conservación y restauración del legado material e inmaterial de Ocaña

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    Jornadas publicadas como: "Conservación de arte contemporáneo : 13ª jornada, febrero 2012 / [organiza], Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Departamento de Conservación-Restauración"José Pérez Ocaña (Cantillana, Sevilla, 1947-1983) desarrolló su actividad artística en Barcelona. Conocido por sus acciones públicas y convertido en un icono de la transgresión cultural de los años 70, anticipó la performance en una España que se abría a nuevos lenguajes artísticos. A su muerte, la llegada a Andalucía de sus pinturas, dibujos y objetos personales plantea la cuestión de qué papel juega este legado en el panorama del arte contemporáneo de Andalucía. La conservación y la restauración de la obra y la memoria de Ocaña requieren de un proyecto de puesta en valor, en el cual se enmarca esta ponencia. Tres metodologías se suman en la ponencia: una, desde la museología, revisa los sistemas museográficos, tanto física como virtualmente; otra, desde la perspectiva patrimonial, hace un diagnóstico y aborda sus valores patrimoniales; y la última, propiamente cultural, presenta propuestas y reflexiones sobre cómo una obra de arte se transforma en un bien cultural, convirtiéndose en un referente de interés cultural