5,450 research outputs found

    Bohr Pavilion, Danish Tradition and Modernity.

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    Presentation preference: Oral Niels Bohr´s guest house (1957) was the first building by the Danish architect Vilhelm Wohlert (1920-2007). Rooted into the Danish tradition and the principles of the Skønvirke, represents a renewal based on absorption of foreign influences: American architecture and Japanese tradition. Wohlert´s work ranges to different kind of commissions. Despite their disparate scales and functions, they show Wohlert´s commitment to human comfort, his dedication to precise construction, and the respect for materials. Features that are more evident than nowhere in the modest guesthouse that he created for Niels Bohr, Nobel Prize in Physics (1922), in a remote virgin forest in the northern of Sjælland. The keys of its aesthetic effect are its harmony and balance, conveying serenity and beauty. The encounter with nature is the most basic lesson of project, but the Danish attitude towards her is not domination but conciliation, where a world of relationships is gentle to human beings. It is a lesson of the thought that nature, life and architecture are united

    La casa de Halldor Gunnløgsson (1959). Una mirada a Oriente desde el Sund = Halldor Gunnløgsson´s own house (1959). A look from the Sound towards the East

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    La casa de Halldor Gunnløgsson, una de las obras más refinadas de la Edad de Oro de la arquitectura moderna danesa, es el resultado de una fuerte voluntad y disciplina artística personal. La cubierta plana, suspendida sobre una gran plataforma pavimentada -que continúa la construcción del lugar- tiene una gran presencia. En el interior, un espacio único, fluye libremente y se extiende al paisaje. Hay una extraordinaria sofisticación de la construcción vernácula; y una fuerte conexión con la arquitectura tradicional japonesa, revelada por el deseo de vivir en estrecho contacto con la naturaleza, la búsqueda del refinamiento mediante la moderación, la eliminación de los elementos superfluos y la preocupación por la luz y la sombra - estableciéndose un paralelismo con el oscuro invierno nórdico. Su característica abstracción es un ejemplo de modernidad. El edificio se acerca a la belleza clásica, por la aparición de proporción, simetría y orden, pero también por el tratamiento suave de las superficies de los materiales. Se reconoce un ritmo en diferentes dimensiones. Se valora la escala. Los colores aplicados o inherentes al material, alcanzan intensidad. La experiencia del espacio arquitectónico es global. Es una casa mágica y maravillosa. Halldor Gunnløgsson´s own house, one of the most refined works of the Golden Age of modern Danish architecture, is the result of a strong will and personal artistic discipline. The detached flat roof suspended above a large paved platform – itself continuing the construction of the place – has great presence. In the interior, a single space, flows freely and extends to the landscape. There is an extraordinary sophistication of vernacular building; and a strong connection with traditional Japanese architecture, revealed by the desire of living in close contact with nature, the pursuit for refinement through moderation, the elimination of unnecessary items and the preoccupation with light and shade, where a parallel with the dark world of the Nordic winter is established. Its characteristic abstraction is an example of modernity. The building approaches to the classic beauty, by the proportions, the appearance of symmetry and order, but also for the soft treatment of the surfaces of materials. Rhythm is recognized in different dimensions. Scale is valued. Colors applied or inherent in the material, reach intensity. The experience of the architectural space is global. It is a magical and wonderful house

    A Pavilion in the Danish forest by Vilhelm Wohlert; Tradition and Modernity

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    Danish architect Vilhelm Wohlert (1920-2007), after a stay as a guest teacher at Berkeley University, designs his first building. Created in a period of a flourishing architecture, it achieves a balance between Danish tradition and modernity, where international references -American architecture and Japanese tradition- are significant. Its ability to fit into the circumstances, sets a model for the buildings of the future. There is a dialogue with the surrounding nature, her careful observation; establishing a great connection, where the Danish attitude towards her is not a domination. The architect knows the material and uses it in harmony with its essence. The study suggests that the vernacular may be a process that evolves and transforms over time involving a significant level of modernity, and that a look at it could be an answer to prevent the loss the identity of architecture. El arquitecto danés Vilhelm Wohlert (1920-2007), tras una estancia como profesor invitado en la Universidad de Berkeley, proyecta su primer edificio. Construido en un periodo de florecimiento arquitectónico, logra el equilibrio entre la tradición danesa y la modernidad, donde las referencias internacionales -la arquitectura americana y tradición japonesa- serán trascendentales. Su capacidad para adaptarse a las circunstancias, lo convierte en un modelo para los edificios del futuro. Hay un diálogo con la naturaleza circundante, su atenta observación; estableciéndose una gran conexión, donde la actitud danesa hacia ella no es de dominación. El arquitecto conoce el material y lo utiliza en armonía con su esencia. El estudio sugiere que lo vernáculo puede ser un proceso que evoluciona y se transforma con el tiempo, implicando un nivel significativo de modernidad, y que una mirada a ello puede ser una respuesta para prevenir la pérdida de identidad de la arquitectura

    El pabellón Niels Bohr. Tradición Danesa y Modernidad (The Niels Bohr Pavilion. Danish Tradition and Modernity)

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    La casa de invitados de Niels Bohr fue el primer edificio del arquitecto danés Vilhelm Wohlert (1920-2007). Arraigado a la tradición danesa, representa una renovación basada en la absorción de influencias extranjeras: la arquitectura americana y la tradición japonesa. La caja de madera tiene el carácter sensible de un organismo vivo, siempre cambiante según las variaciones de luz del día o temperatura. Puertas plegables y contraventanas generan extensiones de las habitaciones. Cuando se abren, crean una prolongación del espacio interior, que se extiende a la naturaleza circundante, y se expande hacia el espacio exterior, permitiendo su movilización. Se establece una arquitectura de flujos.Protagoniza un ejemplo de la modernidad como refinamiento en la técnica de los límites y la idea de que la arquitectura no es un objeto material, sino el espacio generado en su interior. Podría ser visto como un ikebana; “el arte del espacio”, donde se produce una circulación de aire entre sus componentes; algo vivo que expresa la tercera dimensión, el equilibrio asimétrico, un interés por la materia, su textura y efecto emocional que emana. Hay armonía y equilibrio, que transmiten serenidad y belleza; un encuentro con la naturaleza; un mundo de relaciones amable al ser humano

    Prevalencia del trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad en el área de Valladolid Este

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    Conocer la prevalencia del trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad (TDAH) en la población en el Área de Valladolid Este y estudiar algunos datos epidemiológicos. Se realiza un estudio transversal mediante revisión de historias clínicas de los pacientes diagnosticados con TDAH en el sistema informático del Área Valladolid Este “Medora”. Desde julio 2014 a julio del 2016 la prevalencia de TDAH en la población general es de un 0,423 % y en < de14 años de un 2,424 %. La prevalencia de TDAH en el adulto (> de 14 años) en el Área Este de Valladolid es de un 0,165%. La relación de varones y mujeres es de 3,25:1 respectivamente. El diagnóstico pediátrico en la zona urbana supone un 62,26% del total de diagnósticos y en la zona rural un 37,74%, siendo las prevalencias medias del TDAH del 2,6% en zona urbana y del 2% en zona rural. La prevalencia del proceso clínico TDAH en el Área Este en niños < de 14 años (2.42 %) y en adultos, son muy inferiores a lo observado en otros estudios. Observamos una gran variabilidad de este diagnóstico entre los distintos centros de salud. Se objetiva una mayor prevalencia en el varón y en los usuarios que viven en zona urbana.Grado en Medicin

    CWDM self-referencing sensor network based on ring resonators in reflective configuration

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    A new scalable self-referencing sensor network with low insertion losses implemented in Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing (CWDM) technology is reported. It allows obtaining remote self-referenced measurements with a full-duplex fibre downlead up to 35 km long, with no need for optical amplification. Fibre Bragg gratings (FBG) are used in order to achieve a reflective configuration, thus increasing the sensitivity of the optical transducers. Low-cost off-the-shelf devices in CWDM technology can be used to implement and scale the network. Ring resonator (RR) based incoherent interferometers at the measuring points are used as selfreferencing technique. A theoretical analysis of power budget of the topology is reported, with a comparison between the proposed network and a conventional star topology. Finally, the new configuration has been experimentally demonstrated.This work has been supported by CICYT:TIC2003-03783, UC3M:FAVICOBIS and CAM:FACTOTEM-CM (S-0505/ESP/000417).Publicad

    Self-Referencing Fiber-Optic Intensity Sensors Using Ring Resonators and Fiber Bragg Gratings

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    An improved ring resonator self-referencing technique in a new reflection configuration for remote fiber-optic intensity sensors is demonstrated using fiber Bragg gratings. Sensor sensitivity doubles and a single fiber lead is used. The sensor is interrogated at two subcarrier frequencies having a high rejection of interference from laser source intensity fluctuations and loss in the fiber lead. We experimentally demonstrate the efficiency of the new reflection configuration, the usefulness of the theoretical model proposed, and discuss design parameters for optimum insertion lossesThis work was supported in part by CICYT (TIC2003-03783 and TEC2006-13273-C03-03-MIC), in part by UC3M (FAVICOBIS), in part by CAM (FACTOTEM-CM:S-0505/ESP/000417), and in part by COST 299.Publicad

    Moodle como um ambiente de aprendizagem amplo e útil

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    This study provides updated data on the evolution of Moodle, which was initially seen as an e-learning platform intended to become a pervasive learning environment (PLE) with its multiple possibilities for higher education students and teachers. An online anonymous survey has been administered to a sample of 100 students of different degrees, and 32 teachers of different subject areas to find out their perceptions on the usefulness and improvement of our virtual learning platform at the Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC), Spain. Results show that this Learning Management System (LMS) is still regarded as a motivating space to support face-to-face instruction, but it has also been pointed out that it encourages knowledge building, pervasive learning and constructive interaction among its participants.Keywords: Moodle, e-learning, ICT, pervasive learning environment, higher education.Este estudo apresenta dados atualizados sobre a evolução do Moodle, que foi inicialmente visto como uma plataforma de e-learning a tornar-se um ambiente de aprendizagem amplo (Pervasive Learning Environment), com suas múltiplas possibilidades para os estudantes do ensino superior e para os professores. Uma pesquisa anônima on-line foi realizada com 100 estudantes de diferentes graus e 32 professores de diferentes áreas, a fim de conhecer as suas opiniões sobre a utilidade e a melhoria da plataforma de aprendizagem virtual da Universidade de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC), Espanha. Os resultados mostram que esse Sistema de Gestão de Aprendizagem (SGA) ainda está sendo considerado como um recurso motivador para apoiar a instrução face a face. Contudo, também foi apontado que, atualmente, esse sistema incentiva a construção do conhecimento, a aprendizagem estendida e a interação construtiva entre os seus participantes.Palavras-chave: Moodle, ICT, ambiente de aprendizagem estendida, educação superior

    Anglicisms in the Field of IT (GitHub and 3D Slicer): Multilingual Evidence from European Languages (French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish)

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    This paper provides evidence of the noticeable adoption of Anglicisms in the professional field of IT by different European languages (French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish). Two different domains, GitHub and 3D Slicer, have been examined, and a multilingual glossary has been created with the contributions of European and African engineers and technicians cooperating in the European project MACbioIDi. This multilingual glossary is a useful tool for engineers, as it provides equivalent terminology in these five languages. The use of the studied Anglicisms is documented with interviews to different engineers to verify the oral uses, and the written uses are recorded with examples in context taken from different Internet websites and forums. This is an interdisciplinary research that involves people from different areas of knowledge (linguists, engineers and technicians), and from different continents (Africa, America and Europe)

    The use of cinema as a learning tool in foreign language classes

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    La incorporación del cine en clases de lengua extranjera es una herramienta que se está haciendo cada vez más popular a la hora de ayudar a los estudiantes a aprender una lengua diferente a la materna. Constituye un enfoque motivador para los estudiantes, puesto que el cine es un tema de su interés. Además, esta herramienta ayuda a los estudiantes a mejorar su comprensión auditiva así como sus capacidades de lectura, escritura y comprensión oral. Hay varias técnicas que incorporan el uso de películas y que pueden ser empleadas en clase, como son la secuenciación y el método CLIL.The integration of cinema in foreign language classes is a tool that is becoming more and more popular when helping students learn a language different from their mother tongue. It constitutes a motivating approach for students, as cinema is a topic of their interest. In addition to this, this tool assists students to improve their listening skills to a large extend as well as their reading, writing and speaking skills. There are various techniques which incorporate the use of films and that can be employed in the foreign language class, such as sequencing and the CLIL method