436 research outputs found

    Recovery and musealization of war trenches

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    [EN] At a time of incresing popularity of the war heritage of the province of Teruel, the coordination between different territorial administrations and the establishment of common guidelines is more necessary than ever to lead interventions in this type of sites. The work carried out in the positions of Santa Bárbara and Loma de Casares in Celadas (Teruel) are an example of how the authors understand that the conservation and enhancement of the vestiges of the Spanish Civil War should be approached, in which difficulties such as access to the position, great extension, poor workmanship and an advanced state of abandonment and deterioration converge. This work also illustrates the integral and interdisciplinary character recommended in this type of projects, which addresses the historical documentation, the interpretation of the position and the delimitation of the intervention areas, the work of archaeological excavation, the adequacy of accesses, and even signaling, promotion and tourist diffusion.[ES] En un momento en el que el patrimonio bélico de la provincia de Teruel goza de una popularidad creciente, se hace más necesario que nunca la coordinación entre las distintas administraciones territoriales y el establecimiento de unas directrices comunes que guíen las intervenciones en este tipo de enclaves. Los trabajos realizados en las posiciones de Santa Bárbara y Loma de Casares en Celadas (Teruel) son un ejemplo de cómo los autores entienden que deben abordarse la conservación y puesta en valor de los vestigios de la guerra civil española, en los que confluyen dificultades como el acceso al enclave, su gran extensión, una pobre factura y un avanzado estado de abandono y deterioro. En este trabajo también se ilustra el carácter integral e interdisciplinar que se recomienda en este tipo de proyectos, y que aborda desde la documentación histórica, la interpretación de la posición y la delimitación de las zonas de intervención, hasta las labores de excavación arqueológica, adecuación de accesos, señalización, promoción y difusión turística.García Enguita, A.; Ibáñez González, J.; Sáez Abad, R.; Villalba Alegre, I. (2023). Recuperación y musealización de trincheras de guerra. Loggia, Arquitectura & Restauración. (36):92-105. https://doi.org/10.4995/loggia.2023.19983921053

    Quantum computing for market research

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    The digital ecosystem continues to expand around the world and is revolutionising the way markets are researched. Indeed, consumer experiences are advertised and disseminated through so many channels and media that it has become a major challenge for researchers and marketing practitioners to collect, process and generate valuable information to support strategic and operational decisions. In this article, the authors explore how advances in quantum computing, which can be used to process huge amounts of data quickly and accurately, could offer an unprecedented opportunity for researchers to address the challenges of the digital ecosystem. Three studies are presented to define the state of the art and future expectations of quantum computing in market research and business. By means of a bibliometric analysis of 209 publications and a content analysis of the 30 highest-impact articles, we describe the present landscape, and also forecast the future with the help of in-depth interviews with eight experts. The findings reveal that the US and China are at the forefront of scientific development, but the contributions from four other countries (India, the UK, Canada and Spain) are also in double figures. However, graphical analysis identifies four poles of development: the US orbit, which includes Canada and Spain; the Chinese orbit, which includes India; the UK orbit; and the Australian orbit. In terms of expectations, the experts agree on the opportunities offered by quantum computing, but there is less consensus as to how long it will take to develop

    Photon statistics in collective strong coupling: Nanocavities and microcavities

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    There exists a growing interest in the properties of the light generated by hybrid systems involving a mesoscopic number of emitters as a means of providing macroscopic quantum light sources. In this work, the quantum correlations of the light emitted by a collection of emitters coupled to a generic optical cavity are studied theoretically using an effective Hamiltonian approach. Starting from the single-emitter level, we analyze the persistence of photon antibunching as the ensemble size increases. Not only is the photon blockade effect identifiable, but photon antibunching originated from destructive interference processes, the so-called unconventional antibunching, is also present. We study the dependence of these two types of negative correlations on the spectral detuning between cavity and emitters, as well as its evolution as the time delay between photon detections increases. Throughout this work, the performance of plasmonic nanocavities and dielectric microcavities is compared: despite the distinct energy scales and the differences introduced by their respectively open and closed character, the bunching and antibunching phenomenology presents remarkable similarities in both types of cavitiesThis work has been funded by the European Research Council under Grant Agreements No. ERC-2011-AdG 290981 and No. ERC-2016-STG-714870, the EU Seventh Framework Programme (Grants No. FP7-PEOPLE-2013-CIG-630996 and No. FP7-PEOPLE-2013-CIG-618229), and the Spanish MINECO under Contracts No. MAT2014-53432-C5-5-R and No. FIS2015-64951-R, as well as through the “María de Maeztu” programme for Units of Excellence in R&D (Grant No. MDM-2014-0377)

    Organic polaritons enable local vibrations to drive long-range energy transfer

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    Long-range energy transfer in organic molecules has been experimentally obtained by strongly coupling their electronic excitations to a confined electromagnetic cavity mode. Here, we shed light into the polariton-mediated mechanism behind this process for different configurations: donor and acceptor molecules either intermixed or physically separated. We numerically address the phenomenon by means of Bloch-Redfield theory, which allows us to reproduce the effect of complex vibrational reservoirs characteristic of organic molecules. Our findings reveal the key role played by the middle polariton as the nonlocal intermediary in the transmission of excitations from donor to acceptor molecules. We also provide analytical insights on the key physical magnitudes that help to optimize the efficiency of the long-range energy transferThis work has been funded by the European Research Council under Grant Agreements No. ERC-2011-AdG 290981 and No. ERC- 2016-STG-714870, the EU Seventh Framework Programme (FP7-PEOPLE-2013-CIG-630996 and FP7-PEOPLE-2013- CIG-618229), and the Spanish MINECO under Contracts No. MAT2014-53432-C5-5-R and No. FIS2015-64951-R, as well as through the “María de Maeztu” programme for Units of Excellence in R&D (MDM-2014-0377)

    Enhancing photon correlations through plasmonic strong coupling

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    © 2017 Optical Society of America. One print or electronic copy may be made for personal use only. Systematic reproduction and distribution, duplication of any material in this paper for a fee or for commercial purposes, or modifications of the content of this paper are prohibitedThere is an increasing scientific and technological interest in the design and implementation of nanoscale sources of quantum light. Here, we investigate the quantum statistics of the light scattered from a plasmonic nanocavity coupled to a mesoscopic ensemble of emitters under low coherent pumping. We present an analytical description of the intensity correlations taking place in these systems and unveil the fingerprint of plasmon-exciton-polaritons in them. Our findings reveal that plasmonic cavities are able to retain and enhance excitonic nonlinearities, even when the number of emitters is large. This makes plasmonic strong coupling a promising route for generating nonclassical light beyond the single-emitter levelFP7 Ideas: European Research Council (IDEASERC) (ERC-2011-AdG 290981, ERC-2016-STG-714870, FP7-PEOPLE-2013-CIG-618229, FP7-PEOPLE-2013-CIG630996); Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) (FIS2015-64951-R, MAT2014-53432-C5-5-R, MDM-2014-0377

    Theory of energy transfer in organic nanocrystals

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    Recent experiments have shown that highly efficient energy transfer can take place in organic nanocrystals at extremely low acceptor densities. This striking phenomenon has been ascribed to the formation of exciton polaritons thanks to the photon confinement provided by the crystal itself. An alternative theoretical model that accurately reproduces fluorescence lifetime and spectrum measurements in these systems without such an assumption is proposed. The approach treats molecule–photon interactions in the weak-coupling regime, and describes the donor and acceptor population dynamics by means of rate equations with parameters extracted from electromagnetic simulations. The physical insight and predictive value of this model also enables the authors to propose nanocrystal configurations in which acceptor emission dominates the fluorescence spectrum at densities orders of magnitude lower than the experimental onesThis work was funded by the Spanish Ministry for Science, Innovation, and Universities — AEI grants RTI2018-099737-B-I00, PCI2018-093145 (through the QuantERA program of the European Commission), and MDM-2014-0377 (through the María de Maeztu program for Units of Excellence in R&D), and by the European Research Council under Grant Agreement ERC-2016-STG-714870. It was also supported by a 2019 Leonardo Grant for Researchers and Cultural Creators, BBVA Foundatio

    An anti-islanding protection based on RoCoF compliant with ENTSO-E and IEC 62116

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    In case of unintentional islanding, distributed generation units must be able to detect it and disconnect from the grid in less than 2 seconds. In this work, a Rate of Change of Frequency (RoCoF) method has been developed for islanding detection. Since these algorithms are conditioned by the requirements of grid codes, ENTSO-E network code and IEC 62116 have been taken into account. The RoCoF anti-islanding algorithm has been developed in MATLAB-Simulink and implemented through rapid prototyping techniques in an FPGA ALTERA Cyclone V. To check the proposed protection algorithm, simulation tests have been carried out. Finally, the RoCoF anti-islanding protection has been validated using FPGA in the loop and experimentally in a real 20-kW inverter. © 2022, European Association for the Development of Renewable Energy, Environment and Power Quality (EA4EPQ). All rights reserved

    Aportaciones de las pedagogías de género a la calidad de la docencia universitaria

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    A partir de la necesidad de introducir la perspectiva de género en la docencia debido al vacío existente en la mayoría de estudios de grado en Cataluña (España), sobre todo en Ciencias de la Salud y Psicología, se diseñó una oferta formativa de talleres. En ella se consideró básico introducir la perspectiva de género, tanto a nivel de contenido como metodológico. En este artículo se explora el relevante papel que la introducción de metodologías y pedagogías feministas puede tener en el aumento de la calidad de la docencia a partir de dicha experiencia a través de narrativas colectivas de personas formadoras y participantes. Estas narrativas fueron construidas a partir de cinco grupos de discusión, con un total de 20 personas en la muestra que fueron seleccionadas a partir de criterios de variabilidad y representatividad. Las dos narrativas visibilizan los procesos que se vivieron en los talleres y las transformaciones que plantea la integración de metodologías y pedagogías feministas en la construcción compartida del conocimiento. La principal conclusión que se extrae de ello es que la introducción de metodologías y epistemologías feministas permite reflexionar críticamente sobre nuestras prácticas como formadoras y estudiantes en la reproducción de las relaciones de poder de género en y fuera del aula para devenir sujetos activos de cambio.A partir de la necessitat d'introduir la perspectiva de gènere en la docència atès el buit existent a la majoria d'estudis de grau a Catalunya, sobretot a Ciències de la Salut i Psicologia, es va dissenyar una oferta formativa de tallers, en la qual es va considerar bàsic introduir la perspectiva de gènere, tant a nivell de contingut com metodològic. En aquest article s'hi explora el paper rellevant que la introducció de metodologies i pedagogies feministes pot tenir en l'augment de la qualitat de la docència a partir d'aquesta experiència amb narratives col·lectives de persones formadores i participants. Aquestes narratives van ser construïdes a partir de cinc grups de discussió, amb un total de 20 persones a la mostra que van ser seleccionades a partir de criteris de variabilitat i representativitat. Les dues narratives visibilitzen els processos que es van viure als tallers i també les transformacions que planteja la integració de metodologies i pedagogies feministes en la construcció compartida del coneixement. La conclusió principal que se n'extreu és que la introducció de metodologies i epistemologies feministes permet reflexionar críticament sobre les nostres pràctiques com a formadores i estudiants en la reproducció de les relacions de poder de gènere dins i fora de l'aula per esdevenir subjectes actius de canvi.Most undergraduate programs of study in Catalonia, Spain, especially in the health sciences and psychology, lack a gender perspective in teaching. To fill this gap, a series of training workshops were designed with a gender perspective in content and methodology. This article explores the important role that the introduction of feminist methodologies and pedagogies can have in enhancing the quality of teaching through an experience using collective narratives of teachers and participants. The narratives were constructed from five discussion groups with a total sample of 20 people selected according to criteria of variability and representativeness. The two narratives reveal the processes the participants experienced during the workshops and how the integration of feminist methodologies and pedagogical approaches transform the shared construction of knowledge. The main conclusion is that the introduction of feminist methodologies and epistemologies allow us to critically reflect on our practices as trainers and students in the reproduction of gender power relations in and outside the classroom to become active subjects of change

    La situació del turisme de càmping a la comarca d'Osona : Incidència de la Covid-19

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    En aquest treball de fi de grau, s'ha estudiat el concepte de turisme de càmping, analitzant primerament el concepte d'aquest tipus de turisme, la seva història, l'evolució i quin és el paper del càmping a Espanya i Catalunya. A més, el treball s'ubica dins uns límits territorials específics, marcats per la comarca d'Osona, situada a la part nord de la província de Barcelona. L'estudi de cas, i els resultats mostrats en aquest escrit, van dirigits a l'enteniment i quantificació dels impactes rebuts arran la crisi de la COVID-19 i, per altra banda, l'anàlisi individual de cadascun dels nou càmpings existents, creant una base de dades i una "Guia de càmpings a Osona".En este trabajo de fin de grado, se estudia el concepto de turismo de camping, analizando primeramente el concepto de este tipo de turismo, su historia, la evolución y cual es el papel del camping en España y Catalunya. Además, el trabajo se ubica dentro de unos límites territoriales específicos, marcados por la comarca de Osona, situada en la parte norte de la provincia de Barcelona. El estudio de caso, y los resultados mostrados en este escrito, van dirigidas al entendimiento y cuantificación de los impactos recibidos a raíz de la crisis de la COVID-19 y, por otra parte, el análisis individual de cada uno de los nueve campings existentes, creando una base de datos y una "Guía de campings en Osona".In this final degree project, the concept of camping tourism is studied, analysing firstly the concept of this type of tourism, its history, evolution and the role of camping in Spain and Catalonia. In addition, the work is located within specific territorial limits, marked by the Osona region, located in the northern part of the province of Barcelona. The case study, and the results shown in this paper, are aimed at understanding and quantifying the impacts received as a result of the COVID-19 crisis and, on the other hand, the individual analysis of each of the nine existing campsites, creating a database and a "Guide to campsites of Osona"

    CVD synthesis of carbon spheres using NiFe-LDHs as catalytic precursors: structural, electrochemical and magnetoresistive properties

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    The gram-scale synthesis of carbon spheres with a diameter of ca. 740 nm has been achieved by means of a chemical vapour deposition method using NiFe-layered double hydroxides as a solid catalytic precursor. The presence of the catalyst (FeNi3) allows controlling the final size distribution, resulting in a monodisperse sample. Their structural properties exhibited a high degree of graphitization according to their ID/IG ratio. In addition, their morphological features were unveiled by FIB-SEM and HRTEM, showing that they are formed by solid inner cores, and presenting labile chain-like structures due to accretion procedures. The solution and posterior sonication of the samples in toluene gave rise to the well-defined isolated spheres. The textural and electrochemical properties of the spheres have been tested showing non-mesoporous structures with a good behaviour as electrode materials for supercapacitors due to the presence of redox functionalities on their surface. Finally, magneto-transport measurements have been carried out, demonstrating semiconductor behaviour, as well as a positive magnetoresistance effect (ca. 72%) for the lowest studied temperature (2 K)