659 research outputs found

    MOTS-c promotes muscle differentiation in vitro

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    MOTS-c (mitochondrial open reading frame of the 12 S rRNA-c) is a newly discovered peptide that has been shown to have a protective role in whole-body metabolic homeostasis. This could be a consequence of the effect of MOTS-c on muscle tissue. Here, we investigated the role of MOTS-c in the differentiation of human (LHCN-M2) and murine (C2C12) muscle progenitor cells. Cells were treated with peptides at the onset of differentiation or after myotubes had been formed. We identified in silico a putative Src Homology 2 (SH2) binding motif in the YIFY region of the MOTS-c sequence, and created a Y8F mutant MOTS-c peptide to explore the role of this region. In both cellular models, treatment with wild-type MOTS-c peptide increased myotube formation whereas treatment with the Y8F peptide did not. MOTS-c wild-type, but not Y8F peptide, also protected against interleukin-6 (IL-6)-induced reduction of nuclear myogenin staining in myocytes. Thus, we investigated whether MOTS-c interacts with the IL-6/Janus kinase/ Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) pathway, and found that MOTS-c, but not the Y8F peptide, blocked the transcriptional activity of STAT3 induced by IL-6. Altogether, our findings suggest that, in muscle cells, MOTS-c interacts with STAT3 via the putative SH2 binding motif in the YIFY region to reduce STAT3 transcriptional activity, which enhances myotube formation. This newly discovered mechanism of action highlights MOTS-c as a potential therapeutic target against musclewasting in several diseases.This project has been funded by the Universidad Católica de Valencia (2019-168-002, 2019-168-004, 2020-168-001, 2020-168-002, 2020- 168-004). SGB is a predoctoral fellow and RA a postdoctoral fellow of Universidad Católica de Valencia (2018-168-002).Medicin

    Validez predictiva e incremental de las habilidades de autorregulación sobre el éxito académico en la Universidad

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    Este trabajo analiza la validez predictiva e incremental de las habilidades de autorregulación sobre el éxito académico en la universidad a través del seguimiento de 218 estudiantes durante cuatro cursos académicos. Se constata su capacidad predictiva sobre los tres criterios considerados (rendimiento en primer-tercer año y permanencia en los estudios) y su validez incremental respecto a las variables sociodemográficas y educativas previas al ingreso en la universidad. Sin embargo, también se evidencian importantes diferencias entre los modelos finales obtenidos para cada criterio, tanto en su capacidad explicativa como en los predictores que incorporan. Los resultados se discuten desde la perspectiva de su utilidad para derivar pautas de intervención en el seno de las titulaciones universitarias

    Validez predictiva e incremental de las habilidades de autorregulación sobre el éxito académico en la Universidad

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    Predicting First-Year College Student Retention: Validation of the College Persistence Questionnaire in a Spanish Sample

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    This paper analyzes the factorial and predictive validity of a Spanish adaptation of the College Persistence Questionnaire (SCPQ) on the retention of first year students (FYS) at university. The participants were 490 FYS from two public universities in Southern Europe (Spain). Factorial analysis of the SCPQ (chi(2)/gl = 1.66, CFI = 0.92, NNFI = 0.91, RMSEA = 0.04) showed six reliable dimensions, similar to those found in the original study: Academic Integration, Social Integration, Supportive Services Satisfaction, Academic Conscientiousness, Degree Commitment and Institutional Commitment. Logistic regression showed that institutional commitment significantly predicted FYS' permanence. The results support SCPQ's validity as an adequate and useful tool for assessing FYS' academic experiences involved in student retention.This research was partially funded by the University of Valencia, grant number SFPIE_DOCE12-79415

    Implementation of the driver training curriculum in Spain – An analysis based on the Goals for Driver Education (GDE) framework

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    The Goals for Driver Education (GDE) framework represents a conceptual outline of the goals to be satisfied in driver education (Hatakka et al., 2002). We aimed to analyze the implementation of the driver training curriculum in Spain, taking this framework as reference; the Spanish driving instructors was the target population from which to gather the information to be analyzed. For this purpose, we developed the DTCI (Driver Training Curriculum Implementation) scale as well as a number of questions concerning the driving instructors&#39; opinions about their own training as instructors, and they were included in a survey that provided information for a probabilistic sample of 676 driving instructors. On the one hand, an analysis of the factor structure of the DTCI scale provided a two-factor solution that fitted the hierarchical levels of the first dimension of the GDE framework; however, no factor differentiation reflected the components of the second dimension of this framework. On the other hand, the survey results suggested that the Spanish driver education system places more emphasis on knowledge and skills related to the operative and tactical aspects of driving, whereas less importance is placed on risk-prevention and self-evaluation skills related to the strategic and personal levels of driving behavior. These results reveal a potential weakness in the driver training curricula from the point of view of the GDE framework and support the application of instructional methods and teaching tools that correct these potential flaws in the training of student drivers.</p

    VNUML vs GNS3 en el desarrollo de laboratorios de redes virtuales

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    El aprendizaje práctico de redes de computadores es reconocido como un proceso crítico que permite a los estudiantes consolidar los conceptos introducidos en las lecciones teóricas. En este sentido, las tecnologías de virtualización están adquiriendo gran relevancia debido a que permiten desarrollar laboratorios de redes de computadores con un reducido coste de despliegue y gestión. Este artículo presenta un análisis comparativo entre GNS3 y VNUML, que son herramientas de virtualización open-source que han sido empleadas para el desarrollo de laboratorios de red virtuales para llevar a cabo el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en las asignaturas Arquitectura de Redes y Arquitectura de Redes Avanzadas del Grado en Ingeniería Informática impartido en la Universidad de Murcia. El estudio presenta las principales ventajas y/o deficiencias de cada herramienta tanto para profesores como alumnos y se identifican los escenarios en los que parece más adecuada su utilización.SUMMARY -- The practical learning of computer networks is known to be a critical process in order to allow students to consolidate the concepts introduced in theoretical lessons. In this sense, virtualization technologies are becoming popular since they allow to set up a computer network laboratory with a reduced deployment and management cost. This paper presents a comparative analysis performed between GNS3 and VNUML, which are open-source tools for virtualization that have been used for developing virtual network laboratories that support the teaching-learning process in the Networks Architecture and Advanced Networks Architecture subjects of the Computer Engineering degree at the University of Murcia. The study presents the main advantages and/or deficiencies of each tool not only for professors but also for students and identifies the scenarios where the use of each tool seems to be more appropriate.Peer Reviewe

    Factorial structure and psychometric properties of the time management behavior scale (TMBS) in Colombian college students

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    Se investigó la estructura factorial de la Time Management Behavior Scale (TMBS) en universitarios colombianos. La gestión del tiempo es un importante predictor del logro estudiantil y clave para la disminución de la deserción universitaria. Participaron 494 estudiantes de primer año de nueve programas en dos universidades de la ciudad de Bogotá. Se comprueba una estructura multidimensional de cuatro subescalas que explicaron el 42.68 % de la varianza total. Se obtuvieron índices de consistencia interna por encima de 0.7 en tres factores y una fiabilidad global de 0.84. Coincidiendo con investigaciones previas, frente a los hombres, las mujeres obtienen puntuaciones superiores en dos de las subescalas, y los estudiantes de las carreras de educación presentan mejores puntuaciones en Percepción del Control del Tiempo que los estudiantes de ingeniería. Se comparan los resultados en Colombia con la prueba norteamericana y la española.The factorial structure of the Time Management Behavior Scale (TMBS) was investigated in Colombian college students. Time management is an important predictor of the academic achievements and is key in reducing college desertion. 494 first year students from nine different programs and two universities in Bogotá city participated. A multidimensional structure of four sub scales that explain 42.68% of the variance was verified. Indexes of internal consistency above 0.7 in three factors and a global reliability of 0.84 were obtained. In accordance with previous research, women obtain higher scores against men in two of the obtained sub scales, and the students of Education programs score better in “Perception of time control” than engineering students. The results obtained in Colombia are compared with the North American and Spanish test

    ¿Implicar a los estudiantes en la modificación de rúbricas influye sobre su percepción de validez?

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    [EN] Oral presentation is one of the fundamental competences in the teaching-learning process for most of the university students and rubrics could be used as a useful tool in this process. Therefore, the main objective was to determine the perception of validity and utility of a rubric for students of the Physical Education and Sports Sciences degree, considering also if they were involved or not in the rubric’s development. 115 students participated, in two groups. The teacher of the subject gave to both groups the same rubric to evaluate their oral presentations. So, one of the groups modified and prepared the rubric´s elements. After oral presentations, both groups completed a rubric's validity perception questionnaire. Moreover, the academic performance of the two groups was recorded. Students positively assessed the rubric´s validity as a method of preparing and evaluating the oral presentation. The results non-show to the possible effect on this perception in the students that could be involved in the modification and preparation of the rubric. However, academic performance could have a greater influence.[ES] Una de las competencias transversales fundamentales en el ámbito universitario es la exposición oral. Las rúbricas pueden ser una herramienta especialmente útil para promover su desarrollo y alinear los procesos enseñanza-aprendizaje y la evaluación de la misma. El objetivo principal del estudio ha consistido en determinar la validez y utilidad que los estudiantes de la titulación de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte conceden a una rúbrica desarrollada al efecto, considerando adicionalmente su implicación o no en la elaboración de la misma. En el estudio participaron un total de 115 estudiantes divididos en dos grupos. El profesor de la asignatura facilitó la misma rúbrica a ambos grupos para guiar el desarrollo y evaluar sus posteriores exposiciones orales, aunque solo un grupo pudo participar en la elaboración y modificación de los elementos que componen la rúbrica. Una vez realizadas las exposiciones orales, ambos grupos respondieron a un cuestionario de percepción de validez de la rúbrica. Además, se tuvo constancia del rendimiento académico de los dos grupos. Ambos grupos valoraron positivamente la validez y utilidad de la rúbrica como método de preparación y evaluación de la exposición oral. Sin embargo, los resultados no muestran efectos significativos de la implicación o no en la modificación y elaboración de la rúbrica sobre la misma, a diferencia del rendimiento académico que sí que pudo tener una mayor influencia.Priego Quesada, J.; Requena-Bueno, L.; Jiménez-Pérez, I.; García-Ros, R. (2019). ¿Implicar a los estudiantes en la modificación de rúbricas influye sobre su percepción de validez?. En IN-RED 2019. V Congreso de Innovación Educativa y Docencia en Red. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 329-342. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2019.2019.1041632934