32 research outputs found

    Mapping Attribution across Texts: the Particle ‘according to’ in Science Popularizations and editorials from The Guardian

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    The confluence of new technologies and the necessity to reach mass audiences have driven the genre of science popularization to unprecedented levels of dissemination. The popularization of science is normally carried out by journalists who write in scientific sections of newspapers and other written media and act as mediators between scientists and lay people (Gil Salom 2000-2001, 443). They achieve this aim by elaborating discourse through a series of linguistic and discursive choices that transform raw scientific facts into easily comprehensible texts (McCabe and Heilman 2007, 139). In the contrastive study we present here, we aim to contribute to a better characterization of one of these discursive choices, namely explicit attribution, and, at the same time, to identify the elements which most frequently accompany the discourse marker ‘according to’. For these purposes, we have analyzed a corpus of science popularizations and a corpus of editorials from the newspaper The Guardian, comparing the frequency of appearance of this attributive particle both in the first paragraphs, and throughout the rest of the text.Ha sido realmente la unión de las nuevas tecnologías y la necesidad creciente por popularizar la ciencia lo que ha hecho que la divulgación científica alcance un nivel de difusión hasta ahora insospechado. La divulgación científica normalmente se lleva a cabo por una serie de periodistas que publican en secciones científicas de los periódicos y actúan como intermediarios entre los científicos y la sociedad (Gil Salom 2000-2001, 443), elaborando su discurso mediante una serie de elecciones lingüísticas y discursivas que transforman en texto los eventos reales (McCabe y Heilman 2007, 139). En el análisis contrastivo que aquí se presenta, tratamos de contribuir a una mejor caracterización de una de esas elecciones discursivas; la atribución explícita, al mismo tiempo que intentamos identificar cuáles son los elementos que más frecuentemente acompañan al marcador discursivo ‘according to’. Para ello, hemos analizado un corpus de artículos de divulgación científica y un corpus de editoriales del periódico británico The Guardian, comparando las diferencias en frecuencia de aparición de la citada partícula tanto en primeros párrafos como en el resto del texto

    Students’ Active Role on the Assessment of Learning Results in Blended-Learning Environments in Engineering in Spain

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    [EN]In this paper we present an assessment experience with students, based on the use on Information and Communication Technologies (Hereafter ICTs). This process has been developed in the framework of the Research project I+D+i EDU2009-08758, in which one of the main research areas is that of assessing learning in university context, and, more specifically, in the field of Engineering degrees in Spain. The main objective is that of systematize the assessment process carried out in the subject of Computing Systems, already adapted to the European Space for Higher Education guidelines. For this purpose, we have used EvalCOMIX tool, implementing with it several assessment scales that systematize evaluation processes, make students get involved in the process and provide with necessary feedback when required

    From the Editors: Teaching with technology: integrating new technologies in the language skills

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    Over the last decades, we have witnessed a rapid development of technology in the arena of education in general, and more particularly in the area of second/foreign language (SL/FL) teaching, which is the major concern of the present volume. Although it might be logical to state that technology has influenced education and SL/FL teaching practices, perhaps we are just at the very beginning of the integration of new technologies in the context of language education. The interest in technology and its implementation in the SL/FL classroom is not new. Indeed, several researchers, and especially in recent years, have drawn their attention to the potential of technology in the language teaching and learning context (e.g. Beltrán-Palanques 2013, 2014, Chapelle 2013, Taguchi and Sykes 2013, González-Lloret and Ortega 2014, Carrió-Pastor 2016, Martín-Monje et al. 2016). A range of technologies are available for SL/FL teaching, the use of which will be somehow determined by language teachers’ readiness, interest and knowledge. However, it is also true that, on some occasions, access to technology is somehow constrained by external factors that impede teachers’ use of technology in the FL/SL classroom.Over the last decades, we have witnessed a rapid development of technology in the arena of education in general, and more particularly in the area of second/foreign language (SL/FL) teaching, which is the major concern of the present volume. Although it might be logical to state that technology has influenced education and SL/FL teaching practices, perhaps we are just at the very beginning of the integration of new technologies in the context of language education. The interest in technology and its implementation in the SL/FL classroom is not new. Indeed, several researchers, and especially in recent years, have drawn their attention to the potential of technology in the language teaching and learning context (e.g. Beltrán-Palanques 2013, 2014, Chapelle 2013, Taguchi and Sykes 2013, González-Lloret and Ortega 2014, Carrió-Pastor 2016, Martín-Monje et al. 2016). A range of technologies are available for SL/FL teaching, the use of which will be somehow determined by language teachers’ readiness, interest and knowledge. However, it is also true that, on some occasions, access to technology is somehow constrained by external factors that impede teachers’ use of technology in the FL/SL classroom

    Informational literacy and information and communication technologies use by secondary education students in spain: a descriptive study

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    Artículo que hace una evaluación descriptiva de las competencias informacionales en estudiantes de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria.Informational literacy and the use of technologies by Secondary Education students in Spain: A descriptive study. The development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), together with their application to research carried out on educational areas, are factors which contribute to the promotion of a new educative model constructed on literacy-based competences and skills, and which sets technologies as essential tools for a life-long learning process (Unesco, 2005). This is the framework where we can insert the research that we are currently carrying out, funded by the research Program I+D+I of the Spanish Ministry of Education, and in the frame of which we are developing a diagnostic assessment of informational literacy competence in students between 14 and 16 years (Secondary Education), based on the fact that one of the main aspects in knowledge generation and acquisition is the capacity to use information extracted from documents and electronic resources, available in informational networks in a correct way. In this paper we present the results obtained from evidences on the contrast existing between the level of use of technologies (videogames, social networks...) and the level of informational literacy shown by students. The data were gathered from a sample of more than 1000 Secondary Education students who are around 15 years old