7 research outputs found

    Valoración Radiológica del Fracaso de las Prótesis Cervico-Cefálicas de Cadera en Fracturas de Cuello Femoral y Cirugía de Revisión

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    Lo s autore s analiza n los diferentes signos radiológicos que sugieren intolerancia de la s prótesis cérvico-cefálicas de cader a implantada s po r fractur a cervical que será n sometida s a Cirugí a de Revisión. Se estudian retrospectivamente 61 casos intervenidos entre los años 77 al 89, analizándos e la evolución de los diferentes modelos: Monk, Austin-Moore, Thompson, Mülle r y Robert-Mathys. Asimismo se estudia n la presencia de calcificaciones intr a y periarticulare s y la aparició n de complicaciones. Po r último, se pretende concretar la indicación de la Artroplasti a parcia l de cader a en paciente s anciano s con alto riesgo quirúrgico en oposición a un mejor resultad o de la Artroplasti a Total en el resto de pacientes.The author s analys e the different radiologica l feature s suggestin g intoleranc e o f the cervical-cephali c hi p prosthesis, implante d b y cervica l fractur e a n d submitte d t o revisio n surgery. Retrospectivel y 6 1 cases, whic h wer e carrie d ou t betwee n 197 7 an d 1989, ar e studied, an d the evolutio n o f the different pattern s i n analysed : Monk, Austin-Moore , Thompson , Mülle r an d Robert-Mathys. A t the sam e time , the presenc e o f intr a an d peri-articula r calcification s an d the appearanc e o f complication s ar e examined . Finally , they inten d t o summariz e th e indicatio n o f the hi p hemiarthroplast y i n ol d patien s wit h a hig h surgica l risk oppositio n t o a bette r result o f the tota l hi p arthroplast y in the rest o f th e patients

    Calidad de vida y sus factores determinantes en universitarios españoles de Ciencias de la Salud

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    La calidad de vida en la población universitaria adquiere una especial importancia ya que permite obtener información sobre las condiciones de vida de los universitarios y, sobre todo, de cómo éstos las perciben. Objetivo: Evaluar la calidad de vida de los universitarios que cursan estudios en ciencias de la salud y su relación con diferentes factores tales como: hábitos de vida, parámetros antropométricos y la influencia de las distintas variables sobre su percepción. Material y Método: Estudio transversal de una muestra de 1.753 estudiantes de ciencias de la salud de nueve universidades españolas con diseño muestral aleatorio y estatrificado según curso y facultad al que se le aplicó un cuestionaro ad hoc que recogía todas las variables a estudio. Resultados: La calidad de vida percibida por los participantes fue Me = 75. Los factores explorados de la calidad de vida se co-relacionaron significativamente con la percepción global de calidad de vida de los estudiantes (p<0,001). Se establecieron 3 dimensiones y el impacto de cada una de ellas sobre la percepción de calidad de vida global fue p<0,001. Los varones percibieron mejor calidad de vida que las mujeres y también los estudiantes con menor Índice de Masa Corporal (IMC). Conclusión: Los universitarios son una población clave para realizar actividades de promoción y prevención de la salud por lo que resulta necesario crear mejores infraestucturas y recursos educativos para mejorar la CV y fomentar hábitos y estilos de vida saludable con especial atención en la alimentación y la realización de una adecuada actividad física.Abstract Introduction: The quality of life of university students acquires special importance because it provides information about their life conditions and especially how they perceive it. Objetive: Evaluate the quality of life of students who are enrolled in health science studies and its relation with the following diverse factors: life and dietetic habits, anthropometric parameters and the influence of distinct variables on their perception. Methods: Transversal study of a sample of 1753 health science degree students of nine Spanish universities with a randomized design and stratified by course and faculty for which we applied an ad hoc questionnaire that considered all study variables. Results: The quality of life (QoL) perceived by the participants had a Median of 75. The factors that were explored about the quality of life correlated significantly with their global perception of it (p<0.001). Three dimensions were established and the impact of each one of them on their global perception of QoL was p<0.001. Men perceived better QoL then women and the students with lower Body Mass Index (BMI). Conclusions: University students are a key population for realizing health promotion and prevention activities therefore it is necessary to develop and provide better infrastructures and educative resources in order to enhance their QoL and to promote healthier habits and life styles with special attention on dietetics habits and the performance of an adequate physical activity

    Association of common genetic variants with risperidone adverse events in a Spanish schizophrenic population

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    Risperidone non-compliance is often high due to undesirable side effects, whose development is in part genetically determined. Studies with genetic variants involved in the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of risperidone have yielded inconsistent results. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the putative association of genetic markers with the occurrence of four frequently observed adverse events secondary to risperidone treatment: sleepiness, weight gain, extrapyramidal symptoms and sexual adverse events. A series of 111 schizophrenia inpatients were genotyped for genetic variants previously associated with or potentially involved in risperidone response. Presence of adverse events was the main variable and potential confounding factors were considered. Allele 16Gly of ADRB2 was significantly associated with a higher risk of sexual adverse events. There were other non-significant trends for DRD3 9Gly and SLC6A4 S alleles. Our results, although preliminary, provide new candidate variants of potential use in risperidone safety prediction.This study was supported by Fondo de Investigation Sanitaria (FIS) EC07/90393, EC07/90466 and EC07/90604 Grants. Berta Almoguera's work is supported by a Rio Hortega Grant from Instituto de Salud Carlos III. Pedro Dorado is supported by Instituto de Salud Carlos III-FIS and European Union (FEDER) Grant CP06/00030. The contribution from the Extremadura group is coordinated in the frame of the Iberoamerican Network of PharmacogeneticsPeer reviewe

    Stabilizers of Neuronal and Mitochondrial Calcium Cycling as a Strategy for Developing a Medicine for Alzheimer's Disease

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