1,734 research outputs found

    Diseño, desarrollo tecnológico y construcción de una herramienta de corte para brochadora horizontal de la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira.

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    Este proyecto se realizó con la firme idea de aportar un sistema de brochado, de utilidad en las prácticas tecnológicas, en el área de procesos de manufactura del programa de Tecnología Mecánica de la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira. Para ello, se realizó una ardua investigación acerca del proceso de brochado y todos los factores que hacen parte de su funcionamiento y construcción. Para que el proyecto saliera a flote, fue necesario conocer específicamente que era lo que se debía realizar, por ende se le llamo: “Diseño y construcción de una brocha, para agujeros estriados (6 estrías)”. Teniendo en cuenta lo que se deseaba realizar, se debió enfocar la atención en el material que se debería utilizar en la fabricación de la brocha, tomando como base, qué el contexto en el cual se va aplicar el proyecto es el campus de la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, por lo tanto es una comunidad estudiantil, que se encuentra en el proceso de formación profesional tecnológico del programa de Mecánica

    Estudio de factibilidad para la creación de teléfonos encriptados y aplicaciones de la empresa cryptoteléfono usando el sistema operativo android para comunicaciones seguras en el eje cafetero.

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    En este estudio se demuestra la factibilidad de crear dos aplicaciones para el sistema operativo Android como núcleo para la creación de un celular encriptado de bajo costo, que es la propuesta que se planteó en el anteproyecto de este estudio..

    Effects of prescribed fire for pasture management on soil organic matter and biological properties: A 1-year study case in the Central Pyrenees

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    Prescribed burning has been readopted in the last decade in the Central Pyrenees to stop the regression of subalpine grasslands in favour of shrublands, dominated among others by Echinospartum horridum (Vahl) Rothm. Nevertheless, the effect of this practice on soil properties is uncertain. The aim of this work was to analyse the effects of these burnings on topsoil organic matter and biological properties. Soil sampling was carried out in an autumnal prescribed fire in Buisán (NE-Spain, November 2015). Topsoil was sampled at 0–1 cm, 1–2 cm and 2–3 cm depth in triplicate just before (U), ~ 1 h (B0), 6 months (B6) and 12 months (B12) after burning. We analysed soil total organic C (TOC), total nitrogen (TN), microbial biomass C (Cmic), soil respiration (SR) and ß-D-glucosidase activity. A maximum temperature of 438 °C was recorded at soil surface while at 1 cm depth only 31 °C were reached. Burning significantly decreased TOC (- 52%), TN (- 44%), Cmic (- 57%), SR (- 72%) and ß-D-glucosidase (- 66%) at 0–1 cm depth while SR was also reduced (- 45%) at 1–2 cm depth. In B6 and B12, no significant changes in these properties were observed as compared to B0. It can be concluded that the impact of prescribed burning has been significant and sustained over time, although limited to the first two topsoil centimetres

    Changes in pools of organic matter and major elements in the soil following prescribed pastoral burning in the central Pyrenees

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    High-mountain soils are rich in partially decomposed organic matter, which is highly sensitive to mineralization and fire. Prescribed burning is performed in the Pyrenees to keep subalpine grasslands open for grazing. The compositions of the ash, litter and duff layers, and the particulate organic matter (POM) of the topsoil in the 0–1, 1–2, 2–3, and 3–5 cm depths were analyzed in relation to the nutrient availability after the prescribed burning of a stand encroached by erizón (Echinospartum horridum). The concentrations of C, N, P, and S and organic components (nonstructural, hemicellulose, cellulose, and lignin-type) were determined before the prescribed burn and 0, 6, 12, 18, and 24 months after the prescribed burn. The fire consumed the aboveground biomass, the litter and part of the duff layer, and the most thermostable (i.e., lignin-type) components and the least volatile elements (P, S) were selectively preserved in the resulting ash. Prescribed burning caused significant losses of organic-C and N only in the 0–1 cm depth (–72% and –68%, respectively). The organic-C loss was mostly (82%) from the POM, whereas the N loss was from more similar proportions of the POM (57%) and the nonparticulate organic matter (NPOM) (43%). However, few changes were observed in the composition of the organic matter, which pointed to a largely uneven combustion that resulted in a substantial part of the organic matter remaining largely untouched by the fire. After 6 months, the duff layer was depleted in hemicellulose by 32% compared to immediately after the burn, and fragmentation of the POM into the NPOM was observed. During the second spring, N- and P-rich charred POM were incorporated into the top 1 cm, while C-rich charcoal particles underwent fragmentation and vertical transport into the deeper soil. The preburn ecosytem was limited by P, and likely also by S. The plant available N showed transient increases of 1.5–2.1 times the immediate postburn levels for nitrate-N at 12 months after burning, and of up to 10–20 times for ammonium-N at 18 months. In contrast, the concentrations of plant-available P and S gradually declined to 1.8–3.3 and 1.8–4.0 times, respectively, lower at 24 months after the burn. Results indicated that fire-induced increases in the nutrient availability can be short-lived in high-mountain habitats, but steadier and likely more persistent nutrient inputs can derive from the gradual breakdown of charred organic matter. © 2021 Elsevier B.V

    Immediate effects of prescribed burning on C-related topsoil properties in Central Pyrenees

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    Prescribed burning, i.e. the deliberate use of fire under specific conditions, is a management tool for recovering pasturelands affected by shrub encroachment. The objective of this work is to determine the immediate effects of prescribed burning on topsoil properties related to C cycle in soils covered with dense scrubs (Echinospartum horridum) in Tella (Huesca, Central Pyrenees, Spain). Soils were sampled in triplicate immediately before and after burning at 0-1 cm, 1-2 cm and 2-3 cm depths. We analysed the content of total oxidizable C (TOC); the content and mineralization rates of labile and recalcitrant C pools C, as inferred from incubation assays (141 days); microbial biomass C (MBC); and the ß-D-glucosidase (GL) activity. All studied soil properties were significantly affected by fire, varying in terms of intensity and affected depth. Fire produced a significant decrease in TOC (-41% on average), similarly affecting the upper 3 cm of soil. The content of labile C decreased considerably (-87% on average) at depths up to 3 cm, but its mineralization rate increased (+ 150% on average). The MBC was particularly affected at 0-1 cm (-53%), while GL activity showed significant decreases throughout the upper 3 cm (-49% on average). These results show a strong impact on the studied soil properties just after burning. Monitoring the evolution of these soils is necessary to assess their resilience in the short and medium terms, and check the sustainability of controlled burning for pasture management in the Pyrenees. Keywords. Pastureland – Controlled fire – Soil organic matter – Soil biological activity – Carbon mineralization. Effets immédiats du brûlage dirigé sur des propriétés du sol superficiel liées au C dans les Pyrénées Centrales Résumé. Le brûlage dirigé est un outil de gestion permettant le rétablissement des pâturages touchés par l'embroussaillement. L'objectif de ce travail est de déterminer les effets immédiats du brûlage dirigé sur les propriétés du sol superficiel liées au cycle du C dans des sols couverts par le genêt hérissé (Echinospartum horridum) à Tella (Huesca, Espagne). Les sols ont été échantillonnés en triple avant et après un brûlage sur 0-1 cm, 1-2 cm et 2-3 cm de profondeur. Nous avons analysé la teneuren C oxydable total sur sol (COT); la teneur etle taux de minéralisation du C labile et récalcitrant, déduit à partir de tests d'incubation (141 jours); le C issu de la biomasse microbienne (CBM); l'activité des ß-D-glucosidase (GL). Toutes les propriétés du sol étudiées ont été significativement affectées par le feu, variant en termes d'intensité et de profondeur affectée. Le feu a produit une diminution significative du COT (-41% en moyenne) et identique dans les premiers 3 cm de sol.Le contenu de C labile a considérablement diminué (-87% en moyenne) jusqu'à 3 cm, mais son taux de minéralisation a augmenté (+ 150% en moyenne). Le CBM a été particulièrement touché sur 0-1 cm (-53%), tandis que l'activité des GL a montré des diminutions significatives sur les premiers 3 cm de sol (-49% en moyenne). Ces résultats montrent un fort impact du brûlage sur les propriétés des sols étudiés. Le suivi de l'évolution de ces sols est nécessaire afin d'évaluer leur capacité de résilience dans les court et moyen termes et de vérifier la viabilité du brûlage dirigé pour la gestion des pâturages dans les Pyrénée

    Effects of prescribed burning for pasture reclamation on soil chemical properties in subalpine shrublands of the Central Pyrenees (NE-Spain)

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    The abandonment of the traditional pastoral activities in the subalpine grasslands of the Central Pyrenees (NE-Spain) has resulted in shrub encroachment processes that are dominated by species such as the Echinospartum horridum. Therefore, prescribed burning has been recently readopted in this region as a management tool to stop the spread of shrubs and recover grasslands. We aimed to assess the effect that this practice may have on soil chemical properties such as SOC, N, pH, EC, water-extractable and exchangeable cations (Ca2+, Mg2+ and K+), cation exchange capacity, inorganic N forms (N-NH4 + and N-NO3 -) and available P. We studied two prescribed burnings conducted at the subalpine level of the Central Pyrenees in the municipalities of Tella-Sin (April 2015) and Buisán (November 2015). At each site, the topsoil was sampled in triplicate at soil depths of 0–1, 1–2 and 2–3 cm immediately before (U), immediately after (B0) and one year after (B12) burning, and litter and/or ashes were removed prior to sampling. The results indicate that in the B0 samples, burning significantly reduced the SOC and N contents as well as the exchangeable Ca2+ and Mg2+ at 0–1 cm, whereas the rest of the studied properties remained virtually unchanged. However, in the B12 samples we detected a decrease of nutrient content that was probably related to leaching and/or erosion processes

    Effect of velocity loss during squat training on neuromuscular performance

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    This study aimed to compare the effects of three resistance training (RT) programs differing in the magnitude of velocity loss (VL) allowed in each exercise set: 10%, 30%, or 45% on changes in strength, vertical jump, sprint performance, and EMG variables. Thirty-three young men were randomly assigned into three experimental groups (VL10%, VL30%, and VL45%; n = 11 each) that performed a velocity-based RT program for 8 weeks using only the full squat exercise (SQ). Training load (55-70% 1RM), frequency (2 sessions/week), number of sets (3), and inter-set recovery (4 min) were identical for all groups. Running sprint (20 m), countermovement jump (CMJ), 1RM, muscle endurance, and EMG during SQ were assessed pre- and post-training. All groups showed significant (VL10%: 6.4-58.6%; VL30%: 4.5-66.2%; VL45%: 1.8-52.1%; p < 0.05-0.001) improvements in muscle strength and muscle endurance. However, a significant group × time interaction (p < 0.05) was observed in CMJ, with VL10% showing greater increments (11.9%) than VL30% and VL45%. In addition, VL10% resulted in greater percent change in sprint performance than the other two groups (VL10%: -2.4%; VL30%: -1.8%; and VL45%: -0.5%). No significant changes in EMG variables were observed for any group. RT with loads of 55-70% 1RM characterized by a low-velocity loss (VL10%) provides a very effective and efficient training stimulus since it yields similar strength gains and greater improvements in sports-related neuromuscular performance (jump and sprint) compared to training with higher velocity losses (VL30%, VL45%). These findings indicate that the magnitude of VL reached in each exercise set considerably influences the observed training adaptations.Physical Performance & Sports Research Center, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Seville, Spai


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    &nbsp;Los procesos tecnológicos son el camino de la agricultura convencional&nbsp;hacia una agricultura de precisión, que permite desarrollar constantemente nuevas&nbsp;mejoras en la agricultura y aumentar los rendimientos productivos. El cultivo de cacao&nbsp;(Theobroma cacao&nbsp; L.) es un modelo de agricultura sostenible y sustentable que integra&nbsp;sistemas agroforestales ofreciendo servicios ambientales y generando alternativas de&nbsp;transición a cultivos con alta rentabilidad. Frente a esta oportunidad del sector productivo&nbsp;y agroindustrial es necesario conocer los nuevos desafíos en los procesos tecnológicos,&nbsp;que proyecta los sistemas productivos de cacao en un mejoramiento continuo en toda la&nbsp;cadena productiva desde la producción hasta el uso agroindustrial. Bajo este contexto,&nbsp;en este artículo se realizó la recopilación de información, como base tecnológica para la&nbsp;aplicación y adopción de procesos tecnológicos y así lograr tener un sector estratégico&nbsp;en el mercado regional e internacional, sin perder la trazabilidad e inocuidad de los productos&nbsp;relacionados a factores externos (cambios de precios, organización) e internos&nbsp;(manejo integrado de los cultivos y transformación agroindustrial)

    The Effect of Green Software: A Study of Impact Factors on the Correctness of Software

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    Unfortunately, sustainability is an issue very poorly used when developing software and hardware systems. Lately, and in order to contribute to the earth sustainability, a new concept emerged named Green software which is computer software that can be developed and used efficiently and effectively with minimal or no impact to the environment. Currently, new teaching methods based on students’ learning process are being developed in the European Higher Education Area. Most of them are oriented to promote students’ interest in the course’s contents and offer personalized feedback. Online judging is a promising method for encouraging students’ participation in the e-learning process, although it still has to be researched and developed to be widely used and in a more efficient way. The great amount of data available in an online judging tool provides the possibility of exploring some of the most indicative attributes (e.g., running time, memory) for learning programming concepts, techniques and languages. So far, the most applied methods for automatically gathering information from the judging systems are based on statistical methods and, although providing reasonable correlations, these methods have not been proven to provide enough information for predicting grades when dealing with a huge amount of data. Therefore, the great novelty of this paper is to develop a data mining approach to predict program correctness as well as the grades of the students’ practices. For this purpose, powerful data mining technologies taken from the artificial intelligence domain have been used. In particular, in this study, we have used logistic regression, decision trees, artificial neural network and support vector machines; which have been properly identified as the most suitable ones for predicting activities in the e-learning domains. The results have achieved an accuracy of around 74%, both in the prediction of the program correctness as well as in the practice grades’ prediction. Another relevant issue provided in this paper is a comparison among these four techniques to obtain the best accuracy in predicting grades based on the availability of data as well as their taxonomy. The Decision Trees classifier has obtained the best confusion matrix, and time and memory efficiency were identified as the most important predictor variables. In view of these results, we can conclude that the development of green software leads programmers to implement correct software.This work has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO/FEDER) under the granted project SEQUOIA-UA (TIN2015-63502-C3-3-R), project GINSENG-UMU (TIN2015-70259-C2-2-R) supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness and European FEDER funds. This work has also been partially funded by University of Alicante, under project GRE14-10 and by the Generalitat Valenciana, Spain, under project GV/2016/087

    Clinical relevance of the transcriptional signature regulated by CDC42 in colorectal cancer

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    CDC42 is an oncogenic Rho GTPase overexpressed in colorectal cancer (CRC). Although CDC42 has been shown to regulate gene transcription, the specific molecular mechanisms regulating the oncogenic ability of CDC42 remain unknown. Here, we have characterized the transcriptional networks governed by CDC42 in the CRC SW620 cell line using gene expression analysis. Our results establish that several cancer-related signaling pathways, including cell migration and cell proliferation, are regulated by CDC42. This transcriptional signature was validated in two large cohorts of CRC patients and its clinical relevance was also studied. We demonstrate that three CDC42-regulated genes offered a better prognostic value when combined with CDC42 compared to CDC42 alone. In particular, the concordant overexpression of CDC42 and silencing of the putative tumor suppressor gene CACNA2D2 dramatically improved the prognostic value. The CACNA2D2/CDC42 prognostic classifier was further validated in a third CRC cohort as well as in vitro and in vivo CRC models. Altogether, we show that CDC42 has an active oncogenic role in CRC via the transcriptional regulation of multiple cancer-related pathways and that CDC42-mediated silencing of CACNA2D2 is clinically relevant. Our results further support the use of CDC42 specific inhibitors for the treatment of the most aggressive types of CRCThis work has been supported by grants to JCL from Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (SAF2008- 03750, RD06-0020-0016 and RD12/0036/0019) and to DGO Cancer Institute New South Wales (2017/CDF625). FVM is a National Breast Cancer Foundation/Cure Cancer Australia Foundation Postdoctoral Training Fellow