1,715 research outputs found

    Comparative study between nail retraining with gauze bandaging and the nail remodeling with acrylics as a conservative treatment for stage I and IIa onychocryptosis

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    Objective: Onychocryptosis is one of the most prevalent onychopathies, being a frequent reason for consultation in podiatric clinical practice. Conservative treatments are the first therapeutic choice, with nail remodeling using clotrimazole gel emerging as an alternative, although its medium-term effectiveness is unknown. The objective of this study was therefore to compare the efficacy of the technique of nail retraining using gauze bandaging with that of nail remodeling for the conservative treatment of stage I and IIA onychocryptosis. Methods: An analytical, randomized clinical trial study was performed following a longitudinal and prospective design. A sample was selected of 20 subjects presenting stage I and IIA onychocryptosis. Of these, 10 cases formed the group of nail retraining using gauze bandaging, and the other 10 the nail remodeling group. The presence of recurrence in a 3-month period was evaluated. Results: Before the intervention, the patients in the retraining group presented pain of 6.7 ± 1.9 vs. 6.8 ± 1.6 in the remodeling group, with no significant difference between the two (p = 0.900). After the 3-month follow-up period, seven of the retraining group patients presented recurrence of onychocryptosis vs. only one in the remodeling group. Conclusion: The technique of nail remodeling has a lower recurrence rate than that of nail retraining with gauze bandaging, with the pain, inflammation, and infection reported being less, and with greater patient satisfactio

    Analysis of pesticide residues in honeybee (Apis mellifera L.) and in corbicular pollen. Exposure in citrus orchard with an integrated pest management system

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    In the last years, the honeybee population is facing growing threats such as expansion of pathogens, incorrect use of phytosanitary products and environmental contaminants, loss or fragmentation of habitat, invasive species and climate change. The citrus cropping by Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in Spain combines strategies to reduce pest populations preventing environmental problems and reducing levels of damage by using chemicals only when it is strictly necessary. The goal of this study is to develop a simple analytical method to evaluate pesticide residue levels in honeybees and corbicular pollen when honeybees are exposed to plant protection products (PPPs) used in integrated pest management citrus orchards. The proposed method is based in an ultrasound assisted extraction procedure followed by a dispersive solid phase extraction (d-SPE) clean-up with alumina and LC-MS/MS pesticides determination. The method was validated in samples of honeybee and corbicular pollen for 10 pesticides commonly used in citrus orchards under IPM. This procedure was compared with QuEChERS methodologies for these matrices. The developed method was applied to determine pesticides in both matrices in a two -year study in citrus orchards.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Evaluación de la implementación del programa de Preparación para el Nacimiento en Cataluña: características de las matronas y fidelidad al programa

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    Objetivo: conocer las características de las matronas y su grado de fidelidad a la metodología, contenidos, actividades y evaluación del programa de Preparación para el Nacimiento (PN) del Departament de Salut de la Generalitat de Catalunya, para la evaluación de su implementación. Método: estudio observacional, descrip-tivo y transversal en 38 unidades de atención a la salud sexual y reproductiva de Cataluña, en el que participaron 334 matronas que dinamizaban grupos de PN. La información se recogió a través de un cuestionario ad hoc y permitió obtener información respecto a variables sociodemográficas, experiencia profesional, formación, conocimiento y utilización del programa, así como variables rela-cionadas con la fidelidad al mismo. Resultados: se envió el cuestionario a 451 matronas y lo respondieron 334 (74,1%). El programa lo conocía el 97,6% de las matronas (n= 325), y el 81,4% (n= 272) lo está utilizando. El 49,4% de las matronas realiza el número de sesiones recomendadas y el 85,3% procura una participación activa de las gestantes, aunque el 51,5% utiliza sesiones expositivas. El 64,1% no puede ajustarse al tiempo establecido para cada sesión, y tan sólo un 11,4% evalúa el programa. Conclusiones: Las matronas que utilizan el programa y tienen más años de experiencia mantienen una mayor fidelidad a los contenidos y metodología. La formación previa a la implantación del programa es clave para su conocimiento y utilización, pero requiere mantenerse en el tiempo. Se ha producido una adaptación al programa y las matronas no lo evalúan sistemáticamente, por lo que debe haber una implicación institucional para su ejecución

    Potencial antioxidante y Actividad antimicrobiana de extractos de hojas de Mistol (Zizyphuz mistol), Algarrobo blanco (Prosopis alba) y Tusca (Acacia aroma) procedentes de Santiago del Estero, Argentina

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    Las especies leñosas son fuentes de metabolitos secundarios, especialmente de compuestos fenólicos, muy valiosos por sus propiedades bioactivas, razón por la cual el objetivo de este trabajo fue optimizar la extracción de estos compuestos para obtener extractos naturales que puedan ser utilizados como conservantes en productos alimenticios. Se realizó la extracción de compuestos bioactivos de hojas de Prosopis alba (AB), Acacia aroma (T) y Zizyphuz mistol (M) por ultrasonido y agitación con solventes: agua, metanol y etanol; y mezclas: metanol-agua (50:50v/v); etanol-agua (50:50v/v), acetona-agua (70:30v/v). Se evaluó el contenido total de compuestos fenólicos (CFT) y la capacidad antioxidante (CA). Se obtuvo mayor efciencia en la extracción de CFT en hojas AB asistida por ultrasonido con acetona-agua (70:30v/v) (9,77±1,63 mg Acido Gálico/ g materia seca (MS)). Por el método de DPPH•, la mayor CA se obtuvo en extractos con acetona-agua (70:30v/v) (M:0,36±0,03; AB:0,4±0,04; T:0,39±0,01 g Acido Gálico/100 g MS). Por el método ABTS•+ la mayor CA fue para los extractos de etanol-agua (50:50v/v) en M y AB (0,12±0,01 y 0,11±0,03 M Trolox/100 g MS). No se encontraron diferencias significativas en extractos acetona-agua (70:30v/v) (M:0,09±0,01; AB:0,07±0,01; T:0,09±0,01, M Trolox/100g MS). Se determinó actividad antimicrobiana por el método de difusión en agar utilizando: Salmonella, E. coli, S. aureus; S. spp, L. innocua, B. cereus; M. luteus. Se observó inhibición media de los extractos frente S. aureus, inhibición alta de extractos AB con etanol-agua (50:50v/v) en S. spp. Estas especies nativas podrían ser potenciales recursos para ser utilizados como aditivos conservantes naturales.Woody species are sources of secondary metabolites, especially of phenolic compounds, very important for their bioactive properties; hence, the aim of this work was to optimize the extraction of these compounds to obtain natural extracts that can be used as preservatives in food products. e extraction of bioactive compounds from Prosopis alga (AB), Acacia aroma (T) and Zizyphuz mistol (M) leaves were used by ultrasound and agitation with solvents: water, methanol and ethanol; and mixtures: methanol- water (50:50v/v), ethanol-water (50:50v/v), acetone- water (70:30v/v). Total phenolic compounds (TPC) and antioxidant compounds (AC) were evaluated. Greater e ciency in the extraction of TPC was obtained in AB leaves by ultrasound method with acetone- water (70:30 v/v) (9,77±1,63 mg Gallic Acid / g dry material (DM)). By the DPPH• method, the highest AC was obtained in acetone- water extracts (70:30v/v) (M:0,36±0,03, AB:0,4±0,04, T:0,39±0,01 g Gallic Acid / 100 g DM). By ABTS•+ method, the highest AC was obtained in ethanol- water extracts (50:50v/v) in M and AB leaves (M:0,12±0,01 and AB:0,11±0,03 M Trolox/100 g DM). No signi cant di erences were found in acetone- water extracts (70:30v/v) (M:0,09±0,01; AB:0,07±0,01; T:0,09±0,01 M Trolox/100g DM). Antimicrobial activity was determined in vitro by agar di usion method using: Salmonella, E. coli, S. aureus; S. spp, L. innocua, B. cereus; M. luteus. Medium inhibition of extracts against S. aureus and high inhibition of AB extracts with ethanol- water (50:50v/v) in S. spp. was obtained. These native species could be potential resources to be used as natural preservative extracts.EEA Santiago del EsteroFil: Ruiz, Silvana Cecilia. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Santiago del Estero; ArgentinaFil: García, Elisa Mariana. Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero. Facultad de Agronomía y Agroindustria. Instituto de Ciencias Químicas; ArgentinaFil: Nediani, Teresa. Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero. Facultad de Agronomía y Agroindustria; ArgentinaFil: Zimerman, Maria. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto De Investigación Investigación Animal del Chaco Semiárido; Argentina.Fil: Nazareno, Mónica Azucena. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro de Investigaciones y Transferencia de Santiago del Estero. Instituto de Ciencias Químicas; ArgentinaFil: Nazareno, Mónica Azucena. Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero. Centro de Investigaciones y Transferencia de Santiago del Estero. Instituto de Ciencias Químicas; ArgentinaFil: Martínez, Sandra Luz. Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero. Facultad de Agronomía y Agroindustria; ArgentinaFil: Martínez, Sandra Luz. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Cortical Visual Evoked Potentials and Growth in Infants Fed with Bioactive Compounds-Enriched Infant Formula: Results from COGNIS Randomized Clinical Trial

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    Postnatal nutrition is essential for growth and neurodevelopment. We analyzed the influence of a new enriched-infant formula with bioactive compounds on growth, neurodevelopment, and visual function (VF) in healthy infants during their first 18 months of life. A total of 170 infants were randomized in the COGNIS randomized clinical trial (RCT) to receive a standard infant formula (SF = 85) or a new experimental infant formula supplemented with functional nutrients (EF = 85). As a control, 50 breastfed infants (BF) were enrolled. Growth patterns were evaluated up to 18 months of life; neurodevelopment was assessed by general movements at 2, 3, and 4 months; VF was measured by cortical visual evoked potentials at 3 and 12 months. No differences in growth and neurodevelopment were found between groups. Regarding VF, SF and EF infants presented prolonged latencies and lower amplitudes in the P100 wave than BF infants. In the EF group, a higher percentage of infants presented response at 7 1/2' of arc at 12 months compared to 3 months of age; a similar proportion of BF and EF infants presented responses at 7 1/2' of arc at 12 months of age. Early nutritional intervention with bioactive compounds could narrow the gap in growth and neurodevelopment between breastfed and formula-fed infants.This project has been funded by Ordesa Laboratories, S.L. Contract University of Granada General Foundation, No. 3349 and SMARTFOODS (CIEN) Contract University of Granada General Foundation, No. 4003, Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness; funded in part by HORIZON 2020 EU DynaHEALTH Project (GA No.633595)

    Creació i aplicació del programa HISTOFLASH a les classes pràctiques d'histologia de l'assignatura Fisiologia i Fisiopatologia III del Grau de Farmàcia de la Universitat de Barcelona. Programa interactiu com a eina d'aprenentatge

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    Els estudiants de Fisiologia i Fisiopatologia III del Grau de Farmàcia realitzen pràctiques de laboratori entre d'altres activitats complementàries. Una de les pràctiques es basa en l'observació i identificació de teixits humans sans i patològics de diferents sistemes orgànics. L'equip docent de l'assignatura ha creat un programa interactiu, l'Histoflash, que permet a l'alumne estudiar els teixits a l'ordinador a través de la simulació de l'observació al microscopi

    Comparison of Migration Disturbance Potency of Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG) Synthetic Analogs and EGCG PEGylated PLGA Nanoparticles in Rat Neurospheres

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    Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), the main catechin of green tea, is described to have potential health benefits in several fields like oncology, neurology or cardiology. Currently, it is also under pre-clinical investigation as a potential therapeutic or preventive treatment during pregnancy against developmental adverse effects induced by toxic substances. However, the safety of EGCG during pregnancy is unclear due to its proven adverse effects on neural progenitor cells' (NPCs) migration. As lately several strategies have arisen to generate new therapeutic agents derived from EGCG, we have used the rat 'Neurosphere Assay' to characterize and compare the effects of EGCG structurally related compounds and EGCG PEGylated PLGA nanoparticles on a neurodevelopmental key event: NPCs migration. Compounds structurally-related to EGCG induce the same pattern of NPCs migration alterations (decreased migration distance, decreased formation of migration corona, chaotic orientation of cellular processes and decreased migration of neurons at higher concentrations). The potency of the compounds does not depend on the number of galloyl groups, and small structure variations can imply large potency differences. Due to their lower toxicity observed in vitro in NPCs, 4,4′-bis[(3,4,5-trihydroxybenzoyl)oxy]-1,1′-biphenyl and EGCG PEGylated PLGA nanoparticles are suggested as potential future therapeutic or preventive alternatives to EGCG during prenatal period

    Influence of a Functional Nutrients-Enriched Infant Formula on Language Development in Healthy Children at Four Years Old

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    Nutrition during early life is essential for brain development and establishes the basis for cognitive and language skills development. It is well established that breastfeeding, compared to formula feeding, has been traditionally associated with increased neurodevelopmental scores up to early adulthood. We analyzed the long-term effects of a new infant formula enriched with bioactive compounds on healthy children’s language development at four years old. In a randomized double-blind COGNIS study, 122 children attended the follow-up call at four years. From them, 89 children were fed a standard infant formula (SF, n = 46) or an experimental infant formula enriched with functional nutrients (EF, n = 43) during their first 18 months of life. As a reference group, 33 exclusively breastfed (BF) were included. Language development was assessed using the Oral Language Task of Navarra-Revised (PLON-R). ANCOVA, chi-square test, and logistic regression models were performed. EF children seemed to show higher scores in use of language and oral spontaneous expression than SF children, and both SF and EF groups did not differ from the BF group. Moreover, it seems that SF children were more frequently categorized into “need to improve and delayed” in the use of language than EF children, and might more frequently present “need to improve and delayed” in the PLON-R total score than BF children. Finally, the results suggest that SF children presented a higher risk of suffering language development than BF children. Secondary analysis also showed a slight trend between low socioeconomic status and poorer language skills. The functional compound-enriched infant formula seems to be associated with beneficial long-term effects in the development of child’s language at four years old in a similar way to breastfed infants.This project has been funded by Ordesa Laboratories, S.L. Contract University of Granada General Foundation, No. 3349 and SMARTFOODS (CIEN) Contract University of Granada General Foundation, No. 4003, Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness; funded in part by HORIZON 2020 EU DynaHEALTH Project (GA No.633595). Natalia Sepúlveda-Valbuena has been granted with a scholarship from Fundación Carolina, Madrid, Spai

    Chronic Glaucoma Using Biodegradable Microspheres to Induce Intraocular Pressure Elevation. Six-Month Follow-Up

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    Altres ajuts: Rio Hortega Research Grant M17/00213, Research Group UCM 920415, UCM-Santander fellowship (CT17/17-CT17-18).Background: To compare two prolonged animal models of glaucoma over 24 weeks of follow-up. A novel pre-trabecular model of chronic glaucoma was achieved by injection of biodegradable poly lactic-co-glycolic acid (PLGA) microspheres (10-20 µm) (Ms20/10) into the ocular anterior chamber to progressively increase ocular hypertension (OHT). Methods: Rat right eyes were injected to induce OHT: 50% received a suspension of Ms20/10 in the anterior chamber at 0, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20 weeks, and the other 50% received a sclerosing episcleral vein injection biweekly (EPIm). Ophthalmological clinical signs, intraocular pressure (IOP), neuroretinal functionality measured by electroretinography (ERG), and structural analysis of the retina, retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) and ganglion cell layer (GCL) protocols using optical coherence tomography (OCT) and histological exams were performed. Results: Both models showed progressive neuroretinal degeneration (p < 0.05), and contralateral eye affectation. The Ms20/10 model showed a more progressive increase in IOP and better preservation of ocular surface. Although no statistical differences were found between models, the EPIm showed a tendency to produce thicker retinal and thinner GCL thicknesses, slower latency and smaller amplitude as measured using ERG, and more aggressive disturbances in retinal histology. In both models, while the GCL showed the greatest percentage loss of thickness, the RNFL showed the greatest and earliest rate of thickness loss. Conclusions: The intracameral model with biodegradable microspheres resulted more like the conditions observed in humans. It was obtained by a less-aggressive mechanism, which allows for adequate study of the pathology over longer periods