2,330 research outputs found

    Conocimiento social de los celos

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    Este trabajo muestra que las personas poseen un conocimiento muy rico y estructurado de los celos. Tal información no difiere en complejidad y organización de la que tienen sobre emociones consideradas “básicas”. Las principales reacciones asociadas por los sujetos a las situaciones de celos son conductuales y emocionales, aumentando la importancia de las reacciones cognitivas cuando la pregunta se focalizaba en las acciones más adecuadas; siempre las reacciones fisiológicas fueron las menos relevantes. El peso de cada tipo de reacción y el de las conductas específicas asociadas a ellas, se mostró dependiente del sexo de los sujetos, de la gravedad de la situación planteada, de la atribución de los antecedentes a uno mismo o a los otros y según que la pregunta se hiciera sobre la reacción que los sujetos creen más probable o sobre la que consideran más adecuada para afrontar los hechosJealousy. Lay people have a rich and structured knowledge about jealousy, and this knowledge is similar in complexity to that which people have about so called “basic” emotions. The main spontaneous responses to jealousy situations were behaviours and emotional states; cognitions were more important when we asked about suitable reactions; physiological changes were always the least frequent. The weight of these general components and their specific strategies associated with them depended on: sex, the seriousness of the jealousy antecedent, how people conceptualise the experience (attribution to others or to self) and upon whether the question concerned the reaction subjects considered most probable or most suitable for coping with the situationEste trabajo ha sido financiado por el proyecto DGIC y T PB93025

    Finding interaction. Political parties and leaders in Twitter during 2015 General Elections

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    En las últimas campañas electorales el uso del Twitter ha tenido un papel relevante en las estrategias de comunicación planteadas por los actores políticos. Al igual que otras redes sociales, Twitterpromueve nuevas dinámicas de participación ciudadana en las que la posibilidad de interacción ybidireccionalidad suponen un cambio a la hora de emitir y difundir los mensajes. El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar las características de los mensajes emitidos por partidos políticos y líderes según el nivel de interacción de los usuarios para conocer las diferencias y similitudes entre ellos y si se produce un patrón común. Con esta finalidad se recurre a la técnica del análisis de contenido, a través de la cual se analizan las características de los mensajes con mayor nivel de interacción sobre una población compuesta por 8.398tuits publicados durante la campaña electoral de 2015. Los resultados demuestran que los usuarios interactúan de manera distinta con los tuits emitidos por los partidos frente a los publicados por los líderes. También se observa cómo la inclusión de enlaces en los mensajes no condiciona el grado de interacción, sobre todo en los candidatos, mientras que la aparición de hashtags y menciones, disminuye las posibilidades de reacción.In the last electoral campaigns, the use of Twitter has had a relevant role in the communication strategies posed by political actors. In the same way than other social network sites, Twitter promotes new dynamics of citizen participation in which the possibility of interaction and the two-way communication represent a substantive changeto cast and disseminate the messages. The aim of this research is to analyse the features of the messages broadcast by political parties and leaders according to the interaction level of the users to know the differences and similarities betweenthem and if there are any common pattern. With this purpose a content analysis isapplied, wherebythe features of the messages with greater level of interaction are analysed. The sample of this study is composed by 8,398 tweets published during the electoral campaign of 2015. The resultsshow that users interact differently with the tweets broadcast by political parties and those broadcasted by leaders. Also it is observed that the inclusion of links in the messages does not condition the level of interaction, while the incorporation of hashtags and mentions decreases the possibilities of reaction

    Political leaders in (inter)action. Twitter as a strategic communication tool in electoral campaigns

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    Political leaders in (inter)action. Twitter as a strategic communication tool in electoral campaign

    Líders polítics en (inter)acció. Twitter com a eina estratègica de comunicació en campanya electoral

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    The use of social networks, particularly Twitter, in the area of political com­munication is continually growing. Its capacity to foster direct and personal communication and interaction with the citizenry are two of the factors that explain its growth. The objective of this study is to analyse whether the princi­pal Spanish political leaders (Mariano Rajoy, Pedro Sánchez, Pablo Iglesias, and Albert Rivera) dialogue and inte­ract with the citizenry on Twitter. To that end, a quantitative content analy­sis is applied, taking as a reference the methodology of Kent and Taylor (1998) and its adaptation to Twitter by Ribalko and Seltzer (2010). The sample is com­posed of tweets published by the four candidates during the campaign for the general elections held in Spain on 20 December 2015. The results reveal that independent of variables such as num­ber of publications, profile followers, or ideology, none of the political leaders use Twitter to dialogue with their au­dience. Meanwhile, it is also shown that the use of this platform drives the hybri­disation of political actors communica­tive strategies.L’ús de les xarxes socials, particular­ment Twitter, dins l’àmbit de la comu­nicació política és cada vegada més alt. La seva capacitat per fomentar la comunicació directa i personal i la in­teracció amb la ciutadania són alguns dels factors que n’expliquen el seu auge. L’objectiu d’aquesta recerca és analitzar si els principals líders polítics espanyols (Mariano Rajoy, Pedro Sánchez, Pablo Iglesias i Albert Rivera) dialoguen i in­teractuen amb la ciutadania a Twitter. Per a això, s’aplica una anàlisi de con­tingut quantitatiu prenent com a re­ferència la metodologia de Kent i Taylor (1998) i la seva adaptació a Twitter de Ribalko i Seltzer (2010). La mostra està formada pels tuits publicats pels quatre candidats durant la campanya de les eleccions generals a Espanya del 20 de desembre de 2015. Els resultats revelen que independentment de variables com el nombre de publicacions, seguidors del perfil o la ideologia, cap dels líders polítics no empra Twitter per dialogar amb l’audiència. D’altra banda, també es demostra que l’ús d’aquesta plata­forma impulsa la hibridació en les estra­tègies comunicatives dels actors polítics

    Citizen use of Twitter in important political events. The #SesiónDeInvestidura of Pedro Sánchez

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    Twitter está introduciendo importantes novedades en la comunicación política y se ha tornado un espacio en el que los ciudadanos debaten sobre cuestiones de interés público. Esta investigación analiza el empleo que la ciudadanía hace de Twitter durante un acontecimiento político relevante: la investidura del candidato socialista a la presidencia, Pedro Sánchez. Se aplica un análisis de contenido a través de la etiqueta #SesiónDeInvestidura. Los resultados señalan que los ciudadanos utilizan esta red social para criticar y mostrar su descontento con la política y su atención se centra en los aspectos personales de los diputados y no en sus propuestas.Twitter is introducing significant novelties in political communication and has become a space where citizens debate issues of public interest. This research analyses the use that citizenry do of Twitter during a major political event: the investiture of Pedro Sánchez, the socialist candidate. A content analysis is applied through the hashtag #SesiónDeInvestidura. The results indicate that citizens use this social network to criticize and show their displeasure with politics and their attention falls on their personal aspects of the deputies and not in their program proposals

    The Influence of the Negative Campaign on Facebook: The Role of Political Actors and Citizens in the Use of Criticism and Political Attack in the 2016 Spanish General Elections

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    Social media has become an essential platform in the field of digital political communication. In the context of accommodating electoral campaigns to digital media and the absence of barriers to freedom of expression existing on these platforms, attacks on political rivals and negative campaigns are increasing on social media. This research analyzes the use of criticism on Facebook by political actors during the electoral campaign and citizens’ reactions to these messages. The sample (n = 601) contains the publications disseminated on Facebook by political parties and leaders during the electoral campaign of the general elections of 26 June 2016 in Spain. The results show that criticism is an emerging resource in the digital communication strategy of political actors, mainly used by the opposition parties and their candidates, who focus their attacks on the party and leader of the Government. Attacks are mainly focused on the professional side of their rivals, although they also give a central role to emotions. Citizens are attracted to these attacks and are prone to interact with posts that include this resource

    5-Hy­droxy-7-phenyl-5-(prop-2-yn-1-yl)-5,6-dihydro-1-benzofuran-2(4H)-one monohydrate

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    In the title compound, C17H14O3·H2O, the six-membered ring, which adopts a half-chair conformation, makes a dihedral angle of 24.3 (2)° with the phenyl ring. In the crystal, the components are linked by O—H⋯O hydrogen bonds involving the water mol­ecule, and the hy­droxy and carbonyl groups of the organic compound. These inter­actions form a square-like supra­molecular synthon unit which propagates as chains parallel to the crystallographic b axis. A C—H⋯O interaction also occurs

    The Influence of Political Actors in the Digital Public Debate on Twitter About the Negotiations for the Formation of the Government in Spain

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    Casero-Ripollés A, Alonso-Muñoz L, Marcos-García S. The Influence of Political Actors in the Digital Public Debate on Twitter About the Negotiations for the Formation of the Government in Spain, American Behavioral Scientist. Copyright © 2021 SAGE Publications. DOI: 10.1177/00027642211003159Social media has introduced new parameters that can potentially transform the digital political conversation. Traditionally, in the age of mass communication, public debate was dominated by politicians and journalists. However, digital platforms, primarily Twitter, have allowed other social actors to join the political discussion, trying to influence it. The objective of this research is to establish what factors enable the authority and digital influence of political actors in the public debate on Twitter. We use a big data sample of 127.3 million tweets from the negotiation process around the formation of the Government in Spain. The applied methodology is based on social network analysis and machine learning. The results show that ideology, political initiative, and political career are configured as factors capable of conditioning the authority and influence of political actors in the political conversation on Twitter

    Extending influence on social media: The behaviour of political talk-show opinion leaders on Twitter

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    Social media, especially Twitter, has become a strategic space for those users who try to extend their influence in the digital environment. This work focuses on opinion leaders who participate in political talk-shows. The aim is to analyse the use and the thematic agenda proposed by these actors on Twitter during electoral periods. The Twitter profiles of 20 opinion leaders (journalists, media editors and experts) of four Spanish television channels are examined. A quantitative content analysis is used on 2,588 tweets disseminated during the November 2019 general election campaign in Spain by them. Results show differences between the different types of actors who make up the sample. Journalists use Twitter to express their criticisms and reinforce their community of followers, especially using interaction and humour. Media editors are more neutral and promote their personal brand through the promotion of their media companies. Experts inform and analyse political news more than journalists, although they also criticise and respond to citizens’ comments. Regarding the subject agenda, messages on electoral results and media content predominate. Thus, the data shows how opinion leaders take advantage of Twitter to freely show their opinions, especially negative ones, and boost dialogue with users

    Infiltration of abdominal striae distensae by Hodgkin's lymphoma

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    Cutaneous Hodgkin’s lymphoma (HL) is generally secondary to dissemination from a nodal HL; it tends to occur late in thecourse of the disease, and is associated with a poor progno-sis. It often manifests first as painless erythematous nodules and papules in the chest area. Primary cutaneous HL is extremely uncommon