102 research outputs found

    Consistencia en los estilos de madres y padres y estrés manifestado en adolescentes

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    Este estudio tenía por objetivo examinar si la atribución individual y conjunta del estilo de socialización familiar se relacionaba con las manifestaciones emocionales, fisiológicas y conductuales asociadas al estrés. Ochocientos cincuenta y siete estudiantes de educación secundaria obligatoria, con edades com prendidas entre los 12 y los 16 años, participaron en este estudio. Para identificar los diferentes estilos educativos parentales se realizaron dos análisis de clusters por separado (madres y padres) empleando las puntuaciones otorgadas en diferentes dimensiones (afecto, disciplina inductiva, disciplina rígida y disciplina negligente). Los resultados sugieren que la atribución de un estilo de socialización familiar democrático se relaciona con menores índices de manifestaciones emocionales, fisiológicas y conductuales vinculadas al estrés. Asimismo, la presencia de un padre democrático en la familia parece asociada a la reducción de manifestaciones de estrés cuando se compara con la combinación de cualquier otro patrón incongruente e incluso congruente distinto al democrático. Finalmente, los chicos afirmaron exhibir en mayor grado que las chicas manifestaciones conductuales asociadas al estrés.This study was conducted with the goal of evaluating whether individual and joined attributions of parenting styles (authoritative, permissive, affective-authoritarian and neglectful) was related to emotional, physiological and behavioral manifestations of stress. Eight hundred and fifty seven high school students of compulsory secondary education ranging 12 and 16 years old participated in the study. To identify parenting styles, two separate cluster analyses were conducted on the maternal and paternal parenting variables (caring, inductive discipline, severe discipline and indulgent discipline). Results suggested that authoritative parenting style was linked to lower levels of physiological, emotional and behavioral manifestations of stress. Moreover, the presence of an authoritative parent is linked to stress reduction when compared with any other congruent or incongruent parenting style different from the authoritative one. Finally, boys showed behavioral manifestations of stress in a higher degree than girls

    Consistencia e inconsistencia en los estilos de padres y madres y ajuste psicológico en los adolescentes

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    Este estudio analiza las diversas combinaciones de consistencia y de inconsistencia en los estilos educativos de ambos progenitores y su relación con los problemas de ajuste psicosocial que informan sus hijos. Los participantes fueron 840 estudiantes de E.S.O. con edades entre los 12 y 16 años. Para la obtención de los estilos educativos parentales se utilizó el análisis de clúster. Los resultados muestran que los hijos informan de menor incidencia de problemas externalizantes e internalizantes cuando se atribuye un estilo democrático a ambos padres. Los hijos que tienen un solo progenitor democrático presentan menores problemas de ajuste psicosocial frente a situaciones familiares donde no está implicado el estilo democrático. Finalmente los hijos que tienen padres que coinciden en un estilo afectivo-autoritario presentan menos problemas externalizantes.This paper analyzed the different consistent and inconsistent combination of maternal and paternal parenting styles and their relationships with psychosocial adjustment problems reported by their children. The participant were 840 Secondary schools students, aged 12 to 16. A cluster analysis was performed in order to obtain the parenting styles of both mothers and fathers. The results shown that children report lower levels of internalizing and externalizing problems when assigning a democratic style to both parents. Children who have a father or a mother with a democratic style have lower psychosocial adjustment problems than family situations where the democratic style is not present. Finally, children whose parents agree on an affective-authoritarian style have fewer externalizing problems.peerReviewe

    Putrescine biosynthesis in Lactococcus lactis is transcriptionally activated at acidic pH and counteracts acidification of the cytosol

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    Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris CECT 8666 is a lactic acid bacterium that synthesizes the biogenic amine putrescine from agmatine via the agmatine deiminase (AGDI) pathway. The AGDI genes cluster includes aguR. This encodes a transmembrane protein that functions as a one-component signal transduction system, the job of which is to sense the agmatine concentration of the medium and accordingly regulate the transcription of the catabolic operon aguBDAC. The latter encodes the proteins necessary for agmatine uptake and its conversion into putrescine. This work reports the effect of extracellular pH on putrescine biosynthesis and on the genetic regulation of the AGDI pathway. Increased putrescine biosynthesis was detected at acidic pH (pH 5) compared to neutral pH. Acidic pH induced the transcription of the catabolic operon via the activation of the aguBDAC promoter P. However, the external pH had no significant effect on the activity of the aguR promoter P, or on the transcription of the aguR gene. The transcriptional activation of the AGDI pathway was also found to require a lower agmatine concentration at pH 5 than at neutral pH. Finally, the following of the AGDI pathway counteracted the acidification of the cytoplasm under acidic external conditions, suggesting it to provide protection against acid stress.This work was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (AGL2013-45431-R) and by the GRUPIN14-137 Project, which is co-financed by the Plan for Science, Technology and Innovation of the Principality of Asturias 2014–2017 and the European Regional Development Funds. The authors thank Adrian Burton for language and editing assistance.Peer Reviewe

    Glutathione peroxidase contributes with heme oxygenase-1 to redox balance in mouse brain during the course of cerebral malaria

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    Oxidative stress has been attributed both a key pathogenic and rescuing role in cerebral malaria (CM). In a Plasmodium berghei ANKA murine model of CM, host redox signaling and functioning were examined during the course of neurological damage. Host antioxidant defenses were early altered at the transcriptional level indicated by the gradually diminished expression of superoxide dismutase-1 (sod-1), sod-2, sod-3 and catalase genes. During severe disease, this led to the dysfunctional activity of superoxide dismutase and catalase enzymes in damaged brain regions. Vitagene associated markers (heat shock protein 70 and thioredoxin-1) also showed a decaying expression pattern that paralleled reduced expression of the transcription factors Parkinson disease 7, Forkhead box O 3 and X-box binding protein 1 with a role in preserving brain redox status. However, the oxidative stress markers reactive oxygen/nitrogen species were not accumulated in the brains of CM mice and redox proteomics and immunohistochemistry failed to detect quantitative or qualitative differences in protein carbonylation. Thus, the loss of antioxidant capacity was compensated for in all cerebral regions by progressive upregulation of heme oxygenase-1, and in specific regions by early glutathione peroxidase-1 induction. This study shows for the first time a scenario of cooperative glutathione peroxidase and heme oxygenase-1 upregulation to suppress superoxide dismutase, catalase, heat shock protein-70 and thioredoxin-1 downregulation effects in experimental CM, counteracting oxidative damage and maintaining redox equilibrium. Our findings reconcile the apparent inconsistency between the lack of oxidative metabolite build up and reported protective effect of antioxidant therapy against CM.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (España)Universidad Complutense de MadridDepto. de Bioquímica y Biología MolecularFac. de FarmaciaTRUEpu

    Consistencia/inconsistencia en los estilos educativos de padres y madres, y estrés cotidiano en la adolescencia

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    Este estudio analiza las diversas situaciones de consistencia y de inconsistencia en los estilos educativos de ambos progenitores y su relación con el estrés cotidiano que informan sus hijos e hijas adolescentes en los contextos más significativos de su vida. Los participantes fueron 840 estudiantes de E.S.O. con edades entre los 12 y 16 años. Para establecer los estilos educativos parentales se utilizó el análisis de clúster. Los resultados muestran que, cuando se atribuye un estilo democrático a ambos padres, los hijos informan los menores niveles de estrés cotidiano. Las situaciones de consistencia en los estilos de ambos padres reducen el estrés frente a las situaciones de inconsistencia. La presencia de un sólo progenitor democrático en la familia se asocia con menor estrés; sin embargo, no basta que uno de los padres ejerza un estilo democrático, sino que depende además del estilo desarrollado por el otro miembro de la pareja

    Consistencia/inconsistencia en los estilos educativos de padres y madres, y estrés cotidiano en la adolescencia

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    Este estudio analiza las diversas situaciones de consistencia y de inconsistencia en los estilos educativos de ambos progenitores y su relación con el estrés cotidiano que informan sus hijos e hijas adolescentes en los contextos más significativos de su vida. Los participantes fueron 840 estudiantes de E.S.O. con edades entre los 12 y 16 años. Para establecer los estilos educativos parentales se utilizó el análisis de clúster. Los resultados muestran que, cuando se atribuye un estilo democrático a ambos padres, los hijos informan los menores niveles de estrés cotidiano. Las situaciones de consistencia en los estilos de ambos padres reducen el estrés frente a las situaciones de inconsistencia. La presencia de un sólo progenitor democrático en la familia se asocia con menor estrés; sin embargo, no basta que uno de los padres ejerza un estilo democrático, sino que depende además del estilo desarrollado por el otro miembro de la pareja

    Implementation of the agmatine-controlled expression system for inducible gene expression in Lactococcus lactis

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    [Background] Lactococcus lactis has been safely consumed in fermented foods for millennia. This Gram-positive bacterium has now become of industrial importance as an expression host for the overproduction of lipopolysaccharide-free recombinant proteins used as food ingredients, therapeutic proteins and biotechnological enzymes.[Results] This paper reports an agmatine-controlled expression (ACE) system for L. lactis, comprising the lactococcal agmatine-sensor/transcriptional activator AguR and its target promoter P aguB . The usefulness and efficiency of this system was checked via the reporter gene gfp and by producing PEP (Myxococcus xanthus prolyl-endopeptidase), an enzyme of biomedical interest able to degrade the immunotoxic peptides produced during the gastrointestinal breakdown of gluten.[Conclusion] The ACE system developed in this work was suitable for the efficient expression of the functional recombinant proteins GFP and PEP. The expression system was tightly regulated by the agmatine concentration and allowed high protein production without leakiness.This work was performed with the financial support of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (AGL2013-45431-R), the Principality of Asturias Plan for Science, Technology and Innovation 2013-2017, and FEDER funds (GRUPIN14-137). We acknowledge support of the publication fee by the CSIC Open Access Publication Support Initiative through its Unit of Information Resources for Research (URICI). P.A.S. was the beneficiary of a fellowship from the FICYT, Principality of Asturias, Spain (BP09093). D.M.L. and B.d.R. were beneficiaries of JAE DOC contracts (CSIC).Peer Reviewe

    Comparative analysis of the in vitro cytotoxicity of the dietary biogenic amines tyramine and histamine

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    Tyramine and histamine, the most toxic biogenic amines (BA), are often found in high concentrations in certain foods. Prompted by the limited knowledge of BA toxicity, and increasing awareness of the risks associated with high intakes of dietary BA, the in vitro cytotoxicity of tyramine and histamine was investigated. Tyramine and histamine were toxic for HT29 intestinal cell cultures at concentrations commonly found in BA-rich food, as determined by real-time cell analysis. Surprisingly, tyramine had a stronger and more rapid cytotoxic effect than histamine. Their mode of action was also different, while tyramine caused cell necrosis, histamine induced apoptosis. To avoid health risks, the BA content of foods should be reduced and legal limits established for tyramine.This work was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (AGL2013-45431-R) and by the GRUPIN14-137 project, which is co-financed by the Plan for Science, Technology and Innovation of the Principality of Asturias 2014-2017 and the European Regional Development Funds.Peer reviewe

    Comparative analysis of the in vitro cytotoxicity of the dietary biogenic amines tyramine and histamine

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    Tyramine and histamine, the most toxic biogenic amines (BA), are often found in high concentrations in certain foods. Prompted by the limited knowledge of BA toxicity, and increasing awareness of the risks associated with high intakes of dietary BA, the in vitro cytotoxicity of tyramine and histamine was investigated. Tyramine and histamine were toxic for HT29 intestinal cell cultures at concentrations commonly found in BA-rich food, as determined by real-time cell analysis. Surprisingly, tyramine had a stronger and more rapid cytotoxic effect than histamine. Their mode of action was also different, while tyramine caused cell necrosis, histamine induced apoptosis. To avoid health risks, the BA content of foods should be reduced and legal limits established for tyramine.This work was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (AGL2013-45431-R) and by the GRUPIN14-137 project, which is co-financed by the Plan for Science, Technology and Innovation of the Principality of Asturias 2014-2017 and the European Regional Development Funds.Peer reviewe