244 research outputs found

    Youth Associations in Rural Aragon in the Late Middle Ages

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    Este artículo trata de las asociaciones de los varones jóvenes en el mundo rural del Reino de Aragón durante la Baja Edad Media. Se inicia con un breve repaso de las figuras de los reyes juveniles. A continuación se estudian las agrupaciones aragonesas, su organización interna, sus ordenanzas y sus principales funciones como marco de sociabilidad y aprendizaje, tutelado por las autoridades municipales. Se analiza la relevancia de la juventud en las fiestas, y la contratación de juglares por parte de las asociaciones de jóvenes. Se examina también la importancia concedida al baile dominical y el interés de las autoridades en garantizar que no falten música y danzas para la juventud de cada lugar. Se abordan algunos momentos festivos del año, como las Pascuas (Navidad, Florida, Quincuagésima), que son importantes para los mozos y los juglares contratados por ellos. Se repara en las fiestas relevantes para los individuos de la asociación o para quienes pactan con ellos, especialmente con motivo de bodas y misas nuevas.This article deals with associations of young men in the rural world of the kingdom of Aragon in the Late Middle Ages. It begins with a brief review of the concept of the King of Youth. Later on, it focuses on Aragonese associations of this kind, their bylaws and their function as networks for sociability and learning, which were supervised by municipal authorities. The importance accorded the Sunday dance and the interest shown by the authorities in guaranteeing music and dances to entertain the local youth are both examined in detail. This work tackles the analysis of some annual festivities, like Christmas, Easter and Pentecost, which were important both for the young boys and for the minstrels they hired on these occasions. Attention is also paid to the feasts that were more relevant for the associations’ members and for those who worked for them, particularly weddings and first masses

    Los varones jóvenes en la correspondencia de doña María de Castilla, reina de Aragón

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    En este artículo se estudia la mirada que una mujer culta y poderosa del siglo XV sostuvo sobre la juventud masculina. Para su elaboración se han utilizado Registros de Cancillería Real del Archivo de la Corona de Aragón que contienen cartas de la soberana que aportan datos sustanciosos acerca del grupo juvenil masculino en la sociedad cortesana; que guardan memoria de cuestiones problemáticas estructurales de la juventud, y de las acciones y comportamientos juveniles en los que la reina actuó como reguladora. Se ha incidido especialmente en las negociaciones de doña María para promover a los jóvenes de su entorno y se han analizado algunas de las actuaciones transgresoras juveniles (injuriar a doncellas, perturbar a viudas y huérfanos o provocar escándalos públicos) en las que la reina intervino.This article studies the standpoint maintained by a learned and powerful 15th-century woman on male youth. It is grounded on the registers of the Royal Chancellery held at the Archive of the Crown of Aragon, which contain letters by the queen providing substantial evidence about male youth in courtly society. This documentation records structural problems concerning youth as well as the actions and attitudes of young men regarding which the queen exercised her powers. Particular attention is given to Queen Maria's negotiations in order to promote the young men in her entourage, as well as to the transgressive behaviour of the young men whose actions were the target of the Queen's direct intervention, such as abusing ladies, disturbing widows and orphans and causing public scandals

    Indicios y certezas: "Mulieres religiosae" en Zaragoza (siglos XIII-XVI)

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    This article deals with the so-far-unknown phenomenon of the mulieres religiosae in the Kingdom of Aragon from the 13th through the 16th century. Special attention is paid to the names these women were given, such as beguina (beguine), beata, emparedada ( cellite), reclusa and hospitalera. After that, we focus on the activities the mulieres religiosae developed -which were the Works of Mercy- and on the rafe these women played in redistribuiting goods and money. Finally, due to the multiple signs of respect and consideration showed by our sources, we come to the conclusion that the mulieres religiosae were deeply appreciated by their society, despite of the angry words of some authors against them.This article deals with the so-far-unknown phenomenon of the mulieres religiosae in the Kingdom of Aragon from the 13th through the 16th century. Special attention is paid to the names these women were given, such as beguina (beguine), beata, emparedada ( cellite), reclusa and hospitalera. After that, we focus on the activities the mulieres religiosae developed -which were the Works of Mercy- and on the rafe these women played in redistribuiting goods and money. Finally, due to the multiple signs of respect and consideration showed by our sources, we come to the conclusion that the mulieres religiosae were deeply appreciated by their society, despite of the angry words of some authors against them

    Presentación del dossier monográfico: Reginalidad y fundaciones monásticas en la Baja Edad Media Peninsular

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    En la realización del análisis histórico los historiadores e historiadoras buscamos incansablemente medios, herramientas y expresiones que nos faculten para traducir y comprender la realidad que investigamos con el mayor ajuste posible a la misma, de manera que resulte asimilable no sólo para nosotros, sino también para nuestros coetáneos y coetáneas1. Así, y como en otras disciplinas científicas, un buen análisis en Historia debe aspirar a reunir, al menos, las cualidades de preciso, conciso, riguroso y completo. En el transcurso del desciframiento certero de los fenómenos y procesos estudiados, las palabras son decisivas porque con ellas nombramos y decimos, o lo que es lo mismo conceptuamos o damos forma a los conceptos, y también conceptualizamos, reduciendo lo observado a representaciones mentales..

    La aduana de Calatayud en el comercio entre Castilla y Aragón a mediados del siglo XV.

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    The Quattrocento exemplary lady in Queen of Aragon María of Castile’s correspondence (1416-1458)

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    En este trabajo se abordan algunos de los atributos de las damas modélicas del siglo xv, tal como los concibió María de Castilla, reina de Aragón. La lectura debía jugar un papel fundamental en la formación de la dama, la cual sabría autocontrolarse y actuar con comedimiento. Además, sería compasiva, justa y misericordiosa.This work addresses the issue of which ideal features ladies by the fifteenth-century should present, taking the queen of Aragon, María of Castile’s conception of the model lady as an exemplary case. Reading should have a fundamental role in the formative process of a dame, who should as well be able to exert self-control and act with courteousness and civility. Not only this, she should also be kind-hearted, fair and merciful

    Un tiempo de añoranza y aprendizaje: María de Castilla y sus primeros años en la Corona de Aragón

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    This article deals with the first years of María of Castile as the new queen of the Crown of Aragon, in the period between the deceases of Fernando of Antequera (April, 1416) and Catalina of Lancaster (June, 1418). In the course of this period, the young queen will insist on joining the queenship tradition of the previous Aragonese queens and she will be involved in an intense process of adaptation, learning and enculturation. This work considers the relations maintained by María with her mother-in-law, the queen mother of Aragon, Leonor of Alburquerque, and with her mother, the queen of Castile, Catalina of Lancaster. With Catalina of Lancaster, the young Aragonese queen acted as political intermediary between both Crowns, and both of them showed repeatedly the strong and reciprocal affective link that joined them