
Indicios y certezas: "Mulieres religiosae" en Zaragoza (siglos XIII-XVI)


This article deals with the so-far-unknown phenomenon of the mulieres religiosae in the Kingdom of Aragon from the 13th through the 16th century. Special attention is paid to the names these women were given, such as beguina (beguine), beata, emparedada ( cellite), reclusa and hospitalera. After that, we focus on the activities the mulieres religiosae developed -which were the Works of Mercy- and on the rafe these women played in redistribuiting goods and money. Finally, due to the multiple signs of respect and consideration showed by our sources, we come to the conclusion that the mulieres religiosae were deeply appreciated by their society, despite of the angry words of some authors against them.This article deals with the so-far-unknown phenomenon of the mulieres religiosae in the Kingdom of Aragon from the 13th through the 16th century. Special attention is paid to the names these women were given, such as beguina (beguine), beata, emparedada ( cellite), reclusa and hospitalera. After that, we focus on the activities the mulieres religiosae developed -which were the Works of Mercy- and on the rafe these women played in redistribuiting goods and money. Finally, due to the multiple signs of respect and consideration showed by our sources, we come to the conclusion that the mulieres religiosae were deeply appreciated by their society, despite of the angry words of some authors against them

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