1,633 research outputs found

    Redes sociais e interesse político

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    Social networks have become in recent years, thanks to access of households increased and people to the internet and the increasing use of so-called smart objects, in an extended media that allows interaction between different actors and in the place where multiple themes are discussed, among which politics is included. At the same time, the political actors have seen in the networks a useful space to promote the narratives and messages that justify their actions and decisions, supporting a discourse that takes advantage of the users behavior when spreading information. It is these same users who propagate any type of information, from the most objective to the one that has been distorted, manipulated or that is directly false, taking advantage of the fact that people do not want to hear bad news and that they prefer a lie if it supports their criteria. In particular, the networks users has the possibility of silencing voices contrary to their beliefs, adding, deleting or silencing contacts. Through a statistical analysis, this study identifies the reasons for this phenomenon and the inherent behavior that promotes it in the Quito city when it finds an important portion of users of social networks that share information without verifying its origin or the emision source reliability, even if they distrust the veracity of this information.Las redes sociales se han convertido en los últimos años, gracias al incremento en el acceso de los hogares y las personas al internet y al uso cada vez mayor de los llamados objetos inteligentes, en un extendido medio de comunicación que permite la interacción entre diversos actores y en el lugar donde se discuten múltiples temáticas, entre las que se incluye la política. A su vez, los actores políticos han visto en las redes un espacio útil para promover las narrativas y mensajes que justifiquen sus actos y decisiones, apuntalando un discurso que aprovecha el comportamiento de los usuarios al momento de diseminar información. Son estos mismos usuarios quienes propagan cualquier tipo de información, desde la más objetiva hasta aquella que ha sido distorsionada, manipulada o que es directamente falsa, aprovechándose de que las personas no quieren escuchar malas noticias y de que prefieren una mentira si esta apoya su criterio particular, además, los usuarios de las redes utilizan la posibilidad de callar voces contrarias a su creencia, añadiendo, borrando o silenciando contactos. A través de un análisis estadístico, este estudio, identifica las razones de este fenómeno y el comportamiento inherente que lo promueve en la ciudad de Quito cuando encuentra una importante porción de usuarios de redes sociales que comparten información sin verificar su procedencia ni la fiabilidad de las fuentes que la emiten, incluso si desconfían sobre la veracidad de dicha información.As redes sociais tornaram-se nos últimos anos, graças ao aumento do acesso de famílias e pessoas à Internet e ao uso crescente dos chamados objetos inteligentes, em uma mídia estendida que permite a interação entre diferentes atores e no lugar onde varios temas são discutidos, entre os quais a política é incluída. Por sua vez, os atores políticos ter visto redes úteis para promover narrativas e mensagens para justificar suas ações e decisões, sustentando um discurso que se aproxima o comportamento dos usuários ao divulgar espaço de informação. São essas mesmas pessoas que propagam qualquer informação, do objetivo para o que foi distorcido, manipulado ou é diretamente falsa, aproveitando as pessoas não querem ouvir más notícias e que preferem uma mentira se ele suporta os seus critérios Em particular, os usuários das redes utilizam a possibilidade de silenciar vozes contrárias às suas crenças, adicionando, excluindo ou silenciando contatos.  Através da análise estatística, este estudo identifica as razões para este fenômeno e o comportamento inerente que promove a cidade de Quito, quando ele encontra uma parte significativa de usuários de redes sociais que compartilham informações sem verificar sua proveniência ou a confiabilidade do fontes que o emitem, mesmo que desconfiam da veracidade das informações


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    La presente investigación busca como objetivo general proponer estrategias de marketing relacional que permita incrementar las ventas en la tienda Moto Repuestos Rey – San Ignacio – Cajamarca. El método que se ha utilizado es una investigación tipo descriptiva, propositiva y transversal, siguiendo un diseño de carácter no experimental, las variables de estudio serán: marketing relacional como variable independiente y ventas como variable dependiente. Para la recolección de datos se elaboró una encuesta en base a un cuestionario con un estilo Likert, dicha encuesta se aplicó al promedio de clientes de la tienda moto repuestos rey, lugar donde se llevó a cabo la presente investigación con una población de 1,834 clientes, en donde se obtuvo una muestra de 318 personas.Los resultados que han impactado más la resolución de la investigación fue el diagnóstico de las estrategias del marketing relacional, algunos factores que favorecen como: la predisposición que tienen los empleados en atender cualquier queja o reclamo por parte del cliente, la creatividad, y el conocimiento que tienen los trabajadores para brindar un buen servicio a los clientes. Posteriormente el trabajo de investigación se concluye con la propuesta la cual consiste en realizar diversas estrategias que brinda el marketing relacional con la finalidad de aumentar las ventas de la tienda y de esta manera lograr los objetivos ya planteados y sobre todo poder mejorar ciertos aspectos en los que se pueda favorecer a la empresa.Trabajo de investigació

    TBL1 is required for the mesenchymal phenotype of transformed breast cancer cells

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    The epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and its reversion (MET) are related to tumor cell dissemination and migration, tumor circulating cell generation, cancer stem cells, chemoresistance, and metastasis formation. To identify chromatin and epigenetic factors possibly involved in the process of EMT, we compare the levels of expression of epigenetic genes in a transformed human breast epithelial cell line (HMEC-RAS) versus a stable clone of the same cell line expressing the EMT master regulator ZEB1 (HMEC-RAS-ZEB1). One of the factors strongly induced in the HMEC-RAS-ZEB1 cells was Transducin beta-like 1 (TBL1), a component of the NCoR complex, which has both corepressor and coactivator activities. We show that TBL1 interacts with ZEB1 and that both factors cooperate to repress the promoter of the epithelial gene E-cadherin (CDH1) and to autoactivate the ZEB1 promoter. Consistent with its central role, TBL1 is required for mesenchymal phenotypes of transformed breast epithelial and breast cancer cell lines of the claudin-low subtype. Importantly, a high expression of the TBL1 gene correlates with poor prognosis and increased proportion of metastasis in breast cancer patients, indicating that the level of TBL1 expression can be used as a prognostic marker.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad BFU2014-53543-P, BFU2017-85420-RJunta de Andalucía BIO-32

    Transmedia Context and Twitter As Conditioning the Ecuadorian Government’s Action. The Case of the “Guayaquil Emergency” During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Communication ecosystems have multiplexed and increased their capacity to act, distort, and fight. COVID-19 pandemic and the response of the Ecuadorian Government to it are clear examples of the power of media to erode, to influence, and also to produce fake news. In this context, Twitter has become more than just a social platform, as it helped spread catastrophic pictures of the country, especially of Guayaquil. This article analyzes the tweets posted by the main domestic and global media and by the Ecuadorian government accounts since the outbreak of the pandemic in Ecuador, as well as the interrelations among them and their polarity score. The aim is to show how the government changed its action plan by focusing on exogenous elements that had been excluded from its (pre)established strategy, which consisted in neglecting and deliberately minimizing a situation that turned out to be more serious than officially deemed and that was exposed by unofficial global media

    Bioinspired algorithms for optimizing the harmonics contents of a PWM power inverter

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    Este trabajo se centra en la evaluación de diferentes técnicas de algoritmos bio-inspirados, que permitan reducir la distorsión armónica (THD) de la modulación de ancho de pulso (PWM) en inversores de potencia. Se realizó un amplio estudio que identifica y desarrolla algoritmos de optimización de inspiración biológica basados principalmente en la búsqueda tabú, algoritmos genéticos, optimización por enjambre de partículas y colonia de hormigas. Los métodos de optimización bio-inspirados son usados principalmente para encontrar los mejores parámetros operacionales de un PWM aplicado a inversores de potencia. Los mejores resultados fueron obtenidos cuando la posición de pulso (Pp) se localiza cerca a la posición central (Pp=0.5) o a la simetría del pulso. Dentro de los cuatro métodos estudiados el mejor resultado se encontró usando la técnica de optimización por colonia de hormigas, debido al valor de THD más bajo encontrado e igualmente con el 5 y 7 armónico con menos impulsos (Np= 38), casi 5 veces menor que el resultado usando la técnica optimización por enjambre de partículas, logrando reducir considerablemente las pérdidas bajando la frecuencia de conmutación (4560 Hz) de los dispositivos de potencia. Los algoritmos desarrollados pueden fácilmente adaptarse a cualquier problema de optimización, solo haciendo cambios en el número de variables y en la selección (o eliminación) de los criterios y así de esta manera obtener mejores resultados en problemas complejos.This paper deals with the evaluation of different bio-inspired algorithms techniques for reduction of harmonic distortion (THD) in pulse width modulation (PWM) of power inverters. A comprehensive study is performed, that identifies and develops biologically inspired optimization algorithms based mainly on tabu search, genetic algorithms (GA), particle swarm optimization (PSO), and ant colony optimization (ACO). These bio-inspired optimization methods were used to find the best operational parameters of a PWM applied to a power inverter. The best results were achieved when the pulse position is near to the middle position (Pp=0.5) or symmetry of the pulse. For the four methods analyzed he best result was obtained using ACO method based on the lowest THD content and less 5th and 7th harmonics magnitude with fewer pulses (Np=38), almost 5 times lower than the result of PSO (Np=179). It was achieved to reduce losses considerably with a reduction in the switching frequency of the power devices (4560 Hz). The algorithms developed can be easily adapted to any minimization problem, only making changes in the number of variables and selection (or elimination) criteria to obtain better results in complex problems

    What is Sumak Kawsay? A Qualitative Study in the Ecuadorian Amazon

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    A qualitative study of the main characteristics of sumak kawsay (buen vivir, living well/good life) in the Ecuadorian Amazon shows that it has four constitutive elements of which a multitude of interpretations coexist: an indigenous and nature-focused worldview, community, an economy based on solidarity, and ancestral knowledge. Understandings of sumak kawsay are rooted in the practices and beliefs of the communities interviewed rather than in theoretical constructions of idyllic community forms, and in this connection differences can be observed between the academic “indigenist” view of it and local discourses. Una aproximación cualitativa a las características principales del sumak kawsay (buen vivir, living well/good life) en la Amazonía ecuatoriana muestran la existencia de cuatro elementos constitutivos del sumak kawsay en los que colindan multitud de interpretaciones: cosmovisión indígena y naturaleza, comunidad, economía solidaria, y conocimiento ancestral. Las comprensiones del sumak kawsay enraízan con prácticas y creencias de las personas y no con construcciones teóricas de formas comunitarias idílicas, y al respecto, apreciamos diferencias entre la visión académica “indigenista” del sumak kawsay y los discursos locales.This study was partially funded by the Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigación and the European Regional Development Fund (project ECO2017-86822-R); the Regional Government of Andalusia and the European Regional Development Fund (projects P18-RT-576 and B-SEJ-018-UGR18), the University of Granada (Plan Propio. Unidad Científica de Excelencia: Desigualdad, Derechos Humanos y Sostenibilidad -DEHUSO-), and Universidad Internacional SEK Research Project, Ecuador (No. P021718

    Design of Strategies for the Implementation and Management of a Complementary Monetary System Using the SWOT-AHP Methodology

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    The objective of this research is to contribute to the scientific debate on “complementary monetary systems” (CMSs), what strategies may be the best for allowing the implementation of a CMS in a territory and that optimise the potential that it seems to have to strengthen processes of sustainable local development and urban resilience. For this, the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats-Analytic Hierarchy Process methodology (SWOT-AHP) has been used, which has allowed us to identify four strategies: (1) build a social, economic and political consensus, (2) create a community observatory for “complementary social monetary systems” (CSMSs), (3) define communication tools for raising awareness and education in ethical finance and (4) promote the alignment of the CSMS with sustainable local development strategies. These strategies have been formulated so that that they can be implemented by any entity, public or private, and for any of the types of CMS that may be part of a CSMS

    An empirical assessment of the indigenous Sumak Kawsay (living well): the importance of nature and relationships

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    The Andean indigenous way of life Sumak Kawsay (living well in Kichwa) is related to reciprocity, solidarity, collective participation, social justice, and harmony with nature and with the community. This paper uses a representative national sample in Ecuador to assess how certain features of Sumak Kawsay relate to subjective well-being. In this vein, we propose several variables associated with this particular way of life: collective participation activities (mingas), enjoying a portion of land (chakra), living in a rural area and indigenous identity. The results indicate that most Sumak Kawsay features are positively related to life and environmental satisfaction. An important exception is indigenous identity, which is negatively related to life satisfaction and not significant for environmental satisfaction. We suggest that Sumak Kawsay is important for subjective well-being in Ecuador, but indigenous people’s subjective well-being would benefit if their needs are better taken into account in the political arena.This research has been partially supported by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, the State Research Agency (SRA) and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) (project reference ECO2017-86822-R)

    Indigenous Peoples, Exclusion and Precarious Work: Design of Strategies to Address Poverty in Indigenous and Peasant Populations in Ecuador through the SWOT-AHP Methodology

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    This research analysed the options that, following decent employment and the social economy, can allow the human development of poor, excluded and vulnerable indigenous populations in Ecuador. A set of strategies were developed which can be implemented by public authorities and by community organisations. They were designed from two types of expert consultations: the Delphi method and the analysis of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) combined with Analytic Hierarchy Process method (AHP) for hierarchizing the criteria collected and obtaining strategies. The proposed strategies are as follows: adopting appropriate legal frameworks, respecting peoples’ rights, better distribution of public resources, implementing monitoring systems, developing solidarity markets and recognizing the participation of the poor as a subject of rights. This investigation revealed differences between the state, which identifies the poor with monetary indicators, and the indigenous peoples, who see it as the lack of community links, by conceiving the poor as a beneficiary of official assistance, despite the fact that a strong community and peasant organisation could be used. The value of an economy based on reciprocity and confidence was also recognized, identifying niches of production and consumption to create partnerships and ensure the participation of indigenous peoples in decision-making areas