89 research outputs found

    Preferencias y aversiones alimentarias

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    Much research has been conducted on the subject of food preferences and aversions. However, mny questions remin unanswered. Why do we like some foods but not others? Where do our food preferences and aversions come from? Why is it that parents' food preferences do not often coincide with those of their children? The answers to these questions are still far from being settled. In this article, we describe the main mechanisms involved in the acquisition of food preferences and aversions, their relation with problems of health and some of the programmes used in the clinical treatment of aversions. Finally, we stress the need to use these research findings in promoting preventive health care.El campo de las preferencias y aversiones alimentarias ha sido ampliamente estudiado. Sin embargo, las dudas siguen superando a las certezas. ¿Por qué nos gustan determinados alimentos y, en cambio, rechazamos otros?, ¿cómo se adquieren las preferencias y aversiones alimentarias?, ¿por qué, con frecuencia, las preferencias alimentarias de los padres no coinciden con las de sus hijos? Las respuestas a estos porqués y cómos son todavía poco, o casi nada, concluyentes. En este artículo exponemos los principales mecanismos implicados en la adquisición de las preferencias y aversiones alimentarias, la relación entre éstas y los problemas de salud y algunos de los programas de intevención utilizados en el campo clínico para tratar las aversiones. Finalmente, planteamos la importancia de utilizar los conocimientos que nos proporciona la investigación en el campo de la promoción y prevención de la salud

    Preferencias y aversiones alimentarias.

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    Much research has been conducted on the subject of food preferences and aversions. However, mny questions remin unanswered. Why do we like some foods but not others? Where do our food preferences and aversions come from? Why is it that parents' food preferences do not often coincide with those of their children? The answers to these questions are still far from being settled. In this article, we describe the main mechanisms involved in the acquisition of food preferences and aversions, their relation with problems of health and some of the programmes used in the clinical treatment of aversions. Finally, we stress the need to use these research findings in promoting preventive health care

    Traumatic events and tonic immobility

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    Tonic immobility is a basic defense strategy which has not been studied in depth in humans. Data suggest that it may be a relatively frequent phenomenon in victims of rape and sexual abuse, but its occurrence has not been systematically explored in other types of trauma. We carried out a retrospective study in a sample of 100 university students to establish whether tonic immobility varies depending on the nature of the worst trauma experienced, defined subjectively by each participant. Immobility was assessed using the Tonic Immobility Scale and traumas were assessed using the modified Traumatic Events Questionnaire. Seventy percent of the sample had experienced trauma of some kind. There were no significant differences in tonic immobility between different types of trauma (e.g., physical abuse, assault or aggression, serious accident), except that the mean tonic immobility score was significantly higher in the group with trauma due to physical/psychological or sexual abuse than in the group with trauma due to receiving news of the mutilation, serious injury, or violent or sudden death of a loved one. We conclude tentatively that tonic immobility may be typical not only of sexual traumas, but of other kinds of directly experienced traumas as well.La inmovilidad tónica es una estrategia defensiva básica que ha sido muy poco estudiada en seres humanos. Hay datos de que puede ser un fenómeno relativamente frecuente en víctimas de violación y abuso sexual, pero su ocurrencia no ha sido investigada de forma sistemática en otro tipo de traumas. Así pues, estudiamos retrospectivamente en una muestra de 100 estudiantes universitarios si la inmovilidad tónica varía en función del peor trauma experimentado, definido este según la valoración subjetiva de cada participante. La inmovilidad fue evaluada mediante la Escala de Inmovilidad Tónica y los traumas mediante el Cuestionario de Eventos Traumáticos modificado. Un 70% de la muestra había experimentado algún trauma. No hubo diferencias significativas en inmovilidad tónica entre diferentes tipos de traumas (p.ej., maltrato, atraco o agresión, accidente grave), excepto que la media de inmovilidad tónica fue significativamente mayor en el grupo con trauma de maltrato físico/psicológico o abuso sexual que en el grupo con trauma subsecuente a noticias de mutilación, heridas graves o muerte violenta o inesperada de alguien cercano. Así pues, puede concluirse tentativamente que la inmovilidad tónica puede ser típica no sólo de traumas sexuales, sino también de otro tipo de traumas directamente experimentados.

    Preferencias y aversiones alimentarias

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    Much research has been conducted on the subject of food preferences and aversions. However, mny questions remin unanswered. Why do we like some foods but not others? Where do our food preferences and aversions come from? Why is it that parents' food preferences do not often coincide with those of their children? The answers to these questions are still far from being settled. In this article, we describe the main mechanisms involved in the acquisition of food preferences and aversions, their relation with problems of health and some of the programmes used in the clinical treatment of aversions. Finally, we stress the need to use these research findings in promoting preventive health care.El campo de las preferencias y aversiones alimentarias ha sido ampliamente estudiado. Sin embargo, las dudas siguen superando a las certezas. ¿Por qué nos gustan determinados alimentos y, en cambio, rechazamos otros?, ¿cómo se adquieren las preferencias y aversiones alimentarias?, ¿por qué, con frecuencia, las preferencias alimentarias de los padres no coinciden con las de sus hijos? Las respuestas a estos porqués y cómos son todavía poco, o casi nada, concluyentes. En este artículo exponemos los principales mecanismos implicados en la adquisición de las preferencias y aversiones alimentarias, la relación entre éstas y los problemas de salud y algunos de los programas de intevención utilizados en el campo clínico para tratar las aversiones. Finalmente, planteamos la importancia de utilizar los conocimientos que nos proporciona la investigación en el campo de la promoción y prevención de la salud

    Predictors of tonic immobility during traumatic events

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    Tonic immobility (TI) is a possible reaction to danger that is facilitated by intense fear, physical restraint and perceived inability to escape. Other variables that could affect TI, such as the type and characteristics of traumatic events and personal characteristics have been little or no studied. The present study evaluated the power of these variables to predict TI in a sample of 273 college students who had experienced at least one traumatic event. Of the sample, 7.7% and 13.2% responded with TI according to the two stricter definitions adopted. Most of the variables were significantly associated with TI in univariate analyses. However, in a multiple regression analysis, only certain features of the events (occurrence of physical/sexual abuse, number of different types of events experienced) and certain reactions to them (perception of how traumatic were the events, severe fear response) were significant predictors of TI. Since these predictors explained only 25% of the variance, the influence of other variables -such as neuroticism, negative affectivity and perceived lack of personal control or resources to cope with traumatic events- should be investigated

    Coping styles and vulnerability to eating disorders in adolescent girls, by age

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    The main goal of the study is to explore the relationship between coping styles and vulnerability to eating disorders in a sample of adolescent girls, according to their age. The sample comprises 1396 girls, aged 13 to 18, who completed the Eating Disorders Inventory-3 (EDI-3) and the Adolescent Coping Scale (ACS). The regression analysis shows that the coping strategy most closely linked to the likelihood of developing an ED in all age groups is Intropunitive Avoidance. The scales of the Intropunitive Avoidance dimension that have the most explanatory power are Tension Reduction and Self-Blame. Girls aged 13 and 17 are identified as the highest risk groups. Physical and social changes are proposed as the hypothetical explanation for the difference between age groups. Emphasis is placed on the need for specific prevention programs for adolescents, particularly those at high risk

    Intervenció en psicologia clínica i de la salut (IPCyS)

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    Podeu consultar la Setena trobada de professorat de Ciències de la Salut completa a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/4335