1,796 research outputs found

    Teitos para selfis

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    Graña García, Armando and González Álvarez, David (2015): «Teitos para selfis». Atlántica XXII, 38: 56-59.N

    Descrição e reflexão sobre um percurso profissional

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    Relatório de atividade profissional de mestrado em Ensino da MúsicaEste relatório foi elaborado no âmbito da obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Ensino da Música e tem como principal objetivo descrever aquilo que tem sido o meu percurso profissional enquanto professor de música, especificamente de Violino. O mesmo pretende, igualmente, explicar e refletir o trabalho realizado em todos estes anos, tanto em Cuba, país onde me formei e iniciei a minha atividade profissional, como em Portugal, país onde desenvolvo a mesma há cerca de vinte anos. O relatório inicia-se com uma descrição da minha formação e do meu desenvolvimento profissional onde se incluem, por exemplo, as disciplinas que tenho lecionado ao longo dos anos. Seguidamente, foco-me na caracterização das escolas de música onde lecionei, bem como numa comparação entre o ensino da música em Cuba e em Portugal. A continuação, descrevo mais pormenorizadamente as minhas experiências profissionais e exponho a minha visão pedagógica relativamente a variados aspetos. Para finalizar, faço um balanço das diversas competências que são desejáveis num profissional do ensino.This report was developed in the context of obtaining a Master´s Degree in Music Education and its main objective is describing my professional trajectory as a music teacher, specifically as a violin teacher. This report intends, as well, to explain and reflect about the work done in all this years, both in Cuba, where I studied and started my career, and Portugal, where I have been developing it for approximately twenty years. The report begins with a description of my education and my professional development, where it’s included, for example, the subjects I have taught through the years. Secondly, I focus on the characterization of the music schools where I have worked, as well as on the comparison between the music education in Cuba and Portugal. In continuation, I describe my professional experiences, where I cover, among other subjects related with this issue, the classes’ typology and my pedagogic vision taking into consideration diverse aspects. To sum up, I make a reflection on the different skills that are desirable in a teacher

    La obra Botánica de Antonio Parra

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    Our goal is study the work carried out by the Cuban naturalist Antonio Parra between 1790-1792, that didn't limit to the making of herbariums and to the shipment of plants and seeds to Spain with the purpose of acclimatizing them to the Peninsula, but rather he fathomed in the composition of a catalog and a discourse on the means of naturalize in Spain the trees of the Habana.Nuestro objetivo es estudiar la labor realizada por el naturalista cubano Antonio Parra entre 1790 y 1792, que no se limitó a la confección de herbarios y al envío de plantas y semillas a la metrópoli con el fin de aclimatarlas a la península, sino que profundizó en la redacción de un catálogo y un discurso sobre los medios de connaturalizar en España los árboles de la Habana

    Ignacio Pusalgas, un médico romántico del siglo XIX

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    Science, history and literature are presents in the life and works of Ignacio Pusalgas. Doctor in medicine, in 1832, he taught anatomy by three decades in the Faculty of Medicine of Barcelona’s University. However, he is practically unknown for the most of people. This articule anayize some aspects of his cientific thought, and how he links these themes: moral, religion, novel, hygiene, anatomy, epidemic, etc.Ciencia, historia y literatura están presentes en la vida y obra de Ignacio Pusalgas. Doctor en Medicina, en 1832, enseñó por tres décadas en la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Barcelona. Sin embargo, es un desconocido prácticamente para la mayoría de la gente. Este artículo analiza algunos aspectos de su pensamiento científico y cómo enlazó estos temas: moral, religión, novela, higiene, anatomía, epidemia, etc

    Sistema para el control de ejecutivo de ventas de una empresa bróker

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    Se realizó un sistema de control para una empresa de servicios de seguros de autos, cuya principal función es ser intermediario entre el cliente final y la aseguradora. El sistema de control de ejecutivo agiliza las tareas dentro de la organización y permite mayor control de los datos cliente-usuario-supervisor

    Wide therapeutic time window for nimesulide neuroprotection in a model of transient focal cerebral ischemia in the rat

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    Results from several studies indicate that cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) is involved ischemic brain injury. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the neuroprotective effects of the selective COX-2 inhibitor nimesulide on cerebral infarction and neurological deficits in a standardized model of transient focal cerebral ischemia in rats. Three doses of nimesulide (3, 6 and 12 mg/kg; i.p.) or vehicle were administered immediately after stroke and additional doses were given at 6, 12, 24, 36 and 48 h after ischemia. In other set of experiments, the effect of nimesulide was studied in a situation in which its first administration was delayed for 3 to 24 h after ischemia. Total, cortical and subcortical infarct volumes and functional outcome (assessed by neurological deficit score and rotarod performance) were determined 3 days after ischemia. The effect of nimesulide on prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) levels in the injured brain was also investigated. Nimesulide dose-dependently reduced infarct volume and improved functional recovery when compared to vehicle. Of interest is the finding that neuroprotection conferred by nimesulide (reduction of infarct size and neurological deficits and improvement of rotarod performance) was also observed when treatment was delayed until 24 h after ischemia. Further, administration of nimesulide in a delayed treatment paradigm completely abolished PGE2 accumulation in the postischemic brain, suggesting that COX-2 inhibition is a promising therapeutic strategy for cerebral ischemia to target the late-occurring inflammatory events which amplify initial damage

    Ciencia y coleccionismo en Cuba en el siglo XIX

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    In this article a panoramic is exposed about museums and cabinets which existed in Cuba during the nineteenth century, describing functions and characteristics as well as the causes that made some of them disappear. It is also shown the continuity, asumed by the scientific collection over since major nationalized-institute in the nineteenth century. It is likewise intended to give a general and complete chronology about the development of museum in Cuba, taking into account the lasting-long or not of such institute. The authors regret the work shortege that considers the subject and total absence from the comparative standpoint.En este artículo se brinda una panorámica de los museos y gabinetes que existieron en Cuba durante el siglo XIX, describiéndose las características y funciones, así como las causas que hicieron desaparecer a algunos de ellos. También se destaca la continuidad asumida por el coleccionismo científico desde el siglo XVIII y su mayor institucionalización en el XIX. Asimismo se intenta dar una cronología muy general sobre el desarrollo de los museos en Cuba, teniéndose en cuenta la perdurabilidad o no de dicha institucionalización. Los autores lamentan la escasez de trabajos que traten el tema y la ausencia total desde el punto de vista comparativo

    El Museo Anatómico de La Habana. (La enseñanza de la anatomía, cirugía y obstetricia: 1823- 1842)

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    This paper aims to demonstrate the process of institutionalization of the teaching of anatomy, surgery and obstetrics in the University of Habana. The abundant documentation —we were affected by the problem of the shortage of current bibliography— shows the great economic, political and ideological difficulties during the years of the struggle to introduce this type of education, and the problem of the high practical content which brought with it the need for special materials.Se trata de demostrar en este trabajo el proceso de institucionalización, en la universidad de La Habana, de la enseñanza de la anatomía, cirugía y obstetricia. La abundante documentación —sentimos el problema de la carencia de bibliografía actual— demuestra las grandes dificultades, económicas, políticas, ideológicas, que fueron surgiendo a lo largo de los años en que se luchó por la implantación de este tipo de enseñanzas, que tenían además el problema de poseer un gran contenido práctico y la necesidad de materiales específicos

    Perfil de memoria en el trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad.

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    The objective of this study is to contribute to the establishment of a memory profile in subjects with attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity (ADHD). We examined fifty-one adolescents: 16 ADHD and 35 controls, aged between 14 and 16. Neuropsychological exploration included tests of short-term memory and of declarative and implicit (incidental and procedural) memory. Subjects with ADHD presented deficits in their mnesic abilities. These deficits do not involve all type of memory, but are selective. Declarative memory and, especially, short-term memory show higher deficits than implicit or non-declarative memory: incidental learning is preserved and procedural learning is similar to that obtained by control subjects, although this forn of learning presents more diflculties for ADHD subjects learning with a higher difficulty