3,194 research outputs found

    Construcción de ontologías a partir de tesauros

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    Tradicionalmente, los tesauros han sido una de las formas más extendidas para la organización y formalización del conocimiento. Estos, a través de su vocabulario controlado y relaciones, resultan destacados instrumentos para la organización y gestión del conocimiento de un área específica. La importancia de estas formas de organización originó tres estándares para llevar a cabo un proceso de construcción normalizado. El surgimiento de la Web Semántica permite que los datos sean compartidos y reutilizados a través de diferentes aplicaciones y comunidades. Este hecho conlleva un replanteamiento de las formas de organización del conocimiento y, por tanto, un cambio de estrategia. Estos cambios están vinculados a la necesidad de especificar de manera formal y explícita la semántica asociada a la información de una manera más eficiente que la realizada hasta el momento por los tesauros. Ante esta situación, el uso y desarrollo de ontologías se manifiesta como la mejor forma de especificar la semántica según lo requiere la Web Semántica. Esto está motivando que el proceso de reingeniería y/o la migración de los tesauros tradicionales a ontologías se esté convirtiendo en una tendencia actual

    3D Spectroscopic Observations of Star-Forming Dwarf Galaxies

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    We give an introduction into the observational technique of integral field or 3D spectroscopy. We discuss advantages and drawbacks of this type of observations and highlight a few science projects enabled by this method. In the second part we describe our 3D spectroscopic survey of Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxies. We show preliminary results from data taken with the VIMOS integral field unit and give an outlook on how automated spectral analysis and forthcoming instruments can provide a new view on star formation and associated processes in dwarf galaxies.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the JENAM 2010 Symposium "Dwarf Galaxies: Keys to Galaxy Formation and Evolution" (Lisbon, 9-10 September 2010), P. Papaderos, S. Recchi, G. Hensler (eds.), Springer Verlag (2011), in pres

    Dual effects of noradrenaline on astroglial production of chemokines and pro-inflammatory mediators

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    BACKGROUND: Noradrenaline (NA) is known to limit neuroinflammation. However, the previously described induction by NA of a chemokine involved in the progression of immune/inflammatory processes, such as chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 2 (CCL2)/monocyte chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1), apparently contradicts NA anti-inflammatory actions. In the current study we analyzed NA regulation of astroglial chemokine (C-X3-C motif) ligand 1 (CX3CL1), also known as fractalkine, another chemokine to which both neuroprotective and neurodegenerative actions have been attributed. In addition, NA effects on other chemokines and pro-inflammatory mediators were also analyzed. METHODS: Primary astrocyte-enriched cultures were obtained from neonatal Wistar rats. These cells were incubated for different time durations with combinations of NA and lipopolysaccharide (LPS). The expression and synthesis of different proteins was measured by RT-PCR and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) or enzyme immunoassays. Data were analyzed by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), followed by Newman-Keuls multiple comparison tests. RESULTS: The data presented here show that in control conditions, NA induces the production of CX3CL1 in rat cultured astrocytes, but in the presence of an inflammatory stimulus, such as LPS, NA has the opposite effect inhibiting CX3CL1 production. This inversion of NA effect was also observed for MCP-1. Based on the observation of this dual action, NA regulation of different chemokines and pro-inflammatory cytokines was also analyzed, observing that in most cases NA exerts an inhibitory effect in the presence of LPS. One characteristic exception was the induction of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), where a summative effect was detected for both LPS and NA. CONCLUSION: These data suggest that NA effects on astrocytes can adapt to the presence of an inflammatory agent reducing the production of certain cytokines, while in basal conditions NA may have the opposite effect and help to maintain moderate levels of these cytokines

    Research on nonlinear and quantum optics at the photonics and quantum information group of the University of Valladolid

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    We outline the main research lines in Nonlinear and Quantum Optics of the Group of Photonics and Quantum Information at the University of Valladolid. These works focus on Optical Solitons, Quantum Information using Photonic Technologies and the development of new materials for Nonlinar Optics. The investigations on optical solitons cover both temporal solitons in dispersion managed fiber links and nonparaxial spatial solitons as described by the Nonlinear Helmholtz Equation. Within the Quantum Information research lines of the group, the studies address new photonic schemes for quantum computation and the multiplexing of quantum data. The investigations of the group are, to a large extent, based on intensive and parallel computations. Some associated numerical techniques for the development of the activities described are briefly sketched

    An author keyword analysis for mapping Sport Sciences

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    [EN] Scientific production has increased exponentially in recent years. It is necessary to find methodological strategies for understanding holistic or macro views of the major research trends developed in specific fields. Data mining is a useful technique to address this task. In particular, our study presents a global analysis of the information generated during last decades in the Sport Sciences Category (SSC) included in the Web of Science database. An analysis of the frequency of appearance and the dynamics of the Author Keywords (AKs) has been made for the last thirty years. Likewise, the network of co-occurrences established between words and the survival time of new words that have appeared since 2001 has also been analysed. One of the main findings of our research is the identification of six large thematic clusters in the SSC. There are also two major terms that coexist ('REHABILITATION' and 'EXERCISE') and show a high frequency of appearance, as well as a key behaviour in the calculated co-occurrence networks. Another significant finding is that AKs are mostly accepted in the SSC since there has been high percentage of new terms during 2001-2006, although they have a low survival period. These results support a multidisciplinary perspective within the Sport Sciences field of study and a colonization of the field by rehabilitation according to our AK analysis.González-Moreno, L.; García-Massó, X.; Pardo-Ibáñez, A.; Peset Mancebo, MF.; Devis Devis, J. (2018). An author keyword analysis for mapping Sport Sciences. PLoS ONE. 13(8). https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0201435S13

    Clarín: Retrospectiva freudiana.

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    Mediante el acercamiento psicoanalítico a La Regenta de Leopoldo Alas "Clarín" encontramos toda una serie de coincidencias entre las teorías de Freud y el texto de Clarín a pesar del desconocimiento de éste sobre las teorías de aquél. En particular Clarín crea el personaje de Ana Ozores con una complicada cuestión sexual, factor que años después Freud tomó como el núcleo determinante de las neurosis

    Clarín: Retrospectiva freudiana.

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    Mediante el acercamiento psicoanalítico a La Regenta de Leopoldo Alas "Clarín" encontramos toda una serie de coincidencias entre las teorías de Freud y el texto de Clarín a pesar del desconocimiento de éste sobre las teorías de aquél. En particular Clarín crea el personaje de Ana Ozores con una complicada cuestión sexual, factor que años después Freud tomó como el núcleo determinante de las neurosis

    Clarín: Retrospectiva freudiana.

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    Mediante el acercamiento psicoanalítico a La Regenta de Leopoldo Alas "Clarín" encontramos toda una serie de coincidencias entre las teorías de Freud y el texto de Clarín a pesar del desconocimiento de éste sobre las teorías de aquél. En particular Clarín crea el personaje de Ana Ozores con una complicada cuestión sexual, factor que años después Freud tomó como el núcleo determinante de las neurosis