5,458 research outputs found

    Education, Corruption and the Natural Resource Curse

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    The empirical evidence on the determinants of growth across countries has found that growth is lower when natural resources are abundant, corruption widespread and educational attainment low. An extensive literature has examined the way in which these three variables can impact growth, but has tended to address them separately. In this paper we argue that corruption and education are interrelated and that both crucially depend on a country’s endowment of natural resources. The key element is the fact that resources affect the relative returns to investing in human and in political capital, and, through these investments, output levels and growth. In this context, inequality plays a key role both as a determinant of the possible equilibria of the economy and as an outcome of the growth process.natural resources, corruption, human capital, growth, inequality

    Endogenous Strength of Intellectual Property Rights

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    In recent empirical work, institutions have been shown to explain a significant share of the differences in cross-country accumulation, productivity, and output levels. The key institution that determines sustained development in R&D based growth models is the strength of intellectual property rights, which have thus far been assumed to be exogenous. In this paper we endogenize the strength of the intellectual property rights institutions to study how incentives to protect and exploit property rights affect economic growth. Our model explains endogenous differences in the strength of intellectual property rights across countries and highlights development thresholds that are related to the quality of such property rights. We show that market size is a crucial determinant of the existence and high quality of such institutions. In addition we find that the endogenous determination of the strength of intellectual property rights generates multiple equilibria and an institutional development threshold that must be overcome if an economy is to have strong institutions and rapid growth in the long run. This result is in line with the observed transition of early/small economic communities with common property laws to mature nation states with large institution-based societies.€+•

    Redistribution and Occupational Choice in a Schumpeterian Growth Model

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    We consider an R&D-driven endogenous growth model in which innovation is risky and agents are risk averse. Growth is determined by the occupational choice of agents who can either work in production for a wage or become entrepreneurs. In this context, we examine the impact of redistributive taxation and compute socially optimal tax rates. Redistribution acts as social insurance, thus encouraging innovation and accelerating growth. The general equilibrium effects of the reallocation of labour induced by taxation can offset the direct distributive impact of taxes and result in a Pareto improvement. Optimal tax rates are a hump-shaped function of the intertemporal spillover effect.growth, innovation, optimal taxation, occupational choice

    Importancia de las enseñanzas de las ciencias en edades tempranas

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    La enseñanza de las ciencias en edades tempranas es fundamental para la adquisición de la competencia científica. En este proyecto se analizará la importancia de dicha competencia en el mundo actual y se valorará la enseñanza actual de las ciencias así como la percepción de las mismas por parte de la sociedad, con el objetivo de formar alumnos científicamente competentes capaces de participar activamente en la sociedad. La evolución del sistema educativo español en la enseñanza de ciencias junto a la enseñanza actual de ciencias serán objeto de estudio con el fin de promover ciertas mejoras en este ámbito. Asimismo, se realizará una propuesta didáctica innovadora con el fin de remarcar la importancia de la aplicación práctica de los conocimientos científicos adquiridos, para que los estudiantes sean y se sientan auténticos protagonistas de su aprendizaje de manera análoga al desarrollo de la práctica profesional de los científicos.Grado en Educación Primari

    Entrevista aAlfredo Bryce Echenique

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    Risk aversion and debt maturity structure

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    We study the relationship of risk aversion and debt maturity structure. In a model in which adverse selection in financial markets creates a role for the use of short-term debt, we allow the possibility of borrowers being risk-averse. This creates a trade-off between reduced expected financing costs and higher risk and allows for the study of the effect of risk aversion on optimal maturity structure. We prove that, as risk aversion increases, so does the percentage of debt that is long-term.risk aversion, debt maturity structure, adverse selection.

    Protestas relacionadas con la minería en Colombia 2000-2015

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    Der weltweite Rohstoffboom ging in Kolumbien mit einer Zunahme sozialer Proteste gegen Bergbau einher. Die Protestierenden wenden sich gegen Umweltverschmutzungen, gegen schlechte Sozialstandards und Arbeitsbedingungen und die ungerechte Verteilung der Gewinne des Rohstoffbooms. Die Proteste sind unterschiedlich und vielfältig. Wie sie sich gestalten, hängt ab vom Spektrum der sozialen Mobilisierung, von Unternehmensstrategien und -reaktionen, der Art des Rohstoffabbaus, der Materialität des Rohstoffs und den beteiligten Akteuren (handwerklicher oder industrieller Bergbau, Gold oder Kohle, Unternehmen, etc.). Das vorliegende Paper präsentiert und interpretiert Daten zu sozialen Protesten im Zusammenhang mit Bergbau in Kolumbien, die das Forschungs- und Bildungszentrum Programm für den Frieden (Centro de Investigación y Educación Popular/ Programa por la paz) für die Jahre 2000 bis 2015 erhoben hat. Neben der Auswertung und Systematisierung der Daten werden vier Proteste zu Gold- und Kohlebergbau analysiert.The global commodity boom are accompanied by the rise of social protest in Colombia. The protestors claim the pollution of the environment, the bad social standards and working conditions and the unfair distribution of the benefits from the raw material boom. The social protest is diverse and manifold. Their character depends on who is protesting, on the corporate reactions and strategies, the mode and the actors (corporations, artisanal miners, ilegal miners etc.) of extraction. The paper presents and analyzes a database on social protests against miming in Colombia between 2000 and 2015. The Data were collected by the centre of investigation and popular educacion/ program for peace (Centro de Investigación y Educación Popular/ Programa por la paz). The Paper systemizes and interprets the database and exemplifies them with four cases of protests against gold and coal mining

    Narración de ficción y ver como

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    El "Ver Como" De La Narración De Ficción. 2. "Ver Como" Y Temporalidad. 3. Lanarración Como Mimesis. 4. Conclusiones