3,545 research outputs found

    Motor vehicles overtaking cyclists on two-lane rural roads: Analysis on speed and lateral clearance

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    Two-lane rural roads in Spain accommodate significant bicycle traffic volumes, mainly associated to sport and leisure activities. Motor vehicles' higher speed, weight and volume, compared to cyclists, represent a serious safety concern when overtaking a bicycle. Spanish traffic rules determine a minimum 1.5. m lateral distance.This research characterised 2928 overtaking manoeuvres in the overtaking lateral clearance between motor vehicle and bicycle, as well as in the motor vehicle speed, in contrast with previous research. Two instrumented bicycles were equipped with laser rangefinders, a GPS tracker and three video cameras. They rode along seven rural road segments at a speed between 15 and 25. km/h, centred on the paved shoulder, or as close as possible to the outer edge. Besides, this methodology allowed the characterisation of the overtaken vehicle type, its left lane occupation as well as its interaction with opposing traffic flow. For each session, rider's general risk perception was also registered.The analysis suggested that lateral clearance is not the only factor that influenced rider's risk perception, although current standards are only related to it. On the contrary, a combined factor of lateral clearance, vehicle type and vehicle speed had a more significant correlation with the perceived risk. This agreed with literature models of transient aerodynamic forces between overtaking and overtaken vehicles. Results showed that effect of heavy vehicles on bicyclists was also strong. In addition to this, the combined factor of clearance and speed was higher on tangent sections where overtaking was permitted.Llorca Garcia, C.; Ángel-Domènech, A.; Agustin Gomez, F.; García García, A. (2017). Motor vehicles overtaking cyclists on two-lane rural roads: Analysis on speed and lateral clearance. Safety Science. 92:302-310. doi:10.1016/j.ssci.2015.11.005S3023109

    Convolution Systems on Discrete Abelian Groups as a Unifying Strategy in Sampling Theory

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    A regular sampling theory in a multiply generated unitary invariant subspace of a separable Hilbert space H is proposed. This subspace is associated to a unitary representation of a countable discrete abelian group G on H. The samples are defined by means of a filtering process which generalizes the usual sampling settings. The multiply generated setting allows to consider some examples where the group G is non-abelian as, for instance, crystallographic groups. Finally, it is worth to mention that classical average or pointwise sampling in shift-invariant subspaces are particular examples included in the followed approach.This work has been supported by the grant MTM2017-84098-P from the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO).Publicad

    Ten years of research in the highest ranked communication journals. Trends and subjects in JCR and SJR’s highest impact publications

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    La comunicación, entendida como campo de estudio y como disciplina, aunque es relativamente joven, ha conseguido una importante madurez en la primera década del siglo XXI como muestra la producción científica y la centralidad que ha conseguido en las sociedades actuales. Este artículo es el resultado de la realización de una Revisión Sistemática de la Literatura científica en las trece revistas académicas del área de la comunicación que ocupan los dos principales rankings de indexación: Journal Citation Reports (JCR) y Scimago Journal & Country Rank (SJR). Tras el análisis de 5.291 textos, ha sido posible encontrar algunos de los patrones y tendencias que se siguen en la publicación de investigaciones académicas en el campo de la comunicación. De este modo, este artículo muestra cómo algunas de las publicaciones privilegian algunos temas frente a otros. Al mismo tiempo, se ha identificado un notable crecimiento de la producción académica gracias, en parte, a la facilidad de difusión a través de la incorporación de plataformas de publicación en línea por parte de las revistas científicas. Además, se ha identificado la presencia y evolución de determinadas temáticas a lo largo de los últimos diez años para entender su desarrollo e importancia. Este texto contribuye a la literatura científica centrada en la comprensión de los patrones de publicación y cita entre investigadores mostrando las principales tendencias en la investigación de la comunicación a lo largo de la última década.Communication, understood as a field of study, is an area with a relatively short history, especially if compared with disciplines like Medicine or Physics. This research article is the result of a Systematic Literature Review of the thirteen-top ranked peer-reviewed journals in the area of communication: Journal Citation Reports (JCR) and Scimago Journal & Country Rank (SJR). After reviewing 5,291 articles, publishing patterns and thematic tendencies were identified. Thus, this article evidences that some journals privilege some topics over others as well as the rise of the academic research in communication due to the ease of publishing, thanks to online publishing platforms adopted by peer-reviewed journals. Likewise, the presence of many topics across the period of analysis was identified in order to set a general idea about their temporal development through the last ten years. This contributes to the literature corpus related to publication and citation patterns among journals and scholars by highlighting the main trends in communication research in the last decade.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) Xunta de Galicia Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (Gobierno de España).S

    Iniciativas de verificação no cenario da desinformação. Actantes em planos integrados com estratégias multiníveis

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    The spread of misinformation has become standard practice in today’s communicative scene. Both individual users and organizations disseminate false content for economic or political benefits. The response against these strategies has been to develop initiatives to both verify false information as well as prevent it from being spread. This article presents actions adopted by different actors to stop the spread of fake news. These actors are European institutions, national governments, the media, and major technology companies. Thus, this paper takes a comprehensive look at how misinformation is addressed in the European Union by studying reports and legislative texts and reviewing the growth of fact-checking initiatives.La propagación de desinformación se ha convertido en una práctica muy frecuente en el escenario comunicativo actual. Usuarios individuales y organizaciones hacen uso de la difusión de contenidos falsos para obtener rendimiento económico o político. La reacción frente a este tipo de estrategias no se ha hecho esperar de forma pareciendo iniciativas dirigidas tanto a la verificación de las informaciones falsas como a evitar su publicación. El objetivo del presente artículo es dar cuenta de las acciones adoptadas por los diferentes actores con capacidad para frenar la difusión de fake news: las instituciones europeas y los gobiernos nacionales, el periodismo y las principales empresas tecnológicas. A partir del estudio de diferentes informes y textos legislativos, así como de las herramientas diseñadas por las empresas tecnológicas o la revisión del crecimiento de iniciativas de fact-checking se dibuja una panorámica general de cómo se intenta combatir la desinformación en el marco de la Unión Europea.A disseminação da desinformação se tornou uma prática muito comum no atual cenário comunicativo. Utilizadores individuais e organizações disseminam conteúdo falso para obter benefício econômico ou político. A resposta contra essas estratégias tem sido o desenvolvimento de iniciativas cujo objetivo é tanto a verificação de informações falsas quanto a prevenção da sua disseminação. O objetivo deste artigo é mostrar as ações tomadas por diferentes atores com a capacidade de impedir a disseminação de notícias falsas: instituições europeias e governos nacionais, os media e as principais empresas tecnológicas. Assim, através do estudo de relatórios e textos legislativos ou a revisão do crescimento das iniciativas de fact-checking, os autores desenharão uma panorâmica sobre como a desinformação é abordada na União Europeia.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) Xunta de GaliciaS

    Accepting the Digital Challenge: Business Models and Audience Participation in Online Native Media

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    Since the mid-1990s, many journalistic initiatives have entered the online environment, either as a continuation of brands already consolidated in conventional formats or as native projects of the new medium. In Spain, the online media scene has just completed its first quarter century of life. This said, the aim of this proposal is to present the evolution of the digital native media in Spain in order to compare their current situation with European success stories. For that purpose, we have conducted a comparative case study between three highlighted Spanish digital native news outlets and three from other European countries. The results show a progressive shift towards a member-funded model, while news outlets try to reduce their dependence on advertising. However, the three European natives seem to be more advanced compared to the Spanish cases as these remain still dependent on advertising revenues to stand upright. Furthermore, two models of participation stand out: the user community and, in particular, the model of collaboration networks. Nevertheless, the study reveals how the analyzed European news outlets are changing the role of the reader through innovative forms of participatory interactivityThis article has been developed within the research project “Digital Native Media in Spain: Storytelling Formats and Mobile Strategy (RTI2018-093346-B-C33)”, funded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (Government of Spain) and co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Furthermore, authors Sara Pérez-Seijo and Ángel Vizoso are also beneficiaries of the Training University Lecturers’ Program (FPU), funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (Government of Spain)S

    Sampling Associated with a Unitary Representation of a Semi-Direct Product of Groups: A Filter Bank Approach

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    This article belongs to the Special Issue New trends on Symmetry and Topology in Quantum MechanicsAn abstract sampling theory associated with a unitary representation of a countable discrete non abelian group G, which is a semi-direct product of groups, on a separable Hilbert space is studied. A suitable expression of the data samples, the use of a filter bank formalism and the corresponding frame analysis allow for fixing the mathematical problem to be solved: the search of appropriate dual frames for l2(G). An example involving crystallographic groups illustrates the obtained results by using either average or pointwise samples.This research was funded by the grant MTM2017-84098-P from the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO)


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    Según la organización mundial de la salud (OMS), una droga es toda aquella sustancia que, introducida en el organismo por cualquier vía de administración, produce una alteración del funcionamiento del sistema nervioso central del individuo y, además, es susceptible de crear dependencia, ya sea, psicológica, física o de los dos tipos. El consumo de drogas acarrea grandes problemas de salud, entre estos, los que afectan a la cavidad oral, que variarán en función del tipo y dosis de la sustancia consumida, del tiempo y la frecuencia del consumo y de las características individuales del consumidor.En el presente trabajo, el objetivo es analizar a través de una revisión bibliográfica, la situación clínica-odontológica de jóvenes drogodependientes, la anamnesis, historia clínica, diagnóstico y pronóstico de este tipo de pacientes, además de las alternativas de tratamiento. Documentaremos el trabajo en base a dos pacientes tratados en prácticas tuteladas de la Facultad de Odontología de Huesca. Analizaremos además porqué el medio oral es uno de los sistemas más afectados y cuáles son los procesos que intervienen en función del tipo de droga de abuso consumida y su frecuencia. <br /

    Environmental engagement of costumer in the tourism industry

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    This article contributes to a better understanding of tourists’ environmental concerns, assuming that distance from the place of residence is relevant. The analysis is conducted for EU-27 countries, combining micro-data, correspond to the Flash Eurobarometer 281 drawn from the European Commission and macro-data from different international sources. Since the environmental attitudes may vary across different cultures and societies, the individuals should be nested into countries. Therefore, it is inappropriate to analyze data using traditional regression analysis. Mixed model specifically may take into account such hierarchical data structure considering simultaneously individual and contextual variables. A general finding from the estimates indicated that significant variance exists within and among nations in the level of environmental support. This finding is congruent with the necessity of simultaneously assessing the effect of individual and country levels variables on environmental support across the European countries. Additionally, this paper demonstrates that people who are actively involved in protecting the environment at home do not maintain this type of behavior when they go on vacation, which may have negative environmental consequences on destinations, albeit involuntarily. The environmental concerns of tourists when travelling domestically were around 15% higher than those travelling abroad. Additionally, the random slope variance regarding destination choice parameter is statistically significant, which allows us to explore the underpinning behind the heterogeneous pattern across countries. Our results can be of great importance to minimize the negative environmental impacts when traveling, and represents an interesting starting point to reduce the environmentally unsustainable behaviors in the tourist field

    Generalized sampling in U-invariant subspaces

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    In this work we carry out some results in sampling theory for U-invariant subspaces of a separable Hilbert space H, also called atomic subspaces. These spaces are a generalization of the well-known shift- invariant subspaces in L2 (R); here the space L2 (R) is replaced by H, and the shift operator by U. Having as data the samples of some related operators, we derive frame expansions allowing the recovery of the elements in Aa. Moreover, we include a frame perturbation-type result whenever the samples are affected with a jitter error

    Spider diversity (Arachnida: Araneae) in two different coffee management systems and surrounding tropical forest during two contrasting seasons in Oaxaca, Mexico

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    This study focuses on species richness, abundance, diversity, and seasonal variation of spiders in two coffee plantations with different crop management and a portion of tropical forest in two municipalities of La Costa region of Oaxaca, Mexico, using manual collection, foliage beating and pitfall traps. We collected 2,210 spiders belonging to 35 families, 100 genera and 146 species. The inventory includes 51 new species records for Oaxaca. Completeness values for two estimators indicate that the level of representation of inventories range from 68.25% to 78.44%, and the proportion of singletons range from 33.72% to 38.14%. Spider abundance in the rainy season was significantly lower than during the dry season. Spider abundance in the Tropical Forest was significantly lower than Monoculture site with the foliage beating method. Polyculture was the site with the lowest spider abundance with the pitfall traps. Rarefaction curves did not show significant differences in species richness between the sites and seasons. Hutcheson t-test showed that spider diversity was significantly lower in Monoculture than Tropical Forest during the rainy season. This study contributes to the knowledge of the arachnofauna of Mexico and particularly of the state of Oaxaca.Este estudio se enfoca en la riqueza de especies, abundancia, diversidad y variación estacional de las arañas en dos cultivos de café con diferente manejo y una porción de bosque tropical en dos municipios de la región Costa de Oaxaca, México, utilizando la colecta manual, agitación del follaje y trampas de caída. Se recolectaron 2,210 arañas pertenecientes a 35 familias, 100 géneros y 146 especies. El inventario incluye 51 nuevos registros de especies para Oaxaca. Los valores de completitud de dos estimadores indican que el nivel de representación de los inventarios oscila entre el 68.25 % y el 78.44 %, mientras que la proporción de singletons fue de 33.72 % y 38.14 %. La abundancia de arañas en la estación lluviosa fue significativamente menor que durante la estación secas. La abundancia de arañas en el Bosque Tropical fue significativamente menor que en el Monocultivo con el método de agitación de follaje. El Policultivo fue el sitio con menor abundancia de arañas con el método de trampas de caída. Las curvas de rarefacción no mostraron diferencias significativas en la riqueza de especies entre los sitios y estaciones. La prueba t de Hutcheson mostró que la diversidad de arañas fue significativamente menor en el Monocultivo que en el Bosque Tropical durante la estación lluviosa. Este estudio contribuye al conocimiento de la aracnofauna de México y particularmente del estado de Oaxaca