1,226 research outputs found

    Impact of the Information and Communication Technologies on the Education of Students with Down Syndrome: a Bibliometric Study (2008- 2018)

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    This article analyzes the impact of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) on students with Down syndrome through the consult of scientific articles published during the 2008 to 2018 period, in five scientific journal databases utilized in the academic world. Through a descriptive and quantitative methodology, the most significant bibliometric data according to citation index is shown. Likewise, a methodology based on the analysis of co-words and clustering techniques is applied through a bibliometric maps, in order to determine the fields of scientific study. The results show that articles published have a medium-low index of impact. There are linked with the importance of using ICT with these students, from educational inclusion and accessibility perspective

    New trends in education: the use of ICT in different ways

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    In the 21st century and due to the exponential growth of the Internet and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), people live in a technological age, in all areas and in all contexts, we have daily contact with technology, with access to Information. This dynamic requires a constant update of the services and technological tools that change the method that we study, work, communicate and socialize on an unprecedented scale. These constant changes force everyone, regardless of age, gender or profession, to possess a range of functional and critical thinking skills, such as information literacy, media literacy and technological literacy. The evolution of technologies, forces the promoters of education, to always be aware of the changes that society is introducing outside the classroom. Today, students don't have the same pattern as before, regardless of age, they are very active and are no longer the same introverted child who studied a few years ago in the classroom. According to this, students are eager for different forms of motivation inside and outside the classroom, they need the learning and teaching process to move along with changes in society and ICT. To ensure the success of today's students, it is important to provide them with the technological skills to make the correct use of ICTs, to perform tasks essential to their learning process, such as researching and selecting information, creating content, information sharing, use of collaboration tools or environment simulation tools. The main objective of this chapter is to show how ICT tools that can be used in educational environments to help students, helping them develop key skills in their training process, is also relevant to show how these tools can help teachers achieve these goals in daily activities with their students

    Assistive technology for the inclusion of students with disabilities: a systematic review

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    The commitment to increase the inclusion of students with disabilities has ensured that the concept of Assistive Technology (AT) has become increasingly widespread in education. The main objective of this paper focuses on conducting a systematic review of studies regarding the impact of Assistive Technology for the inclusion of students with disabilities. In order to achieve the above, a review of relevant empirical studies published between 2009 and 2020 in four databases (Web of Science (WoS), Scopus, ERIC and PsycINFO) was carried out. The sample consists of 31 articles that met the inclusion criteria of this review, out of a total of 216 identified. Findings of this study include that the use of Assistive Technologies is successful in increasing the inclusion and accessibility of students with disabilities, although barriers such as teacher education, lack of information or accessibility are found.Spanish Government DIFOTICYD EDU2016 75,232-PSpringer Natur

    Modelling vessel fleet composition for maintenance operations at offshore wind farms

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    Chartering a vessel fleet to support maintenance operations at offshore wind farms (OWF's) constitutes one of the major costs of maintaining this type of installations. Literature describes deterministic optimization models based on complete information within scenarios to schedule the maintenance and support decisions on the vessel fleet composition. The operations to be carried out can be classified as preventive and corrective tasks. The first type aims at reducing the likelihood of breakdowns and to prolong the life of turbine components. Corrective tasks are needed to repair breakdowns in turbines when they occur. Our research question is how to generate a vessel fleet composition, where the evaluation is based on scheduling without complete information. Such a model is a bi-level decision problem. On the first (tactical) level, decisions are made on the fleet composition for a certain time horizon. On the second (operational) level, the fleet is used to schedule the operations needed at the OWF, given random events of failures and weather conditions. A scenario based approach allows evaluation by parallel operational scheduling for each scenario..Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Spanish Ministry (TIN2015-66680

    Heuristics for Longest Edge Selection in Simplicial Branch and Bound

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    Pre-print de la comunicacion presentada al ICCSA2015Simplicial partitions are suitable to divide a bounded area in branch and bound. In the iterative re nement process, a popular strategy is to divide simplices by their longest edge, thus avoiding needle-shaped simplices. A range of possibilities arises in higher dimensions where the number of longest edges in a simplex is greater than one. The behaviour of the search and the resulting binary search tree depend on the se- lected longest edge. In this work, we investigate different rules to select a longest edge and study the resulting efficiency of the branch and bound algorithm.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Using Mobile Devices for Improving Learning Outcomes and Teachers’ Professionalization

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    Teaching in higher education is changing due to the influence of technology. More and more technological tools are replacing old teaching methods and strategies. Thus, mobile devices are being positioned as a key tool for new ways of understanding educational practices. The present paper responds to a systematic review about the benefits that mobile devices have for university students’ learning. Using inclusion and exclusion criteria in theWeb of Science and Scopus databases, 16 articles were selected to argue why Mobile learning (Mlearning) has become a modern innovative approach. The results point to an improvement in students’ learning through Mlearning, factors that encourage the use of mobile devices in universities have been identified, and e ective mobile applications in improving teaching and learning processes have been presented. The inclusion of this methodology requires a new role for teachers, whose characterization is also specified

    Economía creativa en la aglomeración metropolitana de Sevilla: agentes, redes locales de colaboración y principales actuaciones

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    Desde hace ya más de una década se viene atribuyendo un valor estratégico a la economía creativa al entender que puede contribuir a estimular la creación de empleo y a promover nuevos modelos de desarrollo territorial. Con este contexto general de referencia, el objetivo de este artículo es contribuir al conocimiento de la economía creativa en la aglomeración metropolitana de Sevilla, centrando especialmente la atención en los agentes a ella vinculados, en las redes de cooperación socio-institucional que entre dichos agentes se conforman y en sus principales actuaciones.For over a decade a strategic value has been placed on the so-called creative economy in the understanding that it can help to drive both job creation and promote new economic models. Given this general reference context, the aim of this article is to contribute to knowledge of the creative economy in the Urban Agglomeration of Seville, with special focus on the public and private agents with links to the area, on the local socio-institutional cooperation networks created by these agents, and on their main actions.Proyecto de Investigación del Plan Nacional de I+D+

    Cultural resources and creative industries in spanish medium-sized cities

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    In recent years, stress has been put on the relationship between cultural resources and creative industries and their ability to dynamise the economy and generate development processes. At the same time, much geographical research and some public powers and institutions have highlighted the role that medium-sized towns and cities can play by acting as intermediaries between large cities and rural areas. Seeking to combine these two theoretical reference frameworks, this article aims to analyse the presence of cultural resources and creative industries in Spanish medium-sized towns and cities. A typology of these towns and cities is also proposed based on these resources and industries.En los últimos años, se ha acentuado el interés por las relaciones entre recursos culturales e industrias creativas y su capacidad para dinamizar la economía y generar procesos de desarrollo. Al mismo tiempo, una importante parte de la investigación geográfica, de los poderes públicos y otras instituciones han destacado la potencialidad de las ciudades medias para actuar como intermediarias entre las grandes ciudades y las áreas rurales. Con la intención de combinar estos dos marcos teóricos de referencia, este artículo pretende analizar la presencia de recursos culturales e industrias creativas en las ciudades medias españolas. A este respecto, se propone una tipología de estas ciudades basada en este tipo de recursos e industrias.Spanish National Plan R&D&i and ERDF fund

    Las dificultades sufridas por una mujer para llegar a ser biomatemática : Nancy Kopell

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    Tras haber superado una serie de dificultades de diversos tipos, entre ellas de género, de carácter y de enfermedad, la norteamericana Nancy Kopell ha llegado a ser una de la biomatemáticas más reconocidas en la actualidad por sus excelentes contribuciones en el avance de la neurociencia, al estudiar a partir de los sistemas dinámicos las redes neuronales que gobiernan las actividades motoras rítmicas. En esta comunicación se comentan algunas de esas dificultades que ella fue paulatinamente venciendo y el modo en el que lo hizo. Entre ellas, la oposición de su familia a que estudiara, debido a las ideas conservadoras del entorno, el difícil acceso de la mujer a la universidad en aquel tiempo, la poca credibilidad de sus posibilidades por ser mujer y joven, etc, que al principio la hicieron sentirse insegura e inferior a los que la rodeaban, ocasionándole incluso una fuerte depresión. Todas estas trabas, sin embargo, una vez vencidas, la hicieron tan fuerte que ella misma, años después, llegó a señalar que hasta le habían venido bien, ya que el hecho de ser mujer hizo que recayese en ella una mayor atención por parte de los demás, lo cual incluso llegó a serle beneficioso en ciertos momentos de su vida

    Relación entre la Inteligencia Emocional y Burnout en educadores no formales de personas con discapacidad

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    INTRODUCTION. The direct involvement of professionals who carry out their activity with people with Intellectual Disability can generate a high degree of stress and emotional exhaustion. The objective of this research was to evaluate the relationship between emotional intelligence and dispositional optimism in processes of professional Burnout. METHOD. One hundred forty-four subjects participated in this study, belonging to the Andalusian Association of Organizations in favor of people with Intellectual Disability (Spain). The following instruments were used: Life Orientation Test Revised, Trait Meta-Mood Scale-24 and Maslach Burnout Inventory. The reliability of the scores of each instrument (Cronbach’s alpha and Omega coefficient), correlation between the scores in each of the dimensions, an analysis of differences of means (Student’s t and ANOVA) based on the sociodemographic variables considered, is analyzed as well as a model of structural equations to determine the effects and relationships established by the different constructs under study. RESULTS. The results showed the positive relationship between some of the dimensions of burnout (emotional fatigue, personal fulfilment), emotional intelligence (repair) and dispositional optimism (p<.05). An analysis was performed using structural equations, concluding that the indicators with the greatest regression weight are the Burnout variables (depersonalization) and negatively (personal fulfillment). DISCUSSION. The discussion examines whether findings from the study follow the current trend in research conducted in this field. Among the main contributions of this investigation project is the fact that it is one of the first studies where Emotional Intelligence, Burnout and Dispositional Optimism in professionals of non-formal education of people with Intellectual Disabilities are included.INTRODUCCIÓN. La implicación directa de los profesionales que desarrollan su actividad con personas con Discapacidad Intelectual puede generar un alto grado de estrés y agotamiento emocional. El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar la relación entre inteligencia emocional y optimismo disposicional en procesos de Burnout profesional. MÉTODO. En este estudio participaron 144 sujetos, pertenecientes a la Asociación Andaluza de Organizaciones a favor de las personas con Discapacidad Intelectual (España). Se utilizaron los siguientes instrumentos: Life Orientation Test Revised, Trait Meta-Mood Scale-24 y Maslach Burnout Inventory. Se analiza la fiabilidad de las puntuaciones de cada instrumento (alfa de Cronbach y coeficiente Omega), correlación entre las puntuaciones en cada una de las dimensiones, un análisis de diferencias de medias (t Student y ANOVA) en función de las variables sociodemográficas consideradas, así como un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales para determinar los efectos y relaciones establecidas por los diferentes constructos a estudio. RESULTADOS. Los resultados mostraron la relación positiva entre algunas de las dimensiones de burnout (cansancio emocional, realización personal), inteligencia emocional (reparación) y optimismo disposicional (p <.05). Se realizó un análisis mediante ecuaciones estructurales, concluyendo que los indicadores con mayor peso de regresión son las variables Burnout (despersonalización) y negativamente (realización personal). DISCUSIÓN. En la discusión del estudio se analiza cómo los resultados extraídos siguen la tendencia predominante en investigaciones realizadas en este campo. Una de las principales aportaciones de esta propuesta investigadora es ser uno de los primeros trabajos que analizan Inteligencia Emocional, Burnout y Optimismo disposicional en profesionales de la educación no formal de personas con Discapacidad Intelectual