411 research outputs found

    Elaboración de morteros de cal y bastardos para albañilería fabricados con áridos siderúrgicos

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    Este trabajo de investigación quiere servir como referencia para concienciar a la sociedad sobre el uso racional de los recursos naturales y para buscar alternativas de uso a los subproductos generados en la industria, apostando por una economía circular que contribuya a evitar el deterioro ambiental. En el presente trabajo se estudia cómo afecta a las propiedades de los morteros la adición de áridos siderúrgicos, escorias blancas y negras, en sustitución parcial o total del árido en morteros con cal, ya sea en combinación con cemento o utilizando tan solo la cal como conglomerante. Para ello, se han realizado los ensayos requeridos para caracterizar los morteros, utilizando tanto un proceso experimental como analítico, mediante el Diseño de Experimentos basado en Superficies de Respuesta (RSM). La utilización de escoria de acería en sustitución de áridos silícicos permite obtener morteros de albañilería para construcción con propiedades equivalentes a los morteros tradicionales

    Music festivals as mediators and their influence on consumer awareness

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    Cultural products compete for public awareness in markets with high uncertainty, oversupply and a short product life cycle. Altogether, this means that only a small fraction of all releases generate the necessary consumer awareness to achieve a significant commercial success. This paper aims at identifying the informational function music festivals serve in cultural markets and how it translates into consumer discovery of cultural supply. To do so, we empirically measure informational spillover effects to performers at an established music festival. We hypothesize that this effect stems from the reputation attached to the brand equity of cultural organizations, is asymmetric, as it decreases with the success of the performer such that lesser-known performers profit more than well-known ones. Empirical results are consistent with our hypotheses

    Academic Contest and Social Networking to Promote Technology and Information Literacy among University Students

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    AbstractSpanish universities have recently adapted their studies to the requirements of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). This process has involved the consideration of the development of computer and informational skills as an academic objective. In order to develop these skills, among other activities, an informative video has been disseminated. The design of the communication campaign, developed through viral marketing and social networks has been the result of and empirical research carried out by students of the University of Valencia. This paper describes the research objectives, questions, techniques and main findings

    Piracy Revisited: Exploring Music Users in the Age of Technology Dependency

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    This paper empirically investigates and characterizes users of recorded music, both downloaders and purchasers. To this end we analyse the role of the variables defining the different segments of music users. In doing so, we have considered two main traits influencing the use of music. First, objective variables such as demographics, music consumption habits, music genres and technology. Second, subjective variables such as motives and attitudes towards piracy. Using data from a personal survey, subsequent latent class and fuzzy analyses show that while the former characteristics are relevant in those getting music for free from the Internet, the latter don´t pay any special part, contrary to what literature had suggested. Specifically, we find evidence of age, gender, technology, and genre of music confirming previous studies carried out on this topic before the existing gap in the literature. However, there is no evidence of these variables defining patterns of purchase behaviour.JEL Codes - M300; M31

    A Model-Based Approach for the Management of Electronic Invoices

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    The globalized market pushes companies to expand their business boundaries to a whole new level. In order to efficiently support this environment, business transactions must be executed over the Internet. However, there are several factors complicating this process, such as the current state of electronic invoices. Electronic invoice adoption is not widespread because of the current format fragmentation originated by national regulations. In this paper we present an approach based on Model-Driven Engineering techniques and abstractions for supporting the core functions of invoice management systems. We compare our solution with the traditional implementations and try to analyze the advantages MDE can bring to this specific domain

    Prosthetic Memory: Object Memories and Security for Children

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    Children younger than 3 years old are very special humans, their psychomotor and social development is very fast and parents and relatives would like to know every new detail (when, who, where, what, how and why) in real time. These news are difficult to remember and some kind of diary is needed. Here we propose a “prosthetic memory” based on Digital Object Memories applied to Web of Things using hidden NFC tags in children’s clothes, mobile applications for smartphones and a central server to store the ontologized information

    Interaction control in children using NFC tags

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    Children younger than 3 years old are very special humans, their psychomotor and social development is very fast and parents and relatives would like to know every new detail (when, who, where, what, how and why) in real time. These news are difficult to remember and some kind of diary is needed. Here we propose a “prosthetic memory” based on Digital Object Memories applied to Web of Things using hidden NFC tags in children’s clothes, mobile applications for smartphones and a cen tral server to store the ontologized information

    An automated Model-based Testing Approach in Software Product Lines Using a Variability Language.

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    This paper presents the application of an automated testing approach for Software Product Lines (SPL) driven by its state-machine and variability models. Context: Model-based testing provides a technique for automatic generation of test cases using models. Introduction of a variability model in this technique can achieve testing automation in SPL. Method: We use UML and CVL (Common Variability Language) models as input, and JUnit test cases are derived from these models. This approach has been implemented using the UML2 Eclipse Modeling platform and the CVL-Tool. Validation: A model checking tool prototype has been developed and a case study has been performed. Conclusions: Preliminary experiments have proved that our approach can find structural errors in the SPL under test. In our future work we will introduce Object Constraint Language (OCL) constraints attached to the input UML mode

    Financiación pública y emprendimiento: comportamientos y heterogeneidad regional de las pequeñas y medianas empresas

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    The existence of restrictions for small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to access long-term credit has led governments to establish institutional systems to facilitate such access and reduce the cost of credit, with the condition that its feasibility is justified (and assessed) and there are no distortions as regards competition. Very few empirical in-depth studies exist regarding this field of academic research, and scarce attention has been paid from a regional perspective. Due to the characteristics of the business structures in the different regions, as well as the existence of agglomeration economies and the regional dispersion of the entrepreneurship rate, this paper analyses the effects of the productive financing support model, provided by the Government of Spain, through the Instituto de Crédito Oficial (ICO) [Official Credit Institute], on the behaviours and performances of the beneficiary companies. In the last decade, this source of financing has assigned 30,000 million euro. The results show the general acceptance of this policy due to its adaptation to the interests of the companies and its contribution to the improvement of the economic-financial efficiency indicators. Regionally, no substantial differences have been observed, but the results of this research show a greater contribution to the dynamism of the more progressive regions.La generalizada aceptación de la existencia de restricciones al acceso al crédito a largo plazo por parte de las pequeñas y medianas empresas (Pyme), ha inducido a los gobiernos al establecimiento de sistemas institucionales que faciliten dicho acceso y abaraten el coste del crédito, siempre que pueda justificarse (y evaluarse) su viabilidad y no introduzcan distorsiones en la competencia. Abundantes estudios han profundizado en esta vía de investigación académica, aunque apenas han particularizado la perspectiva regional. Debido a las distintas características que presenta la estructura empresarial entre las regiones, así como a la existencia de economías de aglomeración y a la dispersión regional de la tasa de empresarialidad, en este trabajo se analiza la incidencia del modelo de apoyo a la financiación productiva, proporcionada por el gobierno de España, a través del Instituto de Crédito Oficial (ICO), en los comportamientos y desempeños de las empresas beneficiarias. Esta línea de financiación, de intermediación bancaria, ha destinado en la última década casi 30.000 millones de euros. Los resultados arrojan evidencias de la aceptación generalizada de esta política por su adecuación a los intereses de las empresas y por su contribución a la mejora de sus indicadores de eficiencia económico-financiera. Regionalmente, no se observan importantes disimilitudes, pero la investigación detecta una mayor contribución al dinamismo de las regiones más avanzadas

    Sustainability Improvement in the Design of Lightweight Roofs: A New Prototype of Hybrid Steel and Wood Purlins

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    A new structural typology of a hybrid purlin, made of type C cold steel and rectangular laminated wood (SWP), is presented in this paper. As a result, improvements on the most commonly used steel purlins are achieved, by substituting some of the steel sections for wooden sections. Although the wooden section is weaker and has a lower elastic modulus than the steel, the overall dimensions of the SWP are no larger than the type C steel purlin. In comparison with the steel ones, SWP purlins achieve a far better performance in terms of sustainability and are of lower weight, so less material will be needed for the main structure of the building. The behavior of each material in its position and the improvements in terms of sustainability and lower weight are analyzed as a function of span length, slope, and design load. To do so, the influence of both tensile stress and deformation design criteria in each section and the influence of those criteria on the choice of material and the lengths of each section are all examined. Finally, a design guide for the SWPs is presented that applies the proposed technical specifications.This research was funded through the Basque Regional Government under the following grant numbers: IT781-13 and IT1314-19