2,677 research outputs found

    The economic geography of football success: empirical evidence from european cities

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    Introduction. – 1. The geography of successful football teams: an analytical framework – 2. Empirical analysis – 2.1. Data, model estimation and results – 2.2. Cities and teams: some remarks about market size and teams’ performance – 3. Conclusions – 4. Annex

    The production process in basketball: Empirical evidence from Spanish league

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    The main objective of this paper is to provide an empirical assessment of the production process in a basketball team. We estimate a logit model in which the output produced by a team is the game outcome (win or loss) and the inputs are those play characteristics that impact on that outcome. From the results obtained it is clear that, on average, there is a substantial difference between the impact of each play characteristic on a basketball team’s winning probability and that probability varies as the quality/quantity of the inputs used changes, albeit not proportionally.sports economics, team sport, professional basketball, productive process, logit model

    Utilización del polisombra y sus efectos en el cultivo de la piña (Ananás Comosus) en la finca Banapiña corregimiento de Mingueo Guajira

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    El presente trabajo se realizó con el objetivo de identificar los efectos de la utilización de poli sombra sobre el cultivo de piña MD2 en el sistema agroecológico de la Guajira media, para el desarrollo del ensayo se tomaron tres bloques con diferentes densidades de siembra, la cuales fueron de B1:60.000, B2:65.000 y B370.000 Plantas/ha respectivamente. A cada bloque se le aplicaron tres tratamientos (T1= polisombra de 50%, T2 = polisombra de 30% y un T3 = Sin polisombra) en un cultivo experimental de piña (Ananás comosus) tipo gold cayena liza MD2 en la finca Banapiña. Se calculó en la cosecha el porcentaje de frutos afectados por el golpe de sol. Para observar la presencia de plagas y enfermedades en el cultivo se realizó recorridos diarios sobre las parcelas en zig zag realizando toma de muestras y llevando una anotación sobre las plagas y enfermedades nuevas encontradas en cada revisión. Según los resultados obtenidos en campo se pudo encontrar que se presentó golpe de sol en los testigos (B1 - T3: 0.7%, B2 - T3: 0.8%, B3 - T3: 0.3%). Por lo cual se puede observar que la utilización de polisombra es un método eficaz para controlar el golpe de sol. La presencia de plagas como cochinilla y cinfilidos se vio acentuada en el tratamiento 1 (50% polosombra) para las tres densidades y en el tratamiento 3 (testigo) para las 3 densidades se presentó menor ataque de estas plagas solo se presentó un ataque leve de Hymenópteros. En el tratamiento 1 Bloque 2 y 3, se presentó un ataque de Phytophtora Parasítica con lo que podemos decir que altas densidades de siembra con polisombra de alto porcentaje de cobertura generan mayor propensión del cultivo al ataque de esta enfermedad. En el tratamiento 1 en las 3 densidades (B1, B2 y B3) se presentó un etiolamiento de la corona excesivo que redujo el peso de la pulpa en un 70% con respecto a los testigos. 5 Los polisombra de alta densidad hicieron que el cultivo fuera más propenso al ataque de plagas y enfermedades y también disminuyeron la producción de pulpa de fruta por etiolamiento de la corona

    Critique of radicalism, dignification of politics and political culture

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    Esta comunicación invita a leer y reflexionar sobre el proyecto filosófico-político desarrollado por Helmuth Plessner entre 1924 y 1935. Allí, Plessner se enfrentó críticamente a una de las experiencias de radicalismo político y social más determinantes del siglo XX, la ocurrida en el transcurso de la República de Weimar. A partir de su antropología política, publicada en el año 1931 bajo el título de Poder y naturaleza humana, comentaremos las herramientas críticas que dejó Plessner como legado para pensar el presente: dignificación de la política, crítica del radicalismo y cultura política.This communication invites to read and reflect on the philosophical-political project developed by Helmuth Plessner between 1924 and 1935. There, Plessner faced critically one of the most determinant experiences on political and social radicalism in the twentieth century, the one which occurs during the Weimar Republic. From his political anthropology, published in 1931 under the title of “Power and human nature”, we´ll comment the critical tools that Plessner left as a legacy to think the present: dignification of politics, critique of radicalism and political cultur

    X Workshop of Physical Agents (WAF'2009)

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    The Workshop of Physical Agents intends to be a forum for information and experience exchange in different areas regarding the concept of embodied agents, especially applied to the control and coordination of autonomous system: robots, mobile robots, industrial processes or complex system. This special issue is devoted to the selected papers presented at the WAF09 that took place from September 10th to 11th in the city of Cáceres (Spain)

    Microcontroller-Based Sinusoidal Voltage Generation for Electrical Bio-Impedance Spectroscopy Applications

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    A sinusoidal voltage wave generator is proposed based on the use of micro- processor digital signals with programmable duty-cycles, with application to real-time Electrical Cell-substrate Impedance Spectroscopy (ECIS) assays in cell cultures. The working principle relies on the time convolution of the programmed microcontroller (μC) digital signals. The expected frequency is easily tuned on the bio-impedance spectroscopy range [100 Hz, 1 MHz] thanks to the μC clock frequency selection. This system has been simulated and tested on the 8 bits μC Arduino™ Uno with ATmega328 version. Results obtained prove that only three digital signals are required to fit the general specification in ECIS experiments, below 1% THD accuracy, and show the appropriateness of the system for the real-time monitoring of this type of biological experiments.Spanish founded Project: TEC 2013- 46242-C3-1-P: Integrated Microsystem for Cell Culture AssaysFEDE

    Measurement invariance of the driving inattention scale (ARDES) across 7 countries

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    The Attention-Related Driving Errors Scale (ARDES) is a self-report measure of individual differences in driving inattention. ARDES was originally developed in Spanish (Argentina), and later adapted to other countries and languages. Evidence supporting the reliability and validity of ARDES scores has been obtained in various different countries. However, no study has been conducted to specifically examine the measurement invariance of ARDES measures across countries, thus limiting their comparability. Can different language versions of ARDES provide comparable measures across countries with different traffic regulations and cultural norms? To what extent might cultural differences prevent researchers from making valid inferences based on ARDES measures? Using Alignment Analysis, the present study assessed the approximate invariance of ARDES measures in seven countries: Argentina (n = 603), Australia (n = 378), Brazil (n = 220), China (n = 308). Spain (n = 310), UK (n = 298), and USA (n = 278). The three-factor structure of ARDES scores (differentiating driving errors occurring at Navigation, Manoeuvring and Control levels) was used as the target theoretical model. A fixed alignment analysis was conducted to examine approximate measurement invariance. 12.3 % of the intercepts and 0.8 % of the item-factor loadings were identified as non-invariant, averaging 8.6 % of non-invariance. Despite substantial differences among the countries, sample recruitment or representativeness, study results support resorting to ARDES measures to make comparisons across the country samples. Thus, the range of cultures, laws and collision risk across these 7 countries provides a demanding assessment for a cultural-free inattention while-driving. The alignment analysis results suggest that ARDES measures reach near equivalence among the countries in the study. We hope this study will serve as a basis for future cross-cultural research on driving inattention using ARDES.Grant MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033State Research Agency (SRA) (MCIN/AEI/) (PID2020-113978RB-I00 and PDC2021-12944-I00)Spain and European Regional Fund “ERDF” A way of making Europe"European Union” or by the “European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR”Junta de Andalucía I + D + I Programa Operativo FEDER Andalucía (P20_00338, A-SEJ-114-UGR20 and PYC20 RE 022 UGR)Plan Nacional de Drogas (Ministerio de Sanidad) PND-020-019Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Granada / CBU

    Parenting in the context of driving: Spanish adaptation of the Family Climate for Road Safety (FCRSS) for parents and children

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    The Family Climate for Road Safety Scale (FCRSS; Taubman – Ben-Ari & Katz – Ben-Ami, 2013) is a comprehensive measure originally developed in Israel to assess parent-children relations in the specific context of driving. The scale consists of seven dimensions: Modelling, Feedback, Communication, Monitoring, Messages, Limits, and Non-commitment to Safety. While the original FCRSS examines the young drivers’ perception across the seven domains, a version applicable to parents has also been developed by the same authors. The current study investigates the validity and reliability of the FCRSS-Spain for both parents and young drivers. A total of 377 parents (199 fathers and 178 mothers) and 243 of their children (143 daughters and 100 sons) responded to the FCRSS-Spain versions and provided sociodemographic data. In addition, the young drivers completed the Spanish version of the Multidimensional Driving Style Inventory (MDSI-Spain). Results from exploratory structural equation modelling (ESEM) indicate that six out of the seven FCRSS domains were replicable among Spanish drivers. The Messages dimension did not emerge as a consistent factor in the FCRSS for either parents or young drivers. All six factors demonstrated good internal consistency reliability (ordinal alpha coefficients exceeding 0.70), except for Non-commitment to safety. Significant differences were found between mothers and fathers in various FCRSS dimensions in the predicted direction, whereas no significant differences in FCRSS scores were found between young men and young women. As expected, associations were found between parents’ scores in various FCRSS dimensions and the reckless, angry, dissociative, anxious, and careful driving styles reported by the young drivers, as well as between young drivers’ FCRSS scores and their self-reported reckless, angry, dissociative, anxious, and careful driving styles.State Research Agency (SRA) (MCIN/AEI/) (PID2020-113978RB-I00 and PDC2021-12944-I00)Spain and European Regional Fund “ERDF” A way of making Europe”Junta de Andalucía I + D + I Programa Operativo FEDER Andalucía (P20_00338, A-SEJ-114-UGR20 & PYC20 RE 022 UGR), Spai

    UIMP-TV. A window on the world

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    Análisis de la plataforma de emisión de contenidos en directo y en abierto de la Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo, UIMP-TV, así como del ecosistema de algunas de las aplicaciones integradas en el proyecto educativo UIMP 2.0. En el presente documento especificamos los incentivos que llevaron a la Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo a transformar su modelo docente para adaptarse a la aplicación de las nuevas tecnologías web 2.0 en el ámbito educativo. Definiremos las características técnicas del sistema, su metodología de trabajo y sus resultados y repercusión en la comunidad UIMP 2.0 y en las redes sociales generalistas en las que la UIMP tiene presencia.Analysis of the International University Menéndez Pelayo broadcast streaming platform and open live content called UIMP-TV, as well as the ecosystem of some of the applications related and integrated in the educational project UIMP 2.0.In this paper we specify the incentives that led to the International University Menéndez Pelayo to transform their teaching model to fit the application of new web 2.0 technologies in education. We define the technical characteristics of the system, its methodology and its results and impact on the UIMP 2.0 community and within the generalists social networks in which the International University Menéndez Pelayo is present

    Generación de Comportamiento Complejo en Robots Autónomos

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    El objetivo de esta tesis es el estudio de la relación entre autonomía, comportamiento inteligente y percepción del espacio en agentes autónomos. Estos tres factores se estudian a menudo desde perspectivas muy diferentes, pero su relación es tan estrecha que debe existir una estructura conceptual que los una. Los esfuerzos por construir robots inteligentes desde los paradigmas dominantes del Cognitivismo, primero, y la Inteligencia Artificial basada en comportamientos, después, no han dado los frutos esperados. Actualmente, dos nuevas corrientes exploran el terreno intermedio buscando recuperar, desde nuevas perspectivas, las intuiciones desarrolladas en los últimos cuarenta años. Por un lado, las Arquitecturas Híbridas buscan suavizar la interfaz entre lo reactivo y lo reflexivo mediante flujos de información, ascendentes y descendentes, más densos. Alternativamente y desde una posición más alejada de los métodos ya validados, la Teoría de Sistemas Dinámicos se está empezando a aplicar en un número creciente de áreas relacionadas con la Inteligencia Artificial, típicamente tratadas desde una perspectiva estrictamente computacional. Este trabajo es un esfuerzo en esta última dirección. Nos planteamos abordar el problema de la percepción del espacio en agentes autónomos desde dos puntos de vista complementarios: la generación de un modelo conceptual que explique un conjunto de propiedades y observaciones deseables e inspiradas en la percepción animal; y la validación experimental de los aspectos básicos del modelo sobre un robot móvil construido para este fin. El modelo propuesto se denomina espacio perceptivo y está formado por una estructura dinámica -su estado evoluciona en el tiempo- que interacciona con módulos específicos de proceso: el módulo visual y el módulo motriz. Esta estructura está organizada en tres niveles: el espacio interno, que mantiene un modelo directo de la cinemática, dinámica y estado preceptivo del agente; el espacio externo, donde se da la percepción directa del entorno cercano; y el espacio extendido, cuya estructura de encapsulamiento recursivo permite retener, de forma ordenada y codificada, cantidades arbitrarias de información espacial. La dinámica del espacio perceptivo busca mantener un estado de equilibrio, que se ve continuamente desestabilizado por la interacción de los módulos visual y motriz. El resultado de esta dinámica genera, simultáneamente, comportamiento y representación. El robot es una plataforma móvil dotada de una cámara orientable. Dispone, además, de una arquitectura de control de motores modular como soporte de proceso de un computador situado a bordo. Todo el procesamiento se realiza en el robot y permite, mediante una conexión por red, la monitorización en tiempo real y su reprogramación desde una estación remota Summary The goal of this dissertation is to study the relationship among autonomy, intelligent behavior and the perception of space in autonomous agents. These three factors are usually explored from quite different perspectives, but their relationship is so deep that a conceptual structure joining them must exist. Efforts aimed at developing intelligent robots that have adopted the main paradigms: Cognitivism and Behavior-Based Artificial Intelligence, have not offered the expected results. However, two new approaches are exploring the middle land in an effort to recover, from a new perspective, the insights developed during the last forty years. On one side, Hybrid Architectures try to soften the interface between reactive behavior and deliberative reasoning, through increasingly dense bidirectional information flows. From a different departure point, Dynamical Systems Theory is beginning to be applied to a wide variety of problems related to Artificial Intelligence, which have been traditionally approached from a straightforward computational point of view. This work is an effort is this last direction. Here, we face the problem of spatial perception in autonomous agents from two complementary viewpoints: the development of a conceptual model that is able to explain desirable properties and facts, inspired in animal and human perception; and the experimental validation of basic aspects of the model on a mobile robot built for this purpose. The proposed model is called perceptual space and consists of a dynamical structure -its state evolves with time- that interacts with specific processing modules: the visual module and the motor module. This structure is organized in three levels: the inner space, which keeps an updated copy of the kinematics, dynamics and propioceptive state of the agent; the outer space, where direct perception of proximal environment is carried out; and extended space, whose recursive encapsulated structure keeps, coded and ordered, unbound amounts of spatial information. The inner dynamics of the perceptual space try to continuously reach an equilibrium point, while it is perturbed by inputs from visual and motor modules. The outcome of this interaction becomes, simultaneously, behavior and representation. The robot used in the experimental research is a mobile tank-like platform endowed with a vision head. It uses a modular control architecture that connects to the main computer on board. All the processing is carried out on board and, at the same time, it can comunícate with remote workstations through an Ethernet network