2,808 research outputs found

    Variación sincrónica en el perfil de complementación de REMEMBER: cláusulas finitas versus cláusulas no finitas en los ingleses indio y británico

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    This paper explores the prevalent simplification of morphosyntactic features occurring in Postcolonial Englishes (cf. e.g. Williams 1987) by addressing the hypothesis that finite complement clauses (CCs) should be more common in these varieties than a non-finite counterpart due to their higher explicitness. The hypothesis is tested in two varieties of English, British English as a reference variety and Indian English, exploring the complementation profile of REMEMBER by means of a corpus-based approach. In addition, a variable analysis aims at shedding light on the language-internal features potentially conditioning the choice between CCs in competition. The results partially confirm the hypothesis; there is a larger proportion of finite CCs in Indian English than in British English but non-finite CCs are the most common option in the two varieties. Furthermore, not only simplification, but also other factors such as substrate influence or second-language acquisition processes may be responsible for the distribution found in Indian English. As for language-internal features, while some factors condition the choice across varieties, others are variety-specific.Este artículo versa sobre la frecuente simplificación de rasgos morfosintácticos que se da en las lenguas inglesas postcoloniales (cf. ej. Williams 1987) y explora la hipótesis de que las cláusulas de complementación finitas fueran más comunes en estas variedades del inglés que su equivalente no finita debido a que son más explícitas. Este trabajo pone a prueba esta hipótesis en dos variedades del inglés, el inglés británico como variedad de referencia y el inglés indio, y explora el perfil de complementación del verbo REMEMBER mediante una metodología de corpus. Además, un análisis cualitativo de variables intenta arrojar luz sobre los factores internos del lenguaje que condicionan la elección de cláusulas de complementación que compiten entre sí. Los resultados confirman la hipótesis parcialmente; hay una mayor proporción de cláusulas finitas en inglés indio, aunque las cláusulas no finitas son la opción más común en las dos variedades. Además, se observa que no solo la simplificación, sino otros factores como la influencia del substrato o los procesos típicos de la adquisición de una segunda lengua pueden ser los responsables de la distribución hallada en el inglés indio. En cuanto a los factores internos del lenguaje, mientras algunos factores condicionan la elección en las dos variedades, otros son específicos de cada una

    The Diachronic Evolution of the Complementation Profile of REMEMBER from Late Modern to Present-day British English

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    The emergence of gerund-participial complement clauses (CCs) is considered to be one of the major developments of the Great Complement Shift (Rohdenburg 1996: 2006) and has contributed to the alleged long-term trend for the growth of non-finite CCs in the English language (Denison 1999: 256). The verb remember saw its complementation profile altered by the introduction of gerundparticipial CCs, which entered into free competition with finite declarative CCs when the meaning of the verb is ‘recall’. This envelope of variation is studied here in terms of frequency distribution and the language-internal factors that influence the choice in Present-day British English (BrE). Results are compared to Cuyckens et al. (2014) findings for the Late Modern English period. The data show that the distribution of finite and non-finite CCs stabilised in the last century: the trend in English towards growth in the proportion of nonfinite CCs is not observed in this study. As for factors conditioning CC variation, non-structural factors (e.g. CC meaning) are key variables disfavouring non-finite CCs in Present-day BrE, while structural factors appear not to influence the choice today, unlike in Late Modern English, where both structural and non-structural factors conditioned the variation observed (Cuyckens et al. 2014)

    El sensacionalismo en torno a la violencia de género en el diario ABC. El crimen de El Salobral

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    Análisis sobre el tratamiento informativo de la violencia de género en el diario nacional ABC. Una aproximación a los tópicos sexistas, al sensacionalismo y a la dramatización de las muertes por violencia machista. Estudio sobre los docudramas, mezcla de realidad y ficción, que se alejan del rigor, la precisión y la profesionalidad periodística. El presente trabajo se centra en el análisis de un caso concreto de violencia machista: el crimen de El Salobral.Departamento de Historia Moderna, Contemporánea y de América, Periodismo y Comunicación Audiovisual y PublicidadGrado en Periodism

    Effect of multiple injection strategies on emissions and performance in the Wärtsilä 6L 46 marine engine. A numerical approach

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    Author manuscript version[Abstract] The present paper proposes a Computational Fluid Dynamics model to analyze the operation cycle and exhaust gas composition in a four-stroke marine diesel engine, the Wärtsilä 6L 46. Once validated, the numerical model was employed to study the influence of several pre-injection parameters such as pre-injection rate, duration, starting instant and number of pre-injections. The purpose is to reduce consumption and emissions, especially nitrogen oxides, due to the current increasingly restrictive legislation. It was found that the fuel injection is a critical factor influencing combustion and emission characteristics. Important nitrogen oxides emission reductions were obtained for the parameters analyzed. Particularly, a 31.9% nitrogen oxides reduction was obtained using 20% pilot injection, 65.7% advancing 4° the pre-injection start angle, 20.1% shorting 4° the pre-injection duration and 36.7% using 4 pre-injections. A slight increment of hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide and consumption was obtained, lower than 5% for almost all the cases analyzed, and a negligible effect on carbon dioxide emissions

    Selection of membranes and linking method in slope stabilization systems for the reduction on the installation time using multi-criteria decision analysis

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    Flexible systems anchored to the ground are low visual impact alternatives to be used in slope protection. With the aim of reducing their installation time and costs the mechanical union between layers of membranes is proposed to be done in warehouses instead of independent installations on site. The most appropriate component selection and linking method is selected using multi-criteria decision analysis, specifically using AHP, WASPAS and TOPSIS techniques. The criteria considered in order to take the decision are cost of materials, ease of sewing, transport and installation of the system, biodegradability of the secondary mat and its hydroseeding retention capacity that stimulates the revegetation. Due to the uncertainty on the data of biodegradability, four scenarios were analysed. The results indicate that the most suitable secondary membrane in all cases is the coconut fibre mesh and should be connected to the main membrane using a cable tie machine

    Analysis of the Real Energy Consumption of Energy Saving Lamps

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    [Abstract] Light emitting diode (LED) and compact fluorescent light (CFL) lamps are widely used because they are associated with low energy consumption and a reduced environmental impact. In the present paper, a study of the real consumption of these devices has been carried out. To do this, the active, reactive, distortion and apparent power and electrical efficiency for various lamps have been measured and calculated. The distortions produced in the network provoke the consumed energy to be in the order of 50–75% higher than that which appears in the commercial characteristics. This situation means that for its operation, it is necessary to generate and distribute an amount of energy much higher than that which is declared as the consumption of these lamps, and so far, this amount of energy is neither quantified nor invoiced. Additionally, groups of lamps have also been studied to check whether, when working together on the same network, there is a compensation phenomenon that reduces the negative effects of individual lamps. We have found that this compensation effect does not occur for the type of devices evaluated

    La importancia del juego en la adquisición de la noción de número natural

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    Games are a natural and spontaneous function that is essential for the normal development of the child. Because of their affective and creative value, they can be used in the rehabilitation of some specific learning difficulties. Not in vain, and in spite of the numerous changes that the society has been suffering, games have prevailed as they respond to the basic needs of the human being. It is practice itself that shows us that, both in the clinical and teaching aspects, enjoyment or the lack of it play a key role in learning. Child motivation to learn is, undoubtedly, fundamental. Because, in order to learn, the presence of desire is necessary El juego es una función natural y espontánea que es indispensable para que el niño se desarrolle con normalidad. Por su valor afectivo y creativo, puede ser aprovechado en la rehabilitación de algunas dificultades específicas delaprendizaje. No en vano, y pese a los numerosos cambios que fue sufriendo la sociedad, el juego se mantuvo debido a que el mismo responde a necesidades básicas del ser humano. Es la práctica misma la que nos demuestra que, tanto en elámbito clínico como en el pedagógico, el placer o displacer juega un papel fundamental en el aprendizaje. La motivación del niño para aprender es, sin duda, fundamental. Porque, para aprender, es necesaria la presencia del deseo

    Análisis comparado de los códigos de gobierno corporativo de España e Inglaterra. Especial referencia a la consideración de la auditoría interna

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    The pressures for globalisation, competition, development of the new technologies and the increase for social and environmental way are reason, between others, which have caused very rapid changes in the way of governing the organisations and the need on parts of the same ones to development of rules of government directed to protection of the implied agents. All this has led to the form in which the companies are monitored and controlled, known by Corporate Governance. The target of this paper is to carry out a comparative study on Corporate Governance in England and Spain for knowing the importance of a mechanism of internal control: the internal audit. Nevertheless, we have considered to be also essential the study of the board of directors. For it, we have carried out a comparison of the most excellent reports that have been published on this topic in both countries and, previously, we have carried out the literature review on the theories, models and concepts of Corporate Governance.Las presiones por la globalización, la competencia, el desarrollo de las nuevas tecnologías y el incremento por la preocupación social y medio ambiental son razones, entre otras, que han provocado cambios muy rápidos en la forma de gobernar las organizaciones y a la necesidad por partes de las mismas al desarrollo de pautas de gobierno encaminadas a la protección de los agentes implicados. Todo esto ha llevado a la forma en que se dirigen y controlan las sociedades, conocido por Gobierno Corporativo. El objetivo de este trabajo es llevar a cabo un estudio comparativo sobre el Gobierno Corporativo en Inglaterra y España destinado a conocer la importancia otorgada a una de los más significativo de los denominados mecanismos de control interno: La auditoría interna. No obstante, hemos considerado también esencial el estudio de los consejos de administración. Para ello, hemos efectuado una comparación de los informes más relevantes que se han publicado sobre este tema en ambos países y, previamente, hemos llevado a cabo una revisión de la literatura sobre las teorías, modelos y conceptos del Gobierno Corporativo