48 research outputs found

    Effect of Sphaerosporella brunnea mycorrhizas on mycorrhization of Quercus ilex × Tuber melanosporum

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    It is generally accepted that Sphaerosporella brunnea is a significant ectomycorrhizal contaminant in nurseries producing plants mycorrhized with various species of Tuber, and subsequently in truffières after outplanting. At the University of Alcalá, Spain, 397 small plants of Quercus ilex which were mycorrhized with Tuber melanosporum were inadvertently contaminated with S. brunnea, and this contamination was then monitored for 2 years. Sixty percent of the plants were contaminated and had S. brunnea ascomata on the surface of the container on one or several occasions. However, a Spearman test provided no evidence that S. brunnea mycorrhizas affected T. melanosporum mycorrhization whereas other contaminating ectomycorrhizal fungi significantly did. Therefore, it appears that S. brunnea is not detrimental to plants which are well mycorrhized with T. melanosporum

    Ensayo metodológico de planificación física de una autovía en el Estado Miranda (Venezuela)

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    La planificación física con base ecológica es fundamental para desarrollar el potencial ambiental y humano de un territorio. Sin embargo, en numerosas áreas de Latinoamérica hay carencias de información territorial que dificultan estos procedimientos. En esta línea, se ha realizado un ensayo metodológico de una planificación física de una autovía hipotética. Para ello se han realizado modelos en SIG (Sistemas de Información Geográfica) de capacidad territorial, riesgos, calidad, fragilidad e impacto ambiental, que se han integrado en una síntesis de planificación territorial. El objetivo final ha sido modelizar un mapa de impedancia o fricción frente a la autovía, para aplicar un algoritmo cost distance / cost path y obtener un trazado de autovía que optimizase la capacidad del territorio y minimizase el impacto ambiental. Se ha consolidado un aprendizaje y una primera transferencia I + D dirigida a la gestión territorial y a la toma de decisiones para diversos países de Latinoamérica

    Cirugía preservadora de órgano tras traumatismo esplénico cerrado con implicación hiliar

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    ResumenAntecedentesLa afectación esplénica secundaria a un traumatismo abdominal cerrado es frecuentemente tratada mediante esplenectomía. Ante la gravedad de las consecuencias del síndrome postesplenectomía (pérdidas hemáticas, sepsis, etc.) cada vez se tiende más a la preservación del órgano afectado. Presentamos un caso clínico de preservación de bazo tras traumatismo abdominal cerrado con implicación hiliar de dicho órgano, en el que se recurre al papel esencial del Floseal® como agente hemostático.Caso clínicoMujer de 22 años que presenta traumatismo abdominal cerrado tras accidente de tráfico, con diagnóstico de lesión esplénica del polo inferior con compromiso hiliar que implica la vascularización de dicha región. Se procede a la intervención quirúrgica urgente con preservación esplénica mediante esplenectomía parcial y control del sangrado con Floseal® y con el empleo de una malla de refuerzo de ácido poliglicólico. La evolución postoperatoria es satisfactoria y sale del hospital al 5.o día sin incidencias.ConclusiónEl empleo de agentes hemostáticos como el gel de gelatina y trombina (Floseal®) y el uso de mallas envolventes de ácido poliglicólico posibilitan la cirugía de preservación esplénica tras un traumatismo abdominal, representando una alternativa segura y factible a la esplenectomía completa clásica, con el beneficio de la conservación del órgano y de sus funciones.AbstractBackgroundSplenic involvement secondary to blunt abdominal trauma is often treated by performing a splenectomy. The severity of the post-splenectomy syndrome is currently well known (blood loss, sepsis), so there is an increasing tendency to preserve the spleen. The case is presented of splenic preservation after blunt abdominal trauma with hilum involvement, emphasising the role of Floseal® as a haemostatic agent, as well as the use of resorbable meshes to preserve the spleen.Clinical caseA 22-year-old woman presenting with a grade IV splenic lesion secondary to a blunt abdominal trauma after a traffic accident. Partial splenic resection was performed and bleeding was controlled with Floseal® and use of a reinforcing polyglycolic acid mesh. No postoperative complications occurred, being discharged on day 5. The long-term follow-up has been uneventful.ConclusionThe use of haemostatic agents such as thrombin and the gelatine gel (FloSeal®) and the use of polyglycolic acid meshes enable spleen-preserving surgery, making it a feasible and reproducible procedure and an alternative to classical splenectomy

    Autoantigenic nuclear proteins of a clinically atypical renal vasculitis

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    © 2008 Avila et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Licens

    Endoscopic Intragastric Injection of Botulinum Toxin A in Obese Patients Accelerates Weight Loss after Bariatric Surgery: Follow-Up of a Randomised Controlled Trial (IntraTox Study)

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    Intragastric injection of botulinum toxin A (BT-A) has been shown to be effective for weight loss up to six months after administration, according to previous studies. Our objective was to determine, in patients on bariatric surgery waiting lists, the effect of BT-A on weight loss in the pre- and postoperative period and to analyse if there are different responses based on Body Mass Index (BMI). Methods: We performed a follow-up analysis of the IntraTox study, which included 46 patients on bariatric surgery waiting lists in a single-centre, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. The treatment group received intragastric BT-A, whereas the control group received physiological saline solution. The one-time procedure was performed at the time of diagnostic endoscopy 7–8 months before surgery. Weight loss was evaluated at admission and after 4 and 12 weeks from the bariatric surgery. Our analysis was stratified by BMI at randomisation. Results: weight loss percentage on the day of surgery, with respect to the initial visit, was −4.5 ± 3.9% for the control group vs. −7.6 ± 4.2%, for the treatment group (p = 0.013). Weight loss percentage tended to remain greater in the treatment group one month after the intervention (−12.7 ± 4.7% vs. −15.2 ± 4.6%, p = 0.07) and become similar three months after (−21.6 ± 4.7% vs. −21.6 ± 4.6%). After stratifying by BMI, only patients with BMI over 50 kg/m2 allocated to the treatment group obtained a greater weight loss at the end of the trial, the day of surgery, and one month after, compared with the placebo group (−4.9 ± 4.9%, −10.8 ± 5.3% and −17.1 ± 3.8% vs. −0.1 ± 2.6%, −4.3 ± 3.2% and −12.8 ± 4.1%, respectively (p < 0.05). Conclusions: intragastric injection of BT-A is effective to achieve significant weight loss, especially in extreme obesity. Its use before bariatric surgery enhances perioperative weight loss.Merz Pharma (Frankfurt am Main, Germany) collaborated with a non-restricted grant. The study was co-funded by the Sociedad Andaluza de Endocrinología, Diabetes y Nutrición (SAEDYN) and the Sociedad Andaluza de Nutrición, Clínica y Dietética (SANCYD). This research was supported by the Plataforma Española de Investigación Clínica y Ensayos Clínicos, SCReN (Spanish Clinical Research Network), funded by ISCIII-Subdirección General de Evaluación y Fomento de la Investigación, through the projects PT13/0002/0020 and PT17/0020, integrated in the Plan Estatal de I+D+I 2013-2016 and co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag

    Ingeniería Forestal y ambiental en medios insulares

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    Las Islas Canarias a pesar de su reducida extensión y del relativo poco peso específico a nivel mundial, no es ajena a los problemas globales detectados en la conservación de bosques y en la importancia que éstos tienen para obtener beneficios económicos, socioculturales y ambientales. La gestión forestal sostenible es en este sentido esencial para asegurar y compatibilizar los diversos beneficios del bosque. El papel específico de los bosques y su gestión son sin embargo temas aún por conocer en nuestras islas, por lo que el Año Internacional de los Bosques ha representado una oportunidad única para dar a conocer el mundo forestal y acercarlo a nuestra sociedad. El presente libro consta de 25 capítulos donde se ha contemplado la mayoría de los aspectos a tener en cuenta en la planificación y gestión del medio forestal y natural. Desde la historia forestal del archipiélago, hasta el uso y técnicas de manejo de los recursos naturales, incluyendo el agua, la energía en forma de biomasa y la selvicultura

    Improvement of teaching, learning and english usage: common errors (F)

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    Se ha desarrollado el programa iErrors-F, disponible a modo de juego para aprender los errores comunes del uso del inglés (F) en . Dicho proyecto (2015-2-2009) complementa otros nueve (07NA2037, 08A4087, 092016, 102008, 112007, 122022, 2013-12-2009, 2014-12-2013 y 2016-1-2009), que permitieron desarrollar, respectivamente, los programas iFalseFriends, iPartialFalseFriends, iAnglicisms, iErrors-A, iErrors-B, iErrors-C, iErrors-D, iErrors-E and iErrors-G, disponibles a modo de juego para aprender los “falsos amigos” o cognados entre inglés y español , los “amigos inconsistentes” o cognados parciales entre dichos idiomas , los anglicismos , los errores comunes en inglés (A) , los errores comunes en inglés (B) , los errores comunes en inglés (C) , los errores comunes en inglés (D) los errores comunes en inglés (E) y los errores comunes en inglés (G) . Conviene resaltar que estos desarrollos se basan en el aprendizaje de forma lúdica, mediante un juego educativo, lo cual potencia su uso por todos en general y por las nuevas generaciones en particular. Esto diferencia a estos desarrollos de otras alternativas, como son las listas de textos escritos o diccionarios existentes. Dicho con otras palabras, el objetivo es innovar desde el diccionario clásico al juego educativo. Consideramos que ello es un elemento clave para incentivar y motivar al posible usuario. Dichos juegos educativos están diseñados para una visualización óptima desde el navegador web Apple Safari con iPhone e iPod touch (también se pueden usar en el iPad, así como con Mac o Windows). Es indudable que el inglés es el idioma universal y la lingua franca de nuestros días. Sin embargo, el nivel general de inglés en la Universidad de Córdoba puede ser significativamente mejorado, incluyendo Personal Docente e Investigador (PDI), alumnos y Personal de Administración y Servicios (PAS). Esta realidad puede extrapolarse a Andalucía y a España entera. Se trata de un hecho de notable importancia, sobre todo si se tiene en cuenta que la tendencia progresiva es hacia la impartición de clases en inglés. Por tanto, la situación actual nos pone en desventaja frente al proceso de Convergencia Europea (ECTS/EEES), la competitividad empresarial y el acceso al mercado laboral de nuestros egresados, por citar sólo algunos ejemplos. Esta realidad cobra especial relevancia en un mundo cada vez más globalizado. Faltan, por otra parte, herramientas específicas de enseñanza, aprendizaje, uso y perfeccionamiento del inglés (con aplicación académica general, docente, investigadora, asistencial y de gestión) que incidan en las peculiaridades de los hispanoparlantes en general y de los universitarios en particular. El proyecto realizado ha usado las nuevas Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) para el desarrollo y aplicación de herramientas multimedia y multiplataforma que ayuden a mejorar dichas carencias. El programa contiene una base de datos de errores comunes en el uso del inglés (F). El funcionamiento del recurso es tan intuitivo que no requiere instrucciones especiales: basta navegar hasta iErrors-F y seguir las instrucciones del juego educativo que aparecen en pantalla. La metodología utilizada es doble. Por una parte, se ha desarrollado dicho programa a modo de juego de aprendizaje para su acceso universal vía Internet. Por otra parte, los alumnos han jugado con el mismo de forma presencial y no presencial, analizándose después en clase los avances alcanzados en el aprendizaje del inglés, mediante las correspondientes evaluaciones de progreso. Con ello se ha conseguido una significativa mejora en el aprendizaje de inglés de los alumnos, en un campo en el que los propios angloparlantes cometen errores. El uso de esta herramienta permite una mejora de la docencia, aprendizaje y uso de dicho idioma, mejorando también con ello la calidad de las diferentes actividades desarrolladas en la universidad: académica general, docente, investigadora, asistencial y de gestión. De este modo se contribuye a aumentar la competitividad de la universidad, preparando a la misma para una mejor adaptación al Sistema de Convergencia Europea, actualizando la docencia en las nuevas tecnologías y mejorando la formación pedagógica del profesorado. Asimismo, todo ello genera un perfil más internacional y abierto de nuestra universidad, incrementando su calidad, y con ello el número de alumnos y profesores que la elijan.The application iErrors-F has been developed, being available as a game to learn common errors in English usage (F) in . Such project (2015-2-2009) complement other nine (07NA2037, 08A4087, 092016, 102008, 112007, 122022, 2013-12-2009, 2014-12-2013 and 2016-1-2009), which allowed to develop, respectively, the applications iFalseFriends, iPartialFalseFriends, iAnglicisms, iErrors-A, iErrors-B, iErrors-C, iErrors-D, iErrors-E and iErrors-G, available as games to learn “false friends” or cognates between English and Spanish , “inconsistent friends” or partial cognates between such languages , anglicisms , common errors in English (A) , common errors in English (B) , l common errors in English (C) , common errors in English (D) , common errors in English (E) and common errors in English (G) . It is important to remark that these developments are based on ludic learning, by means of educational games (edutainment), which enhance their use by all in general, and the new generations in particular. That sets apart these developments from other alternatives, like lists of available written texts or dictionaries. In other words, the objective is to innovate from classic dictionaries to educational games. We consider that this is a key element to encourage and motivate the potential user. Such educational games are designed for an optimal visualization from Apple Safari web browser, with iPhone and iPod touch (they can be also used with iPad, as well as Mac o Windows). It is obvious that English is the universal langue and lingua franca of our days. Yet, the general English level at the University of Cordoba (including faculty, students and administrative staff) can be significantly improved. This situation can be extrapolated to Andalusia and the whole Spain. That is a critical fact, mainly when taking into account that there is a progressive trend towards lecturing in English language. Therefore, the current situation represents a disadvantage for us in the context of European Convergence [European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS)/European Higher Education Area (EHEA)], business competitiveness and access to labor market of graduates, among others. This situation takes special relevance in a world that is becoming globalized. On the other hand, there is a lack of specific tools for teaching, learning, use and improvement of English language (with general academic application, education, research, assistance and management), taking into account the Spanish-speaking people in general, and university students in particular. The project carried out has used the new Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for development and deployment of multimedia and cross-platform tools to help improve such shortcomings. The application contains a database of common errors of English usage (F). Operation of the resource is so intuitive that it does not require special instructions: just navigate to iErrors-F and follow the simple directions of the edutainment game, showing on the screen. The methodology used is twofold. On one side, such application has been developed as a learning game for universal access via Internet. On other side, students have played with it in classrooms and outside locations (distance-learning), analyzing later on in classrooms the goals reached in English learning, by means of corresponding progress assessments. That has allowed to accomplish a significant improvement in English learning of students, in an area in which even English-speaking people make mistakes. Such tool allows an improvement of lecturing, learning and usage of such language, further improving that way the quality of different activities carried out at the university: academic in general, education, investigation, assistance and management. This is, therefore, a contribution to increase the university competitiveness, training for a better adaptation to the European Convergence System, updating teaching in new technologies and improving pedagogical level of teachers. Additionally, all that generates a more international and open profile of our university, increasing its quality, and thus the number of students and teachers applying for it

    Lack of replication of interactions between polymorphisms in rheumatoid arthritis susceptibility: case–control study

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    [Abstract] INTRODUCTION: Approximately 100 loci have been definitively associated with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) susceptibility. However, they explain only a fraction of RA heritability. Interactions between polymorphisms could explain part of the remaining heritability. Multiple interactions have been reported, but only the shared epitope (SE) × protein tyrosine phosphatase nonreceptor type 22 (PTPN22) interaction has been replicated convincingly. Two recent studies deserve attention because of their quality, including their replication in a second sample collection. In one of them, researchers identified interactions between PTPN22 and seven single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). The other showed interactions between the SE and the null genotype of glutathione S-transferase Mu 1 (GSTM1) in the anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide-positive (anti-CCP+) patients. In the present study, we aimed to replicate association with RA susceptibility of interactions described in these two high-quality studies. METHODS: A total of 1,744 patients with RA and 1,650 healthy controls of Spanish ancestry were studied. Polymorphisms were genotyped by single-base extension. SE genotypes of 736 patients were available from previous studies. Interaction analysis was done using multiple methods, including those originally reported and the most powerful methods described. RESULTS: Genotypes of one of the SNPs (rs4695888) failed quality control tests. The call rate for the other eight polymorphisms was 99.9%. The frequencies of the polymorphisms were similar in RA patients and controls, except for PTPN22 SNP. None of the interactions between PTPN22 SNPs and the six SNPs that met quality control tests was replicated as a significant interaction term--the originally reported finding--or with any of the other methods. Nor was the interaction between GSTM1 and the SE replicated as a departure from additivity in anti-CCP+ patients or with any of the other methods. CONCLUSIONS: None of the interactions tested were replicated in spite of sufficient power and assessment with different assays. These negative results indicate that whether interactions are significant contributors to RA susceptibility remains unknown and that strict standards need to be applied to claim that an interaction exists.Instituto de Salud Carlos III; 11/01048Instituto de Salud Carlos III; 12/01909Instituto de Salud Carlos III; RD12/0009/000

    Lack of replication of interactions between polymorphisms in rheumatoid arthritis susceptibility: case-control study

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    Introduction: Approximately 100 loci have been definitively associated with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) susceptibility. However, they explain only a fraction of RA heritability. Interactions between polymorphisms could explain part of the remaining heritability. Multiple interactions have been reported, but only the shared epitope (SE) × protein tyrosine phosphatase nonreceptor type 22 (PTPN22) interaction has been replicated convincingly. Two recent studies deserve attention because of their quality, including their replication in a second sample collection. In one of them, researchers identified interactions between PTPN22 and seven single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). The other showed interactions between the SE and the null genotype of glutathione S-transferase Mu 1 (GSTM1) in the anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide-positive (anti-CCP+) patients. In the present study, we aimed to replicate association with RA susceptibility of interactions described in these two high-quality studies. Methods: A total of 1,744 patients with RA and 1,650 healthy controls of Spanish ancestry were studied. Polymorphisms were genotyped by single-base extension. SE genotypes of 736 patients were available from previous studies. Interaction analysis was done using multiple methods, including those originally reported and the most powerful methods described. Results: Genotypes of one of the SNPs (rs4695888) failed quality control tests. The call rate for the other eight polymorphisms was 99.9%. The frequencies of the polymorphisms were similar in RA patients and controls, except for PTPN22 SNP. None of the interactions between PTPN22 SNPs and the six SNPs that met quality control tests was replicated as a significant interaction term the originally reported finding or with any of the other methods. Nor was the interaction between GSTM1 and the SE replicated as a departure from additivity in anti-CCP+ patients or with any of the other methods. Conclusions: None of the interactions tested were replicated in spite of sufficient power and assessment with different assays. These negative results indicate that whether interactions are significant contributors to RA susceptibility remains unknown and that strict standards need to be applied to claim that an interaction exists