6,062 research outputs found

    El estatuto jurídico de la santa sede en las naciones unidas

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    Influence of temperature on the average velocity of muscle fatigue in Rhinella marina Sartorius

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    Analizar y comparar el efecto de la temperatura en la velocidad promedio de las etapas de la fase lineal y de la fase exponencial de la fatiga producida por estimulación periódica con sacudida simple o con tétanos en el sartorio de sapo. Métodos: Estudio experimental, in vitro; muestra: 46 músculos de sartorio de sapo seleccionados aleatoriamente. A las temperaturas estudiadas, se midió la tensión pico producida con dos patrones de estímulo (sacudida simple o tétanos) hasta llegar en cada caso a un tipo de fatiga muscular, se calculó la velocidad de caída de la tensión en las etapas de la fase lineal y en la fase exponencial de cada tipo de fatiga y se compararon las pendientes de las regresiones obtenidas con la ecuación de Arrhenius. Resultados: Las temperaturas utilizadas (1 a 12°C) afectaron significativamente (p0,05). Conclusiones: La temperatura afectó significativamente la velocidad promedio de desarrollo de la fatiga en las diferentes fases de los dos tipos de fatiga, pero al comparar las pendientes de la mayoría de las regresiones correspondientes de Arrhenius, no se encontraron diferencias significativas, lo cual sugiere que, los mecanismos que subyacen a las diferentes etapas de la fatiga tienen igual sensibilidad a la temperatura.To analyze and compare the effect of temperature on the average velocity of the linear phase and the exponential phase stages produced by periodic stimulation with simple twitching or with tetanus in the toad sartorius. Methods: an in vitro experimental study with a sample of 46 toad sartorius muscles randomly selected. At the temperatures studied, peak tension produced with two stimulus patterns (twitching and tetanus) were measured until reaching the corresponding muscle fatigue in each case. The tension velocity drop in the linear phase and the exponential phase for each type of fatigue were calculated, and the regression slopes obtained with the Arrhenius equation were compared. Results: The temperatures used (1 to 12°C) significantly affected the velocity of fatigue in the stages of linear and exponential phases of both types of fatigue (p 0.05). Conclusions: The temperature significantly affected average development velocity of fatigue in the different phases of the two types of fatigue, but when comparing slopes of most regressions corresponding to Arrhenius there were no significant differences, suggesting that the mechanisms underlying the different stages of fatigue have equal sensitivity to temperature

    Desafíos de la evangelización frente al sincretismo

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    Animal models in the study and treatment of orofacial pain

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    Pain is one of the first causes of medical consultation in the world and by extension of dental consultation too. Orofacial pain comprehends the oral and facial regions including teeth, oral mucosa, gingiva, tongue and lips, but also the muscles of the jaw and neck, the temporomandibular joint, face, head and neck. Despite its highly estimated prevalence, it appears controversial and hard to quantify given the lack of common criteria to select the population under study and the difficulties to classify the different types of pain. Although for many patients the problem eventually fades after tissue healing, certain sub-chronic and chronic pain conditions remain notoriously undertreated. In this respect, animal models can be of great help. A systematic search was conducted in PubMed-Medline with appropriate keywords: orofacial pain, prevalence and dentist. Seven groups were generated and a second search based on each of these groups and on animal models was made. Search was restricted to English and Spanish, but no time restriction was applied. There are as yet few experimental models of orofacial pain: there hardly exists no other than trigeminal nerve injury for neuropathic pain, a bunch of oral squamous cell carcinoma models (mainly referred to the tongue) for cancer pain and none for the painful swelling of salivary glands. Similarly occurs for the burning mouth syndrome. A few more exist for inflammatory odontalgiae, aphthae, joint, myofascial and muscle inflammatory pains, although scarcely diverse as regards the nature of the noxious stimulus. Given the relevance of envisaging the mechanistic of the various types of orofacial pain, new experimental models are needed on the basis of the dentist?s perspective for their correct management

    In vitro modeling of dysfunctional glial cells in neurodegenerative diseases using human pluripotent stem cells

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    Most neurodegenerative diseases are characterized by a complex and mostly still unresolved pathology. This fact, together with the lack of reliable models, have precluded the development of effective therapies counteracting the disease progression. In the past few years, several studies have evidenced that lack of proper functionality of glial cells (astrocytes, microglia and oligodendrocytes) has a key role in the pathology of several neurodegenerative conditions including Alzheimer´s disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and multiple sclerosis among others. However, this glial dysfunction is poorly modelled by available animal models, and we hypothesize that patientderived cells can serve as a better platform where to study this glial dysfunction. In this sense, human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) has revolutionized the field allowing the generation of disease-relevant neural cell types that can be used for disease modelling, drug screening and, possibly, cell transplantation purposes. In the case of the generation of oligodendrocytes (OLs) from hPSCs, we have developed a fast and robust protocol to generate surface antigen O4-positive (O4+) and myelin basic protein-positive OLs from hPSCs in only 22 days, including from patients with multiple sclerosis or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. The generated cells resemble primary human OLs at the transcriptome level and can myelinate neurons in vivo. Using in vitro OLneuron co-cultures, effective myelination of neurons can also be demonstrated. This platform is being translated as well to the generation of the other glial cell types, allowing the derivation of patient-specific glial cells where to model disease-specific dysfunction. This methodology can be used for elucidating pathogenic pathways associated with neurodegeneration and to identify therapeutic targets susceptible of drug modulation, contributing to the development of novel and effective drugs for these devastating disorders.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Supported by PI18/01557 (to AG) and P18/1556 (to JV) grants from ISCiii of Spain co-financed by FEDER funds from European Union, and PI-0276-2018 grant (to JAGL) from Consejeria de Salud of Junta de Andalucia. JAGL held a postdoctoral contract from the I Research Plan Propio of the University of Malaga. CV and KE were supported by IWT-SBO-150031-iPSCAF and the Thierry Lathran Foundation grant – ALS-OL, and KN by FWO1166518

    Xenolitos peridotíticos del volcán Morrón de Villamayor (Campo Volcánico de Calatrava)

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    The El Morrón de Villamayor (MVM) peridote xenoliths vary from orthopyroxene-poor lherzolite to wehrlite in modal composition. This compositional feature contrasts with other Calatrava (CVF) xenolith suites. The studied xenoliths equilibrated at lower temperatures (618-942 o C) and slightly shallower (8.8-13.6 kbar) conditions than other CVF peridotites. MVM peridotites show local intense interaction with the host leucitite displaying spongy rims around primary clinopyroxene and also reaction zones with K-rich minerals (e.g., sanidine, leucite and richterite) and widespread clinopyroxene, olivine and spinel neoblasts. Nevertheless, the orthopyroxene-poor character of MVM peridotites might be caused by some previous metasomatic eventLos xenolitos peridotíticos del volcán El Morrón de Villamayor (MVM) son lherzolitas pobres en ortopiroxeno y wehrlitas, en contraste con los datos previos de xenolitos de otros volcanes de Calatrava. Las peridotitas estudiadas están equilibradas a temperaturas más bajas (618-942 o C) y menor profundidad (8,8-13,6 kbar) que las estimadas en otras peridotitas del Campo Volcánico de Calatrava. Localmente hay una intensa interacción del fundido leucitítico con los minerales primarios de la peridotita, ya que se originan zonas de reacción con minerales ricos en K (p.ej., sanidina, leucita y richterita) y frecuentes neoblastos de clinopiroxeno, olivino y espinela. El carácter pobre en ortopiroxeno de las peridotitas MVM debe estar causado por algún evento metasomático previ

    Determination of stable branches of relative equilibria of the NN-vortex problem on the sphere

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    We consider the NN-vortex problem on the sphere assuming that all vorticities have equal strength. We investigate relative equilibria (RE) consisting of nn latitudinal rings which are uniformly rotating about the vertical axis with angular velocity ω\omega. Each such ring contains mm vortices placed at the vertices of a concentric regular polygon and we allow the presence of additional vortices at the poles. We develop a framework to prove existence and orbital stability of branches of RE of this type parametrised by ω\omega. Such framework is implemented to rigorously determine and prove stability of segments of branches using computer-assisted proofs. This approach circumvents the analytical complexities that arise when the number of rings n2n\geq 2 and allows us to give several new rigorous results. We exemplify our method providing new contributions consisting in the determination of enclosures and proofs of stability of several equilibria and RE for 5N125\leq N\leq 12.Comment: 60 page