14 research outputs found
Els elements d’ornament sobre malacofauna en les darreres societats de caçadors-recol·lectors i primers productors de la Vall del Segre
Treballs Finals de Grau Arqueologia, Facultat de Geografia i Història, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2014-2015, Tutor: Xavier MangadoAmb aquest treball es volen desenvolupar les hipòtesis mediambientals,
socioeconòmiques i de conducta cultural que expliquin la transformació dels ornaments
en malacofauna en un sentit diacrònic. Això es farà a partir de l’estudi descriptiu i de
l’anàlisi sistemàtica d’aquestes transformacions (processos tecnològics d’elaboració,
processos funcionals d’utilització, així com processos post-deposicionals). Per aquest
estudi s’ha escollit una zona geogràfica concreta: la Vall del Segre, on es troben els tres
jaciments dels quals s’estudiarà la col·lecció malacològica. Aquests jaciments abasten la
cronologia compresa entre les darreres societats de caçadors-recol·lectors del Paleolític
superior-Magdalenià fins a les primeres societats productores del Neolític antic. Els
jaciments objecte d’estudi seran: Montlleó (Prats i Sansor, Cerdanya, Lleida) -nivells de
Magdalenià antic-, Cova del Parco (Alòs de Balaguer, La Noguera, Lleida) -nivells de
Magdalenià superior i Epipaleolític- i Abric del Xicotó (Alòs de Balaguer, La Noguera,
Lleida) -nivells de Neolític antic cardial-
Montlleó (Prats i Sansor, Lérida, Espagne) : le passage du symbolisme à travers les montagnes
Le site de plein air de Montlleó (Prats i Sansor, Lérida, Espagne) est situé sur une petite colline de la haute vallée du Sègre, au cœur de la plaine de la Cerdagne, sur un axe stratégique de communication – ou couloir – qui connecte les deux versants des Pyrénées. Les caractéristiques culturelles des industries lithiques et les dates radiocarbone nous démontrent l’âge ancien des occupations humaines sur cette partie méridionale des Pyrénées orientales. Le site de Montlleó se caractérise par la quantité et la variété des éléments culturels, que nous pouvons mettre en relation avec l’univers symbolique de ces populations de chasseurs-cueilleurs. Ces évidences matérielles sont exploitées dans cet article pour étudier le comportement symbolique des populations de la fin du Paléolithique supérieur. Les marqueurs sont répartis en trois types : la parure, dans le sens traditionnel du terme, les minéraux rares apportés sur le site, et enfin les matières colorantes.The open-air site of Montlleó (Prats i Sansor, Lérida, Spain) is located on a small hill in the upper valley of the Segre River, in the center of the Cerdanya plain, on a strategic axis of communication –or corridor– connecting both sides of the Pyrenees. The cultural features of the lithic industries and the radiocarbon dates are indicating the old age of the human occupations in this southern part of the eastern Pyrenees. The site is characterized by the quantity and variety of cultural elements that can be related to the symbolic sphere of these hunter-gatherer populations. In the present research we analyze this material evidence in relation to the symbolic behavior of the late Upper Paleolithic populations. In this regard, we study three types of markers: ornaments, in the traditional meaning of the term; rare minerals brought to the site; and dyestuffs of several hues
The Middle-to-Upper Paleolithic transition occupations from Cova Foradada (Calafell, NE Iberia)
The Middle-to-Upper Paleolithic transition in Europe covers the last millennia of Neanderthal life together with the appearance and expansion of Modern Human populations. Culturally, it is defined by the Late Middle Paleolithic succession, and by Early Upper Paleolithic complexes like the Châtelperronian (southwestern Europe), the Protoaurignacian, and the Early Aurignacian. Up to now, the southern boundary for the transition has been established as being situated between France and Iberia, in the Cantabrian façade and Pyrenees. According to this, the central and southern territories of Iberia are claimed to have been the refuge of the last Neanderthals for some additional millennia after they were replaced by anatomically Modern Humans on the rest of the continent. In this paper, we present the Middle-to-Upper Paleolithic transition sequence from Cova Foradada (Tarragona), a cave on the Catalan Mediterranean coastline. Archaeological research has documented a stratigraphic sequence containing a succession of very short-term occupations pertaining to the Châtelperronian, Early Aurignacian, and Gravettian. Cova Foradada therefore represents the southernmost Châtelperronian-Early Aurignacian sequence ever documented in Europe, significantly enlarging the territorial distribution of both cultures and providing an important geographical and chronological reference for understanding Neanderthal disappearance and the complete expansion of anatomically Modern Humans
La Balma de la Vall (Montblanc, Tarragona): ocupaciones de corta duración durante el Paleolítico superior final en las Montañas de Prades
This paper details the fieldwork and multi-disciplinary studies carried out at the site Balma de la Vall (Montblanc, Tarragona). The first interventions, dating from the early 80’s, identified different occupational levels related to Final Upper Palaeolithic. From 2011 to 2013 research recommenced to re-define the archaeo-stratigraphic succession, obtain absolute dates, and characterize the occupational patterns generating the archaeological assemblages. The revised sequence comprises three archaeological levels, dated to the 15th millenium calibrated BP, and therefore associated to the Final Upper Magdalenian. The raw materials exploited, the assemblage composition and reduction sequences, define the occupational pattern as short duration or low intensity one. Balma de la Vall represents one of the first examples of human occupation of the Catalan Prelittoral Range.Este artículo presenta los trabajos realizados en el yacimiento de la Balma de la Vall (Montblanc, Tarragona). Las primeras excavaciones, a inicios de los 1980, identificaron distintos niveles de ocupación humana relacionados con el Paleolítico superior final. Entre los años 2011-2013 la excavación se reemprendió con los objetivos de definir la sucesión arqueo-estratigráfica, obtener dataciones absolutas, y caracterizar el tipo de ocupaciones que generaron los conjuntos arqueológicos. De esta forma, hemos identificado una secuencia que comprende tres niveles arqueológicos, con dataciones que los asocian al XV milenio cal BP, y por tanto al Magdaleniense superior final. Los análisis de las materias primas líticas empleadas, la composición de los conjuntos y las secuencias de reducción permiten definir las ocupaciones como cortas o de baja intensidad. La Balma de la Vall constituye así una de las primeras evidencias de ocupación humana de la Cordillera Prelitoral Catalana
Balma de la Vall (Montblanc, Tarragona): Short-term occupations during Final Upper Palaeolithic at the Prades Mountains
[spa] Este artículo presenta los trabajos realizados en el ya-cimiento de la Balma de la Vall (Montblanc, Tarragona). Las primeras excavaciones, a inicios de los 1980, identifi-caron distintos niveles de ocupación humana relacionados con el Paleolítico superior final. Entre los años 2011-2013 la excavación se reemprendió con los objetivos de definir la sucesión arqueo-estratigráfica, obtener dataciones absolu-tas, y caracterizar el tipo de ocupaciones que generaron los conjuntos arqueológicos. De esta forma, hemos identificado una secuencia que comprende tres niveles arqueológicos, con dataciones que los asocian al XV milenio cal BP, y por tanto al Magdaleniense superior final. Los análisis de las materias primas líticas empleadas, la composición de los conjuntos y las secuencias de reducción permiten definir las ocupacio-nes como cortas o de baja intensidad. La Balma de la Vall constituye así una de las primeras evidencias de ocupación humana de la Cordillera Prelitoral Catalana. [eng] This paper details the fieldwork and multi-disciplinary studies carried out at the site Balma de la Vall (Montblanc, Tarragona). The first interventions, dating from the early 80's, identified different occupational levels related to Final Upper Palaeolithic. From 2011 to 2013 research recommenced to re-define the archaeo-stratigraphic succession, obtain absolute dates, and characterize the occupational patterns generating the archaeological assemblages. The revised sequence comprises three archaeological levels, dated to the 15th millenium calibrated BP, and therefore associated to the Final Upper Magdalenian. The raw materials exploited, the assemblage composition and reduction sequences, define the occupational pattern as short duration or low intensity one. Balma de la Vall represents one of the first examples of human occupation of the Catalan Prelittoral Range
Les occupations humaines sur le site de plein air du Paléolithique supérieur de Montlleó (Prats i Sansor, Lérida, Espagne) : nouvelles données
Le site de plein air de Montlleó (Prats i Sansor, Lérida, Espagne) a été découvert en 1998 ; le SERP de l’université de Barcelone y fouille depuis l’année 2000. La présence d’industrie lithique et osseuse et de parure a montré l’importance du site pour des chasseurs du Magdalénien et le rôle de la haute vallée du Segre comme carrefour des échanges transpyrénéens de matières premières lithiques sur l’axe Segre-Têt via la Cerdagne. Des nouvelles dates radiométriques suggérant une occupation du site dès 22 000 cal. BP, ainsi que la présence d’un outillage où les raclettes et les pointes à cran sont attestées, ouvrent la possibilité d’une occupation plus ancienne qu’on ne l’envisageait jusqu’ici. Les analyses spatiales de dispersion des vestiges montrent effectivement l’existence de deux niveaux archéologiques séparés par un bref hiatus stérile. Ces données montrent qu’il s’agit de la plus ancienne occupation de l’espace montagnard au cours du Dernier Maximum glaciaire dans la zone pyrénéenne méridionale.The open air site of Montlleó (Prats i Sansor, Lérida, Spain) was discovered in 1998 and has been excavated since 2000 by a multidisciplinary team from the SERP research group, University of Barcelona. The presence of lithic and bone industries, as well as shell ornaments, have shown the importance of the site for hunter-gatherer Magdalenian groups and the role of the high Segre valley as a crossroad for lithic raw materials exchanges on the Segre-Têt axis through the Cerdanya valley. New radiometric dates (which situate the first occupations up to 22,000 cal BP) and the presence of new typological tools such as raclettes and Solutrean shouldered points lead us to think that human occupations were more ancient than first expected, going back up to the beginning of the Last Glacial maximum. The dispersion analyzes actually show the existence of two archeological levels separated by a short sterile hiatus. These data thus show that this site represents the oldest occupation of a mountain area during the LGM in the southeastern Pyrenean region
Pleistocene and Holocene peopling of Jerada province, eastern Morocco: introducing a research project
The Aïn Beni Mathar – Guefaït (ABM-GFT) region in Eastern Morocco is the object of an archaeological, palaeontological, geological and geochronological research project, led by an international team since 2006. The research in this former fluvio-lacustrine basin, roughly 2000 km2, has revealed a significant number of Pleistocene and Holocene sites. Here we introduce the research project, that we conduct in the region, the main issues it aims to address, and the results already obtained
Le peuplement humain pendant le Pléistocène et l’Holocène dans la province de Jerada, Maroc oriental : introduction d’un projet de recherche
[EN] The Aïn Beni Mathar – Guefaït (ABM-GFT) region in Eastern Morocco is the object of an archaeological, palaeontological, geological and geochronological research project, led by an international team since 2006. The research in this former fluvio-lacustrine basin, roughly 2000 km2, has revealed a significant number of Pleistocene and Holocene sites. Here we introduce the research project, that we conduct in the region, the main issues it aims to address, and the results already obtained.[FR] Depuis 2006, la région de Aïn Beni Mathar – Guefaït (ABM-GFT) au Maroc Oriental, fait l’objet d’un projet de recherche en archéologie, paléontologie, géologie et géochronologie, mené par une équipe internationale. Ces recherches ont permis la découverte d’un nombre significatif de gisements d’âge Pléistocène et Holocène, dans un ancien bassin fluvio-lacustre, qui s’étend sur une surface de 2000 km2. Notre objectif ici est de présenter le projet de recherche, que nous entamons dans la
région, la problématique qu’il traite et les premiers résultats déjà obtenus.Funding for this research was provided by: Palarq Foundation, Spanish Ministry of Culture and Sport (Ref: 42-T002018N0000042853 & 170-T002019N0000038589), Direction of Cultural Heritage (Ministry of Culture and Communication, Morocco), Faculty of Sciences (Mohamed 1r University of Oujda, Morocco), INSAP (Institut National des Sciences de l’Archéologie et du Patrimoine), Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (Ref: CGL2016-80975-P, CGL2016-80000-P, PGC2018-095489-B-I00 and PGC2018-093925-B-C31) and Research Groups Support of the Catalonia Government (2017 SGR 836 and 2017 SGR 859). R.S-R, M.G.CH., J.I.M., A.C., F.R., A.R.-H., E.A., I.E., F.B., J.A., HA.B., P.S., P.P., D.L., I.R. y E.M. research is funded by CERCA Programme/ Generalitat de Catalunya. J.I.M. and A.R.-H research is funded by the Spanish Minitry of Science and Innovation under the “María de Maeztu” Program for Unities of Excellence (CEX2019-000945-M). M.S. has been granted by the Research Program UAM Tomás y Valiente 2019. C.T. is funded by the Ramón y Cajal Program. M.F. and M.E.A. received a fellowship under the Erasmus Mundus Scholarship of the European Education and Culture Executive Agency in the Master in Quaternary and Prehistory at URV. The research of M.D. is funded by the Australian Research Council (ARC) Future Fellowship Grant FT150100215
and the Ramón y Cajal Program (RYC2018-025221-I). P.P. has been granted a post-doctoral post under the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation “Juan de la Cierva-Incorporación” Program (Ref. IJC2020-044108-I). E.M-R. is beneficiary of a PTA Ref. PTA201714619-I. G.G.-A. has been granted a “Ford - Apadrina la Ciencia” contract. C.D.-C has been granted a Fundación Atapuerca fellowship. A.C.A. was funded by Junta de Castilla y León (project BU235P18) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The Institut Catalá de Paleoecologia Humana i Evolució Social (IPHES-CERCA) has received financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through the ‘María de Maeztu’ program for Units of Excellence (CEX2019-000945-M).Peer reviewe
First approximation to the Gravettian shell bead assemblage from Cova Foradada
The main goal of this paper is to approach the techno-cultural behaviour of the Gravettian groups in NE Iberia through the study of the shell ornaments. Here we present the archaeo-malacological assemblage recovered at the Early Upper Palaeolithic sequence of Foradada Cave (Calafell, Tarragona). Recent excavations have uncovered a stratigraphic sequence formed by three main layers corresponding to the Late Pleistocene. The patterns of the
archaeological record points to short and ephemeral human occupations, while most of the time the cave is occupied by medium and large size carnivores.
The techno-typology and the first chronological approaches place these occupations along the Middle-to-Upper Palaeolithic transition, from the Chatelperronian to the Gravettian. The uppermost of these layers has provided a malacological assemblage composed of more than 160 shell beads that were mostly recovered in less than 1m2. A ?first direct AMS C14 age on a single Homalopoma sanguineum specimen date this layer ca.31 kyr cal BP, consistent with an attribution to the Early Gravettian.
Traditionally the studies of perforation technology of shell beads have been based on subjective methods, like the typological characterization of their morphologies. Trying to overcome this, we have developed a 2D outline characterization of the perforations through an Elliptical Fourier Analysis. This test allows the preliminary evaluation of the shape differences between the species and their diferential technological management. To semi-automatically process the large amount data generated, the software package SHAPE has been used.
The perforation techniques and suspension systems (as well as the use-wear traces) have been analysed first by digital microscopy equipment, allowing to create 3D models of the perforations. Later Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope (ESEM) was used to identify polished areas and wear features. Most of the ornaments are smeared in red ochre. The residue analysis was performed first visually with the digital microscope, and then complemented with the ESEM Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy.
The further development of this work will allow to understand the role of shell beads as a group identity marker in the NE Iberia coastline during the Early Upper Palaeolithic
First approximation to the Gravettian shell bead assemblage from Cova Foradada
The main goal of this paper is to approach the techno-cultural behaviour of the Gravettian groups in NE Iberia through the study of the shell ornaments. Here we present the archaeo-malacological assemblage recovered at the Early Upper Palaeolithic sequence of Foradada Cave (Calafell, Tarragona). Recent excavations have uncovered a stratigraphic sequence formed by three main layers corresponding to the Late Pleistocene. The patterns of the
archaeological record points to short and ephemeral human occupations, while most of the time the cave is occupied by medium and large size carnivores.
The techno-typology and the first chronological approaches place these occupations along the Middle-to-Upper Palaeolithic transition, from the Chatelperronian to the Gravettian. The uppermost of these layers has provided a malacological assemblage composed of more than 160 shell beads that were mostly recovered in less than 1m2. A ?first direct AMS C14 age on a single Homalopoma sanguineum specimen date this layer ca.31 kyr cal BP, consistent with an attribution to the Early Gravettian.
Traditionally the studies of perforation technology of shell beads have been based on subjective methods, like the typological characterization of their morphologies. Trying to overcome this, we have developed a 2D outline characterization of the perforations through an Elliptical Fourier Analysis. This test allows the preliminary evaluation of the shape differences between the species and their diferential technological management. To semi-automatically process the large amount data generated, the software package SHAPE has been used.
The perforation techniques and suspension systems (as well as the use-wear traces) have been analysed first by digital microscopy equipment, allowing to create 3D models of the perforations. Later Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope (ESEM) was used to identify polished areas and wear features. Most of the ornaments are smeared in red ochre. The residue analysis was performed first visually with the digital microscope, and then complemented with the ESEM Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy.
The further development of this work will allow to understand the role of shell beads as a group identity marker in the NE Iberia coastline during the Early Upper Palaeolithic