119 research outputs found

    Contenido y estructura de "La Langue espagnole apprise sans maßtre en 30 leçons" de J. de la Ruche. La enseñanza del español a comienzos del siglo XIX

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    En 1909, se publica en ParĂ­s “La langue espagnole apprise sans maĂźtre en 30 leçons”, un manual con un vocabulario bilingĂŒe francĂ©s-español que ordena sus palabras a partir de epĂ­grafes temĂĄticos como la casa, los oficios o las comidas; ordenaciĂłn que tiene una larga tradiciĂłn en la historia de nuestros diccionarios. Ahora bien, la novedad y el interĂ©s de “La langue espagnole” es la de incluir, junto a los tĂ©rminos franceses y españoles, las pronunciaciones figuradas de las voces españolas recogidas. En estas pĂĄginas, analizamos la estructura y el contenido del repertorio, lo que ayudarĂĄ a configurar la historia de la lexicografĂ­a menor española.The work entitled “La langue espagnole apprise sans maĂźtre en 30 leçons” was published in Paris in 1909. It is a manual with a French-Spanish bilingual glossary in which words are listed under subject sections such as home, trades or meals. This kind of arrangement has a long tradition in the history of dictionaries; however, the main interest and innovation of this work lies in including, together with the French and Spanish terms, the figurative pronunciation of the Spanish terms collected. The structure and contents of this repertoire are analyzed in the following pages, in the hope it will contribute to configure the history of minor Spanish lexicography.peerReviewe

    La información fonética en la lexicografía menor del español: Le petit nécessaire des français qui vont en Espagne (1811)

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    [Resumo] No 1811, publĂ­case en Montpellier Le Petit nĂ©cessaire des français qui vont en Espagne, un vocabulario bilingĂŒe francĂ©s-español que ordea as sĂșas palabras a partires de epĂ­grafes temĂĄticos. A novidade e o interese de Le Petit nĂ©cessaire Ă© a de incluir informaciĂłn fonĂ©tica das voces recollidas, pois xunto aos termos franceses e españois figura a pronunciaciĂłn pratique das voces españolas.[Resumen] En 1811, se publica en Montpellier Le Petit nĂ©cessaire des français qui vont en Espagne, un vocabulario bilingĂŒe francĂ©s-español que ordena sus palabras a partir de epĂ­grafes temĂĄticos. La novedad y el interĂ©s de Le Petit nĂ©cessaire es la de incluir informaciĂłn fonĂ©tica de las voces recogidas, pues junto a los tĂ©rminos franceses y españoles aparece la pronunciaciĂłn pratique de las voces de nuestra lengua.[Abstract] In 1811, is published in Montpellier Le Petit nĂ©cessaire des français qui vont en Espagne, a bilingual French-Spanish vocabulary that orders their words starting from thematic epigraphs. The novelty and the interest of Le Petit nĂ©cessaire is the idea of including phonetic information of the picked up voices, because next to the French terms and Spanish appear the pronunciation pratique of the voices of our language

    A new method of study of foreingn languages in the nineteenth century: conversation and pronunciation practical guides

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    Este artĂ­culo expone, analiza y contextualiza el contenido de las guĂ­as de conversaciĂłn y pronunciaciĂłn (L’angalise tel qu’on le parle, L’allemand tel qu’on le parle, L’espagnol tel qu’on le parle, L’italien tel qu’on le parle, Le portugais tel qu’on le parle, Le russe tel qu’on le parle y El francĂ©s tal como se habla) editadas en la segunda mitad del siglo xix por J.H. Truchy y Ch. Leroy, impresores-editores parisinos especialistas en obras sobre ensenanza de lenguas. Constituye, pues, una aportaciĂłn a la historia de la ensenanza-aprendizaje de segundas lenguas, a la historia de sus materiales y a la historia de la LingĂŒĂ­stica.This paper presents, analyzes and contextualizes the content of three Spanish grammar manuals (L’angalise tel qu’on le parle, L’allemand tel qu’on le parle, L’espagnol tel qu’on le parle, L’italien tel qu’on le parle, Le portugais tel qu’on le parle, Le russe tel qu’on le parle y El francĂ©s tal como se habla) published in the second half of the nineteenth century by J.H. Truchy and Ch. Leroy, Parisian printers and publishers specialising in publishing books on language teaching. This paper is a contribution to the history of teaching and learning second languages, the history of their materials and the history of Linguistics.peerReviewe

    The lexicographic sources of James Howell’s nomenclature

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    En 1659 se publica el Lexicon tetraglotton an english-french-italien-spanish Dictionary de James Howell. Esta obra incluye un «Vocabulario particular o nomenclatura española, inglesa, italiana y francesa de los tĂ©rminos propios a las artes y ciencias, a las recreaciones y vocaciones liberales y mecĂĄnicas». Este artĂ­culo aborda un estudio sobre el contenido y la estructura de este repertorio, asĂ­ como sobre su principal fuente lexicogrĂĄfica, Guillermo Noviliers Clavel. Este acercamiento permitirĂĄ analizar la originalidad y aportaciones que Howell ha hecho a la historia de la LexicografĂ­a española.In 1659 James Howell’s Lexicon tetraglotton an english-french-italien-spanish Dictionary is published, and it contains a «A Particular Vocabulary or Nomenclature in English, Italien, French and Spanish of the proper Terms belonging to several Arts ans Sciences, to Recreations, to common Profesions and Callings both Liberal and Mechanick». This article approaches a study on the content and the structure of this repertoire, as well as on their main lexicographical source, Guillermo Noviliers Clavel. This approach will allow to analyze the originality and contributions that Howell has made to the history of the Spanish Lexicography

    The succes of a “mĂ©thode pratique» of the Larousse house: L'espagnol commercial (1890-1923) by E. Contamine de Latour

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    En el siglo XIX, fruto de las circunstancias polĂ­ticas, econĂłmicas y sociales que marcaron Europa, aparecieron diversos materiales de enseñanza de español comercial en forma de artes o manuales de correspondencia. Este artĂ­culo se ocupa de L’espagnol commercial de Emmanuel Contamine de Latour (ParĂ­s, Larousse, de 1890 a 1923, 11.ÂȘ ediciĂłn de la obra), con el objetivo de contribuir a la historia de unos materiales poco conocidos pero muy rentables, a su origen, al contexto en que aparecieron, a las necesidades que satisfacĂ­an, a la lengua que reflejaban o a la metodologĂ­a empleada.In the nineteenth century, the political, economic and social circumstances that marked Europe determined the publication of various teaching materials of commercial Spanish appeared in the form of correspondence arts or manuals. This paper deals with L'espagnol commercial by Emmanuel Contamine de Latour (Paris, Larousse, from 1890 to 1923, 11th edition), with the aim of contributing to the history of some little-known materials but very profitable, to their origin, to the context in which they appeared, to the needs they satisfied, to the language they reflected or to the methodology used.peerReviewe

    The return to good practices: Ensayo de un vocabulario ideolĂłgico de la lengua latina (1894)

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    Este artĂ­culo analiza la nomenclatura latĂ­n-español compuesta a finales del siglo xix por el profesor zamorano Pedro Gazapo Cerezal y publicada como Ensayo de un vocabulario ideolĂłgico de la lengua latina. Pese al tĂ­tulo, no es sino un repertorio ordenado temĂĄticamente o por ĂĄmbitos designativos que a Gazapo le parece un sistema Ăștil y prĂĄctico para enseñar el lĂ©xico y ayudar a sus alumnos, pues el orden de las ideas «es el orden mĂĄs natural y sencillo y al propio tiempo mucho mĂĄs racional que el alfabĂ©tico» (p. VIII).This article analyzes the Latin-Spanish nomenclature composed in the 19th century by the professor Pedro Gazapo Cerezal and published as Ensayo de un vocabulario ideolĂłgico de la lengua latina (1894). It is a repertoire ordered thematically or by designative areas, a way of ordering that to Gazapo seems a useful and practical system to teach the lexicon and help their students because the order of ideas «is the most natural and simple order and at the same time much more rational than the alphabetic» (p. VIIII)

    Philological tools online: The Biblioteca Virtual de la Filología Española

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    This paper presents the history and, above all, philological and linguistic exploitation of the Biblioteca Virtual de la FilologĂ­a Española (www.bvfe.es), a resource that offers users an easy and unique way to access grammars, dictionaries and Spanish orthographies digitized, and whose consultation is free.Este artĂ­culo tiene como objetivo dar a conocer la historia y, sobre todo, la explotaciĂłn filolĂłgica y lingĂŒĂ­stica de la Biblioteca Virtual de la FilologĂ­a Española (www.bvfe.es), un recurso que pone a disposiciĂłn de los usuarios un medio fĂĄcil y Ășnico para acceder a gramĂĄticas, diccionarios y ortografĂ­as del español digitalizadas en la red, y cuya consulta es libre y gratuita

    X-ray Total Scattering Study of Phases Formed from Cement Phases Carbonation

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    Carbonation in cement binders has to be thoroughly understood because it affects phase assemblage, binder microstructure and durability performance of concretes. This is still not the case as the reaction products can be crystalline, nanocrystalline and amorphous. The characterisation of the last two types of components are quite challenging. Here, carbonation reactions have been studied in alite-, belite- and ye’elimite-containing pastes, in controlled conditions (3% CO2 and RH = 65%). Pair distribution function (PDF) jointly with Rietveld and thermal analyses have been applied to prove that ettringite decomposed to yield crystalline aragonite, bassanite and nano-gibbsite without any formation of amorphous calcium carbonate. The particle size of gibbsite under these conditions was found to be larger (~5 nm) than that coming from the direct hydration of ye’elimite with anhydrite (~3 nm). Moreover, the carbonation of mixtures of C-S-H gel and portlandite, from alite and belite hydration, led to the formation of the three crystalline CaCO3 polymorphs (calcite, aragonite and vaterite), amorphous silica gel and amorphous calcium carbonate. In addition to their PDF profiles, the thermal analyses traces are thoroughly analysed and discussed.This research was funded by Ministry of Science (Spain), grant number PID2019-104378RJI00, and Junta de Andalucía (Spain), grant number P18-RT-720
