177 research outputs found

    Traducción mediática del terrorismo yihadista

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    El trabajo que se desarrolla en las siguientes páginas tiene como objetivo estudiar si los medios de comunicación occidentales se convierten en correas transmisoras de la propaganda estatal oficial tras un atentado yihadista, creando así una sociedad dividida en ”nosotros” y “ellos” bajo una imagen sesgada y estereotipada del colectivo musulmán. Para ello se llevará a cabo el análisis de 24 textos procedentes de El País y Le Monde a través de un conjunto de indicadores que permitirán comprobar si los medios de comunicación occidentales se hacen eco del discurso oficial propagandístico representando una guerra oficialmente no existente.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Periodism

    La participación de las mujeres en el ISIL, ¿víctimas o agentes activos?

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    El trabajo que se desarrolla en las siguientes páginas tiene como objetivo estudiar si las mujeres que deciden alistarse a las filas del ISIL, lo hacen por voluntad propia o bajo un proceso de reclutamiento que las embauca. La diferencia entre estas dos formas de acceso al Estado Islámico, nos permitirá conocer si son víctimas, agentes activos o, por el contrario, cumplen con los dos roles. Como consecuencia, se llevará a cabo un estudio multidisciplinar sobre el perfil de 8 mujeres, para ver cómo el entorno social les ha podido afectar, y analizar si el consumo de propaganda oficial y no oficial procedente de la revista Dabiq y el Manifiesto de la Brigada Al – Khansaa ha podido calar en el colectivo femenino que presentamos a la hora de tomar la decisión.The work developed in the following pages has as a goal to study whether women who decide to enlist in ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) do it so willingly or under a brainwashing recruitment process. The difference between these two ways to access the Islamic State will allow us to know whether they are victims, active agents or, on the contrary, they fulfill both roles. Therefore, a multidisciplinary study about eight women‟s profile will be carried out in order to see how their social environment has affected them and to analyze whether the consumption of official and non-official propaganda from Dabiq magazine and the Al-Khansaa Brigade has been able to influence this feminine collective at the time to make a decision

    Transformación del paisaje y de la red viaria en la comunidad de Madrid durante el período 1972-1982

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    The increasingly intense influence of man on the environment offers numerous examples of regressive actions: ploughing, public works, disposition of wastes etc.. which, due to their frequency and territorial dimensions, alter landscapes and cause many important impacts. These actions arise from different policies which require general transformation of the environment in order to reach their objectives. In this context, the present article explains the methodology followed and the results obtained in a research whose principal purpose was to relate the transformation which the landscape of the Madrid Community underwent in the period between 1972- Í982 with the road network evolution and the changes in accessibility to different points of the territory registered during this period. These changes happened as a direct consequence of the transport policy developed in the decade.La incidencia del hombre sobre la naturaleza, cada vez más intensa, ofrece múltiples ejemplos de acciones regresivas: roturaciones, obras públicas, disposición de residuos etc., que por su frecuencia y dimensión territorial alteran los paisajes y causan numerosos e importantes impactos sobre el medio; son acciones derivadas de políticas que para alcanzar sus objetivos precisan de una transformación generalizada del medio. En este contexto, el presente artículo expone la metodología seguida y los resultados obtenidos como fruto de una investigación que ha tenido, como objetivo prioritario, poner en relación la transformación experimentada por el paisaje de la Comunidad de Madrid, durante el período 1972-1982, con la evolución de la red de carreteras y los cambios en la accesibilidad de los distintos puntos del territorio registrados a lo largo de ese mismo período, cambios que son consecuencia directa de la política de transportes desarrollada en la década en la cual se ha centrado el estudio

    Programa de salud para la prevención de zoonosis relacionadas con la convivencia con animales domésticos

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    Las zoonosis son enfermedades infecciosas en las cuales el reservorio natural es un animal. Estas enfermedades afectan a toda la población y sobre todo a niños y ancianos. En cambio, los sistemas sanitarios, no prestan suficiente atención ni recursos y la incidencia de estas enfermedades aumenta cada año, suponiendo un gran problema para la sanidad pública. La prevención de las zoonosis es sencilla y con coste económico bajo. Si evitamos o eliminamos el mecanismo de transmisión con conductas higiénicas como el lavado de manos o la salud de la mascota, podemos evitar la enfermedad.<br /

    Mechanical characterization of Portland cement mortars containing petroleum or coal tar

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    En este artículo se presentan datos experimentales de resistencia a flexión y a compresión de morteros de cemento Portland con adición y sustitución de breas de petróleo y de alquitrán de carbón, que son subproductos de la industria del carbón o del petróleo. Los materiales estudiados son breas de alquitrán de carbón A (BACA) y B (BACB), y dos breas de petróleo (BPP) y (BPT). Los datos demuestran la viabilidad del uso de estas breas en la fabricación de morteros con menores contenidos de cemento, permitiendo diseñar un nuevo material sostenible con el medio ambiente y que contribuya a reducir el impacto ambiental de los materiales de construcción, hecho que permite abrir una nueva vía de valorización de estos subproductos.This article discusses experimental data on the flexural and compressive strength of Portland cement mortars containing additions or cement replacements consisting in petroleum or coal tar, by-products of the oil and coal industries. The materials studied were two coal (BACA and BACB) and two petroleum (BPP and BPT) tars. The results show that it is feasible to use such materials as a partial replacement for cement in mortar manufacture. This should lead to the design of a new sustainable product that will contribute to lowering the environmental impact of construction materials while at the same time opening up an avenue for the re-use of this type of industrial by-products.Generalitat Valenciana (Ref. CTIDIB/2002/164)

    ¿Cuál es el estilo parental óptimo para adolescentes con baja vs. alta autoeficacia? Autoconcepto, desajuste psicológico y rendimiento académico de los adolescentes en el contexto español

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    The aim of this paper is to establish which parenting style is associated with optimum outcomes among adolescents of Spanish families considering adolescents with low vs. high self-efficacy. Although classical studies identify the authoritative parenting style (based on warmth and strictness) as the best parental strategy, emerging research seriously questions the benefits of parental strictness. Additionally, the impact of parent-ing on the adolescent’s psychosocial competence has been studied for years, but less is known about whether it might vary depending on individual characteristics of the adolescent (e.g., self-efficacy). Participants were 1029 Spanish adolescents, 453 males (44%), aged 12-17 years. Families were classified in one of the parenting styles groups (authoritative, authoritarian, indulgent, or neglectful), and adolescents were grouped by low vs. high self-efficacy. Adolescent psychosocial competence was examined through emotional and academic self-concept, psychological maladjustment (hostility/aggression, negative self-esteem, emotional responsivity, instability, and negative view of the world), and academic performance (grade point average and number of failing grades). Main and interaction effects of parenting style and adolescent self-efficacy were tested. Main effect results indicated that adolescents with low self-efficacy were always as-sociated with the worst psychosocial competence. Consistently, the main effect findings indicated that adolescents from indulgent and authoritative families were associated with better results than those from neglectful and authoritarian families. However, the indulgent parenting style yielded the best results. The impact of parenting might not be the same for adolescents in all cultural contexts. Contrary to findings from classical studies, parental strictness seems to be unnecessary or even detrimental for adolescents with low and high self-efficacy.El objetivo de este estudio es identificar qué estilo parental se asocia con resultados óptimos entre los adolescentes de familias españolas considerando aquellos con baja vs. alta autoeficacia. Los participantes fue-ron 1029 adolescentes españoles, 453 varones (44%), de 12 a 17 años. Aunque los estudios clásicos identifican el estilo autorizativo (basado en el afecto y la severidad)como la mejor estrategia socializadora, las investigaciones emergentes cuestionan seriamente los beneficios de la severidad parental. Además, el impacto de la socialización parental en la competencia psicosocial del adolescente se ha estudiado durante años, pero se sabe me-nos sobre si podría variar en función de las características individuales del adolescente (e.g., la autoeficacia). Las familias fueron clasificadas por estilo parental (autorizativo, autoritario, indulgente o negligente), y los adolescentes por baja vs. alta autoeficacia. La competencia psicosocial se examinó a través del autoconcepto emocional y académico, el desajuste psicológico (hostilidad/agresión, autoestima negativa, irresponsividad emocional, inestabilidad emocional y visión negativa del mundo) y el rendimiento académico (nota media y número de cursos repetidos). Se comprobaron los efectos principales y de interacción de estilo parental y autoeficacia. Los resultados de los efectos principales indicaron que los adolescentes con baja autoeficacia presentaban siempre la peor competencia psicosocial. También que los adolescentes de familias indulgentes y autorizativas presentaron mejores resultados que los de familias negligentes y autoritarias. Sin embargo, el estilo parental indulgente se asoció a los mejores resultados. El impacto de la socialización parental podría no ser igual en todos los contextos culturales. Frente a los resultados de los estudios clásicos, la severidad parental parece ser innecesaria o incluso perjudicial para los adolescentes con baja y alta autoeficacia

    La villa romana de Salar (Granada). El programa escultórico en contexto arqueológico

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    This work was carried out within the framework of the Project HAR2017-89004-P, sponsored by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad of the Government of Spain and with ERDF Funds (Fondos FEDER), and the Project PID2019-105294GB-100/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, sponsored by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion of the Government of Spain and with ERDF Funds(Fondos FEDER); as well as the Research Groups HUM 143 and HUM 402 (Plan Andaluz de Investigacion of the Junta de Andalucia). We thank the City Council of Salar (Granada) for supporting the systematic archaeological excavation project in villa Salar, approved bythe Junta de Andalucia (Consejeria de Cultura y Patrimonio Historico) as a General Research Project.During the last decade various excavation campaigns have taken place at the Roman villa of Salar (Granada, Spain), located in the province Baetica. The excavated sector corresponds to the area surrounding a large peristyle of the pars urbana. Presiding over the open courtyard on one of the shorter sides is a triclinium, which in turn is associated with a nymphaeum. The ambulacrum on the opposite side of the peristyle was also excavated, uncovering a mosaic pavement with an interesting hunting scene, as well as other rooms that open onto it. In this work, the typological and iconographic study of the sculptural program recovered is carried out. The sculptural assemblage consists of 1) two nymph sculptures discovered in the nymphaeum associated with the triclinium; and 2) a Capitoline type Venus statue, which possibly decorated another fountain located on the southern side of the peristyle. The archaeological context and petrographic analyses add to the study of the pieces, as well as the analysis of this sculptural program related to nymphaea and garden environments.Durante la última década se han desarrollado varias campañas de excavación en la villa romana de Salar (Granada, España), situada en la provincial romana de la Bética. El sector excavado corresponde a la pars urbana, articulada en torno a un gran peristilo central. Presidiendo uno de los lados cortos del patio abierto se sitúa el triclinium, asociado con un nymphaeum. El ambulacrum en el lado opuesto del peristilo ha sido también excavado, descubriéndose un pavimento de mosaico con una interesante escena de caza, así como otras habitaciones que abren a este patio. En este trabajo se aborda el estudio tipológico e iconográfico del programa escultórico de la villa. El conjunto está integrado por: dos esculturas de ninfas, descubiertas en el nymphaeum asociado con el triclinium; y 2) una estatua de Venus, tipo Capitolina, que posiblemente decorase otra fuente, localizada en el lado sur del peristilo. El contexto arqueológico y los análisis petrográficos se integran en el estudio de las piezas, así como el análisis del programa escultórico del nymphaeum y el jardín circundante.Spanish Government HAR2017-89004-PERDF Funds (Fondos FEDER)Spanish Government PID2019-105294GB-100/AEI/10.13039/501100011033ERDF Funds(Fondos FEDER) Junta de Andalucia HUM 143 HUM 40

    FleQ, FleN and c-di-GMP coordinately regulate cellulose production in Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000

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    The second messenger cyclic di-GMP (c-di-GMP) controls the transition between motility and sessility in many bacterial species by a variety of mechanisms, including the production of multiple exopolysaccharides. Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato (Pto) DC3000 is a plant pathogenic bacteria able to synthesize acetylated cellulose under high c-di-GMP levels thanks to the expression of the wssABCDEFGHI operon. Increased cellulose production enhances air-liquid biofilm formation and generates a wrinkled colony phenotype on solid media. We previously showed that under low levels of c-di-GMP, the regulators FleQ and AmrZ bound to adjacent sequences at the wss promoter inhibiting its expression, but only FleQ responded to the presence of c-di-GMP by activating cellulose production. In the present work, we advance in the knowledge of this complex regulation in Pto DC3000 by shedding light over the role of FleN in this process. The distinctive features of this system are that FleN and FleQ are both required for repression and activation of the wss operon under low and high c-di-GMP levels, respectively. We have also identified three putative FleQ binding sites at the wss promoter and show that FleQ/FleN-ATP binds at those sites under low c-di-GMP levels, inducing a distortion of DNA, impairing RNA polymerase binding, and repressing wss transcription. However, binding of c-di-GMP induces a conformational change in the FleQ/FleN-ATP complex, which relieves the DNA distortion, allows promoter access to the RNA polymerase, and leads to activation of wss transcription. On the other hand, AmrZ is always bound at the wss promoter limiting its expression independently of FleQ, FleN and c-di-GMP levels

    Teaching Methodologies for Combustion Science within the European Higher Education Area

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    [EN] The main objective of the present work is the selection and integration of different methodologies among those applicable within the framework of the European Higher Education Area to combine teaching methods with high implication from both lecturers and students. The aim is to enhance the students’ motivation, by means of which they should learn both combustion fundamentals as well as particular technological applications. Thus, the selected methods are master classes, guided work by means of learning based upon projects, simulations and numerical applications, tutoring and student independent work. This methodology is currently been applied within the Mechanical Engineer Degree of the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería del Diseño at the Universitat Politècnica de València. Results have been critically analyzed, paying attention to both the performance of the students as well as to some inconsistencies that have been found when applying the developed methodologies to large groups. The main result to be noted is the high comprehension level of the course concepts that has been attained by the students.Molina Alcaide, SA.; López, JJ.; García Oliver, JM.; García Martínez, A. (2014). Teaching Methodologies for Combustion Science within the European Higher Education Area. Multidisciplinary Journal for Education, Social and Technological Sciences. 1(1):1-16. doi:10.4995/muse.2014.2190SWORD11611Abercrombie M.L.J (1980). Aims and techniques of Group teaching. London, Society of Research in Higher Education.Anderson C. (1997). Enabling and shaping understanding through tutorials, En F. Marton et al., The Experience of Learning. Edinburg: Scottish University Press.Biggs J. and Tang C. (2011). Teaching for quality learning at university. McGraw – Hill Education, Open University Press.Collier G., (1983) The Management of Peer-group Learning: Syndicate Methods in Higher Education. Guildford: Society for Research into Higher Education.Desantes J.M., García-Oliver J.M., Novella R. and García A. (2009). Methodology of continous teaching-learning applied to combustión science. XVII Conference on Educational Innovation in Technical Sciences, Valencia.Turns S. R. (2000). An introduction to combustion: Concepts and applications. United States, McGraw-Hill Science

    Non-invasive monitoring of hypoxia-inducible factor activation by optical imaging during antiangiogenic treatment in a xenograft model of ovarian carcinoma

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    Open Access Article.Targeting the hypoxia response pathway and angiogenesis are two promising therapeutic strategies for cancer treatment. Their use as single strategies has important limitations. Thus, development of combined regimens has become an important step toward improving therapeutic efficacy. Also, non-invasive monitoring of the response to targeted biological therapies, as well as determination of the optimal schedule for combination regimens has become an active field of research over the last five years, with relevance for both preclinical and clinical settings. Here, we used an optical imaging method to non-invasively monitor the functional changes in HIF activity in response to antiangiogenic treatment in a xenograft model of human ovarian carcinoma. A bioluminescent reporter construct containing nine copies of the hypoxia response element upstream of the luciferase gene (9xHRE-luciferase) was characterized in vitro in a panel of tumor cell lines and in vivo in a subcutaneous xenograft model of ovarian carcinoma by means of optical imaging. We showed that in OVCAR-3 subcutaneous xenografts, the most abrupt change in the HIF functional reporter occurs before the onset of massive tumor growth. However, this system failed to detect hypoxia induced upon antiangiogenic treatment due to the compensating effects of increased hypoxia and decreased tumor cell viability caused by imbalanced neovascularization vs. tumor expansion. Therefore, the readout based on HIF functional reporter could be conditioned by the dynamics of tumor growth and angiogenesis, which is highly variable depending on the tumor type, tumor model and stage of progression.This study was supported by grants from the Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología/Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (SAF2008-03147 to LdP and SAF2010-19256 to BJ), Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid (S-SAL-0311_2006) and the 7th Research Framework Programme of the European Union (METOXIA, project ref. HEALTH-F2-2009-222741). B.M.P. and V.G. have been supported by a grant from the Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid (S-SAL-0311_2006).Peer Reviewe