210 research outputs found

    Priming of plant resistance by natural compounds. Hexanoic acid as a model

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    Some alternative control strategies of currently emerging plant diseases are based on the use of resistance inducers. This review highlights the recent advances made in the characterization of natural compounds that induce resistance by a priming mechanism. These include vitamins, chitosans, oligogalacturonides, volatile organic compounds, azelaic and pipecolic acid, among others. Overall, other than providing novel disease control strategies that meet environmental regulations, natural priming agents are valuable tools to help unravel the complex mechanisms underlying the induced resistance (IR) phenomenon. The data presented in this review reflect the novel contributions made from studying these natural plant inducers, with special emphasis placed on hexanoic acid (Hx), proposed herein as a model tool for this research field. Hx is a potent natural priming agent of proven efficiency in a wide range of host plants and pathogens. It can early activate broad-spectrum defenses by inducing callose deposition and the salicylic acid (SA) and jasmonic acid (JA) pathways. Later it can prime pathogen-specific responses according to the pathogen’s lifestyle. Interestingly, Hx primes redox-related genes to produce an anti-oxidant protective effect, which might be critical for limiting the infection of necrotrophs. Our Hx-IR findings also strongly suggest that it is an attractive tool for the molecular characterization of the plant alarmed state, with the added advantage of it being a natural compound.This work was supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (AGL2010-22300-C03-01-02-03) co-funded by European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and Generalitat Valenciana Grupos de Excelencia (PROMETEO/2012/066). Maria de la O Leyva and Ivan Finiti were recipients of a research contract from AGL2010-22300-C03-01. We thank the SCIE Greenhouse section at the University of Valencia and the SCIC at the Universitat Jaume I for technical support

    Reflexiones sobre ‘Occupy. The spatial dynamics of discourse in global protest movements’ de Luisa Martin Rojo

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    La publicación del libro Occupy. The spatial dynamics of discourse in global protest movements, editado por Luisa Martin Rojo abre un nuevo campo para los estudios del discurso en el que se otorga centralidad al espacio en un sentido dinámico. Por este motivo, como parte del foro e-conversa (promovido por la Asociación Internacional de Estudios sobre Discurso y Sociedad EDiSo; http://www.edisoportal.org/) se planteó la lectura del capítulo introductorio (cuya traducción al español se encuentra en este número de Discurso y Sociedad) y debatir sobre algunas de las cuestiones que en él se plantean. El resultado está formado por varias contribuciones que, tomando como punto de partida el texto de Martín Rojo, reflexionan, entre otros temas, sobre las prácticas espaciales, el papel de los medios de comunicación y las redes sociales, el nuevo sujeto político emergente, las formaciones contrahegemónicas, el multilingüismo, prácticas prefigurativas, etc. De este modo, este texto dialógico es una invitación a seguir pensando el análisis del discurso desde una perspectiva novedosa ligada al espacio / The publication of the volumen Occupy. The spatial dynamics of discourse in global protest movements, edited by Luisa Martín Rojo, opens up a new field of discourse studies in which the focus lies on space, in a dynamic sense. For this reason, and as part of the forum e-conversa (hosted by the International Association of Discourse Studies and Society (EDiSo); http://www.edisoportal.org/Ediso), it was suggested to read the introduction (the Spanish translation of which is included in this issue of Discurso y Sociedad) and to debate over some of the topics presented in the book. The result consists of several contributions which, by taking Martin Rojo’s text as the starting point, reflect on spatial practices, the role of mass media and social networks, the new emerging political subject, counter-hegemonic formations, multilingualism, and prefigurative practices, among other issues. Thus, this dialogic text is an invitation to continue thinking about discourse analysis from a new perspective linked to space

    Jalisco : construcción de un imaginario

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    Jalisco de ha constituido en el estado emblemático de la mexicanidad, por encima del resto de las entidades que conforman los Estados Unidos Mexicanos. Tal imagen se ha construido principalmente en torno del mariachi, los charros y el tequila, elementos populares que tuvieron su origen en zonas rurales, sin que esto haya sido obstáculo para la formación de un imaginario cultural unitario, que se ha proyectado tanto en el plano nacional como en el internacional. El propósito principal de Jalisco: construcción de un imaginario es dilucidar vicisitudes que han contribuido a que Jalisco ocupe ese lugar. Los capítulos que lo conforman se ocupan de este proceso desde distintos puntos de vista, que abarcan la historia, cultura, religión comercio, urbanismo, migración etcétera, con la intención de contribuir a confirmar o desmentir que en Jalisco se resume el alma nacional

    A highly efficient organogenesis protocol based on zeatin riboside for in vitro regeneration of eggplant

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    [EN] Background Efficient organogenesis induction in eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) is required for multiple in vitro culture applications. In this work, we aimed at developing a universal protocol for efficient in vitro regeneration of eggplant mainly based on the use of zeatin riboside (ZR). We evaluated the effect of seven combinations of ZR with indoleacetic acid (IAA) for organogenic regeneration in five genetically diverse S. melongena and one S. insanum L. accessions using two photoperiod conditions. In addition, the effect of six different concentrations of indolebutyric acid (IBA) in order to promote rooting was assessed to facilitate subsequent acclimatization of plants. The ploidy level of regenerated plants was studied. Results In a first experiment with accessions MEL1 and MEL3, significant (p < 0.05) differences were observed for the four factors evaluated for organogenesis from cotyledon, hypocotyl and leaf explants, with the best results obtained (9 and 11 shoots for MEL1 and MEL3, respectively) using cotyledon tissue, 16 h light / 8 h dark photoperiod conditions, and medium E6 (2 mg/L of ZR and 0 mg/L of IAA). The best combination of conditions was tested in the other four accessions and confirmed its high regeneration efficiency per explant when using both cotyledon and hypocotyl tissues. The best rooting media was R2 (1 mg/L IBA). The analysis of ploidy level revealed that between 25 and 50% of the regenerated plantlets were tetraploid. Conclusions An efficient protocol for organogenesis of both cultivated and wild accessions of eggplant, based on the use of ZR, is proposed. The universal protocol developed may be useful for fostering in vitro culture applications in eggplant requiring regeneration of plants and, in addition, allows developing tetraploid plants without the need of antimitotic chemicals.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades, Agencia Estatal de Investigacion and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (grant RTI-2018-094592-B-100 from MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE) and by Universitat Politecnica de Valencia. The Spanish Ministerio de Educacion, Cultura y Deporte funded a predoctoral fellowship granted to Edgar Garcia-Fortea (FPU17/02389). The Generalitat Valenciana and Fondo Social Europeo funded a post-doctoral fellowship granted to Mariola Plazas (APOSTD/2018/014). The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science funded a post-doctoral fellowship granted to Pietro Gramazio (FY 2019 Postdoctoral Fellowship for Research in Japan [Standard]). The funding bodies were not involved in the design of the study, collection, analysis, interpretation of data, or drafting of the manuscript.García-Fortea, E.; Lluch-Ruiz, A.; Pineda Chaza, BJ.; García-Pérez, A.; Bracho-Gil, JP.; Plazas Ávila, MDLO.; Gramazio, P.... (2020). A highly efficient organogenesis protocol based on zeatin riboside for in vitro regeneration of eggplant. BMC Plant Biology. 20(1):1-16. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12870-019-2215-yS116201FAO. FAOSTAT Food and Agriculture. 2019. http://www.fao.org/faostat. Accessed 18 July 2019.Gürbüza N, Uluişikb S, Frarya A, Frary A, Doğanlar S. Health benefits and bioactive compounds of eggplant. Food Chem. 2018;268:602–10. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2018.06.093.Rivas-Sendra A, Corral-Martínez P, Camacho-Fernández C, Seguí-Simarro JM. Improved regeneration of eggplant doubled haploids from microspore-derived calli through organogenesis. 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    Graviton emission in Einstein-Hilbert gravity

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    The five-point amplitude for the scattering of two distinct scalars with the emission of one graviton in the final state is calculated in exact kinematics for Einstein-Hilbert gravity. The result, which satisfies the Steinmann relations, is expressed in Sudakov variables, finding that it corresponds to the sum of two gauge invariant contributions written in terms of a new two scalar - two graviton effective vertex. A similar calculation is carried out in Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) for the scattering of two distinct quarks with one extra gluon in the final state. The effective vertices which appear in both cases are then evaluated in the multi-Regge limit reproducing the well-known result obtained by Lipatov where the Einstein-Hilbert graviton emission vertex can be written as the product of two QCD gluon emission vertices, up to corrections to preserve the Steinmann relations.Comment: 28 pages, LaTeX, feynmf. v2: typos corrected, reference added. Final version to appear in Journal of High Energy Physic

    An evaluation of the prevalence of vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in hospital food

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    Los artículos que componen este libro ilustran desde múltiples puntos de vista el concepto de patrimonio biocultural. El contenido de la publicación se estructura en tres espacios sintetizados en las problemáticas asociadas al patrimonio biológico y cultural, el territorio y las disputas territoriales, la construcción identitaria y los problema de carácter socio-históricos de las comunidades afro indoamericanas. Ello permite, por un lado, obtener una aproximación contrastante, holística y compleja de la realidad latinoamericana y por otra lado sumar aportes a un concepto en construcción que no esconde su intencionalidad emancipadora.Agradecimientos; Introducción; PATRIMONIO BIOCULTURAL: Juan Pohlenz Córdova / La disputa por el patrimonio biocultural. Un acercamiento desde Mesoamérica; León Enrique Ávila Romero / La disputa por el patrimonio biocultural, la economía verde y sus impactos en los pueblos indígenas; Bernardo Javier Tobar / Lugares de vida y registros de la memoria biocultural en el Pacífico sur-colombiano; Iskra García Vázquez, Rocío Becerra Montané y Gimena Pérez Ortega / Uso, aprovechamiento social y conservación de las plantas medicinales en México; Kelly Giovanna Muñoz Balcázar / Transformaciones del territorio y el patrimonio biocultural a partir del proceso de industrialización. Recuperación de la finca tradicional en el municipio de Corinto, vereda La Paila; TERRITORIO: Johnny L. Ledezma Rivera / Reflexiones sobre las concepciones y visiones de lo que se entiende por territorio; Sindy Hernández Bonilla / ¿Justicia o legalidad para los q’eqchi’es? Agustín Ávila Romero / Turismo y pueblos indígenas de México: despojo y veredas de apropiación comunitaria; SOCIEDADES AFROINDOAMERICANAS EN MOVIMIENTO Johnny L. Ledezma Rivera / Construcción e implementación de las autonomías indígenas en Bolivia: avances y retrocesos; Stefano Claudio Sartorello / Educar para el arraigo sociocultural. El perfil de egreso de alumn@s indígenas en una propuesta educativa intercultural y bilingüe en Chiapas; Elena Pareja y Virginia Cornalino / La cultura afrodescendiente en la constitución del Estado-nación (1870-1900). La reconstrucción de los mapas de identidad en la frontera uruguayo-brasileña; Karla Chagas y Natalia Stalla / Mano de obra negra en el Estado Oriental: una mirada del trabajo esclavo y libre a través del análisis de casos; Diego E. Piñeiro y Joaquín Cardeillac / Los afro-descendientes en el campo uruguayo; Soledad Figueredo y Matías Carámbula Pareja / Puntos en el mapa: ensayo sobre identidad, inmovilidad y cultura de la población afrodescendiente en el medio rural uruguayo

    Factors associated with lesion detection in colonoscopy among different indications

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    Background and objective: Different factors may influence colonoscopy performance measures. We aimed to analyze procedure- and endoscopist-related factors associated with detection of colorectal lesions and whether these factors have a similar influence in the context of different colonoscopy indications: positive fecal immunochemical test (+FIT) and post-polypectomy surveillance colonoscopies. Methods: This multicenter cross-sectional study included adults aged 40-80 years. Endoscopists (N = 96) who had performed ≥50 examinations were assessed for physician-related factors. Adenoma detection rate (ADR), adenomas per colonoscopy rate (APCR), advanced ADR, serrated polyp detection (SDR), and serrated polyps per colonoscopy rate (SPPCR) were calculated. Results: We included 12,932 procedures, with 4810 carried out after a positive FIT and 1967 for surveillance. Of the 96 endoscopists evaluated, 43.8% were women, and the mean age was 41.9 years. The ADR, advanced ADR, and SDR were 39.7%, 17.7%, and 12.8%, respectively. Adenoma detection rate was higher in colonoscopies after a +FIT (50.3%) with a more than doubled advanced ADR compared to non-FIT procedures (27.6% vs. 13.0%) and similar results in serrated lesions (14.7% vs. 13.5%). Among all the detection indicators analyzed, withdrawal time was the only factor independently related to improvement (p < 0.001). Regarding FIT-positive and surveillance procedures, for both indications, withdrawal time was also the only factor associated with a higher detection of adenomas and serrated polyps (p < 0.001). Endoscopist-related factors (i.e., weekly hours dedicated to endoscopy, annual colonoscopy volume and lifetime number of colonoscopies performed) had also impact on lesion detection (APCR, advanced ADR and SPPCR). Conclusions: Withdrawal time was the factor most commonly associated with improved detection of colonic lesions globally and in endoscopies for + FIT and post-polypectomy surveillance. Physician-related factors may help to address strategies to support training and service provision. Our results can be used for establishing future benchmarking and quality improvement in different colonoscopy indications

    The West against the rest? Democracy versus autocracy promotion in Venezuela

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    Venezuela provides a strong test case for the weakening of democracy and the strengthening of autocracy promotion. External actors are a key part of the domestic political game: the European Union and the United States (EUUS) promote ‘democracy by coercion’ and recognised Juan Guaidó as president, whereas China, Cuba and Russia (CCR) bolster the regime of Nicolás Maduro. A comparative foreign policy analysis argues that, firstly, EUUS sanctions have resulted in strengthening CCR's autocratic leverage and linkage; and secondly, the division ‘between the West and the Rest’ has posed an additional obstacle for a transition to democracy and national reconstructio

    Geotraverse south (B-1) : (excursion guidebook. Day 1)

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    The purpose of this excursion is to make a quick geological reconnaissance of the main stratigraphic and tectonic characteristics of the terranes in the southern part of the Iberian Peninsula, starting with the Alcudian Terrane (days 1 and 2), Obejo-Valseguillo (day 2), Hornachos (day 2), Valencia de las Torres (day 3), Sierra Albarrana (day 3), Olivenza-Monesterio (days 4 and 5), Barrancos (day 5), Aracena (day 5), Pule do Lobo (day 5), and South Portuguese (day 6), by visiting strategic outcrops where the main points and problems can be discussed

    New insights into the neolithisation process in southwest Europe according to spatial density analysis from calibrated radiocarbon dates

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    The agricultural way of life spreads throughout Europe via two main routes: the Danube corridor and the Mediterranean basin. Current archaeological literature describes the arrival to the Western Mediterranean as a rapid process which involves both demic and cultural models, and in this regard, the dispersal movement has been investigated using mathematical models, where the key factors are time and space. In this work, we have created a compilation of all available radiocarbon dates for the whole of Iberia, in order to draw a chronological series of maps to illustrate temporal and spatial patterns in the neolithisation process. The maps were prepared by calculating the calibrated 14C date probability density curves, as a proxy to show the spatial dynamics of the last hunter-gatherers and first farmers. Several scholars have pointed out problems linked with the variability of samples, such as the overrepresentation of some sites, the degree of regional research, the nature of the dated samples and above all the archaeological context, but we are confident that the selected dates, after applying some filters and statistical protocols, constitute a good way to approach settlement spatial patterns in Iberia at the time of the neolithisation process