9,626 research outputs found

    Validation of a global satellite rainfall product for real time monitoring of meteorological extremes

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    The real time monitoring of storms is important for the management and prevention of flood risks. However, in the southeast of Spain, it seems that the density of the rain gauge network may not be sufficient to adequately characterize the rainfall spatial distribution or the high rainfall intensities that are reached during storms. Satellite precipitation products such as PERSIANN-CCS (Precipitation Estimation from Remotely Sensed Information using Artificial Neural Networks - Cloud Classification System) could be used to complement the automatic rain gauge networks and so help solve this problem. However, the PERSIANN-CCS product has only recently become available, so its operational validity for areas such as south-eastern Spain is not yet known. In this work, a methodology for the hourly validation of PERSIANN-CCS is presented. We used the rain gauge stations of the SIAM (Sistema de Información Agraria de Murcia) network to study three storms with a very high return period. These storms hit the east and southeast of the Iberian Peninsula and resulted in the loss of human life, major damage to agricultural crops and a strong impact on many different types of infrastructure. The study area is the province of Murcia (Region of Murcia), located in the southeast of the Iberian Peninsula, covering an area of more than 11,000 km2 and with a population of almost 1.5 million. In order to validate the PERSIANN-CCS product for these three storms, contrasts were made with the hyetographs registered by the automatic rain gauges, analyzing statistics such as bias, mean square difference and Pearson’s correlation coefficient. Although in some cases the temporal distribution of rainfall was well captured by PERSIANN-CCS, in several rain gauges high intensities were not properly represented. The differences were strongly correlated with the rain gauge precipitation, but not with satellite-obtained rainfall. The main conclusion concerns the need for specific local calibration for the study area if PERSIANN-CCS is to be used as an operational tool for the monitoring of extreme meteorological phenomena.This work is the result of a postdoctoral contract funded by Saavedra Fajardo programme (Ref. 20023/SF/16) of the Consejería de Educación y Universidades of CARM (Autonomous Community of Murcia Region), by the Fundación Séneca-Agencia de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Región de Murcia. The support and availability of information from the Center for Hydrometeorology and Remote Sensing of University of California-Irvine (USA), and from Instituto Murciano de Investigación y Desarrollo Agrario y Alimentario (IMIDA) of CARM are also acknowledged

    Programa educativo en el manejo de la bomba de insulina

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    En los últimos años, uno de los grandes avances en la terapéutica de la diabetes es el desarrollo de la bomba de infusión de insulina. Actualmente se utilizan dispositivos de circuito abierto aunque se están investigando sistemas de circuito cerrado y la llegada del "páncreas artificial " cada vez está más cerca. En España la bomba más empleada es la Minimed Paradigm Veo de Medtronic. Anima 2020 (sistema que puede sumergirse a 3 metros de profundidad) y Onmipod (bomba sin tubos muy utilizada en países latinos) son otros tipos de ISCI comercializados en el resto del mundo. Se ha demostrado una reducción del valor de la HbA1C y un mejor control de la enfermedad y la calidad de vida de los pacientes tratados con bomba de insulina. Sin embargo, no todos los pacientes son buenos candidatos para tratarse con este sistema. La persona debe : estar dispuesta a realizarse mediciones de la glucosa de 4 a 6 veces al día, conocer la acción de la insulina que se administra, saber cuantificar los hidratos de carbono durante las comidas o saber tomar decisiones para solventar imprevistos. Un personal sanitario altamente cualificado y experto en educación diabetológica y bombas de insulina deberá enseñar al paciente. Éste último aprenderá : qué es y para qué sirve un dispositivo ISCI, sus ventajas e inconvenientes, las indicaciones, el manejo en la vida diaria o cómo adaptar la bomba a diferentes situaciones especiales entre otras cosas.OtroGrado en Enfermerí

    A sharp height estimate for compact hypersurfaces with constant kk-mean curvature in warped product spaces

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    In this paper we obtain a sharp height estimate concerning compact hypersurfaces immersed into warped product spaces with some constant higher order mean curvature, and whose boundary is contained into a slice. We apply these results to draw topological conclusions at the end of the paper.Comment: 19 pages. To appear on Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Societ

    Can ecosystem properties be fully translated into service values? an economic valuation of aquatic plant services

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    Ecological Applications 21. 5 (2011): 3083-3103 copyright by the Ecological Society of AmericaWe carried out an integrated analysis of ecosystem services in the Doñana social-ecological system (southwestern Spain), from the providers (different aquatic plant functional groups) to the beneficiaries (different stakeholders living in or visiting the area). We explored the ecosystem services supplied by aquatic plants by linking these services to different plant functional traits, identifying relevant ecosystem services and then working our way backward to ecosystem properties and the functional traits underpinning them. We started from 15 ecosystem services associated with aquatic systems (freshwater marshes, salt marshes, ponds on aeolian sheets, temporal coastal ponds, and estuaries) and related them to plant traits (directly or indirectly through intermediate ecosystem properties). We gathered information from the literature on the functional traits of 144 plants occurring in the aquatic ecosystems of Doñana. We analyzed the species×trait matrix with multivariate classification and ordination techniques and obtained seven functional groups with different potentials for delivering ecosystem services. A survey was then administered to 477 stakeholders to analyze, through the use of a contingent valuation exercise, how the ecosystem services provided by the different functional groups were valued. We identified connections between individual plant traits, ecosystem processes, and ecosystem services, but a mismatch appeared between the functional groups and the economic values placed on them by the beneficiaries. We found that contingent valuation applied to ecosystem services tended to ignore the ecosystem properties and biodiversity underpinning them. Our results cast doubts over the suitability of the economic valuation framework of ecosystem services to capture the full value of biodiversity and ecosystems to peopleThis research was partially supported by a grant from the Madrid Regional Government of Education, which was co-funded by the Social European Fund (F.S.E.), the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (Project CGL2006- 14121/BOS), and the Spanish Ministry of the Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs through project 018/2009. S. Díaz acknowledges support from FONCyT and CONICET (Argentina) and IAI (CRN 2015, supported by US NSF GEO- 0452325

    Investigación sobre las metodologías aplicadas por los docentes en las Ciencias Sociales

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    Treball Final de Grau en Mestre o Mestra d'Educació Primària. Codi: MP1040. Curs acadèmic: 2018/2019El objetivo de este trabajo final de grado se centra en las Ciencias Sociales, en las metodologías didácticas que utilizan los docentes a la hora de impartir la asignatura y si adaptan estas metodologías a las necesidades del alumnado. Además, se quiere observar si la asignatura tiene importancia para la educación del estudiante. Para observar todo esto, se ha llevado a cabo una investigación mediante la elaboración de un cuestionario que se ha pasado a docentes y a estudiantes en prácticas de diferentes centros. El cuestionario consta de una serie de preguntas sobre el centro donde están actualmente, datos del docente, metodologías que utilizan, recursos y tecnologías presentes en sus aulas, la motivación en el alumnado, evaluación y valoración de la asignatura. Una vez obtenidas las respuestas de los participantes, estas se han expresado en forma de gráficas para poder analizar los resultados y llegar a las conclusiones finales. Finalizada la investigación, se puede ver una evolución en el cambio de metodologías y que estas se adaptan a las necesidades del alumnado. Por otro lado, existe una falta de recursos en las aulas, y vemos que no se le da la importancia necesaria a la asignatura. Es importante aplicar una buena metodología y que el alumnado sea un sujeto activo para el buen desarrollo de la asignatura, y sobre todo darle a la asignatura la importancia que necesita en la educación del niño-a.The objective of this final degree project focuses on the Social Sciences, on the didactic methodologies that teachers use when they impart the subject and if they adapt these methodologies to the needs of the students. In addition, we want to observe if this subject is important for the student's education. In order to observe all this, an investigation has been carried out through the elaboration of a questionnaire that has been passed on to teachers and students in internships at different centers. The questionnaire consists of questions about the center where they are currently, data of the teacher, methodologies that they use, resources and technologies they have in their classrooms, motivation in the students, evaluation and assessment of the subject. Once the responses of the participants have been obtained, graphics are shown in order to analyze the results and reach the final conclusions. After the research, it can be seen an evolution in the change of methodologies which are adapted to the needs of the students. On the other hand, there is a lack of resources in the classrooms and we see that the subject is not given enough importance. It is important to apply a good methodology and to ensure that the student is an active subject for the proper development of the subject, and above all to give the subject the importance it needs in the child's education

    Increased moral condemnation of accidental harm in institutionalized adolescents

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    Social deprivation, as faced by children in institutional rearing, involves socio-cognitive deficits that may persist into adolescence. In particular, two relevant domains which prove sensitive to pre-adult neurodevelopment are theory of mind (ToM) and moral judgment (a complex skill which partially depend upon ToM). However, no study has assessed moral evaluation in adolescents with a history of institutional care, let alone its relationship with ToM skills. The present study aims to bridge this gap, focusing on moral evaluation of harmful actions in institutionalized adolescents (IAs). Relative to adolescents raised with their biological families, IAs exhibited less willingness to exculpate protagonists for accidental harms, suggesting an under-reliance on information about a person’s (innocent) intentions. Moreover, such abnormalities in IAs were associated with ToM impairments. Taken together, our findings extend previous findings of delayed ToM under social deprivation, further showing that the development of moral cognition is also vulnerable to the impact of institutionalization. These results could pave the way for novel research on the role of institutional rearing in ToM and moral development during adolescence.Fil: Baez, Sandra. Universidad de los Andes; ColombiaFil: Herrera, Eduar. Universidad Icesi; ColombiaFil: García, Adolfo Martín. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Neurociencia Cognitiva y Traslacional. Fundación Ineco Rosario Sede del Incyt | Instituto de Neurología Cognitiva. Instituto de Neurociencia Cognitiva y Traslacional. Fundación Ineco Rosario Sede del Incyt | Fundación Favaloro. Instituto de Neurociencia Cognitiva y Traslacional. Fundación Ineco Rosario Sede del Incyt; ArgentinaFil: Huepe, David. Universidad Adolfo Ibañez; ChileFil: Santamaría-García, Hernando. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana; Colombia. Hospital Universitario San Ignacio; ColombiaFil: Ibáñez Barassi, Agustín Mariano. Universidad Autónoma del Caribe; Colombia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Neurociencia Cognitiva y Traslacional. Fundación Ineco Rosario Sede del Incyt | Instituto de Neurología Cognitiva. Instituto de Neurociencia Cognitiva y Traslacional. Fundación Ineco Rosario Sede del Incyt | Fundación Favaloro. Instituto de Neurociencia Cognitiva y Traslacional. Fundación Ineco Rosario Sede del Incyt; Argentina. Universidad Adolfo Ibañez; Chile. Centre of Excellence in Cognition and its Disorders; Australi