231 research outputs found

    Sistema de Localización en Interiores por Ultrasonido

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    This article explain the development of a prototype for tracking system, which is made for low cost, and for closed environments such as offices and rooms with low density of obstacles. The position is obtained from pseudo-ranges, which are calculated from the time taken by the ultrasound signal to travel from a known-point to the receiver. This process is repeated continuously until the receiver has received three pseudoranges, then the process of estimation starts based on the trilateration algorithm. [1]En este artículo trata sobre el desarrollo del prototipo de un sistema de localización, de bajo costos, para ambientes cerrados tales como oficinas y habitaciones con baja densidad de obstáculos. La estimación de la posición se obtiene a partir de pseudo-rangos calculados del tiempo empleado por la señal sonora en viajar desde un punto conocido hacia el receptor. Este proceso se repite continuamente hasta que el receptor haya obtenido tres pseudorangos momento en el cual se inicia el proceso de estimación basado en el algoritmo de trilateración [1]

    Prototipo de un sistema de tracking y monitoreo de un robot transportador.

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    This project is composed of different sections that point into a common goal. The first section refers to the positioning system, which is formed by the design of the RF transmitter and an ultrasound transmitter. The second section begins with the design of the receivers for each type of signal, as well as the estimation of the robot location. The estimation of the position is deduced from the trilateration technique and is performed by a microcontroller, which executes mathematical operations in a fixed-point format Q8,8. Furthermore, the stage that corresponds to the robot starts with the design of the mechanical structure and the design of electronic system. Followed by the programming logic, taking into account the robot has differential motion and uses a proportional control. Finally the system has a trajectory planner and a system that avoids obstacles that are within the robots path.El presente proyecto está conformado por secciones diferentes que apuntan a un mismo objetivo. La primera sección es la parte de localización, la cual está formada por el diseño del transmisor de radiofrecuencia y el transmisor de ultrasonido. La segunda parte inicia con el diseño de los receptores correspondiente a cada tipo de señal; así como la parte de estimación de la posición del robot. La estimación de la posición nace de la técnica de trilateración y es realizada por un microcontrolador que ejecuta operaciones matemáticas en un formato de punto fijo Q8,8. Por otro lado, la etapa que corresponde al robot inicia con el diseño de la estructura mecánica y el diseño del sistema electrónico. Siguiendo con la lógica de programación, el movimiento del robot es diferencial, y posee un control proporcional para su desplazamiento. Finalmente tiene un planeador de trayectorias conjuntamente con un sistema que evade obstáculos que estén dentro de los recorridos del robot

    El Financiamiento Privado de los Partidos Políticos en El Salvador ante el Derecho de Acceso a la Información Pública

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    El presente trabajo es fruto de la investigación documental que realizamos para comprender y explicarnos mejor de qué manera el acceso a la información pública ha avanzado como derecho fundamental y cómo este derecho debe garantizarse respecto de la información en poder los partidos políticos, por el rol que a estos últimos les otorga la Constitución. Presentamos tres capítulos, en los que desarrollamos algunas líneas de investigación que consideramos pertinentes. En el primer capítulo se presentan consideraciones importantes para comprender el devenir histórico que han experimentado los partidos políticos a nivel global, poniendo un énfasis especial en aquellos puntos que consideramos de relevancia para el tema que desarrollamos en este trabajo. En segundo capítulo se ofrece una reflexión doctrinaria sobre los partidos políticos, desde su origen, naturaleza y evolución como parte importante de los procesos históricos en muchas sociedades. Planteamos la caracterización de los partidos y un abordaje desde la Constitución como norma suprema. En el tercer capítulo abordamos la legislación actual, relacionada al financiamiento privado de los partidos políticos en cada uno de los países de América Latina, utilizando los principios del financiamiento privado, destacando los más importantes, los cuales son la publicidad de las finanzas, los sujetos y montos, mecanismos de control, rendición de cuentas y las prohibiciones y sanciones, como guía de análisis dentro de la regulación normativa de cada país. Además, hacemos un recorrido por la legislación de otros países de la región que pueden brindar luces sobre cómo debe avanzar nuestra regulación sobre este tema

    Markovian analysis of the sequential behavior of the spontaneous spinal cord dorsum potentials induced by acute nociceptive stimulation in the anesthetized cat

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    In a previous study we developed a Machine Learning procedure for the automatic identification and classification of spontaneous cord dorsum potentials (CDPs). This study further supported the proposal that in the anesthetized cat, the spontaneous CDPs recorded from different lumbar spinal segments are generated by a distributed network of dorsal horn neurons with structured (non-random) patterns of functional connectivity and that these configurations can be changed to other non-random and stable configurations after the noceptive stimulation produced by the intradermic injection of capsaicin in the anesthetized cat. Here we present a study showing that the sequence of identified forms of the spontaneous CDPs follows a Markov chain of at least order one. That is, the system has memory in the sense that the spontaneous activation of dorsal horn neuronal ensembles producing the CDPs is not independent of the most recent activity. We used this markovian property to build a procedure to identify portions of signals as belonging to a specific functional state of connectivity among the neuronal networks involved in the generation of the CDPs. We have tested this procedure during acute nociceptive stimulation produced by the intradermic injection of capsaicin in intact as well as spinalized preparations. Altogether, our results indicate that CDP sequences cannot be generated by a renewal stochastic process. Moreover, it is possible to describe some functional features of activity in the cord dorsum by modeling the CDP sequences as generated by a Markov order one stochastic process. Finally, these Markov models make possible to determine the functional state which produced a CDP sequence. The proposed identification procedures appear to be useful for the analysis of the sequential behavior of the ongoing CDPs recorded from different spinal segments in response to a variety of experimental procedures including the changes produced by acute nociceptive stimulation. They are envisaged as a useful tool to examine alterations of the patterns of functional connectivity between dorsal horn neurons under normal and different pathological conditions, an issue of potential clinical concern.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    The Cornelia de Lange Syndrome-associated factor NIPBL interacts with BRD4 ET domain for transcription control of a common set of genes

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    Mutations in NIPBL are the major cause of Cornelia de Lange Syndrome (CdLS). NIPBL is the cohesin-loading factor and has recently been associated with the BET (bromodomains and extra-terminal (ET) domain) proteins BRD2 and BRD4. Related to this, a CdLS-like phenotype has been described associated to BRD4 mutations. Here, we show direct interaction of NIPBL with different BET members in yeast, and selective interaction with BRD4 in cells, being the ET domain involved in the interaction. To understand the relationship between NIPBL and BET proteins, we have performed RNA-Seq expression analysis following depletion of the different proteins. Results indicate that genes regulated by NIPBL largely overlap with those regulated by BRD4 but not with those regulated by BRD2. ChIP-Seq analysis indicates preferential NIPBL occupancy at promoters, and knockdown experiments show mutual stabilization of NIPBL and BRD4 on co-regulated promoters. Moreover, human fibroblasts from CdLS probands with mutations in NIPBL show reduced BRD4 at co-occupied promoters. Functional analysis in vivo, using mutants of Drosophila melanogaster, confirmed the genetic interaction between Nipped-B and fs(1)h, the orthologs of human NIPBL and BRD4, respectively. Thus, we provide evidence for NIPBL and BRD4 cooperation in transcriptional regulation, which should contribute to explain the recently observed CdLS-like phenotype associated with BRD4 mutations.Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO), Spain BFU2015-64721-

    Identificación de parásitos gastrointestinales predominantes en bovinos de la Península de Santa Elena

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    La investigación se realizó en el Centro de Faenamiento Regional del cantón La Libertad, provincia de Santa Elena; el objetivo fue identificar la presencia o ausencia y tipos de parásitos gastrointestinales que se encuentran en los bovinos, para el estudio se utilizó la técnica coproparasitaria de flotación por sacarosa-glucosa y de frotis directo, la toma de muestras fecales se realizó en cincuenta animales post-mortem seleccionando aquellos provenientes de la zona peninsular, se tomó una muestra de heces, se identificó y conservó hasta su posterior análisis en el laboratorio de investigaciones agropecuarias de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias de la Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena, los resultados obtenidos se procesaron en el paquete estadístico SPSS 21.0. En los resultados se observó principalmente parásitos gastrointestinales predominando los Nematodos con 87%, Cestodos 9% y quistes de Protozoos 4%; en donde la mayor presencia de los diferentes tipos de parásitos fueron Oesophagostomun spp., (Nematodos) con 31%, Moniezia expansa 50% (cestodos) y Balantidium coli (protozoo) con 43%, cabe recalcar que el método más eficiente en las condiciones para este estudio empleado fue el de la técnica de flotación con sacarosa en el cual se obtuvo un 55% de carga parasitaria en comparación con la de glucosa 35% y con el directo un 10%. Los resultados indican que, de acuerdo con los parámetros establecidos, es necesario realizar un plan sanitario en las diferentes zonas de la Península de Santa Elena para determinar los principales antiparasitarios que se deben utilizar para contrarrestar los nematodos, cestodos y protozoos dentro del tracto digestivo del bovino y poder bajar su presencia en la zona mejorando el comportamiento productivo de los animales

    Adquisición e instalación de micromedidores de agua en los hogares de la zona urbana del municipio de Rioblanco Tolima

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    El proyecto tiene como objetivo principal la instalación de micromedidores en 640 hogares de la zona urbana del municipio de Rioblanco en el departamento de Tolima, permitiendo con ello lograr organizar y controlar el consumo y pago del servicio de agua del municipio. Para lograr realizar este proyecto se cuenta con el aval de la alcaldía de Rioblanco, en cabeza de la alcaldesa Elizabeth Barbosa, los cuales proporcionarán la información y los recursos necesarios para la realización del proyecto, ADQUISICIÓN E INSTALACIÓN DE MICROMEDIDORES DE AGUA EN LOS HOGARES DE LA ZONA URBANA DEL MUNICIPIO DE RIOBLANCO TOLIMA el objetivo principal lograr tener un control sobre la cantidad de agua que es utilizada por cada uno de los hogares, logrando también recaudar recursos y disminuir las pérdidas que se generan por el no pago de las facturas que se emiten por concepto de agua.The project's main objective is the installation of micrometers in 640 homes in the urban area of the municipality of Rioblanco in the department of Tolima, thereby allowing to organize and control the consumption and payment of the municipality's water service. In order to carry out this project, it has the endorsement of the Rioblanco mayor's office, headed by the mayor Elizabeth Barbosa, who will provide the information and resources necessary for the project, ACQUISITION AND INSTALLATION OF WATER MICROMETERS IN HOUSEHOLDS IN THE URBAN AREA OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF RIOBLANCO TOLIMA, the main objective is to raise resources and reduce the losses that are generated by non-payment of bills that are issued for water

    Supraspinal shaping of adaptive transitions in the state of functional connectivity between segmentally distributed dorsal horn neuronal populations in response to nociception and antinociception

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    In the anesthetized cat the correlation between the ongoing cord dorsum potentials(CDPs) recorded from different lumbar spinal segments has a non-random structure,suggesting relatively stable patterns of functional connectivity between the dorsalhorn neuronal ensembles involved in the generation of these potentials. During thenociception induced by the intradermic injection of capsaicin, the patterns of segmentalcorrelation between the spontaneous CDPs acquire other non-random configurationsthat are temporarily reversed to their pre-capsaicin state by the systemic injectionof lidocaine, a procedure known to decrease the manifestation of neuropathic painin both animals and humans. We have now extended these studies and utilizedmachine learning for the automatic extraction and selection of particular classes ofCDPs according to their shapes and amplitudes. By using a Markovian analysis, wedisclosed the transitions between the different kinds of CDPs induced by capsaicinand lidocaine and constructed a global model based on the changes in the behaviorof the CDPs generated along the whole set of lumbar segments. This allowed theidentification of the different states of functional connectivity within the whole ensembleof dorsal horn neurones attained during nociception and their transitory reversal bysystemic administration of lidocaine in preparations with the intact neuroaxis and afterspinalization. The present observations provide additional information on the stateof self-organized criticality that leads to the adaptive behavior of the dorsal hornneuronal networks during nociception and antinociception both shaped by supraspinaldescending influencesPeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Evaluation of the effectiveness of ixodicides on Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus in bovinos in a population of the state of Nuevo León, Mexico / Avaliação da eficácia de ixodicides em Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus em bovinos em uma população do estado de Nuevo León, México

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    The Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus tick is of great importance in livestock due to its direct and indirect effects, it has a distribution of 69.4% of the national territory, with approximate losses of up to 573.61 million dollars per year in Mexico. Chemical control is the most widely used method, however, continuous, and indiscriminate use has led to the emergence of populations of resistant ticks. In this study, the efficacy of three synthetic ixodicides, a pyrethroid, an organophosporade, and a pyrethroid- organophosporade mixture were evaluated. in a field population through the adult immersion test, obtaining efficacy rates of 28.66%, 100%, and 96%, respectively. It was obtained that the organophosphate is the only ixodicide that can be used in this population.

    Unpacking the Role of Work Demands in Teacher Burnout: Cognitive Effort as a Protective Factor

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    Introduction: This paper contributes to the research on teacher burnout by distinguishing between two aspects of work demands that are usually merged in the 'workload' construct: the quantity of the demands (quantitative demands) and the cognitive effort they require (cog-nitive demands). Such a distinction may offer insight into how educational administrators should manage certain types of work demands. Method: In an international sample of 209 kindergarten, primary and lower secondary teachers working in 110 schools from four different countries (Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, and Spain), we administered the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) and the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire II (COPSOQII). We conducted three separate multiple regressions in which the work conditions (COPSOQII) were set (forced entry) as predictors of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and personal accomplishment (MBI). Results: We found that quantitative and cognitive demands predict teacher burnout differently: while quantitative demands predict emotional exhaustion and depersonalization, cognitive demands play a protective role in relation to those two components and also predict personal accomplishment. Additionally, we found that emotional demands positively predict emotional exhaustion and depersonalization, and negatively predict personal accomplishment. We also foud that support from colleagues and community positively predicts personal accomplishment, but shows no significant relationship with either emotional exhaustion or depersonalization. Discussion and Conclusion: Results suggest that the distinction between the quantity of demands and the cognitive effort they require is meaningful and important for future research and practice in the field of teaching. One important implication for educational administration is that the quantity of work assigned to teachers should be kept relatively low but, at the same time, this work should be cognitively activating and demanding