12 research outputs found

    Dinámica del consumo y aporte de nutrientes de fitoplancton, dominado por Microcystis sp. (Cyanophyceae) del lago de Amatitlán

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    El impacto antrópico cercano al lago de Amatitlán ha generado niveles altos de eutrofización que conllevan cambios en la dinámica del ecosistema. Uno de ellos es la proliferación de cianobacterias del género Microcystis que pueden llegar a ser perjudiciales para la fauna y flora de lugar e incluso para los seres humanos. Se presenta el caso de cultivo de un consorcio de fitoplancton, tomado directamente del lago y llevado al laboratorio en condiciones controladas, para medir su consumo y aporte de nitrógeno y fósforo, además de los cambios en los factores fisicoquímicos y la biomasa. Se observó la presencia de diatomeas del genero Nitszchia y cianobacterias como Dolichospermum, con una marcada dominancia de Microcystis sp. Se analizó el porcentaje de cambio en la concentración de nutrientes. Los resultados indican que hubo un aumento en las concentraciones de amonio, nitrato y nitrógeno inorgánico disuelto, mientras que disminuyó el nitrógeno total, el fósforo total y los ortofosfatos. Esto indica que hay aporte de nitrógeno inorgánico, consumo de fósforo y nitrógeno orgánico. El fósforo parece ser el nutriente limitante, ya que, al consumirse en un 90 % la biomasa empieza a decrecer

    Adjuvant dabrafenib and trametinib for patients with resected BRAF-mutated melanoma: DESCRIBE-AD real-world retrospective observational study

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    BRAF and MEK inhibitor, dabrafenib plus trametinib, adjuvant therapy is effective for high-risk resected melanoma patients with BRAF-V600 mutations. However, real-world evidence is limited. We aimed to determine the feasibility of this therapy in routine clinical practice. DESCRIBE-AD, a retrospective observational study, collected real-world data from 25 hospitals in Spain. Histologically confirmed and resected BRAF-mutated melanoma patients aged & GE;18 years who were previously treated with dabrafenib plus trametinib adjuvant therapy, were included. The primary objectives were treatment discontinuation rate and time to discontinuation. The secondary objectives included safety and efficacy. From October 2020 to March 2021, 65 patients were included. Dabrafenib and trametinib discontinuation rate due to treatment-related adverse events (TRAEs) of any grade was 9%. Other reasons for discontinuation included patients' decisions (6%), physician decisions (6%), unrelated adverse events (3%), disease progression (5%), and others (5%). The median time to treatment discontinuation was 9 months [95% confidence interval (CI), 5-11]. G3-4 TRAEs occurred in 21.5% of patients, the most common being pyrexia (3%), asthenia (3%), and diarrhoea (3%). Unscheduled hospitalisations and clinical tests occurred in 6 and 22% of patients, respectively. After 20-month median follow-up (95% CI, 18-22), 9% of patients had exitus due to disease progression, with a 12-month relapse-free survival and overall survival rates of 95.3% and 100%, respectively. Dabrafenib and trametinib adjuvant therapy proved effective for melanoma patients in a real-world setting, with a manageable toxicity profile. Toxicity frequencies were low leading to low incidence of unscheduled medical visits, tests, and treatment discontinuations

    Sistema para diagnóstico de fallas en transformadores a través de lógica difusa

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    Se expone un sistema para diagn&oacute;stico de fallas en transformadores a trav&eacute;s de mediciones cromatogr&aacute;ficasde los gases disueltos en el aceite y su procesamiento utilizando la l&oacute;gica difusa, herramientaeficaz de la inteligencia artificial, como m&eacute;todo para el diagn&oacute;stico. En este caso se escogi&oacute; de entretodos los modelos cromatogr&aacute;ficos existentes para el diagn&oacute;stico, el de la norma IEC 599, por ser en laactualidad el de mayor validaci&oacute;n experimental. El sistema tiene en cuenta las tres relaciones fundamentalesy las tres relaciones complementarias entre los gases disueltos en el aceite, con vistas a la definici&oacute;n deltipo de falla. Tambi&eacute;n considera la raz&oacute;n del incremento de producci&oacute;n de los gases, para la detecci&oacute;n deuna anomal&iacute;a en el funcionamiento del equipo o de una agravante en el desarrollo de la falla. Por &uacute;ltimo,se incluye una serie de situaciones en las que no existe una falla totalmente definida por la clasificaci&oacute;ntradicional, emiti&eacute;ndose un diagn&oacute;stico m&aacute;s generalizado.&nbsp;&nbsp;The following work deals with the presentation of a system for the diagnosis of failures in transformers,through chromatographic measures of the gases dissolved in oil and its process of results using the fuzzylogic, an efficient tool of the artificial intelligence, as method for the diagnosis. In this case thechromatographic model used was chosen from the existent standard IEC 599, for being at present the onewith more experimental validation. The system takes into consideration the three fundamental andcomplementary relationships among the gases dissolved in the oil, in order to define the type of failure. Italso concerns about the increase of gases, for detecting problems in the operation of equipment or offurther difficulties in the development of the failure. Finally, a series of situations where failures not totallydefined in the traditional classification are included providing a wider and more spread diagnosis.</p

    Long-term effect of 2 intensive statin regimens on treatment and incidence of cardiovascular events in familial hypercholesterolemia: The SAFEHEART study

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    [Background] Maximal doses of potent statins are the basement of treatment of familial hypercholesterolemia (FH). Little is known about the use of different statin regimens in FH.[Objectives] The objectives of the study were to describe the treatment changes and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) goal achievement with atorvastatin (ATV) and rosuvastatin (RV) in the SAFEHEART cohort, as well as to analyze the incidence of atherosclerotic cardiovascular events (ACVEs) and changes in the cardiovascular risk.[Methods] SAFEHEART is a prospective follow-up nationwide cohort study in a molecularly defined FH population. The patients were contacted on a yearly basis to obtain relevant changes in life habits, medication, and ACVEs.[Results] A total of 1939 patients were analyzed. Median follow-up was 6.6 years (5–10). The estimated 10-year risk according the SAFEHEART risk equation was 1.61 (0.67–3.39) and 1.22 (0.54–2.93) at enrollment for ATV and RV, respectively (P < .001). There were no significant differences at the follow-up: 1.29 (0.54–2.82) and 1.22 (0.54–2.76) in the ATV and RV groups, respectively (P = .51). Sixteen percent of patients in primary prevention with ATV and 18% with RV achieved an LDL-C <100 mg/dL and 4% in secondary prevention with ATV and 5% with RV achieved an LDL-C <70 mg/dL. The use of ezetimibe was marginally greater in the RV group. One hundred sixty ACVEs occurred during follow-up, being its incidence rate 1.1 events/100 patient-years in the ATV group and 1.2 in the RV group (P = .58).[Conclusion] ATV and RV are 2 high-potency statins widely used in FH. Although the reduction in LDL-C levels was greater with RV than with ATV, the superiority of RV for reducing ACVEs was not demonstrated.This study was supported by Fundación Hipercolesterolemia Familiar; Grant G03/181 and FIS PI12/01289 from Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), Grant 08-2008 Centro Nacional de Investigación Cardiovascular (CNIC)