223 research outputs found

    La motivación del alumnado a través de la satisfacción con la asignatura. Efecto sobre el rendimiento

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    El alto nivel de absentismo y la falta de motivación de los alumnos son rasgos característicos de una realidad a la que nos enfrentamos día a día. Este problema, agudizado por la cada vez más cercana adaptación al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior, provoca la necesidad de que nos replanteemos la forma de hacer las cosas en nuestra labor como docentes universitarios. La presente experiencia persigue incrementar el interés y la implicación del alumnado a través de un aumento de su grado de satisfacción con la asignatura. Adicionalmente se pretende comprobar cómo esta circunstancia puede redundar en una mejora de las calificaciones obtenidas por los alumnos

    The role of cartoons on European generalist televisions between 2010 and 2020

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    Cartoons have been and still are a fundamental genre in children’s television programming and are a key product for the media industry due to their easy interpretation by children and their presence in distribution channels. This paper presents an analysis of the supply of children’s and cartoons broadcast over the last decade on 25 European general-interest television channels, both public and private, of Germany, Spain, France, Italy and the United Kingdom. The research findings focus on the genre programming strategies applied in terms of channels, broadcasting time slots and types of production in a multiplatform context driven by the consumption of digital content through streaming and SVOD services. The results show the continued leadership of cartoons in an environment of scarcity of children’s supply on European generalist television channels, reaffirming itself as a morning and weekend product highly shaped by commercial logics. However, distinctive programmatic policies are prominent in the role of public broadcasters in the supply of domestic products, both due to the broadcasting quotas of local cartoons and the consistency of their strategy over the period 2010-2020.Los dibujos animados han sido y son un género fundamental en las programaciones infantiles y un producto clave de la industria audiovisual por su fácil interpretación por parte del público infantil y su presencia en los circuitos de distribución. Este artículo presenta un análisis de la oferta infantil y de dibujos animados emitidos durante la última década en 25 televisiones generalistas europeas, públicas y privadas, de Alemania, España, Francia, Italia y Reino Unido. Los hallazgos de la investigación se centran en las estrategias de la oferta de este género respecto a la programación de las cadenas, las franjas de emisión y el tipo de producción que los operadores están programando en un entorno multiplataforma y de consumo de contenidos digitales por streaming y servicios SVOD. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran el continuado liderazgo de los dibujos animados en un entorno de escasez de oferta infantil en las televisiones generalistas europeas, reafirmándose como un producto matinal y de fin de semanas altamente moldeado por unas lógicas comerciales. Sin embargo, también se observan unas políticas programáticas distintivas en el papel de los programadores públicos respecto a la oferta de productos domésticos, tanto por las cuotas de emisión de dibujos animados locales como por la constancia en su estrategia durante el periodo 2010-2020

    Mental Models in Deductive Reasoning.

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    Application of the Dispersion Model and Comparison with Hydrodynamic Parameters in Porous Media Column

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    Poster submitted to the 13th Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering, 13MCCE, Barcelona, September 30-October 3, 2014Reactive transport experiments carried out in columns filled with different porous media (aquifer sediment and soil-sea sand mixtures) and injection of seawater or calcium chloride showed differences between tracer breakthrough curves (BTC) used to calculate the column hydrodynamic parameters. These research experiments in columns filled with glass beads were carried out with the main goal to study transport and dispersion processes in inert homogeneous media. The column hydrodynamic characteristics were determined with the program ACUAINTRUSION TRANSPORT, designed by the Chemical Engineering Department of the University of Alicante. On the other hand, the estimation of the dispersion module was performed using different approximations, depending on the dispersion degree and the tracer injection mode (pulse or step) in the column, as shown in Levenspiel. Different results are obtained in this research to obtain the best approximation to ACUAINTRUSION TRANSPORT parameters

    Marine GIS Applications: GIS Spanish Institute of Oceanography

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    Poster presentado en el SIEBM XVIII Simposio Ibérico de Biología MarinaSince 1998 in the IEO is developing a MARINE GIS with the objective of organize, harmonize, standardize, integrated the geo-information of IEO. GIS tools are used in several projects carried out in the IEO related to study of living resources, natural resources, studies of evolution of natural phenomena, collecting data, marine spatial planning, etc

    A Voxel-based analysis of FDG-PET in traumatic brain injury: regional metabolism and relationship between the thalamus and cortical areas

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    [EN] The objective was to study the correlations and the differences in glucose metabolism between the thalamus and cortical structures in a sample of severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) patients with different neurological outcomes. We studied 49 patients who had suffered a severe TBI and 10 healthy control subjects using 18Ffluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (18F-FDG-PET). The patients were divided into three groups: a vegetative or minimally-conscious state (MCS&VS) group (n = 17), which included patients who were in a vegetative or a minimally conscious state; an In-post-traumatic amnesia (In-PTA) group (n = 12), which included patients in PTA; and an Out-PTA group (n = 20), which included patients who had recovered from PTA. SPM5 software was used to determine the metabolic differences between the groups. FDG-PET images were normalized and four regions of interest were generated around the thalamus, precuneus, and the frontal and temporal lobes. The groups were parameterized using Student's t-test. Principal component analysis was used to obtain an intensity-estimated-value per subject to correlate the function between the structures. Differences in glucose metabolism in all structures were related to the neurological outcome, and the most severe patients showed the most severe hypometabolism. We also found a significant correlation between the cortico-thalamocortical metabolism in all groups. Voxel-based analysis suggests a functional correlation between these four areas, and decreased metabolism was associated with less favorable outcomes. Higher levels of activation of the cortico-cortical connections appear to be related to better neurological condition. Differences in the thalamocortical correlations between patients and controls may be related to traumatic dysfunction due to focal or diffuse lesions.A preliminary version of the manuscript presented here has obtained the 2nd award of IV Convocatoria de los Premios de Investigacio´n en Medicina del Colegio de Me´dicos de Valladolid (IV edition of the Medical Research Award of the Offi- cial College of Physicians of Valladolid).Garcia Panach, J.; Lull Noguera, N.; Lull Noguera, JJ.; Ferri Domínguez, J.; Martínez, C.; Sopena, P.; Robles Viejo, M.... (2011). A Voxel-based analysis of FDG-PET in traumatic brain injury: regional metabolism and relationship between the thalamus and cortical areas. Journal of Neurotrauma. 28(9):1707-1717. doi:10.1089/neu.2011.1851S1707171728

    IFE Plant Technology Overview and contribution to HiPER proposal

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    HiPER is the European Project for Laser Fusion that has been able to join 26 institutions and signed under formal government agreement by 6 countries inside the ESFRI Program of the European Union (EU). The project is already extended by EU for two years more (until 2013) after its first preparatory phase from 2008. A large work has been developed in different areas to arrive to a design of repetitive operation of Laser Fusion Reactor, and decisions are envisioned in the next phase of Technology Development or Risk Reduction for Engineering or Power Plant facilities (or both). Chamber design has been very much completed for Engineering phase and starting of preliminary options for Reactor Power Plant have been established and review here