3,469 research outputs found

    Behavioural problems during the childhood: theorical approach through a case study

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    En fænomenologisk og antropologisk analyse af legen som et universelt, eksistentielt rum for mennesket.Presence – An attempt at an easy definition of playIn this article a simple definition of play has been attempted within the framework of phenomenological anthropology. When the process is seen as more serious than the result, we play. When, on the contrary, the result is the more important, we work. To express it in simple formulas in which P is process and R, result:P/R > 1 = Play P/R < 1 = WorkThe definition is discussed in relation to a number of approsing rations which normally provoke reflexive efforts: play vs. seriousness; play vs. labour; play vs. reality; play vs. war; play vs. sport; play vs. ritual; play as symbol and metaphor.Further, the phenomenological concept of play is contrasted to the pedagogical concept, in an analysis of the instrumental use of play vs. play as a meaningful practise in itself.Finally, reference is made to W.H. Auden’s view of the aesthetic process as a dual act involving sin and the search for redemption

    Five new coexisting species of copepod crustaceans of the genus Spaniomolgus (Poecilostomatoida: Rhynchomolgidae), symbionts of the stony coral Stylophorapistillata (Scleractinia)

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    Spaniomolgus is a symbiotic genus of copepods of the poecilostomatoid family Rhynchomolgidae and is known to be associated with shallow-water reef-building hermatypic corals. Three species of this genus were previously found only in washings of Acropora and Stylophora in northern Madagascar. Four coral morphotypes of Stylophorapistillata (Pocilloporidae) were collected by SCUBA at 1 to 28 m depth in five sites in the Saudi Arabian Red Sea in 2013. Copepods found on these colonies were studied using light, confocal and scanning electron microscopy. Five new, and one known, species of the genus Spaniomolgus were discovered in washings and inside the galls of the hermatypic coral S.pistillata. The description of these new species (Spaniomolgusglobussp. n., S.stylophorussp. n., S.dentatussp. n., S.maculatussp. n., and S.acutussp. n.) and a key for the identification of all of its congeners is provided herein

    Characterization of european virgin olive oils using fatty acids

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    The possibility of discriminating between extra virgin olive oils from different regions of Spain, Italy and Portugal, by means of their fatty acid content, has been investigated. A dendrogram allowed discrimination between the oils starting from their initial grouping and progressing to differentiation on the basis of regions. Multivariant statistical analyses were applied to determine the actual discriminatory capacity of this group of compounds. The confidence associated with the final discrimination was ascertained using the theory of evidence.Se ha estudiado la posibilidad de discriminación entre aceites de oliva virgen procedentes de diferentes regiones de España, Italia y Portugal, mediante sus ácidos grasos. Para llevar a cabo la discriminación entre los aceites, desde su agrupación inicial hasta la diferenciación por regiones, se empleó una estructura arborescente. Fueron aplicados procedimientos estadísticos multivariantes para determinar la capacidad discriminante actual de este grupo de compuestos. La certeza asociada a la discriminación final fue calculada mediante la teoría de la evidencia

    On the exponent of convergence of negatively curved manifolds without Green's function

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    In this paper we prove that for every complete n-dimensional Riemannian manifold without Green's function and with its sectional curvatures satisfying K ≤−1, the exponent of convergence is greater than or equal to n − 1. Furthermore, we show that this inequality is sharp. This result is well known for manifolds with constant sectional curvatures K = −1

    DNA synthesis in the embryonic chick lens epithelium is arrested after experimental lens rotation

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    Using autoradiographic technique, we have studicd DNA synthesis in normal embryonic chick lens epitheliuni and after experimental lens rotation. Analysis of the autoradiograms clearly demonstrates that when the lens priniordium was rotated 180". so that lens epithelium was placed facing the interior of the optic cup. the lens epithelial cells completely stop DNA synthesis. This fact suggests that some retinal and vitieal factors are responsible for differentiation and replicative capacity of the lens epithelial cells

    Density and reproductive characteristics of female brown bears in the Cantabrian Mountains, NW Spain

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    Here we present annual nearest-neighbour distances (as a proxy of density) between females with cubs-of-the-year (hereafter FCOY) and reproductive characteristics of brown bears Ursus arctos in the Cantabrian Mountains (NW Spain), from 1989 to 2017. FCOY nearest-neighbour distances and reproduction parameters of 19 focal females followed over several consecutive years (from 2004 to 2017) were obtained from bears inhabiting the western sector of the Cantabrian Mountains, where most of the bear population resides. In contrast, general reproductive characteristics were studied in the whole Cantabrian Mountains (western and eastern sectors together) on a sample of 362 litter sizes and 695 cubs. Mean nearest-neighbour distance between FCOY was 2559 ± 1222 m (range = 1305–4757 m). Mean litter size was significantly larger in the west (1.8 ± 0.2 cubs) than in the east (1.3 ± 0.6 cubs). Mean litter size for the whole of the Cantabrian Mountains was 1.6 ± 0.3 cubs. Litter sizes of one, two and three cubs represented 33.4, 56.1 and 10.5% of observed family groups, respectively. Interannual variations in litter size were not significant for both the western and the eastern areas. Mean cub mortality was 0.2 ± 0.5 cubs and did not vary among years. Cub mortality per litter size was 3.9% for one cub, 69.2% for two cubs and 26.9% for three cubs. Mean reproductive rate of the 19 focal females was 1.5 ± 0.6 cubs (n = 58 litters). Litter size of focal FCOY did not differ from the litter size obtained from systematic observations in the whole Cantabrian Mountains. During this period, cub mortality occurred in 24.1% of the 58 litters. Females usually bred every second year (average litter interval = 2.2 years). The estimated reproductive rate for the bear population was 0.7 young born/year/reproductive adult female

    Corticotrophin-Releasing Factor (CRF) through CRF1 Receptor Facilitates the Expression of Morphine-Related Positive and Aversive Memory in Mice

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    Different studies have elucidated the mechanisms underlying the formation and expression of drug-related cue memories; corticotrophin-releasing factor (CRF) plays a critical role in reward- and aversion-driven associative learning. In the present chapter, we have evaluated whether CP-154,526, a selective CRF1 receptor (CRF1R) antagonist, or genetic deletion of CRF1R (KO mice) have comparable effects on conditioned place preference (CPP) and conditioned place aversion (CPA) learning. We also investigated CP-154,526 effects on morphine-induced CPP activation of CRF, CREB phosphorylation, and thioredoxin (Trx1) expression in dentate gyrus (DG), a brain region involved in memory consolidation, and the role of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA) axis in CPA expression and extinction. The CRF1R antagonist abolished the acquisition of morphine CPP, Trx-1 and BDNF increased expression, and pCREB/Trx-1 co-localization in the DG. The increase in adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) plasma levels observed after CPA expression was attenuated in CRF1R KO mice, suggesting a role of HPA axis in aversive memories. Altogether, these results suggest a critical role of CRF, through CRF1R, in molecular changes involved in memory formation and consolidation and may facilitate the development of effective treatments for opioid addiction

    Spike-based VITE control with Dynamic Vision Sensor applied to an Arm Robot.

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    Spike-based motor control is very important in the field of robotics and also for the neuromorphic engineering community to bridge the gap between sensing / processing devices and motor control without losing the spike philosophy that enhances speed response and reduces power consumption. This paper shows an accurate neuro-inspired spike-based system composed of a DVS retina, a visual processing system that detects and tracks objects, and a SVITE motor control, where everything follows the spike-based philosophy. The control system is a spike version of the neuroinspired open loop VITE control algorithm implemented in a couple of FPGA boards: the first one runs the algorithm and the second one drives the motors with spikes. The robotic platform is a low cost arm with four degrees of freedom.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TEC2009-10639-C04-02/01Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2012-37868-C04-02/0