362 research outputs found

    Analysis of errors in the automatic translation of questions for translingual QA systems

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    Purpose – This study aims to focus on the evaluation of systems for the automatic translation of questions destined to translingual question-answer (QA) systems. The efficacy of online translators when performing as tools in QA systems is analysed using a collection of documents in the Spanish language. Design/methodology/approach – Automatic translation is evaluated in terms of the functionality of actual translations produced by three online translators (Google Translator, Promt Translator, and Worldlingo) by means of objective and subjective evaluation measures, and the typology of errors produced was identified. For this purpose, a comparative study of the quality of the translation of factual questions of the CLEF collection of queries was carried out, from German and French to Spanish. Findings – It was observed that the rates of error for the three systems evaluated here are greater in the translations pertaining to the language pair German-Spanish. Promt was identified as the most reliable translator of the three (on average) for the two linguistic combinations evaluated. However, for the Spanish-German pair, a good assessment of the Google online translator was obtained as well. Most errors (46.38 percent) tended to be of a lexical nature, followed by those due to a poor translation of the interrogative particle of the query (31.16 percent). Originality/value – The evaluation methodology applied focuses above all on the finality of the translation. That is, does the resulting question serve as effective input into a translingual QA system? Thus, instead of searching for “perfection”, the functionality of the question and its capacity to lead one to an adequate response are appraised. The results obtained contribute to the development of improved translingual QA systems

    IPABA checklist for heritage in Spanish: How to assess visibility and accessibility on the Web

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    The authors propose a new index called IPABA –composed by the evaluation criteria: Identification, Presence, Audience, Browsability), Accesibility- for determining the potential visibility of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Spain and Mexico on the basis of their official websites. This index is based on a checklist which includes new categories and items that influence the visibility of these websites. The sample is exhaustive, comprising the 114 Mexican and Spanish websites that are the official, government-sanctioned online representations of the World Heritage Sites in question. The results reveal changes in social behavior with regard to communication. The majority of the websites assessed had an overall score that was very acceptable with more than 650 points of a maximum of 1000, although differences were observed between countries in terms of presence on social networks.HUM466 - Acceso y evaluación de la información científic

    Analysis of errors in the automatic translation of questions for translingual QA systems

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    Purpose – This study aims to focus on the evaluation of systems for the automatic translation of questions destined to translingual question-answer (QA) systems. The efficacy of online translators when performing as tools in QA systems is analysed using a collection of documents in the Spanish language. Design/methodology/approach – Automatic translation is evaluated in terms of the functionality of actual translations produced by three online translators (Google Translator, Promt Translator, and Worldlingo) by means of objective and subjective evaluation measures, and the typology of errors produced was identified. For this purpose, a comparative study of the quality of the translation of factual questions of the CLEF collection of queries was carried out, from German and French to Spanish. Findings – It was observed that the rates of error for the three systems evaluated here are greater in the translations pertaining to the language pair German-Spanish. Promt was identified as the most reliable translator of the three (on average) for the two linguistic combinations evaluated. However, for the Spanish-German pair, a good assessment of the Google online translator was obtained as well. Most errors (46.38 percent) tended to be of a lexical nature, followed by those due to a poor translation of the interrogative particle of the query (31.16 percent). Originality/value – The evaluation methodology applied focuses above all on the finality of the translation. That is, does the resulting question serve as effective input into a translingual QA system? Thus, instead of searching for “perfection”, the functionality of the question and its capacity to lead one to an adequate response are appraised. The results obtained contribute to the development of improved translingual QA systems

    Analysis of automatic translation of questions for question-answering systems

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    Introduction. Multilingual question-answering systems can provide users with specific data in response to queries by searching for a minimal fragment of text that applies to the query, regardless of the language in which the question is formulated and the answer is found. The aim of this paper is to analyse the automatic translation of questions (intended as queries input to a cross-language, question-answering system) from German and French into the Spanish language. Method. The methodology used for evaluation, based on automatic and subjective measures, appraises whether the translation will serve as input to a system. That is, does the question retain its validity and fulfil its function, allowing a proper response to be found? Analysis. The main features of multilingual question-answering systems are described and then we analyse the effectiveness of the translations achieved through three popular online translating tools: Google Translator, Promt and Worldlingo. Results. Our findings serve to identify which is the most reliable translator for both pairs of languages overall. However, an even more reliable option would be to use two different translators, depending on which of the two source languages is being dealt with. Conclusions. The results contribute to the realm of innovative search systems by enhancing our understanding of online translators and their potential in the context of multilingual information retrieval

    Automatic web translators as part of a multilingual question-answering (QA) system: translation of questions

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    Artículo de la editorial: http://translationjournal.net/journal/51webtranslators.htmThe traditional model of information retrieval entails some implicit restrictions, including: a) the assumption that users search for documents, not answers; and that the documents per se will respond to and satisfy the query, and b) the assumption that the queries and the document that will satisfy the particular informational need are written in the same language. However, many times users will need specific data in response to the queries put forth. Cross-language question-answering systems (QA) can be the solution, as they pursue the search for a minimal fragment of text—not a complete document—that applies to the query, regardless of the language in which the question is formulated or the language in which the answer is found. Cross-language QA calls for some sort of underlying translating process. At present there are many types of software for natural language translation, several of them available online for free. In this paper we describe the main features of the multilingual Question-Answering (QA) systems, and then analyze the effectiveness of the translations obtained through three of the most popular online translating tools (Google Translator, Promt and Worldlingo). The methodology used for evaluation, on the basis of automatic and subjective measures, is specifically oriented here to obtain a translation that will serve as input in a QA system. The results obtained contribute to the realm of innovative search systems by enhancing our understanding of online translators and their potential in the context of multilingual information retrieval

    Diseño y divulgación del plan de emergencias respecto a sustancias químicas en la Escuela de Química de la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira

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    En el presente documento se encuentra el diseño de un protocolo de seguridad química para la escuela de Química de la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, para ello se partió de un análisis exhaustivo de las condiciones iniciales en relación a las instalaciones, procedimientos, equipos y protocolos referentes a la manipulación, transporte, almacenamiento y disposición final de sustancias químicas al interior de la escuela, para esto fue necesario detectar las amenazas a las cuales está expuesto el personal de la escuela por lo cual se diseñó una encuesta virtual para todo el personal de la misma, obteniendo así la información estadística necesaria para ponderar las amenazas, relacionando la frecuencia y los efectos que estas pueden llegar a tener sobre el personal, con base en los resultados obtenidos, se diseñó un protocolo de seguridad enfocado a mitigar las amenazas detectadas y brindar una herramienta práctica y fácil de entender para el personal que requiera información acerca de qué hacer frente a las diferentes situaciones de riesgo con que se puede enfrentar cualquier persona al interior de la escuela


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    The Roman Mosaics set in the heart of the National Gardens of Athens, an extensive park of about 16 hectares that was built by Queen Amalia in 1840, was a genuine discovery when, by causality, they were unearthed. Its discovery was made by doing some works of cleaning the garden area. It remained reserved for study for a time until the TEI has taken responsibility for its study, consolidation and restoration, interventions that will culminate with the maintenance and use for tourism purposes with the control by the Greek State. This final degree work approachs: the physical characteristics of these Roman Mosaics, the deterioration caused by time and environmental factors, the key elements in their conservation, the mechanisms that will be carried out to avoid their degradation in time and the vicissitudes that they suffered through the times until the discovery, due to their location, the study of the surrounding areas realized by the TEI team, of which I am part as a restore student and researcher for this project, the guidelines determined by the team for their intervention, defining clearly its actual state, as well as an hypothetical study as spectator-mosaic loop, and get more visitors can be reached in a more dynamic and instructive way. In addition, I analyze the interventions of the most recent performance reports that have been used by the university team in their work. Besides, I value the tasks performed on the mosaics, following the more innovative principles of restoration of Roman Mosaics that are using the restoration teams in Athens. I anticipate with objective and scientific view the final result that is intended in this action so important for the Greek archaeological heritage. My conclusions assume the final result of the intervention, demonstrate my participation in the work of the group and put in value the future lines of action until the conclusion of the intervention. All this, in the light of an intense and precise bibliography of the reality of the Roman mosaic from the perspective of its history, restoration and conservation.Los Mosaicos Romanos enclavados en el corazón de los Jardines Nacionales de Atenas, un extenso parque de unas 16 hectáreas que fue mandado construir por la reina Amalia en el año 1840, supusieron un genuino descubrimiento cuando, por causalidad, fueron desenterrados. Su descubrimiento se produjo realizando unos trabajos de adecentamiento de la zona ajardinada. Permaneció reservado para su estudio durante un tiempo hasta que el TEI se ha hecho responsable de su estudio, consolidación y restauración, intervenciones que culminarán con el mantenimiento y utilización para fines turísticos con el control por parte del Estado Griego. Este trabajo final de grado aborda: las características físicas de estos mosaicos romanos, el deterioro ocasionado por el tiempo y los factores medioambientales, elementos clave en su conservación, los mecanismos que se llevarán a cabo para evitar su degradación en el tiempo y las vicisitudes que éstos sufrieron a través de los tiempos hasta su hallazgo, dado su localización, el estudio de las zonas circundantes realizado por el equipo del TEI, del que formo parte como alumna restauradora e investigadora para este proyecto, las directrices determinadas por el equipo para su intervención, definiendo claramente su estado actual, así como un estudio hipotético a modo de lazo espectador-mosaico, de forma que se consiga alcanzar mayor número de visitantes, de una forma más dinámica e instructiva. Además, analizo las intervenciones de los informes de actuación más recientes de los que se ha servido el equipo de la universidad en su trabajo. Además, valoro las tareas hasta ahora ejecutadas sobre los mosaicos, siguiendo los principios de restauración de mosaicos romanos más innovadores que están utilizando los equipos restauradores en Atenas. Anticipo con mirada objetiva y científica el resultado final que se pretende en esta actuación tan importante para el patrimonio arqueológico griego. Mis conclusiones asumen el resultado final de la intervención, demuestran mi participación en el trabajo del grupo y ponen en valor las líneas de actuación futuras hasta la conclusión de la intervención. Todo ello, a la luz de una bibliografía intensa y precisa de la realidad del mosaico romano desde la óptica de su historia, restauración y conservación.Extremera García, L. (2017). LOS MOSAICOS ROMANOS DEL JARDÍN NACIONAL DE ATENAS: ANÁLISIS HISTÓRICO, ANTIGUAS RESTAURACIONES, ESTADO DE CONSERVACIÓN Y CONSERVACION PREVENTIVA. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/92933TFG