1,092 research outputs found

    Sexual differences in blood parasite infections, circulating carotenoids and body condition in free-living red-legged partridges

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    The fieldwork was financed by CYCIT project CGL2004-06147-CO2/BOSA central issue in avian ecology deals with the trade-off between investment life-history components, such as reproductive effort, and parasite and disease resistance. During reproduction, differences in the particular needs of males and females may further affect the outcome of such trade-off. However, most studies performed to date on avian species have focused on males, while less is known about this subject in females. We investigated haemoparasite infections (genera Haemoproteus, Plasmodium and Leucocytozoon) in relation to sex, year, body condition and plasma concentrations of carotenoids in wild-breeding Red-legged partridges (Alectoris rufa). Our aim was to examine whether there are differences in infections between sexes and how parasite infections relate to carotenoid levels, physical condition and breeding parameters in non-passerine wild birds. Males captured early in the breeding season were in better body condition than females, indicating a marked sexual difference in this trait in wild Red-legged partridges. The prevalence of blood parasites in males was higher than in females. However, we found that females infected by blood parasites had lower plasma carotenoid concentrations than uninfected females, whereas no association between infection and carotenoid levels was found in males. This suggests sex-related differences in the use of carotenoids to fight infections or for parasite resistance. A possible explanation of this contrasting pattern between sexes is that reproduction may not have to involve the same costs for males and females. We suggest that males would be under strong sexual selection and would trade health for signalling, which could simultaneously explain highest parasite prevalence being found in males and the contrasting patterns in blood carotenoid levels between males and females. Females in contrast, that were in worst body condition during early breeding season, were more sensitive to infections, diverting carotenoids to immune function more than males.CYCIT project CGL2004-06147-CO2/BO

    Local genetic structure on breeding grounds of a long-distance migrant passerine: the bluethroat (Luscinia svecica) in Spain

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    Breeding site fidelity can be determined by environmental features, which depending on their heterogeneous distribution may shape the genetic landscape of a population. We used 10 microsatellite loci to study the genetic variation of 83 bluethroats (Luscinia svecica azuricollis) across 14 localities within the Spanish breeding population and assess the relative influence of different habitat characteristics (physiography and vegetation) on genetic differentiation. Based on the genetic variation of this population, we identified 3 geographically consistent genetic clusters that on average showed a higher genetic differentiation than among other north European populations, even those belonging to different subspecies. The inferred genetic clusters occurred in geographic areas that significantly differed in elevation. The highest genetic differentiation was observed between sites at different mountain ranges, as well as between the highest altitude sites in the northeastern locale, whereas vegetation type did not explain a significant percentage of genetic variation. The lack of correlation between geographic and genetic distances suggests that this pattern of genetic structure cannot be explained as a consequence of isolation by distance. Finally, we discuss the importance of preserving areas encompassing high environmental and genetic variation as a means of preserving evolutionary processes and adaptive potential.University of León (2009/00131/00); CSIC/MICINN Proyecto Intramural Especial-PIE (201030I019).Peer Reviewe

    Local genetic structure on breeding grounds of a longdistance migrant passerine: the bluethroat (Luscinia svecica) in Spain

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    P. 36-46Breeding site fidelity can be determined by environmental features, which depending on their heterogeneous distribution may shape the genetic landscape of a population. We used 10 microsatellite loci to study the genetic variation of 83 bluethroats (Luscinia svecica azuricollis) across 14 localities within the Spanish breeding population and assess the relative influence of different habitat characteristics (physiography and vegetation) on genetic differentiation. Based on the genetic variation of this population, we identified 3 geographically consistent genetic clusters that on average showed a higher genetic differentiation than among other north European populations, even those belonging to different subspecies. The inferred genetic clusters occurred in geographic areas that significantly differed in elevation. The highest genetic differentiation was observed between sites at different mountain ranges, as well as between the highest altitude sites in the northeastern locale, whereas vegetation type did not explain a significant percentage of genetic variation. The lack of correlation between geographic and genetic distances suggests that this pattern of genetic structure cannot be explained as a consequence of isolation by distance. Finally, we discuss the importance of preserving areas encompassing high environmental and genetic variation as a means of preserving evolutionary processes and adaptive potentia

    Philopatry and natal dispersal of Montagu's harriers (Circus pygargus) breeding in Spain: a review of existing data

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    et al.Natal dispersal is an important component of bird ecology, plays a key role in many ecological and evolutionary processes, and has important conservation implications. Nevertheless, detailed knowledge on natal dispersal is still lacking in many bird species, especially raptors. We review and compile existing information from five tagging programmes of juvenile Montagu's harriers (Circus pygargus) in different Spanish regions, with PVC rings or wing tags, to provide an assessment of philopatry and natal dispersal of the species in Spain. Only 7% of all tagged harriers were observed as breeders in subsequent years. The percentage of philopatric (i. e. breeding within 10 km of the natal site) males and females was lower that 5%. Overall, there were no sexual differences in percentage of philopatric birds or dispersal distances, but we found study area differences. The low philopatry observed suggests a high capacity for natal dispersal in this species, for both sexes, and therefore high genetic mixing between populations. Differences in philopatry between study areas may be influenced by the different observation effort or detectability, or else reflect different philopatric strategies among populations. Finally, we found no significant differences in philopatry rate or dispersal distances related to tagging method, suggesting that tagging technique has a smaller effect than monitoring effort or observation ease on observation probability. Developing tagging programmes at a small scale and without procuring very large-scale and intensive subsequent monitoring is not worthwhile for evaluating philopatry and natal dispersal in this species.We are grateful to the Servicio de Biodiversidad from Conselleria de Medio Ambiente, Agua, Urbanismo y Vivienda (Generalitat Valenciana) for providing data from the Castellón area. In Tarifa, the population study was funded by Fundación Migres through a collaboration project with the Asociación Eólica de Tarifa, and theringing programme was carried out by Milvus-GOES and Cigüeña Negra ringing groups. R. L. has a postdoctoral grant (reference 10/12-C) co-funded by the Consejería de Educación y Ciencia (Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha) and the European Social Fund.Peer Reviewe

    Adaptation of urban uses of environmental characteristics: A case study of La Safor, Valencia, Spain

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    [EN] In the 1990s a methodology was developed to apply the concept of land aptitude to urban plans. This methodology was based on the concepts of capacity and vulnerability in the face of different urban uses (e.g. residential use, industrial use and strategic facilities). The methodology was implemented thanks to geographical information systems (GIS) mapping of available cartography. In recent years, the available cartography has increased in quantity and in spatial resolution. Also, urban planning and environmental legislation have evolved. In this study, we propose a methodological update to incorporate all these changes. The updated methodology is applied to La Safor (Valencia, Spain), which is a region composed of 31 municipalities. La Safor is a model case study because of its characteristics that makes it representative of both coastal and inner areas. Our results point out the need to incorporate legal constraints to the methodology. Including climate adaptation is also essential for strategic urbanism and to accomplish environmental requirements. The methodology presented can be defined as an integrated assessment tool necessary for sustainable development and minimizing environmental risks.Altur Grau, VJ.; Aguilar-Maldonado, JA.; Sebastiá-Frasquet, M.; Miralles García, JL. (2019). Adaptation of urban uses of environmental characteristics: A case study of La Safor, Valencia, Spain. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment (Online). 238:187-198. https://doi.org/10.2495/SC190171S18719823

    Variaciones estacionales en las preferencias de hábitat de la ganga ibérica en estepas agrícolas

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    [EN]: We investigated habitat use and preferences of pin-tailed sandgrouse Pterocles alchata in agrarian pseudo-steppes of central Spain. We used radio-tracking to characterise habitat selection throughout the year and look for seasonal variations. Pin-tailed sandgrouses selected ploughed fields all year round, except in winter when they preferred stubble fields. Pasturelands were used more often than expected in the breeding and post-breeding seasons and fallows in winter and pre-breeding seasons. Cereal crops, olive groves and vineyards were avoided. Our results indicate that appropriate habitat management for the pin-tailed sandgrouse should take into consideration its habitat preferences during the full annual cycle.[ES]: Estudiamos el uso y las preferencias de hábitat de la ganga ibérica Pterocles alchata en el centro de España. Mediante radio-seguimiento caracterizamos el uso y selección de hábitat a lo largo de un ciclo anual, e investigamos las variaciones estacionales. Las gangas seleccionaron campos labrados durante todo el año, excepto en invierno, cuando prefirieren los rastrojos. Los pastos fueron seleccionados positivamente en la estación de cría y en la post-reproductiva, y los barbechos en la invernal y pre-reproductiva. Las siembras de cereal, olivares y viñedos fueron evitados. Un correcto manejo del hábitat de la ganga ibérica debería tener en cuenta sus preferencias de hábitat durante el ciclo anual completo.The study was financed by the Dirección General de Investigación (projects CGL2007-66322/BOS and CGL2008-04282/BOS), and the Consejería de Educación y Ciencia of Castilla-La Mancha (projects PAI08-0171-9582 and PAC06-137). The Consejería de Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo Rural of the Junta of Castilla-La Mancha allowed us to capture and radio-tag the birds. C. A. Martín holds a postdoctoral contract (I3P Programme, CSIC), and F. Casas was supported by a postdoctoral grant of the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha (JCCM).Peer Reviewe

    Photopolymerization of ionic liquids in flexible microporous aramids for ion conductive solid polyelectrolytes

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    This work presents the preparation of novel solid polymer electrolytes based on flexible microporous aramids filled with photopolymerized ionic liquids and lithium salt. The materials combined a high ionic conductivity with the mechanical and thermal characteristics of the aramids, including also good flexibility and handleability. First, a simple casting process was followed to obtain microporous aramids with an interconnected channel morphology. In a second step, this channel structure was filled with a solution of non-commercial photopolymerizable ionic liquid, commercial ionic liquids and the lithium salt, followed by UV irradiation to obtain the conducting aramids. Ionic conductivity of the materials was studied at 25 °C, and also in the temperature range between −50 to 90 °C, together with SEM analyses of the filled porous structure and thermal properties, to fully characterize the photopolymerization process of the ionic liquids inside the porous structure. The materials showed high ionic conductivity values together with excellent thermal and mechanical properties, indicating their viability as flexible and thermally stable solid electrolytes.FEDER (Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional) and both the Spanish Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (MAT2017-84501-R and MAT2017-88923-P), the Consejería de Educacion-Junta ´ de Castilla y Leon ´ (BU306P18) and the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion ´ (PID2019-108583RJ-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033)

    Optimization of a laccase-mediator stage for TCF bleaching of flax pulp

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    7 p.-3 fig.-3 tab.Flax pulp obtained by anthraquinone-soda pulping, resulting in a kappa number of 11.1, a viscosity of 950 ml/g and 36.7% ISO brightness, was bleached in a totally chlorine-free sequence using the enzyme laccase from the fungus Pycnoporus cinnabarinus and 1-hydroxybenzotriazole (HBT) as redox mediator (stage L), followed by a hydrogen peroxide stage (P). The laccase treatment was optimized using a three-variable sequential statistical plan over the following ranges: 1–20 U/g o.d.p. (oven-dried pulp) laccase dose, 0.5–7.5% o.d.p. HBT dose and 1–24 h reaction time. The influence of these variables on several pulp properties after the P stage of the LP sequence was examined.The models defined from the results obtained predicted variations in ISO brightness, viscosity and kappa number of 57.6–74.8%, 590–955 ml/g and 0–6.2, respectively. The variables most strongly influencing these pulp properties were found to be the reaction time and the enzyme dose. A compromise was adopted as regards the operating conditions in order to ensure optimum results. The study was completed by conducting a biobleaching assay in a pressurized reactor (590 kPa) to assess the effect of oxygen pressure. The high pressure level resulted in improved pulp properties by the laccase-mediator system.This work was supported by Spanish CICyT (Project PPQ2000–1068-C02-02, and FEDER Project 2FD97-0896-C02) and Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid, the EU Commission (QLK3-99-590) and the Spanish grant 2002FI 00556.Peer reviewe