231 research outputs found

    Transcription of audio recordings in spanish police and legal settings: Suggested criteria

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    A lo largo de los años, investigadores de numerosos campos han presentado diferentes criterios y convenciones para transcribir muestras orales. Actualmente, los trabajadores que realizan las transcripciones en el sistema judicial español no comparten estándares o criterios generales. De hecho, existe una gran heterogeneidad en los acuerdos seguidos por los profesionales en este contexto. Este artículo destaca los beneficios de adherirse a un conjunto particular de criterios y convenciones que han sido acordados por 115 transcriptores para mejorar la eficiencia del proceso de transcripción, su comprensión y su valor como documentos clave en el sistema judicial, que pueden afectar directamente a los derechos de las partes involucradas en el procesoOver the years, researchers of numerous fields have suggested different criteria and conventions for the transcription of oral samples. Current practice by workers who carry out transcriptions in the Spanish legal system is not standardized and does not follow any general criteria. Indeed, the standards followed by professionals in this context are characterized by their heterogeneity. This contribution highlights the benefits of adhering to a particular set of criteria and conventions agreed upon by 115 transcribers to make the transcription process more efficient, improve its comprehension and add to the value of transcriptions as key documents within the legal system that may have a direct impact on the right of the parties involve

    Incel Ideology, Radicalization and Mental Health: A Survey Study

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    Incels (involuntarily celibates) are an online community of men who feel disenfranchised because they are unable to find a romantic and sexual partner. Incels tend to blame society for placing too much value in physical appearance and for endowing women with too much power in mate selection, a grievance that sometimes translates into violent misogyny. Mass-casualty Incel attacks have led the security services in the U.S., Canada, and the U.K. to classify Incels as a violent extremist threat. However, little empirical research is available to inform the understanding of Incels, or to qualify their potential danger to the public. Filling this gap, this study presents an important empirical datum by reaching beyond media headlines and online activity, to assess Incel ideology, mental health, and radical intentions through in-depth surveys of 274 active Incels. Most Incels in our study reported mental health problems and psychological trauma of bullying or persecution. Incel ideology was only weakly correlated with radicalization, and ideology and radicalization were differentially correlated with mental health measures. Most Incels in the study rejected violence. The discussion considers implications of these findings for detection, policing, and non-criminal interventions focused on the Incel community

    Psycholinguistic abilities of children with Williams syndrome

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    The objective of this study was to investigate the psycholinguistic abilities of children with Williams syndrome (WS) and typically developing children using the Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic Abilities (ITPA). Performance on the ITPA was analysed in a group with WS (N = 20, mean age = 8.5 years, SD = 1.62) and two typically developing groups, matched in mental (MA, N = 20, mean age = 4.92 years, SD = 1.14) and chronological age (CA, N = 19, mean age = 8.35 years, SD = 3.07). Overall, within-group analyses showed that individuals with WS displayed higher scalar scores on the visual reception and visual association subtests. When groups were compared, we observed inferior performance of the WS group on all ITPA subtests when compared with typically developing groups. Moreover, an interaction between reception and group was found, only the WS group demonstrated superior performance on the visual reception subtest when compared to the auditory reception subtest. Evidence from this study offers relevant contributions to the development of educational intervention programs for children with WS.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior/CAPES (Processo: 1551/08-6) e Prope-UNESP-Santander and grant PIC/IC/83290/2007 from the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT)

    El uso de los verbos “tener” y “haber” en la sociedad actual brasileña y el prejuicio lingüístico

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    Esta investigação parte de um estudo sociolingüístico e interlingüístico com dados procedentes de três línguas diferentes: português brasileiro, português de Portugal e espanhol e uma “língua franca” falada no Paraguai recolhidos nos quatro países. Os dados analisados foram obtidos através de uma pesquisa aplicada a 360 entrevistados. Tentando provar que os verbos “ter” e “haver” não possuem a mesma distinção léxica no Brasil e nos países como Espanha e Portugal, e que estas distinções obedecem, no caso do Brasil, a uma distinção irreal e academicista nos tempos atuais, obsoleta e totalmente em desuso e provoca juízos de valor desnecessários e errôneos.PALAVRAS-CHAVES: Língua. Sociedade. Preconceito Linguístico. Ter. Haver.Esta investigación parte de un estudio sociolingüístico e interlingüístico con datos procedentes de tres lenguas diferentes: portugués brasileño, portugués y español y una “lengua franca” hablada en Paraguay recogidos en los cuatro países. Los datos analizados se obtuvieron a través de una encuesta aplicada a 360 entrevistados. Se intenta probar que los verbos “tener” y “haber” no poseen la misma distinción léxica en Brasil y en países como España y Portugal, y que estas distinciones obedecen, en el caso de Brasil, a una distinción irreal y academicista en los tiempos actuales, obsoleta y totalmente en desuso y provoca juicios de valor innecesarios y erróneos.PALABRAS-CLAVES: Lengua. Sociedad. Prejuicio. Tener. Haber. RESUMO Esta investigação parte de um estudo sociolingüístico e interlingüístico com dados procedentes de três línguas diferentes: português brasileiro, português de Portugal e espanhol e uma “língua franca” falada no Paraguai recolhidos nos quatro países. Os dados analisados foram obtidos através de uma pesquisa aplicada a 360 entrevistados. Tentando provar que os verbos “ter” e “haver” não possuem a mesma distinção léxica no Brasil e nos países como Espanha e Portugal, e que estas distinções obedecem, no caso do Brasil, a uma distinção irreal e academicista nos tempos atuais, obsoleta e totalmente em desuso e provoca juízos de valor desnecessários e errôneos.PALAVRAS-CHAVES: Língua. Sociedade. Preconceito Linguístico. Ter. Haver

    Psicolingüística, neurolingüística, logopedia y lingüística clínica: Juntos sí, pero no revueltos

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    Cuando los lingüistas especializados en alteraciones del lenguaje recurren a bibliografía relativa a este tema, se encuentran con el sorprendente descubrimiento de que no hay apenas nada concreto acerca del tema descrito desde la propia lingüística. Efectivamente, nos encontramos con descripciones que nos adentran más bien en el campo de la terapia del lenguaje (logopedia) o nos remiten a la Psicología del Lenguaje con datos exhaustivos de la adquisición y mecanismos internos de producción y comprensión de mensajes, cuando no nos encontramos referencias detalladas del lenguaje de pacientes con lesiones cerebrales (afasias). Evidentemente, todas estas descripciones son importantes para el lingüista interesado por los aspectos clínicos del lenguaje, pero ¿dónde empieza una disciplina y dónde acaba otra? ¿Hasta qué punto la lingüística clínica puede concebirse como una disciplina autónoma? ¿Cómo puede contribuir la lingüística en la Psicolingüística y la Neurolingüística

    Streptococcus parasanguinis: new pathogen associated with asymptomatic mastitis in sheep.

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    We describe two unusual cases in sheep of subclinical mastitis caused by Streptococcus parasanguinis. This bacterium has been associated with the development of experimental endocarditis; its presence at relatively high concentrations in apparently healthy sheep milk may pose a health risk in persons with predisposing heart lesions

    Garvicins AG1 and AG2 : two novel class IId bacteriocins of lactococcus garvieae Lg-Granada

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    Funding: This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities, grant number RTI2018-098530-B-I00. The APC was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities, grant number RTI2018-098530-B-I00.Lactococcus garvieae causes infectious diseases in animals and is considered an emerging zoonotic pathogen involved in human clinical conditions. In silico analysis of plasmid pLG50 of L. garvieae Lg-Granada, an isolate from a patient with endocarditis, revealed the presence of two gene clusters (orf 46–47 and orf 48–49), each one encoding a novel putative bacteriocin, i.e., garvicin AG1 (GarAG1; orf 46) and garvicin AG2 (GarAG2; orf 48), and their corresponding immunity proteins (orf 47 and orf 49). The chemically synthesised bacteriocins GarAG1 and GarAG2 presented inhibitory activity against pathogenic L. garvieae strains, with AG2 also being active against Listeria monocytogenes, Listeria ivanovii and Enterococcus faecalis. Genetic organisation, amino acid sequences and antimicrobial activities of GarAG1 and GarAG2 indicate that they belong to linear non-pediocin-like one-peptide class IId bacteriocins. Gram-positive bacteria that were sensitive to GarAG2 were also able to ferment mannose, suggesting that this bacteriocin could use the mannose phosphotransferase transport system (Man-PTS) involved in mannose uptake as a receptor in sensitive strains. Intriguingly, GarAG1 and GarAG2 were highly active against their own host, L. garvieae Lg-Granada, which could be envisaged as a new strategy to combat pathogens via their own weapons.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Cognitive functioning in children and adults with Smith-Magenis syndrome

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    Smith-Magenis Syndrome (SMS) is a genetic neurodevelopmental disorder caused by a microdeletion on chromosome 17p11.2. This syndrome is characterized by a distinctive profile of physical, medical and neuropsychological characteristics. The latter include general mental disability, with the majority of individuals falling within the mild to moderate range. This study reports a detailed cognitive assessment of children and adults with SMS with the use of the Wechsler intelligence scales at three distinct levels of analysis: full scale IQ, factorial indices, and subtests. Child and adult samples were each compared to samples of age and gender-matched typically developing individuals. To our knowledge, this is the first study to systematically analyse the cognitive profile of individuals with SMS in Southern Europe. The present study confirmed mental disability, particularly within the moderate category, as a consistent feature of children and adults with SMS. Furthermore, both child and adult samples evidenced significant impairments in all four indices when compared with their typically developing counterparts. A specific pattern of strengths and weaknesses was discernible for both samples, with Verbal Comprehension emerging as a relative strength, whereas Working Memory appeared as a relative weakness. Finally, with the exception of two subtests in the perceptual domain, we found no evidence for a general cognitive decline with age.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (PTDC/PSI-PCL/115316/2009); Fundación Alicia Koplowitz (5th Call for grants for Research in Childhood and Adolescent Psychiatry Early Neurodegenerative Diseases