2,276 research outputs found

    Disposición ergonómica de muebles y equipos y fatiga laboral de los trabajadores administrativos de la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad Ricardo Palma, Lima-Perú

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    El estudio que se plantea se desarrolló en el área Administrativa de la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad Ricardo Palma, orientado a conocer las condiciones en que se desenvuelve el capital humano en esa dependencia. Se abordó, desde la perspectiva de la Ingeniería Industrial, la relación entre la disposición ergonómica de muebles y equipos y la fatiga laboral de los trabajadores administrativos, aplicándose técnicas como el Método R.E.B.A y el cuestionario de Yoshitake y los niveles de Lux, los cuales nos permitieron cuantificar el riesgo y en función a esta valoración tomar las medidas correctivas pertinentes así como la adecuación del puesto de trabajo libre de peligros y riesgos para la salud. The study that poses developed in the Administrative area of the Faculty of Engineering of the University Ricardo Palma, oriented to know the conditions in that it manages the human capital in this dependency. It tackled , from the perspective of the Industrial Engineering, the relation between the ergonomic disposal of pieces of furniture and teams and the labour fatigue of the administrative workers, applying technical like the Method R.E.B.A and the questionnaire of Yoshitake and the levels of lux, which allowed us quantify the risk and in function to this assessment take the measures correctives pertinent as well as the adequacy of the place of free work of dangers and risks for the health.Tesi

    Eco-Epidemiology of Chagas Disease in Chile

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    There are four vector species of Chagas disease in Chile: Triatoma infestans, responsible for the domestic cycle; Mepraia spinolai, the main wild vector; and M. gajardoi and M. parapatrica, two coastal wild species whose importance as vectors is not well known. They are species of dry environments of the central-north region of Chile, whose best predictors of distribution are warm average temperatures and low rainfall. They are found in rock quarries, nests of birds, and small mammals, and T. infestans has sylvatic foci associated with a Bromeliaceae species. While human blood represents 70% of the diet of T. infestans, in M. spinolai this value is 7%, which means that a large part of Chagas disease in Chile is due to T. infestans. However, all species have high percentages of T. cruzi infection. Chagas disease in Chile follows the distribution of T. infestans, and although the cycle of domestic transmission by this vector is interrupted, there is still a constant prevalence and mortality and ascending incidences. Models predict that although climate change will not vary greatly the north-south distribution of vectors, it could increase the reproductive number of the disease, increasing risk areas of Chagas disease

    Factores asociados a mortalidad en accidente cerebrovascular hemorragico en un Hospital Regional, 2013 - 2018

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    Objetivo: Determinar los factores que están asociados a mortalidad en Accidente Cerebrovascular Hemorrágica en el Hospital Regional Daniel Alcides Carrión durante el 2013 - 2018 Material y Método: Se realizó un estudio observacional, retrospectivo, correlacional, transversal, de tipo casos y controles con ACVH espontánea, para calcular la unidad muestral en primer lugar la selección de pacientes durante el tiempo mencionado (300 pacientes en promedio) luego de forma aleatoria se elige a los casos y controles, el emparejamiento de casos y controles acuerdo a la edad, sexo, y antecedentes patológicos: 106 fallecidos, 106 vivos, aplicándose estadística descriptiva e inferencial para determinar la significancia estadística de las variables de estudio: epidemiológicas, clínicas, bioquímicas y tomográficas. Resultados: De los 106 casos se encontró una edad promedio de 69.03 años (DE ± 16.9) y de los 106 controles 66.86 años (DE ± 16), el 89% de los fallecidos tuvo edad >= 50 años, del total de casos fueron masculinos 46% y femeninos 56%, de los cuales el 85% ocurrió antes de 15 días. No se encontró asociación significativa entre la mortalidad por ACVH y la edad, el sexo, la presión arterial, localización del hematoma; se encontró relación estadística con la escala de Glasglow (< de 13 puntos), glucosa (>= 126mg/dl), la creatinina (≥1.2 mg/dl), leucocitosis, Hiperlactatemia (>2.0mmol/l), el volumen del hematoma (≥60cc), invasión ventricular y la desviación de la línea media. Conclusiones: Los factores asociados directamente con la mortalidad en pacientes con ACVH en el Hospital Regional Docente clínico Quirúrgico Daniel Alcides Carrión durante 2013 – 2018 fueron: la puntuación en la escala de Glasgow, hiperglicemia, la hipercreatinemia, leucocitosis, hiperlactatemia, el volumen, la invasión ventricular y la desviación de la línea media del hematoma son factores asociados con la mortalidad Palabras clave: Hemorragia intracerebral, mortalidad intrahospitalaria, factores de mortalidad, accidente cerebrovascular.Tesi

    Territory, housing and interface forest fire areas: localities periurbanas around the Great Santiago, Chile

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    Dada la creciente ocurrencia e intensidad de los eventos, ya sean causados o no por el cambio climático, es esencial repensar los instrumentos de planificación y gestión del territorio, que en Chile, en el plano comunal,son los Planes Reguladores Comunales (PRC) definidos por la Ley General de Urbanismo y Construcciones y la Ordenanza General de Urbanismo y Construcción (OGUC). Se analizan viviendas instaladas en áreas rurales y periurbanas, sin características técnicas de seguridad contra incendios de fuente interna o externa (interfaz forestal). Esta ausencia de características de seguridad puede deberse a que son desconocidas, no cumplen con las regulaciones, están obsoletas o no hay requisitos para actualizarlas, ya que con frecuencia no están registradas o aprobadas en los municipios. Se revisan las regulaciones chilenas, estadounidenses, europeas y australianas con respecto al desempeño de los edificios y su entorno inmediato, vecindario, ciudad y comuna, entregando estándares de calidad y recomendaciones, incluyendo la gestión de riesgos de desastres.Given the increasing occurrence and intensity of events, whether or not caused by climate change, it’s essential to rethink the territory management and planning instruments, which in Chile are the Communal Regulatory Plans (PRC), General Urban Planning and Construction Law, and General Ordinance of Urbanism and Construction (OGUC). This research analyzes wood houses installed in rural and peri-urban areas, without technical safety features against an internal or external source fire (forest interface). This absence of safety features might be because they are unknown or they don't comply with the regulations, or they are obsolete and there is no requirement to update them since they are frequently not registered or received at the Municipal Works Directorates (DOM). The Chilean, American, European and Australian regulation regarding the buildings performance assurance and their immediate surroundings, neighborhood, town, and commune are reviewed, delivering quality standards and recommendations, including Disaster Risk Management.Peer Reviewe

    Segmentation and Additive Approach: A Reliable Technique to Study Noncovalent Interactions of Large Molecules at the Surface of Single‐Wall Carbon Nanotubes

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    This investigation explores a new protocol, named Segmentation and Additive approach (SAA), to study exohedral noncovalent functionalization of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) with large molecules, such as polymers, bio-molecules etc, by segmenting the entire system into smaller units to reduce computational cost. A key criterion of the segmentation process is the preservation of the molecular structure responsible for stabilization of the entire system in smaller segments. Noncovalent interaction of linoleic acid (LA, C18H32O2), a fatty acid, at the surface of a (10,0) zigzag nanotubeis considered for test purposes. Three smaller segmented models have been created from the full (10,0)-LA system and interaction energies were calculated for these models and compared with the full system at different levels of theory, namely ωB97XD, LDA. The success of this SAA is confirmed as the sum of the interaction energies is in very good agreement with the total interaction energy. Besides reducing computational cost, another merit of SAA is an estimation of the contributions from different sections of the large system to the total interaction energy which can be studied in-depth using a higher level of theory to estimate several properties of each segment. On the negative side, bulk properties, such as HOMO-LUMO gap, of the entire system cannot be estimated by adding results from segment models

    TJP2 (tight junction protein 2 (zona occludens 2))

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    Review on TJP2 (tight junction protein 2 (zona occludens 2)), with data on DNA, on the protein encoded, and where the gene is implicated

    Gastos no deducibles y su incidencia en la determinación del impuesto a la renta de la empresa Servicios Múltiples y Fabricaciones Metálicas SAC en los años 2017 al 2019, Lima

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    El trabajo de investigación respecto a los Gastos no deducibles y su incidencia en la determinación del impuesto a la renta de la empresa Servicios Múltiples y Fabricaciones Metálicas S.A.C. Tiene como objetivo general demostrar la incidencia de los gastos no deducibles en la determinación del impuesto a la renta del periodo 2017 al 2019 y como objetivos específicos; identificar los gastos considerados en la determinación del Impuesto a la renta, determinar el importe de los gastos no deducibles en la determinación del Impuesto a la Renta y por último comparar la determinación del Impuesto a la Renta considerando gastos no deducibles, con la determinación del impuesto a la renta sin considerar dichos gasto del periodo 2017 al 2019. El tipo de investigación tiene un enfoque cuantitativo y el diseño es no experimental y descriptivo correlaciona, la muestra son los estados de resultados desde el 2017 al 2019. Se aplicó una guía de entrevista y una guía de análisis documental para la recolección de datos. Se concluyó a través de la R de Pearson que los gastos no deducibles tienen una alta incidencia en la determinación del Impuesto a la Renta

    An AGAMOUS-related MADS-box gene, XAL1 (AGL12), regulates root meristem cell proliferation and flowering transition in Arabidopsis

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    11 pages, 5 figures, 1 table.-- PMID: 18203871 [PubMed].-- PMCID: PMC2259045.-- Supplementary information available at: http://www.plantphysiol.org/cgi/content/full/pp.107.108647/DC1MADS-box genes are key components of the networks that control the transition to flowering and flower development, but their role in vegetative development is poorly understood. This article shows that the sister gene of the AGAMOUS (AG) clade, AGL12, has an important role in root development as well as in flowering transition. We isolated three mutant alleles for AGL12, which is renamed here as XAANTAL1 (XAL1): Two alleles, xal1-1 and xal1-2, are in Columbia ecotype and xal1-3 is in Landsberg erecta ecotype. All alleles have a short-root phenotype with a smaller meristem, lower rate of cell production, and abnormal root apical meristem organization. Interestingly, we also encountered a significantly longer cell cycle in the strongest xal1 alleles with respect to wild-type plants. Expression analyses confirmed the presence of XAL1 transcripts in roots, particularly in the phloem. Moreover, XAL1beta-glucuronidase expression was specifically up-regulated by auxins in this tissue. In addition, mRNA in situ hybridization showed that XAL1 transcripts were also found in leaves and floral meristems of wild-type plants. This expression correlates with the late-flowering phenotypes of the xal1 mutants grown under long days. Transcript expression analysis suggests that XAL1 is an upstream regulator of SOC, FLOWERING LOCUS T, and LFY. We propose that XAL1 may have similar roles in both root and aerial meristems that could explain the xal1 late-flowering phenotype.This work was supported by Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT), México (grant nos. CO1.41848/A–1, CO1.0538/A–1, and CO1.0435.B–1); Dirección General de Asuntos del Personal Académico (DGAPA)-Programa de Apoyo a Proyectos de Investigación e Innovación Tecnológica (PAPIIT), Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM; grant nos. IN230002 and IX207104); and the University of California-MEXUS ECO IE 271 to E.R.A.-B. R.T.-L. was a recipient of CONACYT and DGAPA-PAPIIT-UNAM fellowships (no. IX225304). J.G.D. was supported by DGAPA-PAPIIT-UNAM (grant nos. IN210202 and IN225906) and CONACYT (grant no. 49267).Peer reviewe

    The Cost-Effectiveness of Continuous Versus Intermittent Renal Replacement Therapies in Acute Kidney Injury: Perspective of the Social Services for the Elderly in Argentina

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    Background: Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a public health problem that affects millions of hospitalized patients worldwide. In Argentina, evidence suggests that its incidence has risen in recent years. When severe, AKI may require a renal replacement therapy (RRT) where continuous RRT (CRRT) and intermittent RRT (IRRT) are plausible options for patients in the intensive care unit. Objective: To evaluate the cost utility of CRRT versus IRRT for the National Institute of Social Services for Retirees and Pensioners, the largest social security health insurance for elders in Argentina. Methods: This was a model-based cost-utility analysis. Long-term costs and health outcomes were estimated for a hypothetical cohort with a Markov model. Parameters used were obtained from published literature and validated with local experts. Local costs were estimated and expressed in ARof2016.Severalsensitivityanalyseswereruntoanalyzetheimpactofuncertaintyonresults.Results:ContinuousRRTdominatedIRRTbycumulatingoverthemodelmorequalityadjustedlifeyearsandlesscosts.Totaldiscountedqualityadjustedlifeyearsforbothcohortswere1049and1034,respectively,andtotalcostswereAR of 2016. Several sensitivity analyses were run to analyze the impact of uncertainty on results. Results: Continuous RRT dominated IRRT by cumulating over the model more quality-adjusted life years and less costs. Total discounted quality-adjusted life years for both cohorts were 1049 and 1034, respectively, and total costs were 95 362 and $103 871. Cost-effectiveness (CE) results reflect these differences in favor of CRRT with a deterministic cost-saving incremental CE ratio and a probability of CRRT being CE of 65.4%, considering a CE threshold of 1 gross domestic product per capita. Conclusions: Continuous RRT for patients with AKI eligible for CRRT or IRRT would probably be a cost-effective intervention for the National Institute of Social Services for Retirees and Pensioners’ view. Nevertheless, there is considerable uncertainty around results, mainly due to the lack of adequate controlled studies and local data on the prognosis of these patients in Argentina.Fil: Garay, Osvaldo Ulises. Instituto de Efectividad Clínica y Sanitaria; ArgentinaFil: Palacios, Alfredo. Instituto de Efectividad Clínica y Sanitaria; ArgentinaFil: Pichón-riviere, Andres. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Centro de Investigaciones en Epidemiología y Salud Pública. Instituto de Efectividad Clínica y Sanitaria. Centro de Investigaciones en Epidemiología y Salud Pública; ArgentinaFil: Augustovski, Federico Ariel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Centro de Investigaciones en Epidemiología y Salud Pública. Instituto de Efectividad Clínica y Sanitaria. Centro de Investigaciones en Epidemiología y Salud Pública; ArgentinaFil: García Martí, Sebastián. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Centro de Investigaciones en Epidemiología y Salud Pública. Instituto de Efectividad Clínica y Sanitaria. Centro de Investigaciones en Epidemiología y Salud Pública; ArgentinaFil: Hernández Vásquez, Akram. Instituto de Efectividad Clínica y Sanitaria; ArgentinaFil: López, Elena Tapia. Instituto de Efectividad Clínica y Sanitaria; ArgentinaFil: Rosa Diez, Guillermo Javier. Instituto de Efectividad Clínica y Sanitaria; ArgentinaFil: Bardach, Ariel Esteban. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Centro de Investigaciones en Epidemiología y Salud Pública. Instituto de Efectividad Clínica y Sanitaria. Centro de Investigaciones en Epidemiología y Salud Pública; Argentin

    The Role of pedagogical Relationships in the Construction of Citizenship

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    The school, understood as an institutional setting, plays a fundamental role as provider of education rights among children and adolescents. It is a space where knowledge and power relationships between students and teachers are (re)produced, exchanged and replicated. This study aims to understand how teachers and students exchange knowledge and (re)produce power relationships in school. We drew upon qualitative methodology, and the dimensions of analysis were: Pedagogical Relationships, Child Protagonism, and School-Citizenship. Participants were female and male students aged 10-11 and female and male teachers, all of them from a Chilean public school. Following our qualitative approach, we conducted focus groups and used dialectical techniques. Results show that, in school, child protagonism is mainly related to an inside-the-classroom space, extending and amplifying its academicist ways of participation to the out-of-the-classroom space, where possibilities, which may promote and/or hinder the occurrence of Child protagonism, coexist. Furthermore, based on widespread pedagogical relationship styles, three teacher types were identified: motivator, affective and disciplinary. Finally, we observed that citizenship is (re)produced in infantilized spaces, were childhood is conceived as a social moratorium. The recurrence of the adult-centered paradigm, the pseudo-protagonism and their relationship with the practice of child citizenship are further discussed