176 research outputs found


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    La diabetes mellitus tipo 2, es un problema de salud pública en México, constituye la segunda causa de morbilidad a edad temprana de mortalidad general en el 2012, afectando en mayor proporción a la mujer y saturando los servicios de salud. En la mujer, el embarazo representa una condición de «sobrecarga metabólica» que llega a un metabolismo alterado de los carbohidratos que se denomina diabetes gestacional. Las mujeres con diagnostico de diabetes gestacional tienen mayor morbilidad materna y fetal, además de que representan un grupo de alto riesgo para el desarrollo de diabetes mellitus tipo 2 a corto y largo plazo

    La tutela procesal diferenciada del consumidor y usuario y el beneficio de justicia gratuita

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    1. El caso comentado. 2. El beneficio de justicia gratuita como supuesto de tutela procesal diferenciada. 3. Discusiones sobre el alcance del beneficio de justicia gratuita. 4. Nuestra opinió

    Eliminating artificial trans fatty acids in Argentina: estimated effects on the burden of coronary heart disease and costs

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    Objective: To estimate the impact of Argentine policies to reduce trans fatty acids (TFA) on coronary heart disease (CHD), disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) and associated health-care costs. Methods: We estimated the baseline intake of TFA before 2004 to be 1.5% of total energy intake. We built a policy model including baseline intake of TFA, the oils and fats used to replace artificial TFAs, the clinical effect of reducing artificial TFAs and the costs and DALYs saved due to averted CHD events. To calculate the percentage of reduction of CHD, we calculated CHD risks on a population-based sample before and after implementation. The effect of the policies was modelled in three ways, based on projected changes: (i) in plasma lipid profiles; (ii) in lipid and inflammatory biomarkers; and (iii) the results of prospective cohort studies. We also estimated the present economic value of DALYs and associated health-care costs of coronary heart disease averted. Findings: We estimated that projected changes in lipid profile would avert 301 deaths, 1066 acute CHD events, 5237 DALYs and 17 million United States dollars (US)inhealthcarecostsannually.BasedontheadverseeffectsofTFAintakereportedinprospectivecohortstudies,1517deaths,5373acuteCHDevents,26394DALYsandUS) in health-care costs annually. Based on the adverse effects of TFA intake reported in prospective cohort studies, 1517 deaths, 5373 acute CHD events, 26 394 DALYs and US 87 million would be averted annually. Conclusion: Even under the most conservative scenario, reduction of TFA intake had a substantial effect on public health. These findings will help inform decision-makers in Argentina and other countries on the potential public health and economic impact of this policy.Fil: Rubinstein, Adolfo Luis. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Instituto de Efectividad Clínica y Sanitaria; ArgentinaFil: Elorriaga, Natalia. Instituto de Efectividad Clínica y Sanitaria; ArgentinaFil: Garay, Ulises. Instituto de Efectividad Clínica y Sanitaria; ArgentinaFil: Poggio, Rosana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Instituto de Efectividad Clínica y Sanitaria; ArgentinaFil: Caporale, Joaquin. Instituto de Efectividad Clínica y Sanitaria; ArgentinaFil: Matta, Maria Gabriela. Instituto de Efectividad Clínica y Sanitaria; ArgentinaFil: Augustovski, Federico Ariel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Instituto de Efectividad Clínica y Sanitaria; ArgentinaFil: Pichón-Riviere, Andrés. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Instituto de Efectividad Clínica y Sanitaria; ArgentinaFil: Mozaffarian, Dariush. Tufts University; Estados Unido

    Corpo em (des)construção : percepções de mulheres ilustradoras sobre o corpo feminino na mídia

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    A presente monografia se baseia na seguinte questão norteadora: como mulheres ilustradoras, que trabalham a temática do corpo em suas produções artísticas, percebem as relações de consumo midiático de representações do corpo feminino? O objetivo geral da pesquisa, portanto, se propõe a compreender como as representações midiáticas do corpo feminino permeiam as vivências de mulheres, a partir da perspectiva das ilustradoras que versam sobre o tema do corpo através da arte. Neste sentido, acionamos os seguintes objetivos específicos: mapear o consumo midiático de mulheres ilustradoras que trabalham a temática do corpo; perceber como são as relações que essas mulheres estabelecem com seus próprios corpos; observar suas percepções quanto às representações do corpo feminino na mídia; bem como analisar a construção de seus trabalhos de ilustração e a forma como o corpo é representado nessas produções. O referencial teórico aborda, inicialmente, a discussão sobre o conceito de gênero através das ideias de autoras como Beauvoir (1980), Scott (1989), Butler (2017) e Carneiro (2003). A temática do corpo aparece atrelada às ideias de Foucault (1985; 1999), Federici (2017), Andrade (2003) e Lupton (2000). O entrelaçamento destes temas com a sociedade de consumo se dá a partir de Moreno (2008), Wolf (2019), Bauman (2008), Baudrillard (1995) e Canclini (1997). Para tratar do sistema de produção e consumo de representações midiáticas, levamos em conta as visões de Hall (2016), França (2005), Rosário (2008) e Toaldo; Jacks (2013). A metodologia desta pesquisa utiliza a abordagem qualitativa e se baseia na realização de entrevistas em profundidade com seis mulheres ilustradoras brasileiras. Dentre os resultados obtidos, podemos destacar alguns pontos. Existe um aumento do consumo midiático por meio de plataformas digitais, em detrimento do consumo de televisão e mídia impressa das participantes. As percepções das entrevistadas quanto às representações do corpo feminino são atravessadas por vivências, recortes de gênero e de raça, padrões corporais estabelecidos socialmente e hábitos de consumo midiático. As participantes percebem que as representações midiáticas da atualidade não contemplam a diversidade de corpos existentes. No entanto, todas ressignificam os sentidos apresentados pelos meios de mídia, refletem sobre seus hábitos de consumo e têm consciência de suas responsabilidades enquanto produtoras de representações.The present undergraduate thesis is based on the following guiding question: how do female illustrators, that work with the body theme in their artistic productions, perceive the media consumption relations of the female body’s representations? Therefore, the general goal of this research is to understand how media representations of the female body permeate women’s life experiences from the perspective of female illustrators that address the subject of the body through art. In this regard, we raise the following specific goals: to map the media consumption of female illustrators that work with the body theme; to perceive how the relations that these women establish with their own bodies are; to observe their perceptions in relation to the representations of the female body in the media; as well as analyzing the construction of their illustration works and the way that the body is represented in these productions. The theoretical frame of reference initially approaches the discussion over the concept of gender through the ideas of authors such as Beauvoir (1980), Scott (1989), Butler (2017) and Carneiro (2003). The body theme appears linked to Foucault’s (1985; 1999), Federici’s (2017), Andrade’s (2003) and Lupton’s (2000) ideas. The intertwining of these themes with the consumer society happens through Moreno (2008), Wolf (2019), Bauman (2008), Baudrillard (1995) and Canclini (1997). To address the system of production and consumption of the media representations, we considered the views of Hall (2016), França (2005), Rosário (2008) and Toaldo; Jacks (2013). This research’s methodology uses the qualitative approach and is based on carried out interviews with six Brazilian female illustrators. Amongst the obtained results, we can highlight some topics. There is an increase of the media consumption through digital platforms in opposition to the participants’ television and printed media consumption. The interviewees’ perceptions over female body’s representations are trespassed by life experiences, gender and racial cuttings, socially established body patterns and media consumption habits. The participants realize that nowadays media representations do not contemplate the existing bodies’ diversity. However, all of them reframe the senses presented by the means of media, reflect about their consumption habits and are aware of their responsibilities as representations’ producers

    Evaluation of Online Training by Young People with Intellectual Disabilities: Experience during Covid-19 in a University Context

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    This work shows a job-training module was adapted to online learning for young people with intellectual disabilities participating in a university job skills programme, this adaptation emanating from the health crisis produced by COVID-19. The article aims to find out how this group of young people evaluate the experience of online training and to compare the perceived satisfaction in face-to-face and online training. Methodology: The research follows a cross-sectional descriptive study, through two ad-hoc questionnaires completed by 16 students. Results: The results show that distance learning has more advantages than disadvantages; the students self-report that they have strengthened elements related to active job search, self-management skills and autonomous management of digital programmes. Furthermore, there are no significant differences in terms of satisfaction between the virtual and face-to-face modes, both in terms of satisfaction with the activities and the relationship with the teachers. Conclusion: The participants are open to online training and positively value direct support. It is seen that the Internet provides the group with opportunities for autonomous development; blended learning allows them to generate other uses for the Internet, enabling them to enrich their digital and work skills.El presente trabajo muestra cómo se adaptó a enseñanza online un módulo de formación laboral para jóvenes con discapacidad intelectual que participan en un programa universitario de formación para el empleo, esta adaptación emana de la crisis sanitaria producida por la COVID-19. El artículo busca conocer cómo este grupo de jóvenes evalúa la experiencia de formación online y comparar la satisfacción percibida en la formación presencial y online. Metodología: La investigación obedece a un estudio de tipo descriptivo transversal, a través de dos cuestionarios ad-hoc cumplimentados por 16 estudiantes. Resultados: Muestran que la formación a distancia tiene más ventajas que desventajas; los estudiantes autoinforman que afianzaron elementos relativos a búsqueda activa de empleo, habilidades de autogestión y manejo autónomo de programas digitales; además se manifiesta que no existen diferencias significativas respecto a la satisfacción entre modalidad virtual y presencial, tanto en satisfacción con las actividades como en la relación con los docentes. Conclusión: Los participantes están abiertos a la formación online y valoran de forma positiva el apoyo directo. Se vislumbra que Internet otorga oportunidades de desarrollo autónomo al colectivo, la formación mixta les permite poder generar otros usos a Internet, permitiéndoles enriquecer sus habilidades digitales y laborales

    Use of Percutaneous Ethanol Injection Therapy for Recurrent Secondary Hyperparathyroidism after Subtotal Parathyroidectomy

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    We evaluated the efficacy of percutaneous ethanol injection therapy (PEIT) as a therapeutic option for recurrence of secondary hyperparathyroidism after subtotal parathyroidectomy in ESRD patients. Six patients underwent PEIT. A mean of 1.3 ± 0.8 ethanol injections was performed. Nodular volume was 1.5 ± 1.7 cm3, and 2.8 ± 2.8 cm3 of ethanol was injected per patient. After ethanol injection PTH decreased significantly (1897 ± 754 to 549 ± 863 pg/mL (P < .01)). There was also a reduction in serum calcium, phosphorus and calcium-phosphorus product. A positive and significant correlation was found between nodular volume with ethanol injected and time from parathyroidectomy. Only one patient required hospitalization due to severe hypocalcaemia. In other two cases, local discomfort and temporary mild dysphonia were registered. PEIT is an effective treatment to control recurrences of secondary hyperparathyroidism postsubtotal parathyroidectomy