5,582 research outputs found

    Quantum Non-Gravity and Stellar Collapse

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    Observational indications combined with analyses of analogue and emergent gravity in condensed matter systems support the possibility that there might be two distinct energy scales related to quantum gravity: the scale that sets the onset of quantum gravitational effects EBE_B (related to the Planck scale) and the much higher scale ELE_L signalling the breaking of Lorentz symmetry. We suggest a natural interpretation for these two scales: ELE_L is the energy scale below which a special relativistic spacetime emerges, EBE_B is the scale below which this spacetime geometry becomes curved. This implies that the first `quantum' gravitational effect around EBE_B could simply be that gravity is progressively switched off, leaving an effective Minkowski quantum field theory up to much higher energies of the order of ELE_L. This scenario may have important consequences for gravitational collapse, inasmuch as it opens up new possibilities for the final state of stellar collapse other than an evaporating black hole.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures. v2: Partially restructured; potentially observable consequence added. Several clarifications + 3 new references. To appear in Found. of Phy

    Does the Sun Shine by pp or CNO Fusion Reactions?

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    We show that solar neutrino experiments set an upper limit of 7.8% (7.3% including the recent KamLAND measurements) to the fraction of energy that the Sun produces via the CNO fusion cycle, which is an order of magnitude improvement upon the previous limit. New experiments are required to detect CNO neutrinos corresponding to the 1.5% of the solar luminosity that the standard solar model predicts is generated by the CNO cycle.Comment: Background information at http://www.sns.ias.edu/~jn

    Solar Neutrinos

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    The study of solar neutrinos has given since ever a fundamental contribution both to astroparticle and to elementary particle physics, offering an ideal test of solar models and offering at the same time relevant indications on the fundamental interactions among particles. After reviewing the striking results of the last two decades, which were determinant to solve the long standing solar neutrino puzzle and refine the Standard Solar Model, we focus our attention on the more recent results in this field and on the experiments presently running or planned for the near future. The main focus at the moment is to improve the knowledge of the mass and mixing pattern and especially to study in detail the lowest energy part of the spectrum, which represents most of solar neutrino spectrum but is still a partially unexplored realm. We discuss this research project and the way in which present and future experiments could contribute to make the theoretical framemork more complete and stable, understanding the origin of some "anomalies" that seem to emerge from the data and contributing to answer some present questions, like the exact mechanism of the vacuum to matter transition and the solution of the so called solar metallicity problem.Comment: 51 pages, to be published in Special Issue on Neutrino Physics, Advances in High Energy Physics Hindawi Publishing Corporation 201

    Quasi-normal mode analysis in BEC acoustic black holes

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    We perform a quasi-normal mode analysis of black hole configurations in Bose-Einstein condensates (BEC). In this analysis we use the full Bogoliubov dispersion relation, not just the hydrodynamic or geometric approximation. We restrict our attention to one-dimensional flows in BEC with step-like discontinuities. For this case we show that in the hydrodynamic approximation quasi-normal modes do not exist. The full dispersion relation, however, allows the existence of quasi-normal modes. Remarkably, the spectrum of these modes is not discrete but continuous.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Global Analysis of Solar Neutrino Oscillations Including SNO CC Measurement

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    For active and sterile neutrinos, we present the globally allowed solutions for two neutrino oscillations. We include the SNO CC measurement and all other relevant solar neutrino and reactor data. Five active neutrino oscillation solutions (LMA, LOW, SMA, VAC, and Just So2) are currently allowed at 3 sigma; three sterile neutrino solutions (Just So2, SMA, and VAC) are allowed at 3 sigma. The goodness of fit is satisfactory for all eight solutions. We also investigate the robustness of the allowed solutions by carrying out global analyses with and without: 1) imposing solar model constraints on the 8B neutrino flux, 2) including the Super-Kamiokande spectral energy distribution and day-night data, 3) including a continuous mixture of active and sterile neutrinos, 4) using an enhanced CC cross section for deuterium (due to radiative corrections), and 5) a optimistic, hypothetical reduction by a factor of three of the error of the SNO CC rate. For every analysis strategy used in this paper, the most favored solutions all involve large mixing angles: LMA, LOW, or VAC. The favored solutions are robust, but the presence at 3 sigma of individual sterile solutions and the active Just So2 solution is sensitive to the analysis assumptions.Comment: 9 figures, higher resolution versions at http://www.sns.ias.edu/~jnb, added references and clarification

    Solar Neutrinos Before and After Neutrino 2004

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    We compare, using a three neutrino analysis, the allowed neutrino oscillation parameters and solar neutrino fluxes determined by the experimental data available Before and After Neutrino 2004. New data available after Neutrino2004 include refined KamLAND and gallium measurements. We use six different approaches to analyzing the KamLAND data. We present detailed results using all the available neutrino and anti-neutrino data for Delta m^2_{12}, tan^2 theta_{12}, sin^2 theta_{13}, and sin^2 eta (sterile fraction). Using the same complete data sets, we also present Before and After determinations of all the solar neutrino fluxes, which are treated as free parameters, an upper limit to the luminosity fraction associated with CNO neutrinos, and the predicted rate for a 7Be solar neutrino experiment. The 1 sigma (3 sigma) allowed range of Delta m^2_{21} = (8.2 +- 0.3) (^+1.0_-0.8)times 10^{-5} eV^2 is decreased by a factor of 1.7 (5), but the allowed ranges of all other neutrino oscillation parameters and neutrino fluxes are not significantly changed. Maximal mixing is disfavored at 5.8 sigma and the bound on the mixing angle theta_{13} is slightly improved to sin^2 theta_{13}<0.048 at 3 sigma. The predicted rate in a 7Be neutrino-electron scattering experiment is (0.665 +-0.015) of the rate implied by the BP04 solar model in the absence of neutrino oscillations. The corresponding predictions for p-p and pep experiments are, respectively, 0.707 {+0.011}{-0.013} and 0.644 {+0.011}{-0.013}. We derive upper limits to CPT violation in the weak sector by comparing reactor anti-neutrino oscillation parameters with neutrino oscillation parameters. We also show that the recent data disfavor at 91 % CL a proposed non-standard interaction description of solar neutrino oscillations.Comment: Added predictions for p-p and pep neutrino-electron scattering rate; publishe

    Global three-neutrino oscillation analysis of neutrino data

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    A global analysis of the solar, atmospheric and reactor neutrino data is presented in terms of three-neutrino oscillations. We include the most recent solar neutrino rates of Homestake, SAGE, GALLEX and GNO, as well as the recent 1117 day Super-Kamiokande data sample, including the recoil electron energy spectrum both for day and night periods and we treat in a unified way the full parameter space for oscillations, correctly accounting for the transition from the matter enhanced (MSW) to the vacuum oscillations regime. Likewise, we include in our description conversions with θ12>π/4\theta_{12} > \pi/4. For the atmospheric data we perform our analysis of the contained events and the upward-going ν\nu-induced muon fluxes, including the previous data samples of Frejus, IMB, Nusex, and Kamioka experiments as well as the full 71 kton-yr (1144 days) Super-Kamiokande data set, the recent 5.1 kton-yr contained events of Soudan2 and the results on upgoing muons from the MACRO detector. We first present the allowed regions of solar and atmospheric oscillation parameters θ12\theta_{12}, Δm212\Delta m^2_{21} and θ23\theta_{23}, Δm322\Delta m^2_{32}, respectively, as a function of θ13\theta_{13} and determine the constraints from atmospheric and solar data on the mixing angle θ13\theta_{13}, common to solar and atmospheric analyses. We also obtain the allowed ranges of parameters from the full five-dimensional combined analysis of the solar, atmospheric and reactor data.Comment: 56 pages, 21 postscript figures. Some misprints corrected and new references added. Chooz limit included in Fig.21. Final version to appear in Phys. Rev.
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