415 research outputs found

    Pericentromeric organization at the fusion point of mouse Robertsonian translocation chromosomes

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    In mammals, Robertsonian (Rb) translocation (the joining of two telo/acrocentric chromosomes at their centromere to form a metacentric) is the most effective process in chromosomal evolution leading to speciation; its occurrence also affects human health (through the induction of trisomies) and the fertility of farm animals. To understand the mechanism of Rb translocation, we used the house mouse as a model system and studied the organization of pericentromeric satellite DNAs (satDNA) of telocentrics and Rb chromosomes, both minor and major satDNA. The chromosome-orientation fluorescence in situ hybridization (CO-FISH) technique was used to analyze the major satDNA. To detect the very small amount of minor satDNA, a procedure was developed that combines CO-FISH with primed in situ labeling and conventional FISH and is five times more sensitive than the CO-FISH procedure alone. It was found that both the major and the minor satDNA tandem repeats are oriented head-to-tail in telocentric and Rb chromosomes, and their polarity is always the same relative to the centromere. We suggest that all tandemly repetitive satDNAs in a species probably are locked into such a symmetry constraint as a universal consequence of chromosomal evolution. Rb translocation breakpoints were found localized within the minor satDNA of telocentrics, and these sequences contributed symmetrically to the formation of the centromeric region of the Rb chromosomes. These results are important for an understanding of the geometry of Rb translocations and suggest the study of DNA orientation as a new tool for investigating these rearrangements

    The NOBOX protein becomes undetectable in developmentally competent antral and ovulated oocytes

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    The oocyte-specific NOBOX protein is an important player during oocyte growth. Its absence in Nobox-/- mice arrests the transition from primordial to growing follicles and down-regulates the expression of a number of genes, including Oct4, a transcription factor crucial in the acquisition of oocyte developmental competence. Despite its role during folliculogenesis, a clear description of the expression of NOBOX throughout oocyte growth is lacking. Here, we have analysed the pattern of expression of both the Nobox gene (qRT-PCR) and its protein (immunofluorescence) during folliculogenesis, classifying the oocytes based on their size (six classes: 10-30, 31-40, 41-50, 51-60, 61-70, 71-80 mm) and chromatin organisation (NSN, Non Surrounded Nucleolus or SN, Surrounded Nucleolus). Significant differences were observed in Nobox transcription in the group of 41-50 mm (NSN > SN), 71-80 mm (NSN > SN) and in developmentally incompetent metaphase II-derived NSN (MIINSN) or competent metaphase II-derived SN (MIISN) oocytes (MIINSN > MIISN). The NOBOX protein is expressed throughout oocyte growth in the nucleus of ovarian NSN and in MIINSN oocytes; in contrast, beginning with SN oocytes of 61-70 mm, it becomes almost undetectable. Our data, while being in line with the hypothesis of a regulative role of NOBOX on Oct4 gene expression at the primordial/primary stage, when both transcription factors are coincidentally expressed, also indicate that this role might not be maintained in the subsequent growing stages. Furthermore, the sharp difference of NOBOX expression in developmentally incompetent or competent oocytes makes this protein a putative marker of their quality

    Chronic cypermethrin exposure alters mouse embryonic stem cell growth kinetics, induces Phase II detoxification response and affects pluripotency and differentiation gene expression

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    Worldwide uncontrolled use of synthetic pyrethroids contaminates water and soil leading to health hazards. Cypermethrin (CYP), the most used pyrethroid, induces detrimental effects on adults and embryos at different stages of development of several vertebrate species. In Mammals, CYP-induced alterations have been previously described in adult somatic cells and in post-implantation embryos. It remains unknown whether CYP has effects during pre-implantation development. Studies to access pre-implantation embryo toxicity are complicated by the restricted number of blastocysts that may be obtained, either in vivo or in vitro. Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) are an in vitro model study that overcomes these limitations, as millions of pluripotent cells are available to the analysis. Also, ESCs maintain the same pluripotency characteristics and differentiation capacity of the inner cell mass (ICM) present in the blastocyst, from which they derive. In this work, using mouse R1 ESCs, we studied CYP-induced cell death, ROS production, the activation of oxidative stress-related and detoxification responses and the population growth kinetics following 72 h exposure at the 0.3 mM LD50 dose. Also, the expression levels of pluripotency genes in exposed ESCs and of markers of the three germ layers after their differentiation into embryoid bodies (EBs) were determined. Two apoptotic waves were observed at 12-24 h and at 72 h. The increase of ROS production, at 24 h until the end of the culture period, was accompanied by the induction, at 48 h, of redox-related Cat, Sod1, Sod2, Gpx1 and Gpx4 genes. Up-regulation of Cyp1b1, but not of Cyp1a1, phase I gene was detected at 72 h and induction of Nqo1, Gsta1 and Ugt1a6 phase II genes began at 24 h exposure. The results show that exposed R1 ESCs activate oxidative stress-related and detoxification responses, although not sufficient, during the culture period tested, to warrant recovery of the growth rate observed in untreated cells. Also, CYP exposure altered the expression of Oct-4 and Nanog pluripotency genes in ESCs and, when differentiated into EBs, the expression of Fgf5, Brachyury and Foxa2, early markers of the ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm germ layers, respectively. NIH/3T3 cells, a differentiated cell line of embryonic origin, were used for comparison

    Gatekeeper of pluripotency: a common Oct4 transcriptional network operates in mouse eggs and embryonic stem cells

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    BACKGROUND: Oct4 is a key factor of an expanded transcriptional network (Oct4-TN) that governs pluripotency and self-renewal in embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and in the inner cell mass from which ESCs are derived. A pending question is whether the establishment of the Oct4-TN initiates during oogenesis or after fertilisation. To this regard, recent evidence has shown that Oct4 controls a poorly known Oct4-TN central to the acquisition of the mouse egg developmental competence. The aim of this study was to investigate the identity and extension of this maternal Oct4-TN, as much as whether its presence is circumscribed to the egg or maintained beyond fertilisation. RESULTS: By comparing the genome-wide transcriptional profile of developmentally competent eggs that express the OCT4 protein to that of developmentally incompetent eggs in which OCT4 is down-regulated, we unveiled a maternal Oct4-TN of 182 genes. Eighty of these transcripts escape post-fertilisation degradation and represent the maternal Oct4-TN inheritance that is passed on to the 2-cell embryo. Most of these 80 genes are expressed in cancer cells and 37 are notable companions of the Oct4 transcriptome in ESCs. CONCLUSIONS: These results provide, for the first time, a developmental link between eggs, early preimplantation embryos and ESCs, indicating that the molecular signature that characterises the ESCs identity is rooted in oogenesis. Also, they contribute a useful resource to further study the mechanisms of Oct4 function and regulation during the maternal-to-embryo transition and to explore the link between the regulation of pluripotency and the acquisition of de-differentiation in cancer cells

    Unexpected silicon localization in calcium carbonate exoskeleton of cultured and fossil coccolithophores

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    Coccolithophores, marine calcifying phytoplankton, are important primary producers impacting the global carbon cycle at different timescales. Their biomineral structures, the calcite containing coccoliths, are among the most elaborate hard parts of any organism. Understanding the morphogenesis of coccoliths is not only relevant in the context of coccolithophore eco-physiology but will also inform biomineralization and crystal design research more generally. The recent discovery of a silicon (Si) requirement for crystal shaping in some coccolithophores has opened up a new avenue of biomineralization research. In order to develop a mechanistic understanding of the role of Si, the presence and localization of this chemical element in coccoliths needs to be known. Here, we document for the first time the uneven Si distribution in Helicosphaera carteri coccoliths through three synchrotron-based techniques employing X-ray Fluorescence and Infrared Spectromicroscopy. The enrichment of Si in specific areas of the coccoliths point to a targeted role of this element in the coccolith formation. Our findings mark a key step in biomineralization research because it opens the door for a detailed mechanistic understanding of the role Si plays in shaping coccolith crystals

    Democratized image analytics by visual programming through integration of deep models and small-scale machine learning

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    Analysis of biomedical images requires computational expertize that are uncommon among biomedical scientists. Deep learning approaches for image analysis provide an opportunity to develop user-friendly tools for exploratory data analysis. Here, we use the visual programming toolbox Orange (http://orange.biolab.si) to simplify image analysis by integrating deep-learning embedding, machine learning procedures, and data visualization. Orange supports the construction of data analysis workflows by assembling components for data preprocessing, visualization, and modeling. We equipped Orange with components that use pre-trained deep convolutional networks to profile images with vectors of features. These vectors are used in image clustering and classification in a framework that enables mining of image sets for both novel and experienced users. We demonstrate the utility of the tool in image analysis of progenitor cells in mouse bone healing, identification of developmental competence in mouse oocytes, subcellular protein localization in yeast, and developmental morphology of social amoebae

    A High Incidence of Meiotic Silencing of Unsynapsed Chromatin Is Not Associated with Substantial Pachytene Loss in Heterozygous Male Mice Carrying Multiple Simple Robertsonian Translocations

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    Meiosis is a complex type of cell division that involves homologous chromosome pairing, synapsis, recombination, and segregation. When any of these processes is altered, cellular checkpoints arrest meiosis progression and induce cell elimination. Meiotic impairment is particularly frequent in organisms bearing chromosomal translocations. When chromosomal translocations appear in heterozygosis, the chromosomes involved may not correctly complete synapsis, recombination, and/or segregation, thus promoting the activation of checkpoints that lead to the death of the meiocytes. In mammals and other organisms, the unsynapsed chromosomal regions are subject to a process called meiotic silencing of unsynapsed chromatin (MSUC). Different degrees of asynapsis could contribute to disturb the normal loading of MSUC proteins, interfering with autosome and sex chromosome gene expression and triggering a massive pachytene cell death. We report that in mice that are heterozygous for eight multiple simple Robertsonian translocations, most pachytene spermatocytes bear trivalents with unsynapsed regions that incorporate, in a stage-dependent manner, proteins involved in MSUC (e.g., γH2AX, ATR, ubiquitinated-H2A, SUMO-1, and XMR). These spermatocytes have a correct MSUC response and are not eliminated during pachytene and most of them proceed into diplotene. However, we found a high incidence of apoptotic spermatocytes at the metaphase stage. These results suggest that in Robertsonian heterozygous mice synapsis defects on most pachytene cells do not trigger a prophase-I checkpoint. Instead, meiotic impairment seems to mainly rely on the action of a checkpoint acting at the metaphase stage. We propose that a low stringency of the pachytene checkpoint could help to increase the chances that spermatocytes with synaptic defects will complete meiotic divisions and differentiate into viable gametes. This scenario, despite a reduction of fertility, allows the spreading of Robertsonian translocations, explaining the multitude of natural Robertsonian populations described in the mouse

    Nondisjunction and transmission ratio distortion ofChromosome 2 in a (2.8) Robertsonian translocation mouse strain

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    Aneuploidy results from nondisjunction of chromosomes in meiosis and is the leading cause of developmental disabilities and mental retardation in humans. Therefore, understanding aspects of chromosome segregation in a genetic model is of value. Mice heterozygous for a (2.8) Robertsonian translocation were intercrossed with chromosomally normal mice and Chromosome 2 was genotyped for number and parental origin in 836 individuals at 8.5 dpc. The frequency of nondisjunction of this Robertsonian chromosome is 1.58%. Trisomy of Chromosome 2 with two maternally derived chromosomes is the most developmentally successful aneuploid karyotype at 8.5 dpc. Trisomy of Chromosome 2 with two paternally derived chromosomes is developmentally delayed and less frequent than the converse. Individuals with maternal or paternal uniparental disomy of Chromosome 2 were not detected at 8.5 dpc. Nondisjunction events were distributed randomly across litters, i.e., no evidence for clustering was found. Transmission ratio distortion is frequently observed in Robertsonian chromosomes and a bias against the transmission of the (2.8) Chromosome was detected. Interestingly, this was observed for female and male transmitting parents

    Are ribosomal DNA clusters rearrangement hotspots? A case study in the genus Mus (Rodentia, Muridae)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Recent advances in comparative genomics have considerably improved our knowledge of the evolution of mammalian karyotype architecture. One of the breakthroughs was the preferential localization of evolutionary breakpoints in regions enriched in repetitive sequences (segmental duplications, telomeres and centromeres). In this context, we investigated the contribution of ribosomal genes to genome reshuffling since they are generally located in pericentromeric or subtelomeric regions, and form repeat clusters on different chromosomes. The target model was the genus <it>Mus </it>which exhibits a high rate of karyotypic change, a large fraction of which involves centromeres.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The chromosomal distribution of rDNA clusters was determined by <it>in situ </it>hybridization of mouse probes in 19 species. Using a molecular-based reference tree, the phylogenetic distribution of clusters within the genus was reconstructed, and the temporal association between rDNA clusters, breakpoints and centromeres was tested by maximum likelihood analyses. Our results highlighted the following features of rDNA cluster dynamics in the genus <it>Mus</it>: i) rDNA clusters showed extensive diversity in number between species and an almost exclusive pericentromeric location, ii) a strong association between rDNA sites and centromeres was retrieved which may be related to their shared constraint of concerted evolution, iii) 24% of the observed breakpoints mapped near an rDNA cluster, and iv) a substantial rate of rDNA cluster change (insertion, deletion) also occurred in the absence of chromosomal rearrangements.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This study on the dynamics of rDNA clusters within the genus <it>Mus </it>has revealed a strong evolutionary relationship between rDNA clusters and centromeres. Both of these genomic structures coincide with breakpoints in the genus <it>Mus</it>, suggesting that the accumulation of a large number of repeats in the centromeric region may contribute to the high level of chromosome repatterning observed in this group. However, the elevated rate of rDNA change observed in the chromosomally invariant clade indicates that the presence of these sequences is insufficient to lead to genome instability. In agreement with recent studies, these results suggest that additional factors such as modifications of the epigenetic state of DNA may be required to trigger evolutionary plasticity.</p