10 research outputs found

    Is Music Effective For Pain Relief In Burn Victims?

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    Objective: to describe the effect of music on pain of burn victims during the dressing change. Methods: applied, descriptive, exploratory and quantitative research held in a Burn Treatment Unit from October 2015 to April 2016. The study included 16 burn victims who were divided in three groups: A: patients heard music before dressing; B: patients hear music during dressing; C: patients did not hear music. Results: the average age was 31.8 years (± 14.1) and most of the subjects were male. Lower limbs and trunk were the most affected parts of the body, especially with second-degree burns and which affected an average of 15.8% (± 11.5) of the body surface. There was a predominance of gospel music (50.0%). The music reduced the average heart rate and oxygen saturation, but did not change ventilatory rate. There was a decrease in the average of pain intensity in groups GB (p = 0.0505 and GC (p = 0.0055). During the dressing, the burning was unanimous characteristic for all subjects, in the same manner as verbal reports was the form of manifestation. Conclusion: music proved to be a simple and effective resource in controlling pain in burn victims. Keywords: Burns; Music; Pain

    Profile Of Burn Victims Attended By An Emergency Unit

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    Objectives: to identify the sociodemographic and health profile of burn victims, knowing the characteristics of the events and detecting the major analgesics prescribed in the emergency department. Methods: descriptive, exploratory and quantitative study with 16 burn victims treated at a Burn Treatment Unit from October 2015 to May 2016. Results: the average age of participants was 31.8 years (± 14.1). Mostly, the subjects were male (62.5%), single (43.8%), brown (68.8%), economically active (75.0%) and coming from Aracaju and its surroundings (62.5%). Injuries from burns were mostly of second degree (93.8%) and reached the lower limbs (68.8%). The average burned body surface was 15.8% (± 11.5). The circumstances surrounding burns occurred mainly at home (50.0%), on Sundays (25.0%) and in the shifts morning (37.5%) and night (37.5%). The main etiological agent was alcohol (31.3%). All patients received analgesia in the emergency department, but the minority had pain documented (18.8%). The physician was the only professional who reported pain in their records, but did incompletely (18.8%). Conclusion: due to the negative effects of burns, it is crucial to adopt educational and preventive measures to change the current scenario of epidemiology of such trauma. Keywords: Burns; Epidemiology; Analgesia; Emergency

    Repercussões do Sars-Cov-2 no âmbito da cirurgia geral e medicina de emergência: uma revisão

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    Na China, em dezembro de 2019, foram relatados os primeiros casos da patologia respiratória  COVID-19, doença causado pelo SARS-CoV-2, um RNA vírus. A propagação foi veloz e global, de maneira que a Organização Mundial de Saúde definiu como pandemia em março de 2020. A doença tem manifestação clínica variada, com enfermos assintomáticos ou manifestando quadro crítico, apresentando alta transmissibilidade e letalidade considerável. Simultaneamente, indivíduos com indicação cirúrgica, de origem traumática ou não, tiveram seus atendimentos eletivos paralisados e houve queda nos índices de intervenções de cunho emergencista, tanto devido o medo do indivíduo procurar um serviço de saúde e ser contaminado pelo coronavírus, quanto por outros fatores. Essa revisão teve como objetivo averiguar como a pandemia acometeu serviços de cirurgia geral de emergência, bem como elucidar os preditores e fatores que ocasionaram mudanças no manejo e intervenções cirúrgicas durante o surto de SARS-CoV-2

    A Useful Autonomous Vehicle with a Hierarchical Behavior Control

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    This paper describes a vehicle to perform a simple task using a decision control composed of a behavior hierarchy. First the model is presented. It is based on two fundamental components: the behavior module defining how each behavior element is implemented; and the blocker which is the basic component of the arbitration system, responsible for behavior selection. Behavior modules are composed of two submodules, one to produce actuator actions and other to produce priorities associated to actions. They also have three parameters whose values can be changed prior to execution, as a means of configuring a particular control architecture. Competition among behaviors is resolved by arbitration structures, each one consisting of a series of blockers working in a completely distributed way. The arbitration system can be automatically generated from the mere enumeration of the constituting behaviors. The development of the model in order to support behavior hierarchies is also presented as we..

    Behavior Based Architecture with Distributed Selection

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    . A behavior based architecture is presented in which behaviors are sparsely interconnected, using an arbitration structure which solves the problem of behavior selection in a distributed way. The arbitration structure is constituted by sets of blockers, each blocker resolving conflicts between two behaviors. There will be a blocker set for each actuator in order to allow independent actions from non interfering behaviors. The behavior model is also described comprising two sub-modules, one for the action and another for the priority output of the behavior. The user when designing a particular vehicle must also define, for each behavior, a fixed priority input plus a fatigue and a recovery times that complete the behavior characterization. A case study is depicted with analysis of the vehicle global behavior for different parameter values. The implications of the architecture model for the control of autonomous vehicles are discussed and future developments are advanced. 1 Introduction..