13 research outputs found

    Revealing fast proton transport in condensed matter by means of density scaling concept

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    Herein, we investigate the charge transport and structural dynamics in the supercooled and glassy state of protic ionic material with an efficient interionic Grotthuss mechanism. We found that superprotonic properties of studied acebutolol hydrochloride (ACB-HCl) depend on thermodynamic conditions with the most favorable regions being close to the glass-transition temperature (Tg) and glasstransition pressure (Pg). To quantify the contribution of fast proton hopping to overall charge transport over a broad T−P space, we employed the density scaling concept, one of the most important experimental findings in the field of condensed matter physics. We found that isothermal and isobaric dc-conductivity (σdc) and dynamic light scattering (τα) data of ACB-HCl plotted as a function of (TVγ)−1 satisfy the thermodynamic scaling criterion with the ratio γσ/γα appearing as a new measure of fast charge transport in protic ionic glass-formers in the T−P plane. Such a universal factor becomes an alternative to the well-known Walden rule being limited to ambient pressure conditions

    Single-molecule imaging of DNA gyrase activity in living Escherichia coli

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    Bacterial DNA gyrase introduces negative supercoils into chromosomal DNA and relaxes positive supercoils introduced by replication and transiently by transcription. Removal of these positive supercoils is essential for replication fork progression and for the overall unlinking of the two duplex DNA strands, as well as for ongoing transcription. To address how gyrase copes with these topological challenges, we used high-speed single-molecule fluorescence imaging in live Escherichia coli cells. We demonstrate that at least 300 gyrase molecules are stably bound to the chromosome at any time, with ~12 enzymes enriched near each replication fork. Trapping of reaction intermediates with ciprofloxacin revealed complexes undergoing catalysis. Dwell times of ~2 s were observed for the dispersed gyrase molecules, which we propose maintain steady-state levels of negative supercoiling of the chromosome. In contrast, the dwell time of replisome-proximal molecules was ~8 s, consistent with these catalyzing processive positive supercoil relaxation in front of the progressing replisome

    Freezing lines of colloidal Yukawa spheres. II. Local structure and characteristic lengths

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    Using the Rogers-Young (RY) integral equation scheme for the static pair correlation functions combined with the liquid-phase Hansen-Verlet freezing rule, we study the generic behavior of the radial distribution function and static structure factor of monodisperse charge-stabilized suspensions with Yukawa-type repulsive particle interactions at freezing. In a related article, labeled Paper I [J. Gapinski, G. Nägele, and A. Patkowski, J. Chem. Phys.136, 024507 (2012)], this hybrid method was used to determine two-parameter freezing lines for experimentally controllable parameters, characteristic of suspensions of charged silica spheres in dimethylformamide. A universal scaling of the RY radial distribution function maximum is shown to apply to the liquid-bcc and liquid-fcc segments of the universal freezing line. A thorough analysis is made of the behavior of characteristic distances and wavenumbers, next-neighbor particle coordination numbers, osmotic compressibility factor, and the Ravaché-Mountain-Streett minimum-maximum radial distribution function ratio

    Size of submicrometer particles measured by FCS: Correction of the confocal volume

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    When fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) in combination with a confocal microscope is used to determine the hydrodynamic radius a of particles comparable to or larger than the linear size σ of the confocal volume of the microscope, a correction must be used that depends on the a2/σ2 ratio and the distribution of the dye within the particle. Here we present the experimental validation of the theoretically predicted approximate correction necessary for appropriate measurements of the size of uniformly fluorescently labeled spheres of radius comparable to the size of the confocal volume. We also test the approximate correction formula for different ranges of the a/σ ratio and propose a simple procedure to obtain the correct nanoparticle size from such a measurement

    Structure and dimensions of core-shell nanoparticles comparable to the confocal volume studied by means of fluorescence correlation spectroscopy

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    In some applications the dye distribution within fluorescently labeled nanoparticles and its stability over long periods of time are important issues. In this article we study numerically and experimentally the applicability of fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) to resolve such questions. When the size of fluorescently labeled particles is comparable to or larger than the confocal volume, the effective confocal volume seen in FCS experiments is increasing. Such an effect has already been studied for uniformly labeled spherical particles. In this work we analyze the form of the FCS correlation functions (CFs) for core-labeled and shell-labeled core–shell particles. For shell-labeled particles an additional fast decay was found both in simulations and in experiments on custom-made surface-labeled particles. Universal scaling of FCS correlation times based on the squared ratio of the labeled part radius of gyration to the Gaussian radius of the beam profile was found. Recipes based on the analysis of simulated CFs, proposed for interpretation of experimental results, were successfully applied to the FCS results on suspensions of large core-labeled and surface-labeled particles

    Peptide-functionalized ZCIS QDs as fluorescent nanoprobe for targeted HER2-positive breast cancer cells imaging

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    International audienceIn this paper, the synthesis of alloyed CuInZnxS2+x quantum dots (ZCIS QDs), their transfer into aqueous solution via a polymer coating technique, and the use of these nanocrystals to selectively target HER2- positive cells, are reported. By optimizing first the ZnS shell deposition process onto the CuInS2 core, and next the encapsulation of the dots with the amphiphilic poly(maleic anhydride-alt-1-octadecene) (PMAO) polymer, water-dispersible ZCIS QDs were successfully prepared. The nanocrystals with a photoluminescence quantum yield of 35% were purified via centrifugation and ultracentrifugation and high quality nanoparticles with narrow size distributions and surface charges were obtained. After verifying the biocompatibility of PMO-coated ZCIS QDs, we coupled these nanocrystals with the LTVSPWY peptide and demonstrated via MTT assay that both bare and the peptide-linked QDs exhibit low cytotoxicity. The HER2-mediated delivery of the peptide-linked QDs was confirmed by confocal microscopy. This study indicates that as engineered QDs can efficiently be used as fluorescent nanoprobes for selective labelling of HER2-positive SKBR3 cancer cells

    Temperature dependent FCS studies using a long working distance objective: Viscosities of supercooled liquids and particle size

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    In this work, we describe new experimental setups for Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS) where a long working distance objective is used. Using these setups, FCS measurements in a broad temperature range for a small sample volume of about 50 μlcan be performed. The use of specially designed cells and a dry long working distance objective was essential for avoiding temperature gradients in the sample. The performance of the new setups and a traditional FCS setup with immersion objectives is compared. The FCS data in combination with the Stokes-Einstein (SE) relation were used to obtain the values of the nanoviscosity of a fluid. We show for selected molecular van der Waals supercooled liquids that despite the fact that in these systems, a characteristic length scale can be defined, the nanoviscosity obtained from FCS is in a very good agreement with the macroscopic (rheometric) viscosity of the sample in a broad temperature range. This result corroborates the applicability of the SE relation to supercooled liquids at temperatures above 1.2 Tg. We also show that the temperature dependent size of thermoresponsive microgel particles can be determined by FCS using the designed cells and a long working distance objective in a broader size range without a need to use the correction procedure since the size correction is proportional to the square of the ratio of the hydrodynamic radius to the confocal volume size