99 research outputs found

    Editor’s Note

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    Artificial Intelligence (AI) represents one of the fastest growing areas of knowledge, sectors and fields of action globally. This growth has allowed to mark different positions, where the most favorable ones are oriented to its unquestionable contribution to facilitate decision making in various fields of society, as well as other sectors that mark a strong position for its use to be carried out in a regulated and measured way due to the scope and risks to which we are exposed. For this reason, rigorous methods are increasingly required for the design and development of AI-based computational models; methods that involve strict mechanisms for their validation, as well as the analysis of possible risks and scope that they may have on the field of application where they are being exposed. This type of aspects would definitely mark a valuable and relevant milestone to define several paths within which we can find two: 1) if it is definitely necessary to set limits on the use of AI by establishing increasingly sophisticated regulatory frameworks on various areas involving data protection and regulated use of the same, and 2) to remove all barriers so that it can be exploited openly in all its dimensions in any area of our society. Hence the importance of analysing the different risks and threats that AI may present within the particular context in which it is being applied. Based on this panorama, this regular edition of the “International Journal Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence” presents a series of papers where proposals are oriented to different fields and sectors, which make use of diverse approaches, methods, models and AI-based systems that allow us to have a generalized idea of how these challenges are being addressed in some fields of our society. In particular, this regular issue collects research topics focusing on addressing the problems of evolving recommender systems, classification models, decision support systems, system modelling, data analytics, optimization algorithms, image retrieval, deep neural networks, social network analysis, and the relevance of the design of User Experience (UX) proposals

    Prototipo informático para extracción de recursos digitales sobre internet

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    El despliegue que ha tenido internet en los últimos años conlleva la creación de modelos de comunicación y de negocio que giran en torno a las actividades realizadas por una comunidad de tipo social, comercial, económico, académico o investigativo, permitiendo así interconectar millones de recursos informáticos sobre la Web mediante tecnologías todavía soportadas a través de HTML. El siguiente artículo presenta el modelo de desarrollo y operación de una herramienta de extracción de datos, para explorar recursos digitales de tipo Open Source a través de una fuente de recursos mediante una URL empleando como caso de estudio la Biblioteca  Europeana. Se analizará su modelo de desarrollo, análisis de los resultados obtenidos y finalmente se presenta un apartado donde se enmarcan algunas tendencias de análisis y aplicaciones que se pueden abordar en el área de la educación

    Exploring the Relevance of Europeana Digital Resources: Preliminary Ideas on Europeana Metadata Quality

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    Europeana is a European project aimed to become the modern “Alexandria Digital Library”, as it targets providing access to thousands of resources of European cultural heritage, contributed by more than fifteen hundred institutions such as museums, libraries, archives and cultural centers. This article aims to explore Europeana digital resources as open learning repositories in order to re-use digital resources to improve learning process in the domain of arts and cultural heritage. To carry out this purpose, we present results of metadata quality based on a study case associated to recommendations and suggestions that provide this type of initiatives in our educational context in order to improve the access of digital resources according to a specific knowledge areas

    Visualización de esquemas de representación de conocimiento para el acceso a recursos en repositorios digitales

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    El siguiente documento presenta los resultados de investigación realizados a partir de estudios enfocados en el desarrollo e implementación de interfaces de búsqueda de objetos de aprendizaje, a partir de técnicas de visualización sobre repositorios digitales. Actualmente existen una gran cantidad de recursos digitales sobre Internet, y el acceso a los mismos en gran medida dependen de las estrategias que puedan ofrecer motores de búsquedas convencionales, o soluciones especializadas que permitan su clasificación, gestión y administración, como es el caso de los repositorios digitales. Sin embargo, existen una serie de factores que influyen sobre el acceso a los mismos, partiendo de la definición de los metadatos, y las estrategias de búsqueda que se definan sobre grandes volúmenes de información. Una de las áreas de mayor aceptación a lo largo de los últimos años es la visualización de información, área de trabajo que facilita la presentación visual de información compleja haciendo uso adecuado de espacios y estructuras gráficas, con el fin de facilitar su rápida asimilación y comprensión. Por lo tanto, para los propósitos específicos de esta investigación, abordaremos el área de visualización de información mediante el uso de metodologías de evaluación y estrategias de diseño para el desarrollo e implementación de interfaces de búsquedas efectivas, para el acceso a colecciones de recursos digitales alojados en repositorios digitales. El propósito fundamental de esta investigación es ofrecer alternativas de acceso a partir de técnicas de visualización, para facilitar a creadores de repositorios digitales el análisis, desarrollo e implementación de interfaces de búsqueda visual

    Editorial: El papel del I3+ dentro de los campos estratégicos de nuestra ciudad-región

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    Los grandes retos presentes en nuestra sociedad son aspectos que requieren de una atención especial para abordarlos desde diferentes aristas. En la actualidad se dispone de una gran cantidad de datos que requieren estrategias y mecanismos para procesar, clasificar y analizar, con el fin de, finalmente, tomar decisiones

    Direccionamiento multicast y su aplicación a nivel de tráfico multimedial sobre redes de alta velocidad

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    El documento presenta un análisis de las características de transmisión multimedial sobre Internet y las características de las transmisiones de tipo multicast sobre un ambiente de comunicaciones cliente-servidor.Como conclusión de la investigación, se incluye un análisis de los resultados obtenidos a partir de la  implementación de varios protocolos de enrutamiento con características de transmisión a nivel multicast parael transporte de audio como modelo propuesto para ser implementado en la red académica Rumbo. Los resultados son parte del proyecto adelantado en la línea de redes y convergencias NGN en el Grupo de Investigación e Interoperabilidad de Redes Académicas (Giira), de la Universidad Distrital. &nbsp

    Visualization Techniques Through Search Interfaces in Learning Object Repositories

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    In this paper, it is presented a study to evaluate and compare the effectiveness of eight different interfaces based on visualization techniques to carry out searching digital resources according to knowledge area and knowledge representation scheme. The navigation structure is based on hi­erarchical taxonomic representation through the use of Art and Architecture Thesaurus (AAT). It was adopted principles of Human Computer In­teraction (HCI) for the development of search interfaces through information visualization tech­niques. Finally, it will be presented preliminary results in order to evaluate the most representa­tive aspects to carry out the development of visu­al search interfaces of learning objects in digital repositories, according to principles of visualiza­tion techniques and hierarchic taxonomic classi­fication.In this paper, it is presented a study to evaluate and compare the effectiveness of eight different interfaces based on visualization techniques to carry out searching digital resources according to knowledge area and knowledge representation scheme. The navigation structure is based on hi­erarchical taxonomic representation through the use of Art and Architecture Thesaurus (AAT). It was adopted principles of Human Computer In­teraction (HCI) for the development of search interfaces through information visualization tech­niques. Finally, it will be presented preliminary results in order to evaluate the most representa­tive aspects to carry out the development of visu­al search interfaces of learning objects in digital repositories, according to principles of visualiza­tion techniques and hierarchic taxonomic classi­fication.

    Análisis e implementación de medios de comunicación para transmisión de audio en Internet

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    The following article show the results obtained of an investigation project on the analisys and requirements for the creation of an architectonic model of multimedial communications and the implementation of a software component that allows to make the transmission of audio through Internet in real time. For this development it was necessary to determine functional elements at logical level like transmissions of type multicast, protocols of routing and elements at logical level like transmissions of type multicast, protocols of routing and elements of encoding for the transmission of audio by Internet; in the same way physical elements by means of the implementation of techniques of routing multicast was detemined on routers to guarantee the communication at level of Internet and to determine connectivity towards the outside.El siguiente artículo plantealos resultado obtenidos de un proyecto de investigación sobre el análisis y requerimientos para la ceación de un modelo arquitectónico de comunicaciones multimediales y la implementación de un componente de software que permita realizar la transmisión de audio a través de internet en tiempo real. Para su desarrollo fue necesario determinar los elementos funcionales a nivel lógico como transmisiones de tipo multicast, protocolos de enrutamiento y elementos de encoding para la trnasmisión de audio por Internet; del mismo modo se determinaron elementos físicos mediante la implementación de técnicas de enrutamiento multicast sobre reuters para garantizar la comunicación a nivel de Internet y deteminar conectividad hacia el exterior

    Design of a trust system for e-commerce platforms based on quality dimensions for linked open datasets

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    This article describes a proposal about a trust system for e-commerce platform based on semantic web technologies and trust dimensions rules. We try to expose a system that allow to manage communication processes between e-commerce platforms and users in a trustworthy manner. It allows the data flows and transactions gain more trust across the entire process. All of this can be achieved through the inference of rules exposed in the defined ontology, complemented by a cloud-based system with microservices architecture. With the implementation of the system through an e-commerce platform, could consume data from the microservices in order to get inferences about its clients that want to buy or sell something within its system. This system was created based on rules defined by the ontology, as well as the microservices could be used to register information about multiple e-commerce transactions. The result of this work is the Ontology and semantic web rules defined and implemented through protege.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Linked Data: what happens to heterogeneity and interoperability

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    Linked Data – LD, allows the construction of the Web of Data, which use basic principles that contribute to the growth of the Web. The process developed by LD faces different scenarios that seem to limit the linking process. This paper exposes the problems of heterogeneity, interoperability and data quality, as factors that restrict the process of data linkage. For this, the methodological design performs a bibliographic exploration; the results examine and discuss the postures about the mentioned problems, and the possible incidence of these in the quality of the linked data. In conclusion, speaking about heterogeneity is intrinsic, since the information will always be heterogeneous. Data models may be different but if the data format is common, interoperability is possible. Data models must be known and public, in order to avoid problems that prevent the development of the Web Data.Linked Data – LD, allows the construction of the Web of Data, which use basic principles that contribute to the growth of the Web. The process developed by LD faces different scenarios that seem to limit the linking process. This paper exposes the problems of heterogeneity, interoperability and data quality, as factors that restrict the process of data linkage. For this, the methodological design performs a bibliographic exploration; the results examine and discuss the postures about the mentioned problems, and the possible incidence of these in the quality of the linked data. In conclusion, speaking about heterogeneity is intrinsic, since the information will always be heterogeneous. Data models may be different but if the data format is common, interoperability is possible. Data models must be known and public, in order to avoid problems that prevent the development of the Web Data