108 research outputs found

    Développer les compétences en matière de la promotion de la santé parmi les étudiants en techniques de physiothérapie grâce à l’apprentissage par le service

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    Abstract : The population in Canada is aging and it is questionable whether our healthcare system will be able to manage all the difficulties that people face as they get older. By the year 2036, it is expected that seniors aged 65 and over will make up between 23% and 25% of the population in Canada (Statistics Canada, 2010). Consequently, our healthcare system may be facing a crisis as people have greater difficulty accessing necessary services and as cost to tax payers climb dramatically. Health advocacy involves promoting health and wellness with the goal of potentially reduce individuals’ risks of sustaining injuries and developing certain diseases. However, healthcare professional education has not been formally addressing health advocacy in curriculum thereby not meeting this societal need. As advocacy is not addressed, students emerging from Physiotherapy Technology programs are missing crucial attitudes and skills necessary to engage in effective wellness promotion and disease prevention . As a result, healthcare professionals may be missing out on valuable opportunities to engage in health promotion and potentially reduce people’s risks of injuring themselves and developing preventable conditions. This project aims to contribute to the discussion on pedagogy in healthcare worker education. Through a convergent mixed methods approach, this study determined whether and to what extent students’ attitudes towards a health advocacy role changed throughout a Geriatrics service-learning course in a Physiotherapy Technology program. It also identifies to what extent students feel more competent to engage in health advocacy following this type of course. As part of standard curriculum, 17 third-year students engaged in a 15-week service-learning course during which they worked with seniors living in the community. Students designed exercise and wellness modules that they offered to community participants on a weekly basis. They also sought to identify potential risks in the seniors’ profiles and attempted to address these risks with education that focused on prevention. During this course, students reflected on their learning by way of four reflective journals that were written at 5-week intervals. These journals were analyzed using qualitative descriptive analysis. As part of this study, students also completed a pre-course and post-course survey that measured changes in students’ attitudes and perceived level of competency with respect to the health advocacy role. Quantitative data was statistically analyzed using t-tests. Qualitative data revealed a meaningful change in students’ attitudes and perceived level of competency following the service-learning course. As students gained more robust knowledge of advocacy and developed more empowering, hopeful attitudes towards the role, they were in a better position to engage in the critical reflection needed to build their competency. This was supported by the quantitative data that revealed a significant change in both attitude and self-reported level of competency following the service learning course. These results suggest that service-learning could be a potentially interesting instructional strategy for programs that aspire to foster development of the advocacy competency in their students. The results generated by this study could inform curriculum development and planning in Physiotherapy Technology programs throughout the province. Such a practice has the potential to ultimately improve the quality of care received by the public and the health of society.La population canadienne vieillit et on peut se demander si notre système de santé sera capable de gérer toutes les difficultés auxquelles les gens sont confrontés en vieillissant. D'ici 2036, on prévoit que les personnes âgées de 65 ans et plus représenteront entre 23% et 25% de la population au Canada (Statistics Canada, 2010). Par conséquent, notre système de santé peut être confronté à une crise, car les gens auront de plus en plus de difficultés à accéder aux services nécessaires et les coûts pour les contribuables augmentent considérablement. Les compétences en matière de la promotion de la santé impliquent la promotion des habitudes de vie saines avec le but de potentiellement réduire les risques de blessures et de développer certaines maladies chez les individus. Cependant, la formation des professionnels de la santé n’a pas officiellement abordé la question de la défense de la santé dans les programmes d’études, ce qui ne répond pas à ce besoin de la société. Étant donné que la promotion de la santé n’est pas abordée, les finissants des programmes de techniques de physiothérapie manquent des compétences essentielles pour s’engager dans une promotion efficace du bien-être et une prévention des maladies. En conséquence, les professionnels de la santé risquent de ne pas avoir la possibilité de participer à la diminution de risques de blessure et la prévention de développer certaines maladies chez leurs clients. Ce projet vise à contribuer à la discussion sur la pédagogie dans l'éducation des professionnelles de la santé. Par une approche convergente des méthodes mixtes, cette étude a déterminé si et dans quelle mesure les attitudes des étudiants vis-à-vis d’un rôle de promoteur de la santé ont changé tout au long d’un cours d’apprentissage en service de gériatrie dans un programme de techniques de physiothérapie. Cette recherche identifie également dans quelle mesure les étudiants se sentent plus compétents pour s'engager dans le rôle de promoteur de la santé après ce type de cours. Dans le cadre du programme standard, 17 étudiants de troisième année ont suivi un cours d’apprentissage par le service de 15 semaines au cours duquel ils ont travaillé avec des personnes âgées qui vivent dans la communauté. Les élèves ont conçu des programmes d’exercices qu’ils ont proposés aux participants à toutes les semaines. Ils ont également cherché à identifier les risques potentiels dans les profils des personnes âgées et ont tenté de les traiter avec une éducation axée sur la prévention. Durant ce cours de 15 semaines, les étudiants ont réfléchi à leur apprentissage en utilisant quatre journaux de réflexion écrits à toutes les cinq semaines. Ces journaux étaient analysés à l'aide d'une analyse descriptive qualitative. Dans le cadre de cette étude, les étudiants ont également participé à une enquête avant et après le cours qui mesurait les changements dans leurs attitudes et leur niveau de compétence perçu en ce qui concerne le rôle de promoteur de la santé. Les données quantitatives ont été analysées statistiquement à l'aide de tests t. Les données qualitatives ont révélé un changement significatif des attitudes et du niveau de compétence des étudiants après le cours d’apprentissage par le service. Au fur et à mesure que les étudiants acquéraient une connaissance plus solide de la promotion de la santé et développaient des attitudes plus ouverts et optimistes vis-à-vis du rôle, ils étaient mieux placés pour engager la réflexion critique nécessaire à l'acquisition de ces compétences. Cela a été corroboré par les données quantitatives qui ont révélé un changement significatif des attitudes et de niveau de compétence auto-déclaré à la suite du cours d'apprentissage en service. Ces résultats suggèrent que l'apprentissage par le service pourrait être une stratégie pédagogique potentiellement intéressante pour les programmes qui aspirent à favoriser le développement des compétences en matière de la promotion de la santé chez leurs étudiants. Les résultats générés par cette étude pourraient éclairer l’élaboration et la planification du curriculum dans le cadre des programmes de techniques de la physiothérapie dans la province. Une telle pratique pourrait éventuellement améliorer la qualité des soins reçus par le public et la santé de la société

    Evaluation of Erosion Impact on Coastal Flood Hazards in Lake Erie

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    Source: ICHE Conference Archive - https://mdi-de.baw.de/icheArchiv

    Patient satisfaction with health services in a rural district hospital

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    Magister Scientiae Dentium - MSc(Dent)BACKGROUND: The concept of consumer satisfaction is gaining momentum across all business sectors worldwide. In keeping with this trend, health care systems are now also being reviewed to assess patient satisfaction with regard to the quality of care provided. Patient satisfaction is an instrumental tool for identifying shortcomings and challenges of the health system, and provides patients with a constructive outlet to rate their hospital experience. AIM: To determine the perceived levels of patient satisfaction with health care services. METHODOLOGY: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted using patients who attended the Outpatients Department of Untunjambili Hospital in Kwa-Zulu Natal. A sample of 250 patients was selected using systematic random sampling. The research instrument, a structured questionnaire consisted of 23 questions which were subdivided into five categories, namely: biographical data; accessibility to the hospital; infrastructure; overall satisfaction and general comments. The 5-Point Likert Scale was used to determine the perceived levels of patient satisfaction. Data collected from the responses was analysed using the SPSS Programme, Version 22.0. A Significance level of (p=0.05) was applied. RESULTS: The response rate of the study was 99.2% (n=248).The majority of the respondents were female (75.4%) and aged between 20-30 years old. The relative ratio of males to females was approximately 1:3. Nearly half of the participants (48.4%) had a secondary education, and a high degree of illiteracy was noted (21.8%). The majority of patients relied on taxis as the mode of transport to reach the hospital (71.4%), with 55.2% having to pay more than R15.00 for travel costs. While statements relating to personality such as staff friendliness, and doctors treating patients respectfully scored highly (93.5%), more than two thirds reported dissatisfaction with the lengthy waiting times (71.8%). In terms of infrastructure, respondents were mainly satisfied with the seating arrangements, cleanliness and air circulation, but were unhappy with the state of the toilet facilities and the unavailability of drinking water. Overall, 90.3% of patients were satisfied with the level of care they received at Untunjambili Hospital, with 89.5% suggesting that they would recommend the institution to others

    Coastal Flood Hazard Modeling for Northwest Florida and the Gulf of Mexico Coast

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    Source: ICHE Conference Archive - https://mdi-de.baw.de/icheArchiv

    Spatial and temporal distribution of Euphausiid larvae in the deep south Adriatic

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    Rezultati ovog istraživanja donose prve podatke o sastavu, brojnosti i vertikalnoj raspodjeli razvojnih stadija eufauzida Jadranskog mora. Istraživanja su obavljena u području dubokog južnog Jadrana tijekom svih godišnjih doba. Rezultati mjerenja hidrografskih parametara potvrdili su da su godišnje varijacije temperature ograničene na površinski sloj do 100 m dubine, dok su varijacije saliniteta bile male za cijeli vodeni stupac. Postojanje takvih stabilnih hidrografskih uvjeta doprinosi održavanju relativno konstantnog sastava planktonske zajednice u južnom Jadranu te su ovi rezultati o sezonskoj raspodjeli i brojnosti ličinki eufauzida reprezentativni za otvoreni južni Jadran. Od 13 vrsta poznatih za Sredozemno more i 12 u Jadranskom moru, zabilježeni su razvojne stadije 12 vrsta. Prilikom određivanja vrsta primijećena su manja odstupanja od do sada poznatih ključeva za razvojne stadije eufauzida pa u posebnom prilogu donosimo njihovu nadopunu. Po prvi put je za Jadran zabilježena prisutnost vrste Thysanoëssa gregaria. Najbrojnije vrste ličinki eufauzida Južnojadranske kotline su: Thysanopoda aequalis, Euphausia krohnii, Stylocheiron longicorne, S. abbreviatum i Nematoscelis megalops. Najveća ukupna brojnost svih razvojnih stadija utvrđena je u proljeće. U usporedbi s oskudnim podacima za Sredozemlje, uočene su više vrijednosti razvojnih stadija eufauzida. Primijećena su četiri migracijska obrasca razvojnih stadija: (i) noćno podizanje u pliće slojeve (kaliptopisi i furcilije: Euphausia brevis, E. hemigibba, E. krohnii, Nematoscelis megalops; kaliptopisi Nyctiphanes couchii; furcilije: Stylocheiron longicorne, S. maximum, Thysaönessa gregaria); (ii) migracija u gornji dio vodenog stupca tijekom podneva i noći te tonjenje tijekom jutra i večeri (kaliptopisi S. maximum); (iii) slabo migrirajuća ili nemigrirajuća populacija (kaliptopisi S. longicorne), (iv) nepravilna migracija koja ne ovisi o dnevnonoćnim promjenama (kaliptopisi i furcilije: S. abbreviatum, Thysanopoda aequalis). Prema srednjoj dubinskoj raspodjeli razvojni stadiji eufauzida podijeljeni su na četiri dubinska sloja (površinski, subpovršinski, mezopelagijalni i dubinski), a ovisno o rasponu dubinske raspodjele na raspršene i neraspršene populacije.In this paper the first data on the composition, abundance and vertical distribution of developmental stages of euphausiids in the Adriatic Sea are presented. The research was performed in the deepest area of the southern Adriatic during all seasons. Hydrographic measurements confirmed that the annual temperature variations are limited to the surface layer up to 100 m in depth with minor salinity variations for the entire water column. Such stable hydrographic conditions contribute to maintaining a relatively constant composition of planktonic community in the southern Adriatic which makes these results on the seasonal distribution and abundance of euphausiid larvae representative for the open southern Adriatic. Out of the 12 formerly known euphausiids for the Adriatic and 13 known in the Mediterranean, developmental stages of 12 species were recorded. Minor deviations from the existing keys for euphausiid developmental stages were observed, and for this reason, we present their complement in the special chapter. Thysanoëssa gregaria has been reported in the Adriatic Sea for the first time. The most numerous species were: Thysanopoda aequalis, Euphausia krohnii, Stylocheiron longicorne, S. abbreviatum and Nematoscelis megalops. The maximum abundance of all developmental stages was determined in the spring. In comparison with the scarce data for the Mediterranean, we recorded higher abundance of euphausiids developmental stages in the Adriatic. Four migration patterns were observed: (i) nocturnal ascent to upper layers (calyptopes and furciliae: Euphausia brevis, E. hemigibba, E. krohnii, Nematoscelis megalops; calyptopes Nyctiphanes couchii; furciliae: Stylocheiron longicorne, S. maximum, Thysaönessa gregaria), (ii) migration to upper layers at midday and night, and descent during the morning and evening (calyptopes S. maximum), (iii) weakly-migrating or non-migrating population (calyptopes S. longicorne), (iv) irregular migration independent from the day/night cycle (calyptopes and furciliae: S. abbreviatum, Thysanopoda aequalis). According to the mean depth distribution, euphausiid developmental stages inhabit four depth layers (surface, sub-surface, mesopelagic and bathypelagic), and depending on the range of depth distribution they are characterized as scattered or non-scattered populations

    Interannual size changes of adult Aurelia sp.5 medusae stage in the Marine Protected Area of Mljet Island South Adriatic

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    Aurelia aurita s.l. is the most widespread scyphozoan jellyfish that recurrently appear "en mass" and forms large aggregations mainly in coastal waters, embayments and estuaries. Beside anthropogenic factors controlling jellyfish populations climate change may play an important role. The aim of this study was to assess whether climate-related factors in absence of other anthropogenically induced stressor influence medusae size. We investigated seasonal and interannual changes in the size of Aurelia in a "jelly lake" in the National Park of Mljet Island (Croatia) where minimal human impact on the environment makes the Veliko Jezero a natural mesocosm for understanding the impact of climate change on the Aurelia population. The observed changes suggest Aurelia medusa population response to changing environment, in particular to enhanced temperature, by reduced body sizes. Comparison of Aurelia population dynamics from different regions in the Mediterranean Sea revealed the unique feature of the Veliko Jezero population. Despite the similarity of the environmental windows of medusae occurrences in the Veliko Jezero and regions in the Mediterranean Sea, medusae in the Veliko Jezero are present all year round. It seems that the lake bathymetry enables medusae to vertically migrate to deeper and cooler water layer, avoiding the limiting temperatures developed in the upper layer during the summer. These conditions may prolong the Aurelia medusae life span and together with continuous strobilation support the stability of the Aurelia medusae population all year round

    Spatial and temporal distribution of Euphausiid larvae in the deep south Adriatic

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    Rezultati ovog istraživanja donose prve podatke o sastavu, brojnosti i vertikalnoj raspodjeli razvojnih stadija eufauzida Jadranskog mora. Istraživanja su obavljena u području dubokog južnog Jadrana tijekom svih godišnjih doba. Rezultati mjerenja hidrografskih parametara potvrdili su da su godišnje varijacije temperature ograničene na površinski sloj do 100 m dubine, dok su varijacije saliniteta bile male za cijeli vodeni stupac. Postojanje takvih stabilnih hidrografskih uvjeta doprinosi održavanju relativno konstantnog sastava planktonske zajednice u južnom Jadranu te su ovi rezultati o sezonskoj raspodjeli i brojnosti ličinki eufauzida reprezentativni za otvoreni južni Jadran. Od 13 vrsta poznatih za Sredozemno more i 12 u Jadranskom moru, zabilježeni su razvojne stadije 12 vrsta. Prilikom određivanja vrsta primijećena su manja odstupanja od do sada poznatih ključeva za razvojne stadije eufauzida pa u posebnom prilogu donosimo njihovu nadopunu. Po prvi put je za Jadran zabilježena prisutnost vrste Thysanoëssa gregaria. Najbrojnije vrste ličinki eufauzida Južnojadranske kotline su: Thysanopoda aequalis, Euphausia krohnii, Stylocheiron longicorne, S. abbreviatum i Nematoscelis megalops. Najveća ukupna brojnost svih razvojnih stadija utvrđena je u proljeće. U usporedbi s oskudnim podacima za Sredozemlje, uočene su više vrijednosti razvojnih stadija eufauzida. Primijećena su četiri migracijska obrasca razvojnih stadija: (i) noćno podizanje u pliće slojeve (kaliptopisi i furcilije: Euphausia brevis, E. hemigibba, E. krohnii, Nematoscelis megalops; kaliptopisi Nyctiphanes couchii; furcilije: Stylocheiron longicorne, S. maximum, Thysaönessa gregaria); (ii) migracija u gornji dio vodenog stupca tijekom podneva i noći te tonjenje tijekom jutra i večeri (kaliptopisi S. maximum); (iii) slabo migrirajuća ili nemigrirajuća populacija (kaliptopisi S. longicorne), (iv) nepravilna migracija koja ne ovisi o dnevnonoćnim promjenama (kaliptopisi i furcilije: S. abbreviatum, Thysanopoda aequalis). Prema srednjoj dubinskoj raspodjeli razvojni stadiji eufauzida podijeljeni su na četiri dubinska sloja (površinski, subpovršinski, mezopelagijalni i dubinski), a ovisno o rasponu dubinske raspodjele na raspršene i neraspršene populacije.In this paper the first data on the composition, abundance and vertical distribution of developmental stages of euphausiids in the Adriatic Sea are presented. The research was performed in the deepest area of the southern Adriatic during all seasons. Hydrographic measurements confirmed that the annual temperature variations are limited to the surface layer up to 100 m in depth with minor salinity variations for the entire water column. Such stable hydrographic conditions contribute to maintaining a relatively constant composition of planktonic community in the southern Adriatic which makes these results on the seasonal distribution and abundance of euphausiid larvae representative for the open southern Adriatic. Out of the 12 formerly known euphausiids for the Adriatic and 13 known in the Mediterranean, developmental stages of 12 species were recorded. Minor deviations from the existing keys for euphausiid developmental stages were observed, and for this reason, we present their complement in the special chapter. Thysanoëssa gregaria has been reported in the Adriatic Sea for the first time. The most numerous species were: Thysanopoda aequalis, Euphausia krohnii, Stylocheiron longicorne, S. abbreviatum and Nematoscelis megalops. The maximum abundance of all developmental stages was determined in the spring. In comparison with the scarce data for the Mediterranean, we recorded higher abundance of euphausiids developmental stages in the Adriatic. Four migration patterns were observed: (i) nocturnal ascent to upper layers (calyptopes and furciliae: Euphausia brevis, E. hemigibba, E. krohnii, Nematoscelis megalops; calyptopes Nyctiphanes couchii; furciliae: Stylocheiron longicorne, S. maximum, Thysaönessa gregaria), (ii) migration to upper layers at midday and night, and descent during the morning and evening (calyptopes S. maximum), (iii) weakly-migrating or non-migrating population (calyptopes S. longicorne), (iv) irregular migration independent from the day/night cycle (calyptopes and furciliae: S. abbreviatum, Thysanopoda aequalis). According to the mean depth distribution, euphausiid developmental stages inhabit four depth layers (surface, sub-surface, mesopelagic and bathypelagic), and depending on the range of depth distribution they are characterized as scattered or non-scattered populations

    Bio Analytical Method Development and Validation of Saxagliptin in Human Plasma by RP-HPLC Method.

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    The present study importance of analytical chemistry is to gain information about the qualitative and quantitative composition of substance and chemical species, that is, to find out what a substance is composed of and exactly how much it is present. Drug analysis plays an important role in the development of drugs, their manufacture and therapeutic use. Pharmaceutical industries rely up on quantitative chemical analysis to ensure that the raw material used and the final product obtained meets the required specification. Saxagliptin is part of a class of diabetes medications called dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitors. DPP-4 is an enzyme that breaks down incretin hormones. As a DPP-4 inhibitor, Saxagliptin slows down the breakdown of incretin hormones, increasing the level of these hormones in the body. The literature revealed that only four methods [29-32] have been reported for estimation of saxagliptin in single or combined dosage forms by RP-HPLC. Previously described methods for saxagliptin were technically lack of sensitivity and using high proportion of organic mobile phases. However Bio anlytical methods were not been reported for saxagliptin estimation in human plasma. CONCLUSION: A RP-HPLC method for bio analytical estimation of Saxagliptin was developed and validated from human plasma as per ICH Guidelines. Shimadzu Prominance with PDA Detector and Enable C18 (250x4.6mm, 5ÎĽ) column, injection of 20 ÎĽl was injected and eluted with the mobile phase of Acetonitrile and potassium dihydrogen phosphate buffer pH 3.5 with 1-Hetane sulphonic acid and Acetonitrile in the ratio 28:72, which was pumped at a flow rate of 1.0 ml at 223 nm. The peak of Saxagliptin and Ciprofloxacin (IS) was found well separated at 4.56 min and 6.7 min respectively. The developed method was validated for various parameters as per ICH guidelines like system suitability, accuracy, precision, linearity, specificity, ruggedness, robustness and solution stability. The Bio-analytical method validation of Saxagliptin by RP HPLC was found to be satisfactory and could be used for the routine pharmaceutical analysis of Saxagliptin from biological matrix

    The Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program: Occupational Therapy’s Imperative Role in Interprofessional Education

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    This paper will expound on the findings discovered from efforts made by including an occupational therapist on an interprofessional education initiative charged with developing content to enhance knowledge of geriatrics for health care providers, community-dwelling older adults, and caregivers in medically underserved areas. We will describe the actions of the interprofessional team and present data about the impact of collaborative, systematic input on one educational program taught primarily by the occupational therapist. We will then describe the personal and professional growth opportunities experienced by the occupational therapist on this initiative, and impart the challenges faced and provide recommendations to overcome them. Finally, we will discuss practical implications for advancing interprofessional education and occupational therapy at other institutions

    Development of New Boric Acid Gel Baits for Use on Invasive Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)

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    The current control measures used against common household ants in urban and agricultural settings include perimeter insecticide applications. These often have the potential to cause problems of poisoning non-target organisms, due to the insecticidal runoff and environmental contamination. A gel-baiting technique is the most effective tool to control ants with less insecticides released into the environment. In this study two commercial gel baits; the Boric acid (2.5% boric acid) and the Fipronil (0.01% fipronil) baits, were evaluated against laboratory made baits (lab baits). The lab baits, consisted of: 1.5% boric + fructose (F1.5), 1.5% boric acid + fructose + molasses (M1.5), 3% boric acid + fructose (F3), and 3% boric + fructose + molasses (M3) were evaluated based on preference and mortality rates of the common household ant species: the Asian needle ant, Monomorium chinensis, Santschi, and the Yellow crazy ant, Anoplolepis gracilipes, Smith, under laboratory conditions. An inconsistent preference was observed between species and different baits; however, the fipronil bait and the lab bait M3, were preferred more by both ant species compared to the other baits tested. Lab bait M3 also had a faster killing speed than the boric acid bait and the lab bait F3.Based on the results it was concluded that lab bait M3 was a more efficient ant bait and is a potential alternative control measure to the current commercial baits
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