16 research outputs found
Possible Climate Change / Variability and Human Impacts, Vulnerability of African Drought Prone Regions, its Water Resources and Capacity Building
Five centuries of reconstructed streamflow in Athabasca River Basin, Canada: Non-stationarity and teleconnection to climate patterns
Given the challenge to estimate representative long-term natural variability of streamflow from limited observed data, a hierarchical, multilevel Bayesian regression (HBR) was developed to reconstruct the 1489–2006 annual streamflow data at six Athabasca River Basin (ARB) gauging stations based on 14 tree ring chronologies. Seven nested models were developed to maximize the applications of available tree ring predictors. Based on results of goodness-of-fit tests, the HBR developed was skillful and reliable in reconstructing the streamflow of ARB. From five centuries of reconstructed streamflow for ARB, five or six abrupt change points are detected. The streamflow time series obtained from a backward moving, 46-year window for six gauging sites in ARB vary significantly over five centuries (1489–2006) and at times could exceed the 90% and/or 95% confidence intervals, denoting significant non-stationarities. Apparently changes in the mean state and the lag-1 autocorrelation of reconstructed streamflow across the gauging sites can be similar or radically different from each other. These nonstationary features imply that the default stationary assumption is not applicable in ARB. Further, the reconstructed streamflow shows statistically significant oscillations at interannual, interdecadal and multidecadal time scales and are teleconnected to climate patterns such as El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO), Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) and Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation (AMO). A composite analysis shows that La Niña (El Niño), cold (warm) PDO, and cold (warm) AMO events are typically associated with increased (decreased) streamflow anomalies of ARB. The reconstructed streamflow data provides us the full range of streamflow variability and recurrence characteristics of extremes spanned over five centuries from which it is useful for us to evaluate and manage the current water systems of ARB more effectively and a better risk analysis of future droughts of ARB
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Worsening drought of Nile basin under shift in atmospheric circulation, stronger ENSO and Indian Ocean dipole
Until now, driving mechanisms behind recurring droughts and hydroclimate variations that controls the Nile River Basin (NRB) remains poorly understood. Our results show significant hydroclimatic changes that contributed to recent increasing aridity of NRB since the 1970s. Besides climate warming, the influence of stronger ENSO and Indian Ocean dipole (IOD) in NRB has increased after 1980s, which have significantly contributed to NRB’s drought severity at inter-annual to inter-decadal timescales. Our results demonstrate that warming, El Niño and IOD have played a crucial role on NRB’s inter-decadal hydroclimate variability, but IOD has played a more important role in modulating NRB’s hydroclimate at higher timescales than El Niño. Results also indicate that the impacts of positive phases of ENSO and IOD events are larger than the negative phases in the NRB hydroclimate. Further, the southward (westward) shift in stream functions and meridional (zonal) winds caused an enhancement in the blocking pattern, with strong anticyclonic waves of dry air that keeps moving into NRB, has resulted in drier NRB, given stream function, geopotential height and U-wind anomalies associated with El Niño shows that changes in regional atmospheric circulations during more persistent and stronger El Niño has resulted in drier NRB. After 1970s, El Niño, IOD, and drought indices shows significant anti-phase relationships, which again demonstrates that more frequent and severe El Niño and IOD in recent years has led to more severe droughts in NRB. Our results also demonstrate that IOD and and the western pole of the Indian Ocean Dipole (WIO) are better predictors of the Nile flow than El Niño, where its flow has decreased by 13.7 (upstream) and by 114.1 m3/s/decade (downstream) after 1964. In summary, under the combined impact of warming and stronger IOD and El Niño, future droughts of the NRB will worsen
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Greater flood risks in response to slowdown of tropical cyclones over the coast of China
Torrential rains induced by tropical cyclones (TCs) are a major trigger of catastrophic flood hazards. Devastating TCs causing unprecedented floods in recent years were usually characterized with low translation speeds. We find that both observations and numerical simulations show a significant slowdown of TCs over the coast of China. Our analyses of long-term observations exhibit a significant increase in extreme rainfall amounts induced by TCs, and significant inverse relationships between TC translation speeds and local rainfall totals over the study period. Our probability analysis reveals the association of higher local rainfall totals and slow-moving TCs. We provide observational evidence that slowdown of TCs tends to elevate local rainfall totals and thus impose greater flood risks at the regional scale.
The total amount of rainfall associated with tropical cyclones (TCs) over a given region is proportional to rainfall intensity and the inverse of TC translation speed. Although the contributions of increase in rainfall intensity to larger total rainfall amounts have been extensively examined, observational evidence on impacts of the recently reported but still debated long-term slowdown of TCs on local total rainfall amounts is limited. Here, we find that both observations and the multimodel ensemble of Global Climate Model simulations show a significant slowdown of TCs (11% in observations and 10% in simulations, respectively) from 1961 to 2017 over the coast of China. Our analyses of long-term observations find a significant increase in the 90th percentile of TC-induced local rainfall totals and significant inverse relationships between TC translation speeds and local rainfall totals over the study period. The study also shows that TCs with lower translation speed and higher rainfall totals occurred more frequently after 1990 in the Pearl River Delta in southern China. Our probability analysis indicates that slow-moving TCs are more likely to generate heavy rainfall of higher total amounts than fast-moving TCs. Our findings suggest that slowdown of TCs tends to elevate local rainfall totals and thus impose greater flood risks at the regional scale
Biodiversity and Wetting of Climate Alleviate Vegetation Vulnerability Under Compound Drought‐Hot Extremes
Abstract Global warming has intensified the intensity of compound drought‐hot extremes (CDHEs), posing more severe impacts on human societies and ecosystems than individual extremes. The vulnerability of global terrestrial ecosystems under CDHEs, along with its key influencing factors, remains poorly understood. Based on multiple remote sensing data, we construct a Vine Copula model to appraise vegetation vulnerability under CDHEs, and attribute it to climatic and biotic factors for five different vegetation types. High vulnerability is detected in central and southern regions of North America, eastern and southern regions of South America, Southern Africa, northern and western Europe, and northern and eastern Australia. The drier the climate, the higher will be the vulnerability. Furthermore, biodiversity and biomass are key biotic factors influencing the vulnerability of various vegetation types, such that ecosystems with richer biodiversity and higher biomass have lower vulnerability to CDHEs. The findings deepen understanding of terrestrial ecosystem response to CDHEs